The Trash Bag in Casey's Trunk

I honestly believe now that is all makes sense about the last searches coming to an abrupt halt. LE first told Tim, then they finally must have told Leonard. They know much more than they are telling the public and it involves the body. They must either know where it is, or have enough of it that it doesn't matter anymore. Either way I think that KC is TOAST!! I can't wait to hear what they know! I don't think Leonard is a liar and I don't think he would have given up his search had he not been told.

LP hasn't given up the search has he? I thought he's still collecting money and soliciting media deals with plans to search again next month.
I honestly believe now that is all makes sense about the last searches coming to an abrupt halt. LE first told Tim, then they finally must have told Leonard. They know much more than they are telling the public and it involves the body. They must either know where it is, or have enough of it that it doesn't matter anymore. Either way I think that KC is TOAST!! I can't wait to hear what they know! I don't think Leonard is a liar and I don't think he would have given up his search had he not been told.

I agree.
I don't doubt for a second this could very well be true and accurate. There certainly had to be a *real* bombshell for a jury to indict after only 30 minutes deliberation.

And I don't doubt for a second either that the A's would discount this news. I believe they have their own agenda and nothing will sway them.

ETA: I'd go so far as to say that if the A's know, it would make sense. They are bound and determined to save KC's butt.
Here's the problem i'm having with this. If this info was in fact true, then the A's would have to have been told. Am I correct in this? Why is JB continuing to hang the balance of his defense on the fact that they believe Caylee is alive? It's a precarious defense as is with what we know, if there is more, it's a ridiculous defense!!!

LE has told the As that they believe Caylee is deceased. The As choose not to believe LE. LE is under no obligation to share such evidence with them.
I honestly believe now that is all makes sense about the last searches coming to an abrupt halt. LE first told Tim, then they finally must have told Leonard. They know much more than they are telling the public and it involves the body. They must either know where it is, or have enough of it that it doesn't matter anymore. Either way I think that KC is TOAST!! I can't wait to hear what they know! I don't think Leonard is a liar and I don't think he would have given up his search had he not been told.
I agree. JMO.... LE knows her body is in the dump and impossible to find at this point.
LE has told the As that they believe Caylee is deceased. The As choose not to believe LE. LE is under no obligation to share such evidence with them.

They would have to tell Baez. I'm sure he'd tell them.
It seems logical that due to the excessive smell in the car there was a leak in the bag that created it. That means Caylee had decomposed to a great extent. There had to have been elements that LE testing will be able to confirm, more than the public has seen and heard. If Casey handled the decomposition it might have also created traces in other places in the car. Surely, she had a mess. There was a text to Amy where Casey said that sheneeded a vacation. Have to wonder about that.
LP stated this on NG weeks ago- LP claims the guy from the tow company took the bag out of KC's trunk when GA opened it, and threw the bag over the fence. Later that night the tow guy retrieved the bag and turned it over to LE. LP claims there was decomp on the outside of the bag. (Probably the trash bag from AL's apt.) (KC may have stolen AL's trash to try and make excuse for the stench in the trunk)
LE must have gotten results back.

The tow yard guy wasn't the one that retrieved the bag from the dumpster. At 6am the morning after it was tossed in the dumpster, tow yard guy went outside to get was gone. He called LE they told him they had retrieved it at around 2-2:30am that morning. If I'm not mistaken Yuri M. was the one that went and got the bag out of the dumpster.
Here's the problem i'm having with this. If this info was in fact true, then the A's would have to have been told. Am I correct in this? Why is JB continuing to hang the balance of his defense on the fact that they believe Caylee is alive? It's a precarious defense as is with what we know, if there is more, it's a ridiculous defense!!!

GA sat with the FBI the 1st of August and told them in his opinion the smell in the car was human decomposition.A few days later he did an interview right after visiting KC .He said that the smell was from pizza and people were doing experiments to see if it made the same awful smell. Then he went on to say they needed an 11 gallon trash bag and a bottle of arm and hammer detergeant in the bag to recreate the conditions.
So yes,either they are insane or they think we are all stupid.They keep saying there is NO EVIDENCE in the face of all LE's evidence.CA recently stated in an interview we should be looking for Caylee instead of worrying about a FEW LIES KC told LE
Now that's ridiculous.
My point is that the A's say things to the public they know are not true.
To the Anthonys though, a body is the only proof. In the back of my mind I am sure they have told LE that if they can't provide the body of Caylee, they don't want to hear anymore of it.
Too, Baez wouldn't give the Casey the letters her family wrote to her vise versa, why would he share with anyone other than Caylee what LE has told him? He's not in it for the Family, Only Casey!
They would have to tell Baez. I'm sure he'd tell them.

