State vs. Jason Lynn Young 2-20-2012

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I've seen requests for "real evidence," "actual evidence."

What that tells me is the only kind of evidence someone like this will believe is a big handprint of the perp made in the victim's blood on the wall closest to the victim's body, with a signature next to the handprint by the perp, and the words, "I did it!" signed, perp.

Then, because that might not be enough proof, the perp needs to leave their bloody shoes next to the victim, with another note that says, "these are my shoes!" signed, the perp.

Finally, they need a video of the perp either committing the murder itself, or confessing to the murder while grinning evilly at the camera.

Anything else? Not "real evidence," not "actual evidence," and certainly not proof of anything. "Circumstantial Evidence?" Oh that's just not 'real.' :rolleyes:

Exactly. And the problem with the video would be it was edited and photoshopped....
I doubt we would be watching this retrial if BH had questioned him about the missing pullover. The shoes to Goodwill was cleaver, but there is absolutely no plausible explanation for the pullover to be missing from his luggage / vehicle 11-3-06. BH missed a golden opportunity to get a conviction and she blew it

However, someone here made this point days ago...BH does not know how he would answer this question if asked: "what happened to the sweater?" There's no investigative information about the disposition of the sweater, so he can say whatever he wants and catch her off guard. If he comes up with a great story, she has nothing to dispute it with.

I keep trying to imagine what he would say. I can't come up with a good answer, but you can bet he would be prepared with a well thought out response.
JY, PY, and MF all brought her in that Monday morning. Why????? Anybody could have said or asked that child anything (not the teachers, I'm sure -- and I feel sure they kept quite a close eye on her for that reason.)

I would have had my little girl with me, had I been JY <<shiver>>. Her mother was already gone; she needs to know that I am still here, right by her side. Day-care can wait, and so can my job. Grrrrrr.. I'll betcha MF volunteered -- talk about a lead baloon idea!! JMO.

Isn't keeping life "normal" for children considered a good thing in times of stress?
I agree with you. I think he did it. But I see a lot of assumptions in the case here. I think circumstantial evidence is powerful, if it is a fact. It is possible that he left the hotel that night, and drove to Raleigh to kill his wife, but it is not a fact. It is possible that GC saw him at the gas station that morning, but it is not a fact. To me, circumstantial evidence would be a credit card purchase at that gas station. It doesn't *prove* that he killed his wife, but it would be evidence that he left that hotel that night. Or to use a great example from this case, the FACT that he was seen leaving on camera, and not coming back in.

Maybe gritguy can weigh in on circumstantial evidence, but my understanding is that it is *factual* evidence used to weigh guilt or innocence.
BBM and ditto.

I will say this, even though there's nothing to assume but that JY killed his wife, I would never, ever convict based on an assumption.
What the heck! Did he tell everyone about his and MY's sex life?

Good grief!

Now, Fran.... You just never know where your next date/bed-mate may come from. Get with it!!
Do you think anything has been added to the guilty column (so far) that wasn't there before in the first trial? (I didn't see the first trial).

I missed the first week or so of the first trial. So I didn't make a list, per se. But IMHO, the witnesses this morning added a couple, to me.

1. That JY was very unhappy with his marriage. Like who tells a teacher his wife only gives him some except to get pregnant? I was shocked by that. It adds more to the point, JY wanted out of this marriage. :(

2. The child in day care with the dolls. I believe this says volumes. At least to me.

However, someone here made this point days ago...BH does not know how he would answer this question if asked: "what happened to the sweater?" There's no investigative information about the disposition of the sweater, so he can say whatever he wants and catch her off guard. If he comes up with a great story, she has nothing to dispute it with.

I keep trying to imagine what he would say. I can't come up with a good answer, but you can bet he would be prepared with a well thought out response.

What could he possibly say that would make any sense?
Pretty sure she just had a mental lapse and blew it...imo
OMG. (well don't leave us hanging - who was it? why did did the garage door open?)

