The jonbenet Ramsey letter


Former Member
May 10, 2023
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Does this look and sound ridiculous and fake in your mind? Seems the writer was really trying hard to make it look like a random kidnapping took place. This should suggest one of the parents wrote this and no way some random person scribbled all this down somehow knowing the things about the fathers Job ext. Has phony misleading hoax written all over it. What are your thoughts? Thank you everyone.
Does this look and sound ridiculous and fake in your mind? Seems the writer was really trying hard to make it look like a random kidnapping took place. This should suggest one of the parents wrote this and no way some random person scribbled all this down somehow knowing the things about the fathers Job ext. Has phony misleading hoax written all over it. What are your thoughts? Thank you everyone.View attachment 427073

Sure, look how polite the prose is. "We respect your business", etc. "At this time we have your daughter". "Attache to the bank", when do Crims refer to a "case" as an attache, that is so Francophile?

Its staged to explain away JonBenet moving from her bedroom. It screams Patsy as the author, with her paragraphs and sentence structure.

Joe Crimbo would just phone, never mind leave a note and say "We have your daughter withdraw $18,000 from your bank, we will phone a delivery point tomorrow!"

If you're trying to sound intimidating, you wouldn't use the phrase "we are a small foreign faction"—that just makes you sound unimpressive and weak. On top of that, the fact that the writer knew the exact amount of money that John was to receive for his Christmas bonus is also suspect, indicating that it had to be somebody close to the family... But how would a "small foreign faction" know this, and moreover why would they take so many risks for such a meager amount of money? The more questions you ask, the more it doesn't add up.
If you're trying to sound intimidating, you wouldn't use the phrase "we are a small foreign faction"—that just makes you sound unimpressive and weak. On top of that, the fact that the writer knew the exact amount of money that John was to receive for his Christmas bonus is also suspect, indicating that it had to be somebody close to the family... But how would a "small foreign faction" know this, and moreover why would they take so many risks for such a meager amount of money? The more questions you ask, the more it doesn't add up.

If you're trying to sound intimidating, you wouldn't use the phrase "we are a small foreign faction"—that just makes you sound unimpressive and weak.
Yes, well observed.

Once you recognize its all fake, including the wine-cellar, all staged. You have to take a good look at the parents, who patently knew nothing about the pineapple snack, thus blowing up their version of events. So why would the parents stage themselves into a wine-cellar crime-scene complete with dna and clothing fibers?

There is no smoking gun so PDI is as good as JDI, but for me BDI explains away the majority of the evidence, revealing why the parents staged things they way they did.

If you're trying to sound intimidating, you wouldn't use the phrase "we are a small foreign faction"—that just makes you sound unimpressive and weak. On top of that, the fact that the writer knew the exact amount of money that John was to receive for his Christmas bonus is also suspect, indicating that it had to be somebody close to the family... But how would a "small foreign faction" know this, and moreover why would they take so many risks for such a meager amount of money? The more questions you ask, the more it doesn't add up.
It looks like a pathetic attempt to look legit.

Yes, well observed.

Once you recognize its all fake, including the wine-cellar, all staged. You have to take a good look at the parents, who patently knew nothing about the pineapple snack, thus blowing up their version of events. So why would the parents stage themselves into a wine-cellar crime-scene complete with dna and clothing fibers?

There is no smoking gun so PDI is as good as JDI, but for me BDI explains away the majority of the evidence, revealing why the parents staged things they way they did.

The letter was such a red flag with its wannabe criminal vibe. Such a phony attempt to appear real.
Sure, look how polite the prose is. "We respect your business", etc. "At this time we have your daughter". "Attache to the bank", when do Crims refer to a "case" as an attache, that is so Francophile?

Its staged to explain away JonBenet moving from her bedroom. It screams Patsy as the author, with her paragraphs and sentence structure.

Joe Crimbo would just phone, never mind leave a note and say "We have your daughter withdraw $18,000 from your bank, we will phone a delivery point tomorrow!"