I don't think they have to tell Baez anything. I think they only have to provide 'discovery' and given that JB hasn't picked up certain items from LE and the fact that he has not called in experts to review evidence I would venture to say that JB may well know.

Additionally - JB perhaps would not tell the As - their constant tips and such feeds reasonable doubt which he needs plenty of to get his client off. Additionally - due to attorney/client privilege, he cannot tell anything specifically if it would affect the defense of his client or the ability for his client to get a fair trial.
I don't doubt this, but I do have a question about it. If they do in fact have her body, or absolute verification that Caylee is dead, why did they drop the DP? Just curious.
Could it be that something was found in the river and now Padilla and Mr.Grund are going to give Caylee a proper burial and good bye?


Here is the link to the NG show that this was discussed:

LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER: Well, I think -- I think what they`ve got is, they`ve got the bag that the gentleman at the yard threw over the fence, and then one of the detectives, God bless him, went over there that night and retrieved the bag. And they have found body evidence on the outside of the bag, which had pizza leftovers on the inside. And on the outside, there was maggots. And I think your Dr. Kobilinsky would tell you that maggots would not -- I don`t believe feed on pizza. But on the outside of the bag, there were maggots.

WILLIAMS: Well, apparently the CSI -- the crime scene investigators found this bag, and it apparently contains the bodily fluids of little Caylee, and it was initially found, of course, or was probably in the back end of -- in the trunk area of Casey`s car.
IIFC it was just tissue and fluids............the rest of the remains are out there begging to be found and buried.

Hey Turbo, agreed. they have enough to hang her, but that little body whatever shape it may be in, needs to be found and laid to rest with respect.
If LE found actual tissue samples from Caylee's decomposing body, there would have been no need to do the air sample tests.
There certainly had to be a *real* bombshell for a jury to indict after only 30 minutes deliberation.


Respectfully snipped

Not necessarily... my sister is involved in a case in which she had to testify in front of the grand was a cold case from 10 years ago. They really didn't have much forensic evidence, save suspicion and testimony, and the grand jury indicted. No body, nothing. It didn't take them long, either.

I think they easily could have gotten an indictment based on the info that had been made public.
Hey Turbo, agreed. they have enough to hang her, but that little body whatever shape it may be in, needs to be found and laid to rest with respect.

I agree with this.
To the Anthonys though, a body is the only proof. In the back of my mind I am sure they have told LE that if they can't provide the body of Caylee, they don't want to hear anymore of it.
Too, Baez wouldn't give the Casey the letters her family wrote to her vise versa, why would he share with anyone other than Caylee what LE has told him? He's not in it for the Family, Only Casey!

OT: If he holds on to the letters can they be supeoned as evidence ? They were written to others,not JB ,so it wouldn't be attorney /client privelage ,would it?
It seems logical that due to the excessive smell in the car there was a leak in the bag that created it. That means Caylee had decomposed to a great extent. There had to have been elements that LE testing will be able to confirm, more than the public has seen and heard. If Casey handled the decomposition it might have also created traces in other places in the car. Surely, she had a mess. There was a text to Amy where Casey said that sheneeded a vacation. Have to wonder about that.

If the stain is indeed from Caylee's body it is likely to be from what is know as "purge" which occurs around day two. Graphic warning: It is from the build up of bacteria in the body, mostly in the digestive track, once the pressure builds to a point that it must exit the body these fluids leak from all orifices but mostly via the rectum. That would likely be the basketball size stain, the fluids found to have leaked through the carpet and on to the spare tire cover, and the source of the continuing to worsen smell. It also makes sense with LE saying they can see the position her body was laying in and the dogs hitting to the corner of the trunk and the stain being in the middle.

I think the garbage bag that was in the trunk was carried down from Tony's apartment when Casey went down to the dumpster, checked to see if the timing was okay, popped the trunk, dropped the bag, moved whatever Caylee was in and moved her to the dumpster. She then closed the trunk and got the hell out of there.

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