The cars, who, when, where and what?

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That is what I would have thought as well, but who knows. The only times that I have seen a car at Luber's in Coronado is when someone is staying there, and they usually (if not always) drive........can't see inside the garage to see if a "spare" car is there in case they fly over rather than drive.

Gotcha, and thanks for the info. The person I know who goes to CA, well let's just say there isn't time to make a drive and he ALWAYS flies there. I suppose if you could drive there in a few hours, bringing your own car would be an option. Was HL already in Coronado when MS' accident happened? But still, if HL had a car, he either rented it or used his own. I suppose that he could have borrowed a car from someone?
Bumping for info on which cars were at the mansion and where
Per Nina's interview - When Nina walked to Spreckles Tuesday night Rebecca's car was in the driveway.

Nina really irks me....she's so oblivious to the fact that it is after 10:00pm and besides Rebecca picking her and her son up at the airport Monday night and Adam Tuesday night...the last 24 hours for Rebecca had been quite stressful and Nina never even considered that maybe just maybe that Rebecca may be really tired and is ASLEEP. HELLO ! Lets see...Rebecca doesn't answer her Nina's text, doesn't answer the door bell and Nina says," her car is in the driveway...yada yada so strange she's not responding."

Nina was there at Rady Hospital when Jonah came back from dinner Tuesday night with Adam and Rebecca. Nina KNEW Adam was in town and staying at Spreckels....why didn't she call in on Adam if she was dumbfounded about Rebecca's silence? Why isn't Adam's name mentioned
when she's describing this "strange" non response from Rebecca. Geez...if Nina was that concerned she could've called/text Adam - go to the unlocked backdoor
and entered the main house and call out to Rebecca - call Jonah and say she's concerned,etc. Nina's Tuesday night story is very weak IMO and that includes when she left 1043 Ocean Blvd.
Nina really irks me....she's so oblivious to the fact that it is after 10:00pm and besides Rebecca picking her and her son up at the airport Monday night and Adam Tuesday night...the last 24 hours for Rebecca had been quite stressful and Nina never even considered that maybe just maybe that Rebecca may be really tired and is ASLEEP. HELLO ! Lets see...Rebecca doesn't answer her Nina's text, doesn't answer the door bell and Nina says," her car is in the driveway...yada yada so strange she's not responding."

Nina was there at Rady Hospital when Jonah came back from dinner Tuesday night with Adam and Rebecca. Nina KNEW Adam was in town and staying at Spreckels....why didn't she call in on Adam if she was dumbfounded about Rebecca's silence? Why isn't Adam's name mentioned
when she's describing this "strange" non response from Rebecca. Geez...if Nina was that concerned she could've called/text Adam - go to the unlocked backdoor
and entered the main house and call out to Rebecca - call Jonah and say she's concerned,etc. Nina's Tuesday night story is very weak IMO and that includes when she left 1043 Ocean Blvd.

Agree, Nina's version of events does NOT add up. Her actions seem out of sync with what is common sense and reasonable given her timing of her visit late at ~10pm to interrogate Rebecca about Max's fall, and also her bizarre behavior upon arriving there. Even by her own admission, she desperately wanted to ask Rebecca's questions, yet she walks all the way from Dina's home to the Spreckels mansion, knocks on door, no answer, then she goes around back to check the garage and lights of the entire house, yet she claimed she "didn't touch the gate" AND she doesn't make mention of even trying to call/text either Rebecca or Adam to get either people to answer the door? Doesn't make sense.
Agree, Nina's version of events does NOT add up. Her actions seem out of sync with what is common sense and reasonable given her timing of her visit late at ~10pm to interrogate Rebecca about Max's fall, and also her bizarre behavior upon arriving there. Even by her own admission, she desperately wanted to ask Rebecca's questions, yet she walks all the way from Dina's home to the Spreckels mansion, knocks on door, no answer, then she goes around back to check the garage and lights of the entire house, yet she claimed she "didn't touch the gate" AND she doesn't make mention of even trying to call/text either Rebecca or Adam to get either people to answer the door? Doesn't make sense.

Did SDSO even check that gate for fingerprints? I sure hope that they did, there should be something coming out in the reports the Z family is suing for. I wonder if it will come out as NO FINGERPRINTS (or maybe just RZ's). Wouldn't that be interesting? All of those people in and out of the house, they must have taken prints off the gate, right?
Did SDSO even check that gate for fingerprints? I sure hope that they did, there should be something coming out in the reports the Z family is suing for. I wonder if it will come out as NO FINGERPRINTS (or maybe just RZ's). Wouldn't that be interesting? All of those people in and out of the house, they must have taken prints off the gate, right?

