This thread is for posters that believe Calee is still alive #4

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That maybe she has more than one baby? My 2 year old has about five or six!!!

My daughter has about 10 babies, all, or course, being her favorite.. Maybe she had more than one?

Look I'm all for hoping for the best and I read and read this thread looking for clues to run down


Everyone has stated she had 1 baby that was the baby she didn't go anywhere without and that she's had it since she was an infant
and that baby is in the Anthony home.

I want to believe but if this detail is wrong,then where are we left?

I believe TTT believes wholeheartedly and I want to also but if TTT states that she had the baby with her as evidenced by her statement and we know with 100% concrete info that the baby is not with her then we are left with more questions about TTT than answers.

While I appreciate ones willingness to put themselves out there I wish this poster had been run by Tricia to check out before being allowed to answer questions.
the later to the one that asked me about Why they discounted me.
Also...they don't want egg on their face.
Our sighting was even discredited before I could talk to them. (LE)
I talked to CA on the evening of the 22nd (July), in the evening, I told her I would call 1st thing in the morning...
THe next morning, I woke up with the News on and heard CA and JB saying about 6:30AM.
I didn't get a chance to call until 8AM when they said they would be "normal business hours" on the OCSO message the day before.
One of the stories I have posted was written on the 23rd and said they were optimistic about it. It's been downhill since. (I hadn't even given my recorded statement at that time.)

THey never have asked my husband anything!!! No phone calls whatsoever to him from LE.

Why haven't you contacted Casey Anthony's attorney?
TTT registered for websleuths just like everyone else..

Yes but not as a normal poster--she registered because she said she is the person from the docs and came here to answer questions about the case in an official capacity---What WS calls a guest speaker

As a security measure guest speakers are checked out by Tricia prior to them bein allowed to post to make sure that they are who they say they are and that the information they will provide is vital to the case and valid
As for the ID needed for children on planes. We have thought possibly that the lady had her on as a "lapchild". They do not require tickets as far as I was told, but do need ID.
Ask yourself....IF Caylee was kidnapped, why wouldn't they drive her in a car?
Why fly her and take the chance of her being seen, which they did.
Unless you have permission in writing from that parent to have her.
My 1st husband passed away. Up until that time, everytime I flew with my son, because now I'm remarried and have a dif name than him, I had to have a note from my ex stating I had his permission to fly him out of state, and now, I have to travel with his death certificate.

I asked the lady detective I spoke with that taped our recorded interview about this....her reply was, "Look, everyone that flies a child anywhere, whether with a ticket or not, has to have the name given so that IF that plane went down...they would need to identify everyone."
So...I'm assuming this lady had Caseys permission to fly this baby in writing.

Last time I flew was in June 2004, my daughter was 8(I know alot older than Caylee) But they did not ask for any type of ID for her. I am divorced and had no letter either. We were on Vaction and had to fly home for a death we boarded the plane both times with out showing any type of ID for myself or my daughter. So IMO Caylee could have flown anywhere with anyone in the USA. I am not sure about going to PR? Plus with all the mistruths that Casey has told I can not imagine her having a hard time making up a name for Caylee to fly under.
Yes but not as a normal poster--she registered because she said she is the person from the docs and came here to answer questions about the case in an official capacity---What WS calls a guest speaker

As a security measure guest speakers are checked out by Tricia prior to them bein allowed to post to make sure that they are who they say they are and that the information they will provide is vital to the case and valid

Oh, I didnt know that. I guess I just assumed she was cleared by mods..:)
Yes but not as a normal poster--she registered because she said she is the person from the docs and came here to answer questions about the case in an official capacity---What WS calls a guest speaker

As a security measure guest speakers are checked out by Tricia prior to them bein allowed to post to make sure that they are who they say they are and that the information they will provide is vital to the case and valid

I'm sure Tricia will do this. She may be unaware but Patty G is on and I believe she is a moderator? Am I correct Patty?

