The Grand Jury & Trial

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Just checking back in after a long absence - very glad to hear the results of the trial! Convicted on all those counts - I don't think JRH is going to see the light of day anytime soon, if ever!

You mean indicted, right? Not convicted!!! I wish!

IMO any plea would include testifying against his wife as to her role.

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Or should.
I hope he doesn't plea and the jury finds him guilty. I also hope he spends life in prison with no parole instead of the death penalty. Death is an escape, life in prison is the misery he deserves.

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The next step will be to put Harris' case on Superior Court Judge Mary Staley's arraignment calendar, which should happen within three weeks, the prosecutor said. Motions will then be filed before the case goes to a trial calendar.

Given the district attorney's comments Thursday about whether anybody else will be charged in connection with the case, the attorney for Leanna Harris said he was surprised Reynolds was still contemplating charges.

"I am surprised that the district attorney is still contemplating after almost three months of reviewing the evidence whether or not to charge my client, if that is who he was referring to in his press conference," attorney Lawrence Zimmerman said.

"By now, I would think they would have been able to make a final decision and clear her from any wrongdoing."

Yes, Mr. Zimmerman, you would think that, wouldn't you? But they can't charge her with any type accessory to or conspiracy charges unless he was indicted on those charges, and you know that! Now that he has been handed a true won't be long til they come knocking to serve papers on poor little "victim" Leanna...
I expect the trial will be covered by national media because of the sensational aspects. 1) Cooper was so cute, 2) sexting a minor captures attention, 3) the death was horrible, and 4) a parent killed his own child. Also, perhaps media will hook on to the aspect that he was a church-goer gone wrong. Lots of sensation, though lacking an attractive defendant.


I hope he pleads soon and just goes away.

It definitely has the factors to be a huge trial. However, the coverage just doesn't seem "consistent" at all. It was getting huge publicity after the hearing for about a week or two. Then it was very quiet until yesterday. Yesterday, the indictment news was breaking news on all major news websites, but I don't see anyone besides local outlets talking about it today. For me, when I see the coverage it got yesterday, I think that yes, it will be a highly publicized trial, but when the media goes weeks without talking about it, then I start to think it won't be as big.
BBM - I didn't know we had seen his photos - but I am equally amazed that someone would admit being married and wanting to make connections on these type sites. So the potential women find that to be ok? Guess I'm just an old fuddy-duddy :)

I wouldn't assume, considering his slippery character, that he would be truthful and forthcoming about his martial status. Most married men who go on these sites aren't up front these sorts of things...could detract potential dates

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You mean indicted, right? Not convicted!!! I wish!

Or should.

Sorry I meant indicted, get confused with legal speak and the media accounts. One even said he was "charged" as if that was new news! Pretty sure he was charged a while back. But I'm not a lawyer. :)
I wouldn't assume, considering his slippery character, that he would be truthful and forthcoming about his martial status. Most married men who go on these sites aren't up front these sorts of things...could detract potential dates

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Oddly, most of his selfies show him withOUT his wedding band. Who knows why his page says he's married. Perhaps Leanna came across his profile and they had a fight about it!?

Oddly, most of his selfies show him withOUT his wedding band. Who knows why his page says he's married. Perhaps Leanna came across his profile and they had a fight about it!?

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Agree. It could be a slip on his part or he could say he was separated....many women have no probs dating a separated person if they aren't living together or paperwork is in the system starting the process.
I do not think Ross being honest about being married on those sites makes him less disgusting. He's MARRIED and looking to hook up! His being up front about his marital status is, IMO, designed to get the attention of specific types of female...those who prefer married men. Some women like competing with another woman--even without her knowledge--for a man's attention. Some like the idea of a fling with no strings attached. Those types are most interested in men who are married or in a long-term relationship.
It definitely has the factors to be a huge trial. However, the coverage just doesn't seem "consistent" at all. It was getting huge publicity after the hearing for about a week or two. Then it was very quiet until yesterday. Yesterday, the indictment news was breaking news on all major news websites, but I don't see anyone besides local outlets talking about it today. For me, when I see the coverage it got yesterday, I think that yes, it will be a highly publicized trial, but when the media goes weeks without talking about it, then I start to think it won't be as big.