As if they are providing a customer service kidnapping business
Does this look and sound ridiculous and fake in your mind? Seems the writer was really trying hard to make it look like a random kidnapping took place. This should suggest one of the parents wrote this and no way some random person scribbled all this down somehow knowing the things about the fathers Job ext. Has phony misleading hoax written all over it. What are your thoughts? Thank you everyone.View attachment 427073
Red flags abound. "Small" foreign faction to say we're going to be hard to identify rather than naming a large well one. Bonus money ransom amount. Notebook and pen conveniently and luckily available. Time to write a lengthy letter. Also, why claim she's kidnapped and demand ransom knowing she's feet away dead and probably easily and quickly found? Murder weapon belonged to Patsy. Murderers don't "hope" there's a weapon available. I have suspected the brother did it since day one and the parents covered it up to avoid him getting prison time. Maybe the Christmas holiday created some jealousy over gifts or more attention given to JB than there clearly already was.
While there's nothing funny about this awful crime, this did make me smile. It's also a very apt way of putting things.T
You really nailed it. They may as well said at the end to please give them a 1-10 on how satisfied they were with their experience? Or did they feel that their questions were fully covered and answered in the letter? Did they feel valued as a victim from 1-10? Finally would they recommend them to someone in the future why or why not? I say this out of frustration and anger that more wasn't done and to have justice. Total outrage and pains my heart truly.
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Not to mention that just one month before JB was murdered, the movie Ransom had just come out, in which a child is kidnapped and the following ransom is delivered to the parents:

"I want $2 million in fifties and hundreds. No consecutive serial numbers. No new bills. No marked bills. The money will fit into two Samsonite hard-shell suitcases... Do not involve the police or the FBI. If you do, I will kill him. Do not inform the media, or I will kill him. No tracking devices in the money or the cases, or I will kill him. You have 48 hours to get the money. I will contact you."

Sound familiar?

Also, the fact that the JB ransom letter opens with "Listen carefully!" suggests someone was dictating it to the writer, and it wasn't just someone lone person silently writing.

Not to mention that just one month before JB was murdered, the movie Ransom had just come out, in which a child is kidnapped and the following ransom is delivered to the parents:

"I want $2 million in fifties and hundreds. No consecutive serial numbers. No new bills. No marked bills. The money will fit into two Samsonite hard-shell suitcases... Do not involve the police or the FBI. If you do, I will kill him. Do not inform the media, or I will kill him. No tracking devices in the money or the cases, or I will kill him. You have 48 hours to get the money. I will contact you."

Sound familiar?

Also, the fact that the JB ransom letter opens with "Listen carefully!" suggests someone was dictating it to the writer, and it wasn't just someone lone person silently writing.

Interesting insights. I agree it appears inspired by a phony kidnapping movie. Has inside domestic job written all over it....literally. The one thing I do struggle with if thats true then what would possibly be a motive to do such a thing? That trips me up but i suspect it has everything to do with her being in the public eye as a beauty contestant.
Not to mention that just one month before JB was murdered, the movie Ransom had just come out, in which a child is kidnapped and the following ransom is delivered to the parents:

"I want $2 million in fifties and hundreds. No consecutive serial numbers. No new bills. No marked bills. The money will fit into two Samsonite hard-shell suitcases... Do not involve the police or the FBI. If you do, I will kill him. Do not inform the media, or I will kill him. No tracking devices in the money or the cases, or I will kill him. You have 48 hours to get the money. I will contact you."

Sound familiar?

Also, the fact that the JB ransom letter opens with "Listen carefully!" suggests someone was dictating it to the writer, and it wasn't just someone lone person silently writing.

I think someone got away with murder who has already passed away without saying the name I think you may guess.
Red flags abound. "Small" foreign faction to say we're going to be hard to identify rather than naming a large well one. Bonus money ransom amount. Notebook and pen conveniently and luckily available. Time to write a lengthy letter. Also, why claim she's kidnapped and demand ransom knowing she's feet away dead and probably easily and quickly found? Murder weapon belonged to Patsy. Murderers don't "hope" there's a weapon available. I have suspected the brother did it since day one and the parents covered it up to avoid him getting prison time. Maybe the Christmas holiday created some jealousy over gifts or more attention given to JB than there clearly already was.
They expect us to believe that this undercover Seal Team 6 like crew broke in there like a organized team and pulled this halfway job? It doesnt make sense.
Yeah I know what you mean.

I think the most gracious way I can put it is that I believe the answers to JB's murder have always been inside that house and nowhere else.
Can you imagined if the Ramseys had called 911 after finding Jonbenet themselves in the house dead at the very beginning in the morning WITHOUT the kidnapping story and the ransom note??? Where would the Ramseys be today....


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