The Fund

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Exactly it has nothing to do with the mccann case whatsoever,youre right about that

As for the child murderer cipriano you keep supporting whose case was heard five times and thrown out, no court ruled that police beat her, only that she was beaten, there is no proof it was not her inmates, as for mr amaral signing off his police officers reports,hardly crime of the century,he wasnt there let alone involved in torture as you want people to believe with no substance whatsoever to this allegation and the laughable thing is that she made a confession in the presence of her lawyer, i guess her lawyer had nothing to say about her being beaten, fact is she made her confession the day before she was beaten, all very murky, and all irrelevant as it is distracting from the facts of the case under discussion,the mccanns actions behaviours and words, clever

How on earth can people honestly use the goings on in an entirely unrelated murder case, to somehow exonerate the McCann?

It remains one of the greatest mysteries in the world.

Let's just ignore Amaral for one minute. There, he's gone.

There remains the entire GNR, the PJ, the Portugese Home Department,
AND the British Police (and the dogs), who all developed evidence that the McCann is involved.

Are they going to accuse all of these individuals of fabricating evidence too?

No the courts rules she was betaen by unidentified police officers.

Exactly what evidence did they develop - the only evidence that it is claimed they helped with are the dogs and the FSS results. the dogs findings were unconfirmed and coudl have meant anything, and the FSS results were misunderstood by dimwit amaral who has less understanding of basic inheritance than a 16 year old, and was not in fact evidence against anyone. The Final report stated that the things they belived to be evidence did not pan out.

If anyone can provide evidence of any other "evidence" by all means link to it, but I do not think it exists.
i have linked to it severla times before, but go to the amnesty international 2012 report on torture
i have linked to it severla times before, but go to the amnesty international 2012 report on torture

amnesty report is irrelevant, the only relevant report is the direct ruling by the judge here, i would like to see his words saying she was beaten by unidentified POLICE officers
amnesty report is irrelevant, the only relevant report is the direct ruling by the judge here, i would like to see his words saying she was beaten by unidentified POLICE officers

I'm getting so tired of this, and I'm not sure why it's allowed.

Amaral could be Ghenghis Khan for all I care. It has exactly ZERO to do with Madeleine's case.


The allegations against Amaral posted here (over and over, on every thread) are inaccurate and unlinked, but they keep getting posted as fact regardless. Errors are pointed out with proof, yet it doesn't change...the false allegations and insinuations continue.

This adds nothing to the debate except a whole lot of frustration.


McCann supporters insist on dragging other people's various legal dramas into the equation as somehow "proof" that the McCann is innocent. I''ve even seen some things posted about Amaral's brother, for goodness sake. Where is the relevance?

Seriously...look at it much sense does this make?

Amaral hadn't even heard of the McCann until 4 May 2007...Madeleine vanished on the 3rd.

What on earth do Amaral's personal legal troubles have to do with Madeleine's disappearance? Can someone please explain, because I'm missing the point.

Unless of course it's to besmirch the entire PJ by association? He's bad, so they all must be?

I'm fairly sure that those posters in the UK don't want to see their own police forces' record of honesty trotted out, as it would make extremely dim reading...but more importantly, it would be completely and utterly irrelevant to Madeleine's disappearance, as is the PJ's.

To dismiss out of hand Amaral's 30 year reputation and (spotless) career before the McCanns came along, shows dangerous bias, and questionable motivation.

To continue supporting the McCann despite mountains of evidence pointing to their guilt, confirms that bias.


Well said sapphire, some kind of sense has gone out of the window for a while now to be replaced by desperate measures, its very boring at best and has done nothing to make any inroad to where madeleine mccann or her body may be

LOL @ ghengis khan
I'm getting so tired of this, and I'm not sure why it's allowed.

Amaral could be Ghenghis Khan for all I care. It has exactly ZERO to do with Madeleine's case.


The allegations against Amaral posted here (over and over, on every thread) are inaccurate and unlinked, but they keep getting posted as fact regardless. Errors are pointed out with proof, yet it doesn't change...the false allegations and insinuations continue.

This adds nothing to the debate except a whole lot of frustration.


McCann supporters insist on dragging other people's various legal dramas into the equation as somehow "proof" that the McCann is innocent. I''ve even seen some things posted about Amaral's brother, for goodness sake. Where is the relevance?

Seriously...look at it much sense does this make?

Amaral hadn't even heard of the McCann until 4 May 2007...Madeleine vanished on the 3rd.

What on earth do Amaral's personal legal troubles have to do with Madeleine's disappearance? Can someone please explain, because I'm missing the point.

Unless of course it's to besmirch the entire PJ by association? He's bad, so they all must be?

I'm fairly sure that those posters in the UK don't want to see their own police forces' record of honesty trotted out, as it would make extremely dim reading...but more importantly, it would be completely and utterly irrelevant to Madeleine's disappearance, as is the PJ's.

To dismiss out of hand Amaral's 30 year reputation and (spotless) career before the McCanns came along, shows dangerous bias, and questionable motivation.

To continue supporting the McCann despite mountains of evidence pointing to their guilt, confirms that bias.



It has everything to do with Madeleine's case in terms of showing his character. The fact he was willing to commit perjury in another missing child case brings into question what impact he could have had on Madeleine's case. The fact that he defrauded his brother just shows that he's not a very nice person.

And it is not against websleuth TOS to discuss this you see it on almost every case here.

The fact is we only have media to go on. One thing for sure is that he was convicted of covering up abuse. Why would he cover up abuse that happened elsewhere? What would be his reasons for doing so?

