This thread is for the posters that believe Caylee is still alive # 2

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Oy vey, come on.....stay on topic!!!!

This thread is for those that believe Caylee is alive to discuss/support one another.

Take the chloroform, death band on hairs...blah blah blah to the respective threads!

Please, I have 16 posts checked to delete, and I really want to delete the next 20 that deal with chloroform (sp?) but I hate to 'ruin' your us out peeps! Stay on topic! The research done is incredible, get on the thread relating!
"poor grandparents" continue to make this a circus, if they want to be treated like "poor grandparents" they need to act the part, when they allowed their daughter the murderer to come to their home they knew what the consequences were, when they come outside shove people, wave hammers, hide guns in their vehicle, I have a lot of thoughts but "poor grandparents" is not what comes to mind JMO

Sorry, if the media wasn't camped outside their door, there wouldn't be a circus period! They wouldn't even be out. These people can't even come out there door. These reporters don't care about Caylee, they want ratings.
Can anyone start a thread? Is their a support thread for Mr. and Mrs. Anthony?
Why not get as close to the facts as you can?

List the reasons why you think Caylee is alive..then what can be done to find her?

JMO, FWIW. :blowkiss:
Sorry, if the media wasn't camped outside their door, there wouldn't be a circus period! They wouldn't even be out. These people can't even come out there door. These reporters don't care about Caylee, they want ratings.

I completely agree!
I'm not sure what can be done to find her. If LE wants to try the case in the media then instead of leaking information they should actually put out whatever they have.
It is upsetting b/c a lot of people still aren't aware of this case and those who are, probably 95% or more (just a guess from what I've seen) think this baby is dead and that simply has NOT been proven.
I'm ready to post the posters in my area. I talk to people every day about this case and they haven't heard anything about it. It amazes me how they don't know. Very frustrating.
I'm ready to post the posters in my area. I talk to people every day about this case and they haven't heard anything about it. It amazes me how they don't know. Very frustrating.

My mom is aware of this case also. She spoke to my cousin in Indiana and she hadn't heard of it. Did TES call off the search? That is what I've read. I've heard that they are going to do a nation campaign though.
My mom is aware of this case also. She spoke to my cousin in Indiana and she hadn't heard of it. Did TES call off the search? That is what I've read. I've heard that they are going to do a nation campaign though.

They only called it off because of the wet ground I believe. At least that is the rumor.
It is upsetting b/c a lot of people still aren't aware of this case and those who are, probably 95% or more (just a guess from what I've seen) think this baby is dead and that simply has NOT been proven.

This is true. A lot of people do not know about the case. And a lot of those that do, say, "oh the little girl who's mother killed her -so she could party?"
Many people do not know that Caylee is still a missing person.
I'm ready to post the posters in my area. I talk to people every day about this case and they haven't heard anything about it. It amazes me how they don't know. Very frustrating.

Well, this is GOOD to know! That means that there ARE still people out there who haven't heard of this case! Meaning - CASEY CAN GET A FAIR TRIAL despite what Cindy, George and Casey's attorney's say.
This thread is about believing Caylee is alive; not how to judge and rant about the family.
Well, this is GOOD to know! That means that there ARE still people out there who haven't heard of this case! Meaning - CASEY CAN GET A FAIR TRIAL despite what Cindy, George and Casey's attorney's say.

I've talked to quite a few people in my area that haven't heard of it either. So, maybe in MO she could get one. I think FL is pretty saturated, unless you went to the panhandle area, maybe there it's not followed by as many ppeople, JMO
I don't understand why people want the grandparents arrested. What did they do? There is no proof except a couple of mis-statements which in my opinion is normal for this type of stress that they are under.

I feel the same. It seems like this is one huge witch-hunt. Welcome back to Salem. After watching the 20/20 videos and looking through their photo slide; I don't even know if I think Casey has an mental problems beyond compulsive behaviours of stealing and lying. What I mean is, I am not certain I buy into the "sociopath" theory.

What really worries me about this case... is that no one will ever find Caylee and this will end up like the Madeleine case. The Portugal LE found DNA/Blood etc.,. and closed the case saying the parents covered an accidental death... then, witnesses with videos come out with MM on them!!!

Someone shared the theory that Casey may have witnessed something in which her daughter was taken to keep quiet. could happen. I don't know what Casey's explanation is for why Z and S took Caylee. But, I pray it is true and she is alive and found unharmed.
Okay. We all agree the baby is alive or we wouldn't be here. Lets think of ways to find her. The one thing we know for sure is she was healthy and well on 6/15 at noon. Then what has been established beyond rumor and leaks?
OK I do believe Caylee is alive, and as Christine stated we should discuss ways to find her. I think it's not too much to suggest that the GP organize a trip to these places to look.

Ah, I misread your tone. As I took it, I thought you were saying that the family would be out searching themselves if they believed Caylee was alive. (meaning that they do not think she is.) I remember reading your posts in other threads which led me to believe you think Casey murdered her daughter.
If that is not the case, I am sorry.

This is the perfect thread to discuss ways to help find Caylee. :)
I feel the same. It seems like this is one huge witch-hunt. Welcome back to Salem. After watching the 20/20 videos and looking through their photo slide; I don't even know if I think Casey has an mental problems beyond compulsive behaviours of stealing and lying. What I mean is, I am not certain I buy into the "sociopath" theory.

What really worries me about this case... is that no one will ever find Caylee and this will end up like the Madeleine case. The Portugal LE found DNA/Blood etc.,. and closed the case saying the parents covered an accidental death... then, witnesses with videos come out with MM on them!!!

Someone shared the theory that Casey may have witnessed something in which her daughter was taken to keep quiet. could happen. I don't know what Casey's explanation is for why Z and S took Caylee. But, I pray it is true and she is alive and found unharmed.

I'm not sure on a theory yet, but this one keeps sticking with me for some reason. This is why she is quiet and won't talk because she is afraid they will do something to Caylee. That has been stated a few times by GP's "that she is afraid that someone will hurt her".
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