Terry NOW And her book

I am excited that Terry is writing a book, as I know it will be truthful. I am wondering when the other books, (by people "close to the family") will begin to surface. I am actually quite happy that has not occured yet!

Seeing that Terry saw to it that Thanksgiving was quite a celebration, I think Christmas will be also!!

The strength, heartbreak, joy and I am sure anger, that Terry has felt these many years will give us a personal glimpse into the lives of all victims families. To touch upon Songlines comments about the adjustments Terry has had to make, it is something that has concerned me also. I am sure that any trials come upon, will be outweighed and overcome by joy in the long run! Terry is an inspiration! I think Jaycee and the girls are blessed to have her as their guiding light!
Getting reacquainted has got to be a challenge for everyone.
And while PG is a new man :rolleyes: and who cares :waitasec:
Many lives were changed and damaged 4 ever.
Terry for one lost a child and a marriage, Carl lost his family, Shayna lost a sister and 2 parent family,
JC lost her innocence, her time to be educated and socialized, her youth, God knows what else..
Terry lost a little girl whom she will never recover, but got a daughter back as a grown person with
2 kids whom she never knew.

A lot to digest, a lot to get used to, a lot to accept, a lot to work through and a lot to embrace too.
While they had much to be grateful for on Thanksgiving; Christmas does bring both Joy and Sadness
to many people.
Getting reacquainted again must bring out both the joy and the sadness for all of them.

While Terry and Carl's lives had been screwed up for so long,
I sure hope that this year will bring them closer again. :)

That will be some book, I cant wait to read, but it will most likely be one of the saddest books
I would have read...... No mother should have to endure all this.
my personal opinion of course but i think the joy far outweighs the sadness this christmas.
carl said terry would lock herself in her room and cry for a week during christmas for the first 10 years jaycee was gone. only with therapy for herself was she finally able to come to terms.
i can imagine that jaycee and terry and carls thoughts will turn more towards the christmas' they shared rather then the ones they didnt. and of course, for shayna this is her first real christmas of any kind.
I definitely look forward to reading Terry's book! Not sure whether I'll purchase it or wait for the library to carry it, that will depend on my own finances at that time.

I feel pretty confident that they'll have a great Christmas and that everyone will feel included. There might be occasional awkward moments, if there are distant relatives there or something, but I'm sure it will be fine.
with christmas coming i wonder how they'll handle it in regards to jaycee's girls.
jaycee hasnt celebrated christmas since 1990, but she remembers it.
the girls have never had a christmas, on top of garridos warped vision of god and jesus being shoved down tehre throats.

How do we know what happened in that house and if they had Xmas or not?
I would like to watch this coverage as I haven't seen anything for awhile on this story?
How do we know what happened in that house and if they had Xmas or not?
I would like to watch this coverage as I haven't seen anything for awhile on this story?

there was an article somewhere, i dont remember what, that said that jaycee hadnt had a christmas since 1990 (the december before she was kidnapped) or a birthday since may 1991 (a month before she was kidnapped). of course that could just have meant that there wasnt much to celebrate anyways....
How do we know what happened in that house and if they had Xmas or not?I would like to watch this coverage as I haven't seen anything for awhile on this story?
One of the things we do know is that Jehovah Witnesses do not celebrate Christmas. They were JW.
That would be one reason.... I wonder how the Girls would handle it all.
JC would be delighted of course it would bring back memories of happy times.
For the girls :waitasec: Religion is just one thing that can and often does hold some people loyal to
their heritage. This may be a challenge for them, JCs family is not JW.
Lets not forget they did love their despicable Daddy, and it may be one way they stay loyal to him.
WE do not know, and we wont. We may get a Shayna blip saying "everyone got presents, had fun
and ate....Which will tell us a lot of nothing. :)
Songline, that's a dynamic that's going to be or is the most difficult for Terry and maybe even Jaycee to deal with since her return. Both rightly will have a lot of anger towards P&NG but they probably can't express any of it in front of the girls or they'll risk permanently alienating them. I often wonder how Terry copes with all of her anger (the book will tell us) towards the G's, especially if the girls still see both as a loving parents. The girls may never be able to accept what monsters the G's really are.

Hopefully in time they can both understand how horrible P&NG are for what they both did to their mother and the rest of their victims. They're slowly learning what real and healthy love is that they're now getting from Jaycee, Terry and the rest of their real family. I'm optimistic, I believe things will get much better for all of them in time.
Songline, that's a dynamic that's going to be or is the most difficult for Terry and maybe even Jaycee to deal with since her return. Both rightly will have a lot of anger towards P&NG but they probably can't express any of it in front of the girls or they'll risk permanently alienating them. I often wonder how Terry copes with all of her anger (the book will tell us) towards the G's, especially if the girls still see both as a loving parents. The girls may never be able to accept what monsters the G's really are.

