The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 26th June - Trial Day 11, Week 3

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I don't think this will go down well with the jury. He is a true narcissist, the penny dropped for me when I realized we had a case here in NZ where a narcissistic killer got up on the stand and spoke for FIVE days.
GBC could be this guys twin.
It backfired big time here and the guy became one of NZ's most loathed killers.
There was talk here of changing the laws so defendants are not allowed to get
up and blame the victim.
Jodi Arias was on the stand EIGHTEEN DAYS. I believe that's some kind of record.
A narcissist doesn't show care because they actually care - it's to look good to others. In his mind she owed him big time - plus interest - for things being not All About Gerard.

While GBC is now putting his sickly sweet spin on "Looking After Allison" if he just did a tenth of what he said, a narcissist would be brewing massive amounts of resentment and anger. Judging by his strong reluctance to do the 15 minute sessions, that resentment and anger was still bubbling away barely under the surface.
There was something really wrong with my Grandmother. She used to go on and on like that. They medicated her.
How awful was that? I think he's mad to boot.
Doc, agree with every thing you said....but please.....please...did you really have to mention auto refresh will send half of WS scurrying only a day after we found out about the refresh logo and F5?:floorlaugh:
hahaha yep.....that i did!!! hahahaha

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When Danny Boyle and Mr Fuller begin their deconstruction of Gerards Fairy Tale , there wont be a dry eye in the house. .. from helpless laughter..
I'm curious. Who was this?

Clayton Weatherston, he was a university lecturer, and stabbed his ex girlfriend to death in her bedroom upstairs, while her mum was downstairs unable to get in the room.
The victim was Sophie Elliot, her mum has now written a book, she said the five days he was able to get up on the stand and justify or blame her daughter were the worst five days of it all.
This must be the hardest part of the trial for the Dickies.
It was a fairly close environment being on a truck or a bus together, so there were social activities all the time… sometimes she was fully engaged and involved with everybody and other times she was completely withdrawn, complaining of headaches and that sort of thing,” he said.

“The worse thing of that withdrawal attitude or manifestation was, we were at a town in Potosi… Allison could not get out of bed… and she was just couldn’t get out of bed, just completely, not unresponsive, it wasn’t as though she was comatose, but she was curled up in bed and didn’t want to go anywhere.

“I said we should call the doctor and she said `no, she didn’t feel sick… I just don’t want to go out today’.”

Baden-Clay said he’d never seen his wife like that before.

“The next day she woke up normal more or less, as though nothing happened and I was delighted but also confused as to why that was,” he said.

“That sort of mood fluctuation continued throughout the trip.”

He said they stayed with friends in Quito and there was a day when his wife seemed well and a day when she did not.

Baden-Clay said his wife didn’t seem to know why she was feeling the way she was.

He said they went to the Galapagos Islands and his wife became very anxious again.

“She was just not great at certain times, at other times, she was fine,” he said.

Baden-Clay said they went to New York, then back to England where Ms Baden-Clay “crashed”.

“We took her to (a) hospital… and that was the first time we became aware of the possibility of the Lariam being a trigger for the episodes Allison had been having,” he said.

There's that word 'manifestation' again. Must be a family favourite.
he must have been the life and soul of the party at Rotary and Chamber of Commerce.. people must have been resigning left right and centre..

you couldn't put in a days work, and then cop that drivel at night..
After reading that lot, I don't think I have any words right now that won't get me tossed off the board for a loooong time.

So after following this case since the beginning, all the media reports, all the posts on this forum (thank you to everyone who has spent their time posting tweets and creating timelines etc, it's been a big effort from all posters) and due to time constraints, I don't post a lot but i read EVERYTHING and along with working in the legal area for many years and seeing many different clients in and out, and hearing many rather interesting stories along the way I thought I had seen and heard it all, but I think Mr Baden-Clay's efforts in the witness box today top the bloody lot.

I need a "shaking my head" emoticon!!

I don't want to say it, and I'm sorry to say it, but I'm not brave enough to bet my house on a guilty verdict at this stage
David Murray ‏@TheMurrayD 1m
9/11 terror attacks happened, Allison was not great #badenclay

I'm wondering whether GBC was scaring Allison, talking about disasters and so on? :twocents:

My thoughts exactly.
Such a whizz band, hot shot leader. Olivia told me to call police, Dad told me to get a lawyer. It's Toni's fault I said I'd be seperated July 1 because she just wouldn't quit nagging (but it was over with her in October 2011, except I was still giving her the impression that we had a future as well as giving Allison that impression too, but it,s not my fault, they both wanted me and who could blame them? I'm a real catch you know!), it's Allison's fault I had an affair... etc.

Priceless :floorlaugh:
Doc, agree with every thing you said....but please.....please...did you really have to mention auto refresh will send half of WS scurrying only a day after we found out about the refresh logo and F5?:floorlaugh:

OMG I don't know where to begin. I cannot believe he took the stand.
I too had to reschedule work commitments to cope with this development. Thank goodness for a day to catch up tomorrow - and prepare for Monday.
lifestyles of the rich and famous!
i dont understand why he was allowed to go on and on about himself like that, what was the point? hes up for murdering his wife, not applying for a job, why wasnt he talking about the night allison died and what his theory is, who killed her? surely if youve been imprisoned for two years for something you didnt do you would be anxious to finally clear your name!? where is all this self promotion leading?

Down the garden Path maybe?
He has just oversold himself dreadfully.

I wonder if he sold houses like this - no wonder sales was down.
I would have walked off hours ago and left him carry on about the protective rangehood cover, and the magical bidet, and how beautiful the laundry was, and how he just absolutely knew I would fall deeply in love with it as soon as I saw it because it was so huge.

Sorry - got carried away with some of his descriptive's he used today.
She fainted. She fainted. And I don’t know how else to describe it, she fainted. She felt very uncomfortable about driving anywhere so she stopped driving and basically from that moment on she didn’t drive at all,” he said.

“She was very, very nervous even as a passenger, so the longer the car journey, the more anxious she became. The longest journey that we did in the car in those years would have been to her mum and dad’s, Geoff and Priscilla, at Paradise Point and that was about an hour door-to-door and that really Allison’s limit.”

Baden-Clay said he would drive his wife around.

He said he did not tell anyone about his wife’s problem to protect her.

“She didn’t tell anybody because she didn’t want to be seen to be incapable,” he said.

The accused told the court his wife saw a doctor who thought his wife’s symptoms sounded like depression.

He said she may have been five months pregnant with their second child at the time.

Baden-Clay said the doctor referred Ms Baden-Clay to a psychiatrist called Tom George.

He said he drove his wife to the appointment, for more than six months and probably a year.

“I attended all of the initial ones and by that I mean for the first probably three months, after that I didn’t always sit in, often we brought, we had children, so I would look after the children,” he said.

Baden-Clay said that in the very first session Dr George went through a diagnostic process with his wife.

“He covered right back to childhood issues she had with anxiety that previously Allison had not spoken about those things,” he said.

I wouldn't even last five minutes in a car with him. She was a saint being able to go for an hour.
It's boring Gerard that was 10 years ago Alison lived another 10 years after that!! Alison did not die because she was depressed 10 years ago. Gerard does not believe that depression is anything so what is he saying Alison was depressed.
Well, Makara said a while ago that he'd take the stand. I didn't believe it -- didn't believe Byrne would let him
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