Susan G. Komen charity pulls grants

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Actually, from what I've read, they give more money towards research and screening than any other breast cancer organization.

And as for Planned Parenthood, they only spent somewhere like $800,000 on breast health total in 2010.

Just in mammograms, SGK spent over $90 million in 2011.
Just on mammograms. That's over 700,000 mammograms that women would not have gotten if it weren't for SGK's efforts.

I still love PP I and am disappointed in the decision of SGK, but have not supported SGK because I dont like how much time and effort they devote to marketing vs scanning and research.

But philanthropy experts said it will be difficult for Komen to convince people it wasn't playing politics.

"There's a long-term weakening of the Susan G. Komen brand from this decision," said Melissa Berman, chief executive of nonprofit Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisers, which counsels wealthy donors who give more $200 million a year.

"We would see donors reluctant to be involved with a charity whose decision-making gets influenced by short-term pressures and politics because you would always wonder who is really in charge."
Wish I had time to read everything tonight; tomorrow is another day.. Last year there was a site that showed what Komen paid to employees & fundraising; was a real eye opener on how a charity that was started with good intentions ended up being in it for financial gain. I will never donate to them. Ever.

As far as PP; they do not do terminations where I am nor in some other states I've looked into. I know people that are patients because they can't afford to go elsewhere.
Susan G. Komen Top Officials Resign As Backlash Gains Steam

Dr. Kathy Plesser, a Manhattan radiologist on the medical advisory board of Susan G. Komen for the Cure's New York chapter, said she plans to resign from her position unless Komen reverses its decision to pull grant money from Planned Parenthood.

"I’m a physician and my interest is women’s health, and I am disturbed by Komen’s decision because I am a very strong advocate for serving under-served women,"

A spokesperson for Rep. Mike Honda (D-Calif.) said that he personally called Komen founder Nancy Brinker to complain when he heard the news on Tuesday, and he and 22 other members of the House of Representatives have signed onto a letter asking her to reverse her decision.

"This is an alarming development resulting from political pressure from anti-women’s health organizations," the letter says. "We ask – in the strongest possible terms – that Susan G. Komen reconsider its decision, as the health of millions of brave women everywhere demands the same kind of bravery exhibited the Komen Foundation."

A similar letter was signed by two dozen senators.

Anti-women? Seriously?

Inflammatory language like anti-abortion instead of pro-life. A little political trick used all frequently to create villians where there are none. JMO

"This has been a contentious issue and one where the (public's) sense of our organization has been lost," says Nancy Brinker, Komen's founder and CEO. "We are the leader in the breast cancer space, and our only mission is to find treatments and cures for this disease. … When you grant $93 million, you have to be sure that you are granting it to the right people."

Re her comment: "the breast cancer space". I hate to say this, but that is hedge fund manager lingo.


and hopefully Brinker, will explain how Planned Parenthood and their patients are "not the right people".

Wow. Open mouth. Insert foot.


It seems Brinker's having a tough time explaining the decision. Yesterday Komen spokespeople formally announced the decision was made not to fund organizations under investigation, and PP was under investigation. Today, the PP investigation is not even mentioned. Today it's about something else.

"It's a very sad day," said Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., one of the letter's co-signers, in an interview on MSNBC. "Susan G. Komen has put in place a policy that says directly that they will not provide funding for organizations like Planned Parenthood because of a partisan witch hunt in the House against Planned Parenthood."

"Three sources with direct knowledge of the Komen decision-making process told me that the rule was adopted in order to create an excuse to cut-off Planned Parenthood. .... The decision to create a rule that would cut funding to Planned Parenthood, according to these sources, was driven by the organization's new senior vice-president for public policy, Karen Handel, a former gubernatorial candidate from Georgia who is staunchly anti-abortion and who has said that since she is "pro-life, I do not support the mission of Planned Parenthood."

and from the same article:

Brinker and Thompson dismissed the idea that the decision was related to abortion politics, and flatly denied the accusation that the new rules were implemented with the intent of defunding Planned Parenthood.
Let me get this straight, PP is being investigated for mishandling funds but SGK is being bashed for pulling their funding?

They have a right to pull their funding if they think that money is not being handled properly. It would be very irresponsible of them to continue giving money they have raised to an organization that may be corrupt.

PP is not the ONLY place women can get free screenings.


My opinion, too!
I checked the PP website, and this is what it says under the "mammogram" section:

Where Can I Get a Mammogram?

Ask your health care provider, health department, or staff at your local Planned Parenthood health center about where you can get a mammogram in your area.

PP never even provided mammograms! For that reason it makes sense that Komen cut their ties - that and the fact that PP is under investigation.


Thank you for this!

I received birth control consulting/Rx from PP but they referred me to a healthcare clinic for a mammogram . . . if they do not provide the service, then WHY receive funding for it?

SBK has a CHOICE where to distribute their money !
...Anti-women? Seriously?

Inflammatory language like anti-abortion instead of pro-life. A little political trick used all frequently to create villians where there are none. JMO

I agree with you that the anti-women's health label is rather severe.

But how is "anti-abortion" inflammatory? It is quite literally factual. "Pro-killing-abortion-doctors"--THAT would be inflammatory (except in the few cases where it is true).