To this day, we don't know what made the garage door go up. I had my .357 S&W, and hubby had a bat. When we opened the door to the garage, and flicked the light on, nobody was there. But as I said, as we came down the stairs, right next to the garage, I stated extremely loud, Richard, I've got my gun, get yours.' I said it a couple times, so if there was anybody in the garage, they would have heard me shouting "I've got my gun" a couple times. We exited through the open garage door, and checked around our cars outside in the driveway, and then around the front of the house. We never did see anybody though. But something made the garage door go up. We didn't realize one could possibly raise it by hand. And we didn't know we had a lock feature on the thing on the wall to open and close the door. Now we make sure it's locked before we go to bed. But we did try to use our handheld automatic door opener from the street, it doesn't make the door go up until we turn into the driveway. We also tried our daughters handheld garage door opener on our garage door, it doesn't work. Our houses are side by side, and built by the same builder, so we thought perhaps another door opener *might work* on our door. It didn't. We have never learned who or what opened the garage door at 3:00 a.m. that night though. But we were extremely glad we had a loaded gun ready, because I learned through experience it would be hard for me to load a gun as scared as I was that night. :(
I'm trying to figure out where this last witness fits into the PT trial strategy. Other than bringing out in testimony that the dog barked when strangers were at the door (so he should have barked the night in question if a stranger had come in and we really don't know that he did or didn't), I am at a loss as to what this last witness offered in the way of relevant testimony to the trial.

I believe it was the fact the dog did not bark that night. At least that anyone could hear.

I forgot to put that on my list. Ehhh, that would be the guilty list.

Isn't keeping life "normal" for children considered a good thing in times of stress?
I would think so. I saw at least one person in this thread who indicated they'd have sent their child back to daycare that soon as well, it's probably healthier, IDK.

I'm not sure that I would. I think I'd be too terrified that the killer might change his mind about leaving my baby alive and hunt him down.

The would have to get through me, and over my dead body!

To you and me, yes. To juries this day and age, not so much.

I learned that crushing blow during the Anthony trial.

That's what makes me scared, everyone is looking for that magical smoking gun it seems like. I hope this isn't the case here.
The fact that the shirt specifically that he was wearing that evening is now....GONE is what does it for me.
Had this been a normal night for him at the hotel, the shirt would be with him.

PLUS the fact that I can distinctly hear little CY saying "daddy do it" twice on the 911 call.

I don't need any more convincing.
Also, I believe that a normal night would have included calls and texts to MM since he was out of the house and away from his wife. I know they haven't brought up his normal nightime phone usage, but with the amount of calls and texts that happened the next day, the only way, IMO, that his phone wasn't used all night was because he didn't want it to ping near his house.
I don't think I want to know what JY did on his computer. He has no problem being inappropriate in real life. ICK
The timeline was tight enough that the investigators checked to see if he somehow travel by air! I know its not impossible, but IMO the tight timeline is also one of the biggest holes in this case! If JY one more hour of time there would be little question.

Considering the last Jury was 8-4 not guilty, there must have been a substantial amount of reasonable doubt found by the last jury. Where else does it come from other than the timeline and size 10 shoes?

I guess other things I can think of right now are lack of DNA evidence at the crime scene, and lack of fiber or blood transfer to anything connected to JY.

:shrugs: Again, timeline works for me.
I'm not sure why he continues to disgust me further. Such a vile pig.

So, B'Rice -- Are you saying the hair cut doesn't help?????

(It just gets worse every day, doesn't it? Yuck + yuck + yuck, etc, etc.)
There are pieces of circumstantial evidence that point to his innocence, for example the tight timeline and the size 10 shoes prints at the crime scene. :fence:

Except that the expert testified that although a shoe print outter line is one size, the top side can be anothe size, ie 9 or 11 or whatever. Not necessarily always exact as the sole print indicates.

Think of it this way, imho, on one style or make, you wear a 9 1/2, while another style or brand, you wear a 10 or 10 1/2.

of course,
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