The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 30th June - Trial Day 12, Week 3

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I honestly don't believe he's trying to imply suicide. IMO he's just relaying his side of the story.

It might be true that he assisted Allison a lot like he says and that he looked after the children, too. This is only evidence of fatherhood, not being a miracle-worker.

However if he wants to be found not guilty he and his lawyer have to establish with as much force as possible that Allison was likely to commit suicide, and in order to do so he and his team have to forcibly ram home the suicide theory, showing that Allison was incapable of leading a normal day-to-day life. If I'm correct, his team must initially present an alternative theory (suicide) and then stick with this theory (I don't think they can change their defence argument part-way through... but I haven't looked up what the law is here in QLD for that. Maybe it's an American court-only rule, but I doubt it - otherwise courtrooms would turn into a circus?)

However I believe a lot of his testimony is contradictory - e.g. how could he be home every day at 5pm to help with the kids if he admitted he stayed late at work about 4 times a week to conduct his affair with Toni? That's why he's getting a lot of mudslinging in his direction - most of his statements don't add up.
Think we are going to need one hell of a big bus............lots of people being thrown under it!!!:floorlaugh:
Hang on, if she was basically off Zoloft and hadn't filled a prescription for a while then how could she have overdosed on it? Since she seemed to go to doctors when she was depressed she seemed to have good insight to how she was doing rather than pretending so if she thought she was coping fine then I'd believe that.

I know it's to be expected but I'm getting increasingly annoyed at his pity party attempts trying to be poor me. None of that is am excuse for murder and nothing he's saying is swinging to make suicide seen more likely to me. For starters, look at where she was found.
I wish this was televised. Then I think we would have a better chance of reading body language. I'm aware that no one here really agrees with me and that's okay, but maybe he is actually upset. Or maybe I'm naive.

I would like to know when he is answering the questions face on are the eyes looking to the right or left?
Mr BC you told Ms Mchugh you loved her and would be free by 1 July how is that breaking up with her?
Think we are going to need one hell of a big bus............lots of people being thrown under it!!!:floorlaugh:

so far, its 100% STRIKE rate, Sleuthy... NO one has escaped being thrown!!.. everybody , except Gerard , was snarky, clingy, demanding, useless, unproductive, draining, predatory, and above all, his debtors..

and isn't it amazing that he, poor Gerard, got stuck with two women who only wanted his body!!.... and his wife didn't!!... how's that for co incidence!!
The accused said his partners bought “flashy things” but told the jury he “did not want to cast aspersions”.

He said he bought a Lexus on a “whim” when Phil Broom bought one.

“They just were living it up, basically and Jocelyn’s key thing was jewellery, travel and clothes,” he said.

Baden-Clay said there was enough money being left in the business to pay the bills but not much reinvestment was happening.

:banghead: what is wrong with him, none of that is relevant although it's good to show what type of person he is making out he's a saint and everyone else is the sinner. Either he's saying those things to try to make him look good and doing the opposite or he's trying to take everyone else down with him.
Thanks Amee and Neuromancer - appreciated.

That blog, in a nutshell, makes lies out of almost everything he is saying in the witness box under oath.

I got the impression from that blog he wrote, that this was the first time he was faced with all the running of a household, and even then, he wasn't.. he says Olivia looked after the youngest.. the other 2 were in school. ..
The money hungry flashy slacker partners who drove Gerard to the wall must be counting their blessings today.
The boss here let one of the girls bring her son one day when childcare fell through at the last minute. It was quite disruptive.

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Similar experience here, with my adviser. I felt it was beyond inappropriate.

But she has, IMOO, boundary issues..."we are a lab family" (NOPE).
How have I never read this? It's just a direct contradiction to everything he has said! And all in his own words!

Alioop: Is there any way the prosecution can bring this up, even in a round about fashion eg 'has Allison even gone away and left you in charge of running the house?'

Note that this was written in Nov 2008, (affair with Toni got physical in August 2008). So this is the time span he's covering in court atm, when Allison was supposedly incapable due to depression...
How have I never read this? It's just a direct contradiction to everything he has said! And all in his own words!

Alioop: Is there any way the prosecution can bring this up, even in a round about fashion eg 'has Allison even gone away and left you in charge of running the house?'

The blog link was posted back in one of the very early threads then it went to media...
It might be true that he assisted Allison a lot like he says and that he looked after the children, too. This is only evidence of fatherhood, not being a miracle-worker.

However if he wants to be found not guilty he and his lawyer have to establish with as much force as possible that Allison was likely to commit suicide, and in order to do so he and his team have to forcibly ram home the suicide theory, showing that Allison was incapable of leading a normal day-to-day life. If I'm correct, his team must initially present an alternative theory (suicide) and then stick with this theory (I don't think they can change their defence argument part-way through... but I haven't looked up what the law is here in QLD for that. Maybe it's an American court-only rule, but I doubt it - otherwise courtrooms would turn into a circus?)

However I believe a lot of his testimony is contradictory - e.g. how could he be home every day at 5pm to help with the kids if he admitted he stayed late at work about 4 times a week to conduct his affair with Toni? That's why he's getting a lot of mudslinging in his direction - most of his statements don't add up.

It doesn't add up Bekazzled. GBC is exaggerating and extending time periods of Allison's depression.

It's like someone having a cold for a few days and when retelling story it was a nasty strain of influenza which needed a month's stay in hospital. :facepalm:

Tall tale tellers aren't murderer's, that is for sure. But GBC is on trial for murder and he's stringing himself along as a perfect human being, a SuperMan! An innocent man who was pushed to the brink! This doesn't make sense, so he snapped or he didn't? The funny thing that's what he's selling to me, he had 12 yrs of hell and he snapped! JMHO
Is anyone in the court room at the moment (not caught up) wondering how he's coming across where genuine and likely to get sympathy or arrogant NAND a bit bunging it on?
Mr BC you told Ms Mchugh you loved her and would be free by 1 July how is that breaking up with her?

This is what I was thinking... He is claiming on the stand that the 'relationship' was only physical with TM, well if that is the case, why are you telling her you love her and will be with her unconditionally?

Just shows how much he is willing to lie, if he is now telling the truth about his relationship with TM, he is willing to string to her along with false hope.

Or if what he is saying on the stand is lying about the TM relationship, and he does/did love her, and was going to be with her, then he was lying to Allison in the counselling saying he wants the marriage to work.

Either way, he is a lying liar who lies. :floorlaugh:
Thanks, in my nursing experience, I've never seen it prescribed PRN. I'm not doubting you just never experienced it in 25yrs of nursing :twocents:

I agree drsleuth. :seeya:

My understanding is that, as an SSRI, it has to build up in the bloodstream before the serotonin levels reach their normal range - and therefore before you experience the benefits of the drug.

Phil & Jocelyn were the smart ones here. Going into liquidation is exactly what should have happened.

Gerard thought he was smarter and liquidated his Wife instead. :banghead:
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