Yeah right, I don't believe SDSO even tested the blue shirt for DNA. Did SDSO even test the knife for fingerprints that AS allegedly used to cut Becky down? Considering AS touched the rope in so many places, did his DNA appear anywhere on the rope? Wrist bindings, noose, etc...Did Adam leave trace DNA from the saliva he may have left when attempting CPR? In my opinion, since we were told only Becky's DNA was found I believe there is evidence that was never tested.

Just for clarification, I am not accusing AS. I am only implying I don't believe SDSO tested all the available evidence in Becky's investigation. I am also not implying there is a conspiracy within LE. I believe in the 'group think tank' theory as a possible reason evidence was not tested. I would like to believe SDSO is not that corrupt. However, I'm not naive.
Yeah right, I don't believe SDSO even tested the blue shirt for DNA. Did SDSO even test the knife for fingerprints that AS allegedly used to cut Becky down? Considering AS touched the rope in so many places, did his DNA appear anywhere on the rope? Wrist bindings, noose, etc...Did Adam leave trace DNA from the saliva he may have left when attempting CPR? In my opinion, since we were told only Becky's DNA was found I believe there is evidence that was never tested.

Just for clarification, I am not accusing AS. I am only implying I don't believe SDSO tested all the available evidence in Becky's investigation. I am also not implying there is a conspiracy within LE. I believe in the 'group think tank' theory as a possible reason evidence was not tested. I would like to believe SDSO is not that corrupt. However, I'm not naive.

Not everything found at a scene is evidence of a crime. A decision not to test something is just that, a decision. Investigators do make mistakes because they aren't perfect, not because they are corrupt.

I don't believe LE in any city tests everything available.

<modsnip> Not everything found at a scene is "evidence" of a crime. A decision not to test something is just that, a decision. Investigators do make mistakes because they aren't perfect, not because they are corrupt.

I don't believe LE in any city tests everything available.


<modsnip>. I do not believe SDSO looked into all aspects of Rebecca's death and I do not necessarily believe it was intentional. We all interpret a post differently.

Yes, Adam's DNA could be explained. However, if Adam's DNA and/or fingerprints are missing from said evidence that would be a red flag in my opinion. Especially considering Adam's polygraph was inconclusive. Possible missing DNA/fingerprints and an inconclusive polygraph would be suspicious to anyone working in LE. It might suggest the person is not telling the truth or Adam could have any easy explanation. IF you consider all pertinent evidence was not tested, SDSO cannot factually say only Becky's DNA existed. Found, yes. Existed, no. The evidence could contain DNA or fingerprints that belong to anyone surrounding this case, not just Adam. I do not necessarily believe Adam is a criminal.

While no one here is accusing AS of being involved in RZ's death, he was the last person to see her alive. This fact normally would make him someone to be investigated closely in the hours and days following. Numerous LEO's who responded to RZ's death scene initially considered her death a homicide. Logically, they would have focused on AS as a possible suspect and would have made sure to gather any evidence related to his presence at the death scene.

Even when SDSO later announced a ruling of suicide, there should be much more evidence on file relating to AS's presence at Spreckel's mansion as well as his activities in the days and hours before and after RZ's death - phone records, physical evidence, etc. The problem many people on this forum have is that there is little to no evidence of AS's presence, even though he was on the premises through the evening and morning and was the last person to have physical contact with RZ before and after her death.

The lack of any thorough gathering of evidence related to AS logically raises questions and the members of this forum are correct in asking them. Was the appropriate amount of evidence gathered or was it a matter of SDSO not revealing any evidence they may have gathered on AS? We don't know and we're asking.

<modsnip> AS was the last person to see and speak with RZ when she was alive. He was the first person to discover her in the morning. These facts would logically result in SDSO checking him out thoroughly, as well as any other parties who reported being at the mansion and communicating with RZ the night of her murder. That's SOP in any death investigation, especially one as suspicious and unusual as this one.

RZ's attorneys have requested SDSO provide them with all the evidence they gathered during their investigation. That also is standard procedure and they are entitled to receive that information. Members of this forum are also legally within their rights to ask questions about the investigation.
<modsnip>. AS was the last person to see and speak with RZ when she was alive. He was the first person to discover her in the morning. These facts would logically result in SDSO checking him out thoroughly, as well as any other parties who reported being at the mansion and communicating with RZ the night of her murder. That's SOP in any death investigation, especially one as suspicious and unusual as this one.