I could be really wrong but I see there has been a definite effort to keep this on the down low for strategic reasons and MSM has been wise to keep that stance as well. That way snippy LH has no grounds for frivolous litigation PLUS it keeps LH & JRH off kilter which is great MOO

Once the trial begins then the gloves are off and MSM will rise to the occasion I believe. Who knows perhaps when trial starts there may be an additional person charged. I believe the element of surprise is in favor of CH and LE --
I do not think Ross being honest about being married on those sites makes him less disgusting. He's MARRIED and looking to hook up! His being up front about his marital status is, IMO, designed to get the attention of specific types of female...those who prefer married men. Some women like competing with another woman--even without her knowledge--for a man's attention. Some like the idea of a fling with no strings attached. Those types are most interested in men who are married or in a long-term relationship.

WORD. The guy is a sleazeball. He is also a pedophile AND possibly a murderer. Gross.
I do not think Ross being honest about being married on those sites makes him less disgusting. He's MARRIED and looking to hook up! His being up front about his marital status is, IMO, designed to get the attention of specific types of female...those who prefer married men. Some women like competing with another woman--even without her knowledge--for a man's attention. Some like the idea of a fling with no strings attached. Those types are most interested in men who are married or in a long-term relationship.


Oh gosh, I didn't mean that in any way!! I only brought it up because someone mentioned him using fake photos, which reminded me of his profile. I think he is scum, and I think the women he was sexting with all knew he was married.

Oh gosh, I didn't mean that in any way!! I only brought it up because someone mentioned him using fake photos, which reminded me of his profile. I think he is scum, and I think the women he was sexting with all knew he was married.

I wish I could call them women. They were teenagers. Minors.
Hi Lace,:welcome6: I think they will go for 2nd degree or 15~25, at any rate I don't expect life. He should get life!
I'm afraid if they go for DP..some people think it was not on purpose..By the way I agree with you :seeya:
Giudice said that based on how trial calendars are structured, and the amount of research the defense council for Harris will have to conduct, Harris' trial likely would not start until late next winter or early in the spring.

Giudice is a local defense attorney.
So at the earliest, we are looking at a Feb/Mar/Apr 2016 trial. A lot of high-profile trials seem to get delayed more than 1.5 years though.

I wonder if the defense will try to get the trial in the winter months, b/c of the possibility it could lessen the emotional impact? Jurors would not be coming into the courtroom everyday, getting out of their burning hot car. Could they argue w/ the judge that a summer trial is biased against their client? Or even doing any delay they can think of so it is not held when it is hot outside?

I also wonder what it is going to be like w/ the media coverage, screaming about "hot car dad" if it is held when it is cold outside? Will they back off the nickname for the case/JRH? Will it get less coverage if it happens in the winter v. summer? I am interested in seeing how much coverage developments this winter get and how many comments the articles get---does public interest take a dip?
Correct me if I'm wrong, and I most likely am, but isn't "next winter" this coming winter? This winter isn't even here yet so in my mind I'm thinking next is this.. :waitasec::crazy:
Correct me if I'm wrong, and I most likely am, but isn't "next winter" this coming winter? This winter isn't even here yet so in my mind I'm thinking next is this.. :waitasec::crazy:

I'd say it was, in fact, referring to "next winter" being the winter after this one, basing it on this quote "Giudice said that based on how trial calendars are structured, and the amount of research the defense council for Harris will have to conduct, Harris' trial likely would not start until late next winter or early in the spring." This winter would probably not provide the needed research time. Though what "research" they could do that would make him less guilty of these crimes is hard for me to imagine...

The wheels of justice do spin very slowly in the USA...
I thought Winter 2014-15 would be "this winter" and Winter 2015-2016 would be "next winter"? Unless Harris requests a speedy trial, I think a trial this winter would be impossible. That would only be about 6 months away. I don't think either side would be ready that soon. It took the prosecution about 3 months just to put together a less than 2-hour presentation of the case for the GJ.
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