Soft drink called Cocaine claims to be legal alternative to drugs


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Dec 7, 2007
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Three times more caffeine than Red Bull.........what a STUPID name to call a soft drink and I just KNOW that the teens here are going to LOVE this:eek:
Ummmm I have to say I LOVE the Energy Drink Called "cocaine..."
I thought I had heard something awhile back that said the name MUST be changed from cocaine to something else....although it seems NOT to be since I have seen Cocaine in 2 or 3 different really IS hard to find in my part of GA though...
It's just a drink, imo.....does it give you energy? Nope not really, and this comes from someone who has tried THIS, and most other energy drinks, and also the "real" cocaine...
Three times more caffeine than Red Bull.........what a STUPID name to call a soft drink and I just KNOW that the teens here are going to LOVE this:eek:

It might be MORE than RED BULL but it is NOTHING like the name "cocaine" implies......
In fact I have heard (from teens themselves that the drink "Monster" is better than anything."
There was a report here that drinking too many of these drinks in a day can be dangerous and I am sure there was one death reported. I know that Red Bull is banned in some countries in Europe. I have tried it and dont like it but all the kids drink it here with vodka. I still think this name Cocaine was chosen to appeal to teens and I dont agree with it.
Three times more caffeine than Red Bull.........what a STUPID name to call a soft drink and I just KNOW that the teens here are going to LOVE this:eek:

Ok so I keep on going about this drink...only b/c I have exp. with it.
It does show on the bottle 3 % 1/2 bull heads which I assume means 3 1/2 stronger THAN Red Bull...I don't KNOW that that is true since I have NOT tried Red Bull or am an energy drink fan...
But I know that I drink "Cocaine" and combined with "ephedrine" OTC pills you feel GREAT, but one or the other alone....blah...
I have tried both ALONE and felt NADA....While "cocaine" sounds great, oh ho, trust me it's are VERY disappointed...and vica versa....I'd advise ANYONE NOT involved w/ drugs to NEVER be....It's never "quite" what you think....
Please believe I speak FROM exp. And yes, I AM ASHAMED to admit this...but if it can make ONE person listen to me it makes it all worthwhile!!!!!!!
I have some experience with drugs as my ex fiance was a heroin addict and it was hell. There is hardly one teen I know here who does not smoke weed amongst other drugs but weed being the main one. We are the drink and drugs capitol of the world according to a recent report I have seen and I can well believe it. Alcohol is dirt cheap here in the supermarkets and the teens get smashed out of their faces. There is a debate going on here at the minute about trying to stop the sale of these cheap drinks to try to curb whats happening here.....Binge drinking is a huge problem here
Three times more caffeine than Red Bull.........what a STUPID name to call a soft drink and I just KNOW that the teens here are going to LOVE this:eek:

Disclaimer: I do drink Red Bull on occasion. That said: THREE TIMES the caffeine? That's insane. Might as well grind up a whole box of vivarin or no-doz and inhale it. Or go whole-hog and become a crackhead. Wow.
Disclaimer: I do drink Red Bull on occasion. That said: THREE TIMES the caffeine? That's insane. Might as well grind up a whole box of vivarin or no-doz and inhale it. Or go whole-hog and become a crackhead. Wow.

Hi Mr Huff..I read your site too:)
My son and his friends were joking how they went out one night and one of them was the designated driver so he stayed on Red Bulls alone all night while the rest drank Vodka with it. They said he drank 12 of them and was more high than they were when they left the pub.....they of course found this hilarious:rolleyes:
I am addicted to caffeine in the form of tea, coffee and Diet Cokes. So when they came out with Red Bull and some of these other energy drinks I thought I would try them...YUCK! I havent found one yet that tastes even remotely good. Red Bull reminds me of those orange baby aspirins we used to take-sickeningly sweet...

It's back to espresso for me!

