SL Tribune Article with Steven P. and Susan website created by Josh



You're more than welcome. ;)

No, I don't live in Utah -- nor do I know any of the players.

I'm just waaay too obsessed with this horrific tragedy and read and watch anything and everything I can about all the details.

It's almost becoming more depressing than I can tolerate. I need breaks every few days. I don't know why I bother. It takes a long time to catch up. LOL

Ahh, I see. It sounds like you have access to more videos than I do here on the east coast (or news reports). If I may get off topic here briefly, when my friend in Canada told me about when Tori Stafford went missing, I had to do some online research because I knew nothing of the case. That lead me to this site and I was amazed at all the information that was here. I emailed her a lot of it and she was also amazed, saying she wasn't getting near as much info from the media (she lives an hour away from Woodstock).

So, when I read on another MB about Susan Powell, I knew exactly where to come to get information. :)

Oh, and I understand what you mean about 'needing breaks' because you can get really upset when you read about how people treat each other in this world. It goes beyond shocking to read about the contempt and lack of respect for the sanctity of human life that some people can have. Truly sad. I mean, this could be your daughter, sister, mother, best friend, cousin, etc. But a psychopathological narcissist isn't capable of looking at it from that angle, is he. :(

And after additional thought, I wouldn't be surprised to learn if Josh was the type to 'treat his friends' to lunches out, buying everyone drinks, steak dinners and so on. Fine clothing and shoe purchases for himself, and so on. Would not surprise me, at all!!
If Josh slipped up and told Susan to shut up in public, then you can bet that he said a lot worse to her at home. He has no respect for her as a person at all.

Please Lord, protect those little boys from that family. Please end the cycle of abuse and teach them to honor the women in their lives. Shield their hearts from hate and help them respect all of God's creations. In your name I pray. Amen

Yep! Also confirms whats been said about him being very talkative and people not being able to get in a word edgewise in conversations with him. He's got a very overinflated ego of himself. He's the type of person I'd keep my distance from and go out of my way to avoid. Those domineering types are just not for me.

The hardest part of this equation and the most fragile is those boys. (Can you just imagine had Josh and Susan had girls instead of boys? Or that one of them was a girl? YIKES!!!) We need to all come together and pray our hearts out for them. Most importantly, that they are the generation to break the cycle of abuse in their family. I also pray that grandparent laws in the state of Washington can be changed before JP is tried and sent to jail, so that his children aren't damned to be raised under the hands of SP.
I agree. He sure is making it clear that he hates her.

Wait a minute....:waitasec: Didn't I read somewhere that Josh was TOTALLY in charge of the finances? So, how could Susan go nuts at the beauty supply store if she could not even afford to buy groceries? Didn't she grow her own food since JP controlled the grocery money or was that a rumor?

Exactly! How could she go crazy on buying supplies if she never had access to the money? He was controlling the finances. Its all completely ridiculous.
That examiner article makes me so heartsick to read it all in the same place like that. Poor, poor Susan.

And I do believe that she made the hats and scarves Charlie and Braden were wearing in the picture.
Since JP allegedly threw a fit when Susan bought what JP viewed as nonessentials like clothes, makeup, fruit, vegetables, etc. I can only imagine how he reacted when she came home with products from the beauty supply shop!

JP: "How much did you spend!"
SP: "$145.00! Martha and Rachelle are going to reimburse me!"
JP: "You're damn straight they will! You tell them to bring cash when they come! No checks! And I'm going to collect the money before you start!"
SP: "Please don't embarrass me like that! If you keep it up, I'm going to have to start going to my client's houses!"
JP: "Oh no you won't! How are you going to get there? Walk?"
SP: "Believe me, they'll come pick me up! It's worth it to them!"
JP: "Over my dead body! You are NOT leaving this house!"
SP "If I thought you'd kill yourself, I'd leave and come back every five minutes until you did!"

Something else that occured to me; this statement from the site keeps bothering me and calling out to me:
Like many cosmotologists, Susan loves to change her hair frequently. It is wonderful to see her passion and creativity manifest through her own hair and makeup.

He probly hated that. He seems the type to me who would hate to come home one day and find his wife had changed her hair to light brown or highlighted it - or whatever, when it was totally different when he left that morning. There are men out there who aren't like Josh at all, who aren't keen on their wives changing their hair, but they accept it. I have some male friends who would joke about it. Since we are talking about Josh here, I wonder how much it angered Josh that that was one thing he could not control about her? His mocking tone is so evident.

Edit to add, theres no doubt in my mind he also resented that she was able to outsmart him and find other ways to provide for her family (gardening, knitting and other bartering with friends and neighbors via hair styling services or other things). He had to have hated that she didn't go begging to him for access to their money.
That examiner article makes me so heartsick to read it all in the same place like that. Poor, poor Susan.

And I do believe that she made the hats and scarves Charlie and Braden were wearing in the picture.

Josh strove to stifle & hurt her any way he could, and she rose above it with an amazing creativity & resourcefulness that obviously drove him insane. He undermined her authority with the boys all the while depriving them of basic necessities. :banghead: :furious:

She was hoping against all hope that he would grow/change into the husband/father she so desperately wanted him to be. He knew she was a better person than he was & deserved much more than he would ever have been able to offer. That's why he expends so much energy trying to make himself appear to be so "wonderful" :sick: :loser:

All IMO, speaking from personal experience with some one like JP.


Ok the first time I went to Charlie's website, these photos came up. I don't know if I linked it correctly, but if you paste the address in your browser, it takes you to the pictures. Look at the one on the top right - it appears to be a man and women and the man has his hand nearly up her skirt (and bottles of booze all over)!! There are also several women with a lot of cleavage; what does this have to do with his son!!!????

