State vs Jason Lynn Young 6-14-11

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Yeah, I probably would too. Especially since the hair lady indicated these hairs were forcibly removed. So it isn't like he could grab hair from a hairbrush and put them in her hand. I'm hoping they are hers.

The "clump of hair" was found under Michelle's body. There was but one hair on her hand. The clump of hair under her body says something very different and rather gruesome since they too were forcibly removed.
The "clump of hair" was found under Michelle's body. There was but one hair on her hand. The clump of hair under her body says something very different and rather gruesome since they too were forcibly removed.

Makes me wonder if he yanked her out of bed by her hair at some point during the attack. :(
When I heard that there were bills and papers on the floor, I wondered if she was sitting in bed sorting out some financial possibilities for the future.

She may have been working on work stuff -- some of the papers found on the floor near the bed were P.E. papers. She may have fallen asleep doing this, alternatively. Also explains her clothing. Who knows?
is the dna on the sheet rock a big deal? he did live there? Im not real sure why that matters.
DNA profile from the possible print found on the sheetrock, matched JY. Did not match Michelle.

From the door molding, there was a mixture of DNA, present and identifiable (predominant profile) of JY. DNA of Michelle was excluded as the contributor of the other profile present. Additional profiles from others, unknown who.
This witness is doing an excellent job of explaining this to the jury, in my opinion.
is the dna on the sheet rock a big deal? he did live there? Im not real sure why that matters.

If this print that was used is the one surrounded by blood - yes it is significant. How could there not be blood in that area if the hand leaving the print was not there during the beating ?
so the only way that dna from JY could of got there was that night?
DNA jewelry box - partial profile obtained. Profile of two of sixteen genentic markers, JY could not be excluded. Michelle could be excluded from this sample.
If this print that was used is the one surrounded by blood - yes it is significant. How could there not be blood in that area if the hand leaving the print was not there during the beating ?

That helps. I agree with you. Thanks
so the only way that dna from JY could of got there was that night?

It is not clear to me what sample this is. From the search warrant probable cause sections we do know there was a section of sheetrock that contained a print that was surrounded by blood but there was no blood within the print area. Suggests the murderer's hand was there during the beating. But I do not know if this sample is the one they are speaking of.
The "clump of hair" was found under Michelle's body. There was but one hair on her hand. The clump of hair under her body says something very different and rather gruesome since they too were forcibly removed.

This is just so sick. :banghead:
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