Anyway, no need to stir the pot.
Telling The Truth

Thank you so much for coming to this thread and speaking. I for one since day one have said Caylee is alive and needs to come home. I think that there are a lot of dirty cops everywhere. Maybe we need to check out some of the cops Casey was involved with.
Yes but not as a normal poster--she registered because she said she is the person from the docs and came here to answer questions about the case in an official capacity---What WS calls a guest speaker

As a security measure guest speakers are checked out by Tricia prior to them bein allowed to post to make sure that they are who they say they are and that the information they will provide is vital to the case and valid

I have PM'd Tricia regarding this.
Look I'm all for hoping for the best and I read and read this thread looking for clues to run down


Everyone has stated she had 1 baby that was the baby she didn't go anywhere without and that she's had it since she was an infant
and that baby is in the Anthony home.

I want to believe but if this detail is wrong,then where are we left?

Ok, is THIS baby the one that is in the picture in the car seat? I ask because that baby has clothes on and they don't look like they're removable. I need to look closer. If it's the same baby and it was clothed(in the carseat pics,)then I wonder if it is a different baby that TTT is talking about, since Cindy recognized the doll. Perhaps Caylee DID have more than one baby she played with, but the one they have at home is the favorite. This one, maybe she played with a lot as well and never left the clothes on it. Does that make sense? Kids DO have normally one favorite toy/doll/stuffed animal, but they also have others they also play with.

There is also the possiblity that Casey or the person who had her at the airport bought her a new baby to replace the old one when they realized it was left behind in the car. I've had to replace favorite toys when they've been lost.
I'm sure Tricia will do this. She may be unaware but Patty G is on and I believe she is a moderator? Am I correct Patty?

Anyway, no need to stir the pot.

I'm not stirring the pot--I just pointed out an inconsistency in the story then reminded everyone that TTT has not been checked out.

Like I said earlier I read this thread every day and run down clues/info given and if TTT has not been verified by Tricia then until she is then she is just a regular person and holds no valuable insight into the case.
I'm not stirring the pot--I just pointed out an inconsistency in the story then reminded everyone that TTT has not been checked out.

Like I said earlier I read this thread every day and run down clues/info given and if TTT has not been verified by Tricia then until she is then she is just a regular person and holds no valuable insight into the case.

I have alerted the Mods and/or Tricia to this situation. Hopefully they will get the message quickly.
I'm surprised that if you spoke with JB (your challenging question), he would have advised you not to post your findings all over the internet blogs.
I'm surprised that if you spoke with JB (your challenging question), he would have advised you not to post your findings all over the internet blogs.

Respectfully disagree - he'd want this information out there to help with any reasonable doubt and to have people calling OCSD and insisting they follow up on this.
Bottom line though - why is she still NOT TALKING?
Look I'm all for hoping for the best and I read and read this thread looking for clues to run down


Everyone has stated she had 1 baby that was the baby she didn't go anywhere without and that she's had it since she was an infant
and that baby is in the Anthony home.

I want to believe but if this detail is wrong,then where are we left?

I believe TTT believes wholeheartedly and I want to also but if TTT states that she had the baby with her as evidenced by her statement and we know with 100% concrete info that the baby is not with her then we are left with more questions about TTT than answers.

While I appreciate ones willingness to put themselves out there I wish this poster had been run by Tricia to check out before being allowed to answer questions.

I have read a lot of information on here and have seen nowhere that it said she only owned ONE baby doll. Seeing all of the other toys in her room and the numerous child yard items, it seems unlikely that they would only buy her one doll! In addition to that, one trip to Toys R Us or Target could easily replace most any doll with an exact duplicate. I had two of my son's favorite stuffed bear, and frequently packed the second one secretly in my suitcase on trips just in case the "real" one was lost somewhere. My other two children had "favorites" of stuffed animals but were both just fine if given a new or substitute one when that favorite was unavailable.
Remember the movie with Michelle Pfieffer (sp?) The Deep End of the Ocean I think its called, where someone kidnaps the child and then goes about life as if the child were her own, maybe Casey was in on this and gave her to someone else to "keep", and maybe Caylee would be better off with someone who wants to be a mom....
So what is a person to do when they believe they have seen Caylee and called the right people and get blown off ? Where do you go to have someone listen to you. TTT came here to post what she heard and saw. LE and FBI did not tell her not to talk about this. They had already made up their minds Caylee was dead and Casey did it. Boy that is rich. Maybe there is more to this than meets the eye. There were a few LE involved with Casey. Makes me wonder what is going on.
i am new here....can anyone tell me briefly if anything came out of that sighting at the mcdonalds?
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