Hopefully in time they can both understand how horrible P&NG are for what they both did to their mother and the rest of their victims. They're slowly learning what real and healthy love is that they're now getting from Jaycee, Terry and the rest of their real family. I'm optimistic, I believe things will get much better for all of them in time.
I am sure that therapy will create some balance for them to a point that they can understand that Terry has feeling too.
They will understand that having your heart torn out for 18 years will never produce for Terry and family to ever have a kind word about their father or Nancy. but this will take much time. We do not know how it will be handled only time will tell. THERE IS NO HISTORY on these cases.
I would not be surprised that the girls will blame JCs family during some part of their therapy - thinking/saying things about JC now has her family but they do not.
I hope they grow to be happy more often then not, because being happy will allow them to heal more and more with time.
While Terry is learning to love them. They are also the result of what the SOB did to JC.
there is no easy formula, there is no Christal ball, the is only one day at a time.

I will not be surprised if Terry leaves certain thing out of her book...in fact I am sure she will.
I'm sure Terry's book won't be a tell all but hopefully she deals with the anger and complex mixed emotions that they're all probably feeling. This book will hopefully serve as a guide to help other families of missing children in the future when their child comes home after a long period of time since it is SO rare.
Argh one reporter makes a comment and it become carved in stone. There is no evidence of what their religion is or was. One reporter said she had a JW background. However, I assure you she was not is not JW. And for all we know PG was a catholic, or baptist or mormon. His religion was never mentioned. For all we know they celebrated Christmas every year. By the way JW do not do Halloween either, yet PG apparently went out with the girls and he dressed as a gorrilla (sp).
Argh one reporter makes a comment and it become carved in stone. There is no evidence of what their religion is or was. One reporter said she had a JW background. However, I assure you she was not is not JW. And for all we know PG was a catholic, or baptist or mormon. His religion was never mentioned. For all we know they celebrated Christmas every year. By the way JW do not do Halloween either, yet PG apparently went out with the girls and he dressed as a gorrilla (sp).

I think that people are referring back to the fact that PG used the JW religion, or NG's connection to it, as a way to manipulate his way out of jail all those years ago. Also, if I'm not mistaken, there were some neighbors in Antioch who were led to believe he was JW. Now, I can't remember whether he actually told them that or whether they assumed that based on him doing the door-to-door religious pamphlet thing.

But, I totally agree with you that it's debatable whether they actually practiced the JW religion in the traditional sense. I personally believe the JW claims were just a part of his scam, to pull the wool over people's eyes when necessary. So, I agree that it's really hard for us to make a blanket statement about whether they ever observed this or did that. I suspect that they did "celebrate" some things, since there were toys and other gift type things found among their belongings.
But, I totally agree with you that it's debatable whether they actually practiced the JW religion in the traditional sense. I personally believe the JW claims were just a part of his scam, to pull the wool over people's eyes when necessary. So, I agree that it's really hard for us to make a blanket statement about whether they ever observed this or did that. I suspect that they did "celebrate" some things, since there were toys and other gift type things found among their belongings.

My impression is that PG pretty much made up his own religion based on his personal (read: likely warped) interpretation of the Bible and made his "family" go along with it.
I look forward to Terry's book and will certainly buy it.

I remember that in one of his earliest interviews, Carl said that birthdays, holidays, and anniversaries were very difficult for Terry, and she couldn't bring herself to decorate or celebrate Christmas with Jaycee missing.

I would imagine that this Christmas will be celebrated with great joy and enthusiasm by Terry and Jaycee.............the first truly joyous Christmas for both in 18 years. For the two girls, this will be their first traditional Christmas celebrated with family.
MARRY CHRISTMAS JC, Terri, Angel, Starit, Shana, Carl.
May this be the start of many many more wonderful Christmas celebrations together. :blowkiss:
MARRY CHRISTMAS JC, Terri, Angel, Starit, Shana, Carl.
May this be the start of many many more wonderful Christmas celebrations together. :blowkiss:

hear hear ;)
here's hoping everyone here had a joyous holiday........
I really look forward to reading Terry's book when it comes out this year. Maybe one day Jaycee will sit down and write a story about her life. I know everyone is curious to hear about the things that happened to her during the 18 years in captivity, but I'm more curious to hear about her childhood, the happy times. No matter what she endured, she was beautiful, precious memories of her first 11 years and that is something those evil people could NEVER take from her :)
thought id post this here cause the movie/book thread is dirtied by that *advertiser censored* flick....

crime author john glatt has a book coming out on jaycee 'lost and found' on september 28th.

he also wrote a book on the elizabeth fritzl case.
thought id post this here cause the movie/book thread is dirtied by that *advertiser censored* flick....

crime author john glatt has a book coming out on jaycee 'lost and found' on september 28th.

he also wrote a book on the elizabeth fritzl case.
What *advertiser censored*?
You crack me up...this case has *advertiser censored*?
What *advertiser censored*?
You crack me up...this case has *advertiser censored*?

last november some idiot *advertiser censored* producer annouced he was making a film based on jaycee's ordeal. then he claimed it wasnt about her.

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