I think it tastes rotten too Shannon but the teens just love it tastes like a medicine to me
I took my fifteen year old to the Doctor recently because I noticed that on several occasions her blood pressure was high. I kept her home from school to take her. Her blood pressure was normal when we got there. The Doctor started questioning her, though, and come to find out, her blood pressure problems were the result of those energy drinks!!!! The things are dangerous for teens (and adults) as they quicken the pulse and raise your blood pressure. It's crazy. Now she avoids them and has no problems.
I took my fifteen year old to the Doctor recently because I noticed that on several occasions her blood pressure was high. I kept her home from school to take her. Her blood pressure was normal when we got there. The Doctor started questioning her, though, and come to find out, her blood pressure problems were the result of those energy drinks!!!! The things are dangerous for teens (and adults) as they quicken the pulse and raise your blood pressure. It's crazy. Now she avoids them and has no problems.

That was mentioned in the report they did over here on these drinks and is apparently the reason they are banned in certain countries here in Europe.
I'm glad your daughter is ok:)
Is there a link to the story about this new drink?
Too much caffeine can be deadly. What idiots made this drink?
Hi Mr Huff..I read your site too:)
My son and his friends were joking how they went out one night and one of them was the designated driver so he stayed on Red Bulls alone all night while the rest drank Vodka with it. They said he drank 12 of them and was more high than they were when they left the pub.....they of course found this hilarious:rolleyes:
"Cocaine" tastes has kind of a burn to the throat and belly to it...
"Cocaine" tastes has kind of a burn to the throat and belly to it...

According to that article, the US version had two extra ingredients "..which numbed the throat to mimic the effect of taking cocaine for drinkers.." but the company that makes the drink was forced to relaunch it after complaints by the FDA. The article also says that one school here has banned Red Bull because its causing disruptive behaviour in class. This Cocaine one that is to be launched here in a few weeks though .....its just so irresponsible calling it by that name.
My husband is addicted to monster energy drinks. Not only are they really high in sugar and calories { tried to get him to switch to the lo carb monsters but he says they don't taste as good) but his doctor said it was affecting his heart and blood pressure. He has cut back but he has not quit and I really wish he would.They are really expensive too. There is a huge monster can called the BFC ( stands for big f'n can) that he gets and there like $4 and he pounds them back some days. He says they do not really give him energy but he likes the way the taste.I told him he spend more on his daily habit than some crack heads . Anyway I am addicted to diet coke but it does not have near as much caffine and as for the kids I do not let them have caffine or even soda. I could not imagine my 7 year old if he draqnk an enetgy drink. He would be like the little squirll on Between The Hedges.
I had a Red Bull once when they first introduced it. They came around town and were handing them out. I really didn't care for the taste and other than getting my caffine from my two cups of coffee in the morning and Pepsi later in the day, I don't think this overdose of caffine is healthy. As many have posted the high blood pressure, heart problems due to that high pressure are not something I need to deal with. I used to be able to get those little glass vials of ginseng that were fairly expensive and came about a dozen to a box. One taken just before I drove to work did keep my energy up.

Yesterday, for instance I spent all day in the hot sun at the Greeley Stampede. We got there way too early for the 8:00 concert and spent the day walking around the carnival and vendors. Didn't want to go to the rodeo. Food everywhere. I was amazed at the vast number of people who were carrying cups from the various lemonade stands. Even I had purchased about 5 refills. Much healthier than running around with pop or energy drinks in 97 degree heat with no shade in sight.

I suppose if kids got out and did what we old timers did as teens, just good old exercise would give all the pep needed. Playing sports, etc. instead of sitting on the computer playing with My Space all day.

White Rain, darlin', I do know your story and you should really try to wean yourself of this stuff too. I'm worried about your health physically as well. You don't need to OD on more and more caffine.

Now for an interesting poing of reference from my mom's young days. When Coca Cola was first invented, cocaine was an ingredient. I'm not sure how they put it in, but derived from the coca leaf. She said back in those days the vernacular for ordering and talking about Coca Cola was to call it "dope". So back in those days the "youngsters" at the time drank "dope".
I have some experience with drugs as my ex fiance was a heroin addict and it was hell. There is hardly one teen I know here who does not smoke weed amongst other drugs but weed being the main one. We are the drink and drugs capitol of the world according to a recent report I have seen and I can well believe it. Alcohol is dirt cheap here in the supermarkets and the teens get smashed out of their faces. There is a debate going on here at the minute about trying to stop the sale of these cheap drinks to try to curb whats happening here.....Binge drinking is a huge problem here

We just got custody of hubby's 14 year old...and yep she admitted to drinking alcohol and especially smoking weed.

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