State vs Jason Lynn Young 6-22-11

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I have been watching the Anthony trial televised from a tv station in FL. NO buffering, no interference, no blackouts or timeouts,,,,just first class theater type transmission. WRAL's weather has butted in on me no less than 10 times since they returned from lunch and the buffering is just awful this afternoon.
My connection with wral has been great today. Perhaps it is some other problem than Wral, GL.
I thought that the cross bringing out the new name of the old girlfriend (Julie) was brilliant. He was totally thrown of his game, lied, then ended up admitting he had just lied on the stand. Not the best way for him to start on his answers on the cross.

Then she got him to agree that he straight up traded physical custody of his daughter for not answering questions or undergoing a psych eval. I was stunned that he just plain agreed to that reasoning about what he did there.

Then she pointed out inconsistencies in what he claimed (working on marriage) and what he did (carrying on with MM and others.)

She got him riled so the jury could see angry, argumentative JLY. The guy who could get mad enough to decide to kill his wife.

When he is telling practiced lies he is pretty good at it, though (not perfect.) His explanations were implausible enough and so BS sounding even during direct that I'm not sure there was any reason to bring it back up. Only surprised that she didn't ask about propping the room door (twice) and not being worried about losing his company laptop to a thief.
JS just suggested that the charge to the jury include that if they find JLY "acted in concert with someone else to kill his wife" they should return a guilty verdict. Defense has objected to that part.

ETA: JS overruled. Said based on the evidence, it's possible the jury may believe two people committed this murder, one of them being the defendant, and if they get to that point they need some legal guidance as to how they should proceed with their verdict.
I followed the BC trial closely and was in the courtroom when that verdict was read. I was surprised by that verdict, even though I felt he was guilty. I have not followed this trial nearly as closely, but it seems to me much more likely for a NG verdict in this trial than in the BC trial.

Maybe I missed it, but what is the jury makeup on this one by sex/race?
I followed the BC trial closely and was in the courtroom when that verdict was read. I was surprised by that verdict, even though I felt he was guilty. I have not followed this trial nearly as closely, but it seems to me much more likely for a NG verdict in this trial than in the BC trial.

Maybe I missed it, but what is the jury makeup on this one by sex/race?

Just curious, what are the sticking points for you that you think will sway the jury to NG?
JS just suggested that the charge to the jury include that if they find JLY "acted in concert with someone else to kill his wife" they should return a guilty verdict. Defense has objected to that part.

Oddly, based upon his testimony body language during direct examination, I now suspect this is what happened. Good point to clarify, JS.
I got the impression Julie was someone he finally quit dating just to see MY. That might have been true even though he later showed habitual running around when things in the marriage did not give him enough sex.
I think he's guilty, but I'm also really questioning if he acted alone.
Jurors are human - they too are wondering why this fella:

- immediately lawyered up,

- never spoke with police to assist in finding out who could have or would have wanted to kill Michelle,

- never contacted LE about the status of the investigation in over 4 years,

- allowed physical custody of his daughter to be granted to Meredith instead of giving a simple deposition,

- in spite of his claim, those computer searches will play a role because his reason for doing them makes zero sense,

- was having affairs, why was he trying to revive an old affair after they are both married,

- felt the need to assault a woman, one that he claims he will always love,

Taken in context of his testimony today - none of the above is even remotely innocent.
I am glad they are giving a "right to remain silent" instruction. That makes me respect Judge Stephens even more.
Charge to the jury will also include a statement that the law protects the defendant's right to remain silent and his decision to not speak with LE should not be used against him. But the jury can consider his decision not to speak with LE when evaluating his credibility and whether they believe his testimony.
I know the judge has a tough job and can be reversed, which is not tidy for the judge, but it must be nice to always have the last word and wield such power. This judge has certainly earned it.

Something like, "I appreciate this ruling, but I choose to include it..." which is a nice way of saying, "fergit it, Counselor, in gonna be in there."
Mr. Collins is having a hard problem with the silence issue - he knows the jury is not going to like this issue.

Jason himself contradicted your claim on the silence issue by simply taking the stand.
good thing J.S. is denying this additional defense request. If this were a different judge..say the one in the last trial...people would be crying foul/unfair!
The difference is JS has been fair and impartial throughout this case. Most people respect his decisions.
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