Edit: I'm not anti-booze, anti romantic love, but this is supposed to be a child's "creepy-crawly" website! WT?
Like many cosmotologists, Susan loves to change her hair frequently. It is wonderful to see her passion and creativity manifest through her own hair and makeup. Most of her creative energy has been shared through her hobby and unofficial home based business.

This tells me they are planning on saying she ran off and can change her looks at will.
Although licensed in Washington state, Utah did not recognize Susan's cosmotology license. She is currently about 200 education hours short of achieving her license in Utah. Utah requires 2,000 hours total. Therefore, her home based business was never advertised and she never officially accepted payment for services. Many people would offer tips and they would usually reimburse her for products they used.

Here they are saying she can make a living anywhere she goes under the table.
During most of 2009, Josh was working on construction projects around the home and with the children. Josh planned to continue working until Susan's salon and the basement were finished. Susan already had her stylist's chair. And as an expert woodworker, Josh was also working with Susan on plans to build a classy styling station for Susan - a station complete with lights, plumbing, and all the features a cosmotologist would want.

Most of these plans have been put on hold for the time being.

Which one of these plans was not put on hold?
Is it just me or does Josh Powell's hands look weird in the photo? I noticed right off that he isn't wearing gloves again, but his hands look pretty tan to me (Maybe it is just the fire or something) but his face looks kinda blotchy too.

Yep. They were probably really standing in front of a snowman they built.

Ok the first time I went to Charlie's website, these photos came up. I don't know if I linked it correctly, but if you paste the address in your browser, it takes you to the pictures. Look at the one on the top right - it appears to be a man and women and the man has his hand nearly up her skirt (and bottles of booze all over)!! There are also several women with a lot of cleavage; what does this have to do with his son!!!????

Edit: I'm not anti-booze, anti romantic love, but this is supposed to be a child's "creepy-crawly" website! WT?

More of that humor that nobody gets??? :crazy:

IMO, I think nobody "gets" it because there's nothing to "get" - he's sick & twisted, not amusing or witty.

I'm sure if JP & I knew each other IRL, we'd despise each other. :crazy:

Directly below the R in ORG ,,hope that helps

I also think its a strip on his pants

Ok the first time I went to Charlie's website, these photos came up. I don't know if I linked it correctly, but if you paste the address in your browser, it takes you to the pictures. Look at the one on the top right - it appears to be a man and women and the man has his hand nearly up her skirt (and bottles of booze all over)!! There are also several women with a lot of cleavage; what does this have to do with his son!!!????

Edit: I'm not anti-booze, anti romantic love, but this is supposed to be a child's "creepy-crawly" website! WT?

That image is programmed with a "random image generator" and you will see one of about 50 images when you go to the page. Keep hitting refresh to see what I mean. They appear to be taken from clip art catalog pages which he then cropped and added the overlay to. That is a lot of work to go to so it seems to me. Too bad he doesn't put that much time and effort into finding Susan.
Although licensed in Washington state, Utah did not recognize Susan's cosmotology license. She is currently about 200 education hours short of achieving her license in Utah. Utah requires 2,000 hours total. Therefore, her home based business was never advertised and she never officially accepted payment for services. Many people would offer tips and they would usually reimburse her for products they used.

Here they are saying she can make a living anywhere she goes under the table.

Hmmmmmmm! I wonder if JP reported all of Susan's TIPS on their joint state and federal income tax returns!
During most of 2009, Josh was working on construction projects around the home and with the children. Josh planned to continue working until Susan's salon and the basement were finished. Susan already had her stylist's chair. And as an expert woodworker, Josh was also working with Susan on plans to build a classy styling station for Susan - a station complete with lights, plumbing, and all the features a cosmotologist would want.

Most of these plans have been put on hold for the time being.

Which one of these plans was not put on hold?

The guy is a jack *advertiser censored*. If he really thought Susan was coming back, he would have stayed in THEIR home and FINISHED the project as a gift for his beloved wife when she returned. He would have begged for a job everywhere he possibly could and accepted assistance from his ward members. He would have called on them to help him finish this CLASSY STYLING STATION for Susan.

Josh strove to stifle & hurt her any way he could, and she rose above it with an amazing creativity & resourcefulness that obviously drove him insane. He undermined her authority with the boys all the while depriving them of basic necessities. :banghead: :furious:

She was hoping against all hope that he would grow/change into the husband/father she so desperately wanted him to be. He knew she was a better person than he was & deserved much more than he would ever have been able to offer. That's why he expends so much energy trying to make himself appear to be so "wonderful" :sick: :loser:

All IMO, speaking from personal experience with some one like JP.


Great minds! ;) I edited my post to talk about that and hadn't noticed more posts were added as a new page started.
So I was reading online just now and someone said that Josh's friend Wayne Hamberg spoke to People Magazine. Has anyone see the People Magazine article that was done about Susan? Apparently Wayne told People Magazine that he never met Susan, but Josh told him that he felt Susan overspends.
So I was reading online just now and someone said that Josh's friend Wayne Hamberg spoke to People Magazine. Has anyone see the People Magazine article that was done about Susan? Apparently Wayne told People Magazine that he never met Susan, but Josh told him that he felt Susan overspends.

Isn't that something?

Did Susan spend $1500 on a motor for a bicycle?
Did Susan spend $80,000 on refrigerator magnets?
Did Susan buy a brand new generator?

No, she grew her own vegetables, knitted her own scarves and did her own hair. Puh-leeeeze. Wayne Hamberg is a major tool and an idiot.
ABC 4 News in SLC reported that a former FBI Profiler looked at JP's Susan Powell website, and he says the site's not for finding Susan!

Ya think!!????

I think the 'any moron in a hurry' rule applies here - and coulda figured that out.

(NEhoo, it's supposed to be in their 10pm newscast)

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