The propaganda lies in the "pro-life" label and its implication that the rest of us are somehow "pro-death."
I agree with you that the anti-women's health label is rather severe.

But how is "anti-abortion" inflammatory? It is quite literally factual. "Pro-killing-abortion-doctors"--THAT would be inflammatory (except in the few cases where it is true).

The propaganda lies in the "pro-life" label and its implication that the rest of us are somehow "pro-death."


I would think that "anti-abortion" is the express position of "pro-life". I didn't know it was considered an inflammatory term. I would have to work on why that would be so. LOL. :waitasec: IIRC, abortion protestors referred to themselves as anti-abortion for decades. The "pro-life" marketing is pretty new. IMO

How about "anti-choice"? Is that inflammatory?
Our donations are up 100 percent in the past two days. With all of the emotion around these issues — which we understand, we get emotional too, we do this every single day of our lives,” Brinker said, explaining that they do not make decisions to be popular, they make them to fight cancer.

[W]e are working to ensure that there is no interruption or gaps in services for the women who need our support most in the fight against breast cancer.”

Link here
Mayor Michael Bloomberg To Give $250,000 To Planned Parenthood After Komen Cuts Funding

"Politics have no place in health care," Bloomberg said in a statement, according to The New York Times. "Breast cancer screening saves lives and hundreds of thousands of women rely on Planned Parenthood for access to care. We should be helping women access that care, not placing barriers in their way." [bb and underlined by me]

This is not the first time the mayor has come out in defense of Planned Parenthood. When Congress discussed cutting hundreds of millions of dollars from Planned Parenthood's budget, Bloomberg said the idea was detrimental to low-income women, and noted that Planned Parenthood performs 12,000 cervical cancer screening and 56,000 contraceptive visits in New York City every year.
Pro-life represents our stand in support of unborn children's lives. Words matter. Pro-choice individuals don't want people to think of it as a life, so they try to reframe the conversation by rebranding. Moo

But, Komen's decision was not based on abortion, as they've said.
I knew this was coming, you can't say you're stopping contributions to one group because of investigations (political or not) then give Penn State 7.5 MILLION to their medical center for research.

Like Planned Parenthood, Penn State is currently the subject of a federal government investigation, and like the Planned Parenthood grant, the Penn State grant appears to violate a new internal rule at Komen that bans grants to organizations that are under investigation by federal, state, or local governments. But so far, only the Planned Parenthood grants appear to have been cancelled.
Pro-life represents our stand in support of unborn children's lives. Words matter. Pro-choice individuals don't want people to think of it as a life, so they try to reframe the conversation by rebranding. Moo

But, Komen's decision was not based on abortion, as they've said.

No but they are not penalizing any other recipient for the reason they are stating that funds were pulled from PP. That is what the outcry is about and my concern. There's a lot of info here...I think the below statement speaks for itself.

Komen's founder, Nancy Brinker, is a former Bush administration official who has given almost $200,000 to Republican officials over the years, and Karen Handel, Komen's top lobbyist, is a pro-life Republican who was elected secretary of state in Georgia. Komen officials have insisted that Brinker and Handel's right-leaning politics weren't a factor in the decision to cut off funding, but Goldberg reported that the new grant standards were written as a pretext for denying funds to Planned Parenthood, and that the decision was "driven" by Handel.

Brinker, appearing on MSNBC Thursday afternoon, denied the decision had anything to do with politics. "I'm troubled that it's been labeled as political. This is not a political decision," Brinker said.

If it's not political then they are going to have to pull funds from any organization that is being investigated as the memo stated below

An internal Komen memo written by President Elizabeth Thompson and obtained by Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic states that if "an applicant or its affiliates" is under investigation "for financial or administrative improprieties by local, state or federal authorities," then "the applicant will be ineligible to receive a grant." Penn State, the Pennsylvania university that the Hershey center is affiliated with, is currently under investigation by the federal government over the sexual assault scandal involving former assistant coach Jerry Sandusky, who has been indicted on multiple counts of sexual abuse of children. In 2008, the Komen foundation awarded a five-year, $7.5 million grant to the Hershey center to study treatments that could reduce the risk of breast cancer. BB & Underlined by me

It's a quandry to say the least. My concern is that it certainly seems political to me.
I don't think a lot was thought out very clearly. It will be a great tragedy to remove funding from medical research but if this is the rule it should be followed shouldn't it? Shouldn't it apply to anyone who meets the criteria they are using to justify the reason they are pulling the money from PP?

Perhaps they should have just stated, We will only be funding research and medications from now on .I don't know what the answer is but as far as I'm concerned if the memo is the criteria used to determine who does not get the money then it needs to be followed as stated.
Why do they really need $700,000 per year from SGK????

They get over $1,000,000.00 a DAY in tax payers money.

And they don't even provide mammograms!

This whole deal is a ridiculous "news" story.

I personally will be doubling my donation to SGK this year.

I hope as soon as BO is out of office PP will be investigated for their shady accounting practices in more detail.

As I have said, I fully support an agency that provides help for those who can't afford it. BUT, I expect that agency to be on the up and up and not corrupt.

Also, this has NOTHING to do with abortion. I'm not sure why that keeps being brought up.


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