RZ's attorneys have requested SDSO provide them with all the evidence they gathered during their investigation. That also is standard procedure and they are entitled to receive that information. Members of this forum are also legally within their rights to ask questions about the investigation.

I am also appalled that it seems Dina was not thoroughly investigated, the person with the most motive. We still don't know where she was that night. To get back to the cars, why have we never heard when Jonah's SUV was returned. There doesn't seem to be much reason to leave Jonah at the hospital without a car. And, if we are to believe Dina and Nina, then Dina was also there without a car. Wasn't Dina's boyfriend around? Do we know where Dina's car was all this time? Is there any chance Dina or Nina also had Jonah's phone, and mansion keys on the key ring?

It's off topic, but why would they not even mention looking for DNA or fingerprints on the back door lock? What about Nina's DNA of finger/handprints on the front door.
I am also appalled that it seems Dina was not thoroughly investigated, the person with the most motive. We still don't know where she was that night. To get back to the cars, why have we never heard when Jonah's SUV was returned. There doesn't seem to be much reason to leave Jonah at the hospital without a car. And, if we are to believe Dina and Nina, then Dina was also there without a car. Wasn't Dina's boyfriend around? Do we know where Dina's car was all this time? Is there any chance Dina or Nina also had Jonah's phone, and mansion keys on the key ring?

It's off topic, but why would they not even mention looking for DNA or fingerprints on the back door lock? What about Nina's DNA of finger/handprints on the front door.

It is readily apparent that LE did not forensically examine those items you mention because they were working off a prejudicial conclusion that Rebecca's death was not a murder but a suicide. Why examine items for other people's prints/DNA when their assumption is that she killed herself? It's called confirmation bias. Pure and simple.
BBM. You are speculating with no basis in fact to support your speculation. There was an investigation and it is only your opinion it wasn't thorough.

The public is not entitled to know private information about AS or anybody else and the SDSO has a duty to uphold ethics.

Law enforcement usually doesn't publicly disclose investigative details in cases that are concluded to be suicide.


BBM - Like when Sheriff Gore was asked the *advertiser censored* question at the 9/2 press conference? I agree, Gore had a duty to uphold ethics by answering "no comment' instead of suggesting the reporter should speak to Anne Bremner.

BBM - Likewise, LE also doesn't usually hold on to personal belongings with a case that has been ruled a suicide.
BBM - Like when Sheriff Gore was asked the *advertiser censored* question at the 9/2 press conference? I agree, Gore had a duty to uphold ethics by answering "no comment' instead of suggesting the reporter should speak to Anne Bremner.

BBM - Likewise, LE also doesn't usually hold on to personal belongings with a case that has been ruled a suicide.

A reply of "no comment" isn't appropriate if the question has no legitimate basis. Apparently, Gore felt Bremner was planting her own version of facts with reporters and he wanted the reporter to know it. I'm sure the reporter appreciated it. I don't recall that his response was greeted by the reporter with an accusation that he was being unethical. Law enforcement and local reporters do strive to work together in the public interest.

I don't know that LE did hold on to personal belongings in this case. I'm pretty sure they do require proof of ownership before allowing someone to claim property used but possibly not owned by the deceased. It can take quite some time to probate an estate.

A reply of "no comment" isn't appropriate if the question has no legitimate basis. Apparently, Gore felt Bremner was planting her own version of facts with reporters and he wanted the reporter to know it. I'm sure the reporter appreciated it. I don't recall that his response was greeted by the reporter with an accusation that he was being unethical. Law enforcement and local reporters do strive to work together in the public interest.

I don't know that LE did hold on to personal belongings in this case. I'm pretty sure they do require proof of ownership before allowing someone to claim property used but possibly not owned by the deceased. It can take quite some time to probate an estate.


BBM - To be fair, we don't know who leaked the *advertiser censored* information. It could have been someone within SDSO planting facts. In my opinion, since the question was concerning the *advertiser censored* found on a computer, not an iPhone, I tend to believe it was Gore who was planting facts. Gore was asked a legitimate question, to be ethical he should have answered with no comment or not answered at all. Gore had the choice to ignore or make the question appear salacious. We can agree to disagree.

In the court document filed this past week there is a list of Rebecca's belonging the Zahau's have requested in their suit. As an example, one item listed is Rebecca's Samsung cellphone. I doubt the family needs to prove ownership of Rebecca's cellphone. Several items are identified in the suit as Rebecca's. Her camera, her video camera.

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