"There's no escaping bizarre causes of death in Florida," says the Sun-Sentinel


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Mar 4, 2009
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There's no escaping bizarre causes of death in Florida. (sun-sentinel.com)
Welcome to Florida, where something's always trying to kill you.

The Sunshine State is the lightning-strike capital and the shark-bite capital. We have hurricanes, tornadoes, stealthy sinkholes, rabid raccoons, abandoned pythons, venomous spiders and, yes, even the sunshine can kill you (think melanoma).

But danger here is not limited to the visible.
Though there is no authoritative title for "most dangerous state," Dr. Kevin Sherin of the Florida Department of Health in Orange County does acknowledge a vast variety of Floridian dangers — particularly those associated with water, which we have in abundance.
much more at the link
They forgot to mention that it's a low-laying state, and will be inundated when the ice caps melt, so drowning is a problem, too.

You know, I've never wanted to go to Florida...and now I have excuses. ;)

Herding Cats
My brother,sister in law and niece just moved down to Florida.Bless my brother and my niece's heart.They absolutely hate it.They moved because my sister in law got a full time teaching job and she has family in Florida.

I have a feeling within a year they'll be back in Virginia.My brother has had to kill a couple of coral snakes and claims there are wild boars in the area.I have no plans to visit either.Something about Florida just turns me right off.
Deadly Ameoba in shallow water and herpes monkey's. Being born and raised in Florida I had heard the monkey story since I was a child and we always would swim with noseplugs in lakes because of the bacteria going to your brain.I moved 12 years ago partly because Florida is dangerous but beautiful.
I want to thank wfgodot for always bringing strange and interesting articles to websleuths.I look forward to your posts.
Deadly Ameoba in shallow water and herpes monkey's. Being born and raised in Florida I had heard the monkey story since I was a child and we always would swim with noseplugs in lakes because of the bacteria going to your brain.I moved 12 years ago partly because Florida is dangerous but beautiful.
I want to thank wfgodot for always bringing strange and interesting articles to websleuths.I look forward to your posts.
Thank you, cuffem. I enjoy it when people enjoy them. That's why I do 'em!
Thank you, cuffem. I enjoy it when people enjoy them. That's why I do 'em!

I'm pretty sure I read your threads more than any others.I never know what I am going to read.You're the prize in the cracker jacks!

And YES I still blame you for my addiction to dailydamnmail!
I'm pretty sure I read your threads more than any others.I never know what I am going to read.You're the prize in the cracker jacks!

And YES I still blame you for my addiction to dailydamnmail!
I'm glad. About the thread-reading, not the Daily Mail thing! I've managed to drop that rag near the bottom of my bookmarks but I still wind up checking it at least twice a day.
And dont forget the Stand your ground law and serial killers....sorry I couldnt help it!! LMAO!
Well I like Florida a lot, mainly the coastal areas. But I don't live there....only visit. I still wish I could be a snow bird.

What state doesn't have a lot of dangers? No state is perfect, I've lived in a lot of different states and each has it's own goods and bads.

In Missouri we have deadly snakes, poisonous spiders, dangerous wild animals like those stinkin' deer who loved to jump out in front of your car and try to kill you. Should you survive a deer crash attempt, deer can still get you as they help carry deadly diseases...like Lyme Disease.

You can drown in a lake, river or flash flood, be struck by lightening, killed by a tornado, die of heatstroke during the double digit high temperatures...that is if you survived freezing to death last winter. Oh yeah and ice storms are a real beatch and cause a lot of wrecks!

Then there is radon gas everywhere in Missouri...so even staying inside your house can be deadly. We also use a lot of natural gas so you can blow up if something goes terribly wrong.

Traffic can be quite deadly on a daily basis with the crowded down towns, highways and a lot of older streets have no shoulder with a steep drop off into a ravine or ditch.

Also we might have the mother of all earthquakes in the near future, with very little infrastructure prepared to deal with it and almost none of our homes or buildings. And oh heck sometimes the old buildings just fall down for no reason...except they are old buildings not up to code today.

Speaking of buildings not up to code we also have some of the worse bridges in the USA so bridges collapsing can kill you even if you survive summer heat, winter cold, storms, earthquakes, old buildings, traffic,crazy azzed car-jumping-in-front-of-deer, gas, and snakes.

Good post wfgodot....you do find some really interesting articles!
I spent a month in miami beach one week.... It was back when the macarena was in full swing. If that didnt kill me, nothing in florida ever will!
Us Floridians like to say to anyone that complains: "Yes, there's this big highway....you'll recognize it 'cause it has all these signs on it with "95" written everywhere.....and what you do is take that road north all the way, and yes-sir just keep on going, Ya'll......

I'm a snowbird, we leave pretty soon. Am always liking the change, even though we are on the gulf, nowhere near that busy 95. Too sceeeeerd to go over there ! -g
There is something about Florida that seperates it from other states,maybe it's the humidity. There is always something weird or interesting going on,when I moved to Raleigh it took awhile to get used to the boredom. I had to learn to relax,in florida you are always in "self preservation" mode. You feel like anything can happen at anytime.
Hey in MO dont forget we also have mosquitos and the people from Illinois

I live more to the Kansas people side...which my family has lived in. Kinda blended in west Mo, Kansas and MO.

The humidity here can be unbearable...with MO more humid than Florida.

Ohoh where do you snow bird?
ShowMe, I spend 6 mo. 30 miles south of Tallahassee, on the gulf. They are sure they are sometimes having terrible winters, but I bite my tongue. One time the pipes did freeze though. I love this god forsaken area, Tis just my speed.

I wish you could be a snowbird too.
My first experience with Florida - skinned my knees on the dock - just before entering the saltwater - ouch! Second time - 'Palmetto Bugs' - to Ohioans - HUGE cockroaches.

I will stay here - thank you.

My first experience with OHIO......yep, it snowed everyday from Halloween to Easter (some days harder, some days lighter but everyday nonetheless) and my car doors just locked up on their own from being so frozen.

I'll stay right here, thank you.

I moved to Florida from outside Philly. That was a scary place! I Love living in Florida. I scuba dive with sharks all the time. I've even done night time shark feeds. I go kayaking all the time and never have any problems. Florida's wilderness isn't for whimps...but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Well being a native born in the keys and raised in the south, what made me leave was the invasion of people from other states and other countries. I loved and miss the beach. Now because of all the condos going up and the sewer being pumped into the ocean, not to mention the thousands of people invading the beaches every day, I'll just look at the ocean on my computer screen.

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