It's funny though because if any of the tapas 9 had ever been convicted of anything that would be pulled up all the time to show the kind of people they are.
It has everything to do with Madeleine's case in terms of showing his character. The fact he was willing to commit perjury in another missing child case brings into question what impact he could have had on Madeleine's case. The fact that he defrauded his brother just shows that he's not a very nice person.

And it is not against websleuth TOS to discuss this you see it on almost every case here.

The fact is we only have media to go on. One thing for sure is that he was convicted of covering up abuse. Why would he cover up abuse that happened elsewhere? What would be his reasons for doing so?

It's funny though because if any of the tapas 9 had ever been convicted of anything that would be pulled up all the time to show the kind of people they are.


If you were concerned about his character, you would know about his character - 30 years of incorruptibility.

As I have posted before, even if you take Amaral out of the equation, there is still the

British Police
The rest of the PJ (they have more detectives than Amaral, and he had bosses too)
The Portugese Home Office
The dogs

How about their collective characters?

It has everything to do with Madeleine's case in terms of showing his character. The fact he was willing to commit perjury in another missing child case brings into question what impact he could have had on Madeleine's case. The fact that he defrauded his brother just shows that he's not a very nice person.

And it is not against websleuth TOS to discuss this you see it on almost every case here.

The fact is we only have media to go on. One thing for sure is that he was convicted of covering up abuse. Why would he cover up abuse that happened elsewhere? What would be his reasons for doing so?

It's funny though because if any of the tapas 9 had ever been convicted of anything that would be pulled up all the time to show the kind of people they are.

Rubbish, being in debt is not a crime, having arguments withyour wife is not a crime, take one hundred policemen or any cross sextion of society and fins the same, so exactly HOW does this relate to the mccanns case? i will tell you, it means NOTHING at all unless u can provide evidence instead of malicious spiteful gossip speculation and
Has there ever been a case where one detective receives so much abuse and vicitmisation?

Never, I would say.

Anyone know where the mccanns have spent a million each year on yet?

Oh and why they are hiding their expenditure? When they say the fund is totally transparent, that is enough to raise red flags, they say one thing and do another

Their fund is NOT transparent, why not?

Why did they decide to stop the reward appeal?
Has there ever been a case where one detective receives so much abuse and vicitmisation?

Never, I would say.


never to this extent, ever

The suspicions of mr whicher maybe

kate mccanns wants the detective to be miserable and feel fear, very telling about someone who only wrote a book based on the case files, had their number it seems to generate so much hatred bile and revenge which is only backfiring double barrelled at every turn
LOL maybe he knows a bit too much about them.

Like Dave Edgar and his microexpressions...private detectives do sometimes detect things.
LOL maybe he knows a bit too much about them.

Like Dave Edgar and his microexpressions...private detectives do sometimes detect things.

oh dont they, and so do seasoned scotland yard murder squaddies.....
i would love to be a fly on the wall of all those 30 detectives reviewing the case and chatting in private, one thing they will NOT be saying is that cadaver dogs are so incredibly unreliable! And that changing your statements is normal
It's gone awfully quiet hasn't it?
That happens time to time when there is no news. in a cold case though there are always things to discuss if people bring them up.

I was reading some old threads here, one about the fund and a poll asking people if they had donated and I wanted to post on it but couldnt as it was closed. Someone made a post about how early the private limited company was set up after the disappearance, it was two weeks after, and that work would have gone on for a while before to establish it, which means days after, like thats a priority in the early days of an abduction, I think it was salem who posted it

The reason given for setting up a fund was because people were giving money and they had to have somewhere to put it......they set up the fund at a cost of hundreds of thousands of pounds, that alone nullifies most donations at the time, its totally crazy

i was going to say, when they launched the fund mid May the spokesman for it, gerrys brother who was chairman until he resigned couple years ago, came out at the time to say, the money could be handy when the police wrap up the investigation to get private investigators in, such foresight. Fact is they brought in private investigators long before police ended the investigation, and only a month after they were declared suspects
The company was registered at company house 11 days after Madeleine disappeared.

What is most interesting, apart from the clear desire to control the fund in a non-transparent manner, is that neither Gerry's Blog nor Kate's Diary reflect one word about the hard work and decision making that must have gone on.

Think of it - the first ever company you have ever created, and you don't mention one word about this momentous decision nor the slog required to see it through, even though you are blogging away about everything else including what you had for breakfast.

Does this make sense to anyone? Can those with undying faith in the McCann innocence, provide an explanation for this obviously deliberate ommission within Gerry and Kate's accounts of the days after Madeleine?
The company was registered at company house 11 days after Madeleine disappeared.

What is most interesting, apart from the clear desire to control the fund in a non-transparent manner, is that neither Gerry's Blog nor Kate's Diary reflect one word about the hard work and decision making that must have gone on.

Think of it - the first ever company you have ever created, and you don't mention one word about this momentous decision nor the slog required to see it through, even though you are blogging away about everything else including what you had for breakfast.

Does this make sense to anyone? Can those with undying faith in the McCann innocence, provide an explanation for this obviously deliberate ommission within Gerry and Kate's accounts of the days after Madeleine?

Gerry didnt start writing his blog till well after the fund was organised and launched but yes he decided to blog about what he had for breakfast and what time he got up, zzzzzzz

Kates diary? Please, you cant take that as proof of anything at all apart from the ramb,ings of a narcissistic deceiver IMO

The fund accounts are due in in 11 days time, they will be interesting
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