Thread Display: Posts Per Page?

I only had mine set to 50 since I visit wfgodot's youtube threads occasionally, and no browser I have can load more than 50 videos at once. So it sounds like instead of doubling the page loads, (my 50 setting: new 25 setting) for some of the members, it's 10x the page loads!
Does that not sound like turning off your car at every stop to "save" gas?
Or is it more like setting the clocks an hour to make the day longer?
Who's hairbrained idea was it to increase the server load? Is this correct? Increasing page loads reduces strain on server resources?
Who's hairbrained idea was it to increase the server load? Is this correct? Increasing page loads reduces strain on server resources?
You say it has increased the server load, I was unaware of that as all the stats point to that being a complete fabrication.

I never said nor would I say that increasing page views decreases server load. I am offended that some would think I am so narrow minded that I would even come to a conclusion as such.
increasing page views != increased server load
decreasing page views != increased server load
increasing page views != decreased server load
decreasing page views !=decreased server load

How much server load or mobile data does it save, when you come to check out your fav thread which has 20 new posts and you pull up 500 posts, come back an hour later rinse repeat?

There are some strong arguments here, there are some weak ones. My job is to look at the whole picture and to understand how it all relates. It has only ben a short time and I will continue to watch ALL of the metrics. I will not simplify it down to more page loads has to equal higher server load. So far all the stats put me at ease with the advice I gave. BTW, I think my first post mentioned having several reasons, not just server load.

Hairbrained? been called worse.
Oops. Didn't mean you personally, just the idea that having to connect more times..2x to 10x more, often with lag/delay in connecting to the page even before it can begin loading content has been the only thing noticeable from the user side.

I totally respect your contributions to the forum. Perhaps a bump up to 50 max now since the early stats are favorable.
Of course if there's a good reason to limit posts per page we'll have to adjust.
I recall too though that, back in the day, we were advised to increase our posts per page number (I increased to 100 posts) so pages would be quicker to load. Oh well!
(That was on the old forum though. I don't even know what that means, technically speaking. lol!)

Thankfully, all signatures remain blocked on the pages since the change to 25 posts per page.
I liked getting a glimpse of personalities but the extra became too distracting for me.
It takes me long enough just keeping up with the posts alone!
At 100 posts per page, approximately 1,000 posts per thread, the page number guide at the top fits nicely (without doubling up). Just saying!
I, too, like to have 200 posts to a page. I work in a huge brick building that makes cell service slow. It takes forever to load a page. That makes it harder to catch up. :(

I also agree with getting rid of signatures & moving gifs or avatars. Our name already appears at the top of our posts so no need for signatures.

I think a poll or vote would be a great idea.
Especially when it's a fast-moving, busy thread, like the Jodi Arias trial was in real time by tweet. It's much easier for me to scroll down one long page vs having to reload several tiny little pages. I do this on retail sites too. I'd much rather see 96 items displayed/page than 25 and have to constantly reload.
Well I know I had a moan about my data plan but actually this hasn't really affected that at all. I'd still rather have more posts per page just because it's easier to find things especially as linask says on the faster moving threads but I'm sure I'll get used to it eventually.
If a decision is made to up the amount of posts per page will someone let me know. I always miss announcements and thought I was losing it when I missed this one lol. I only found this thread because Tricia tweeted it, thanks Tricia.
More page hits = more ad revenue for Websleuths? :thinking:

:twocents: prefer more posts per page due to all the reasons folks have listed upthread. Grrrr just now I had to load 5 pages to figure out where I left off on a thread yesterday. Takes so much time to do such.
Grrrr just now I had to load 5 pages to figure out where I left off on a thread yesterday. Takes so much time to do such.

Let me help, just click on the blue arrow shown below. No need to remember, we keep track for you.

That takes one to last post posted, not first new unread post. Most of my subscribed threads are taking 2 or 3 page loads to find where I left off, since most the less than 100 post threads now are several page loads to see whats new.
Let me help, just click on the blue arrow shown below. No need to remember, we keep track for you.

View attachment 71047

Sorry Dave, I'm not getting what you are saying as to how to get to my last post on e.g. the Jodi threads which have over 175 since I last logged in...and to getting back to it. Not sure what you are suggesting. Can you explain to us old luddites please!

TIA! Any help is appreciated as navigation now .... well.. *(*&(*&

I really have NO idea what you are talking about or suggesting. And what is the screen shot you are trying to show?

I'm lost....
Try this again..

see the blue arrow on the left of some threads? if the text is not bold and does not have an arrow, that means there are no new posts since your last visit. If the text is bold with the arrow, click the arrow to go to where you left off.

Same goes if you use new posts. click the arrow on the left of the thread name.
Try this again..

see the blue arrow on the left of some threads? if the text is not bold and does not have an arrow, that means there are no new posts since your last visit. If the text is bold with the arrow, click the arrow to go to where you left off.
View attachment 71082

Same goes if you use new posts. click the arrow on the left of the thread name.

Thanks Dave for your time to show us how to get to last post. But that's NOT what I'm pointing out. It's to get to what I viewed last. Where I stopped viewing, which is my last "view first unread". See the first screen shot where it has such labelled. When I come into WS, I go to my subscribed pages and then open up perhaps 4 of the cases/threads I'm interested in. Some have the ability to go to my last viewed thread, and some don't. And when only 25 per page, on many I have to go back and refresh page after page after page to figure out where I last was viewing to catch up. Sorry I'm not making myself clear, and DO APPRECIATE you trying to understand what I'm asking!!!!!!

This shows one area...


This shows another..... which doesn't have the option to view "view first unread" (post)


and this a third... which DOES have the option to view "view first unread" (post)


This area, the arrow which you mention above to me is a "dead" arrow, it is not active. Is that because it needs to have adbobe flash activated to do such, which I only "allow" and is not always active?


NOTE: You mention blue arrows, but blue is to right, and green arrows (dead and non active) are on the left

Is my mistake coming in through "my subscription page" each time, and clicking on all and opening new tabs for all of them, and only the first I do that gives me the option to go to view "view first unread", and also, If and when I refresh, it doesn't take me to where I left off nor give me that option at the top?

If you have a suggestion on what is best for navigating when I come to WS and want to view 5 or more threads and open in new tabs to start out... I would really appreciate knowing how to have all go or be clickable to go to last viewing for any/all of them.

Ignore the first image I posted yesterday which show the blue arrow on the right, that was my mistake. I am aware that it goes to the most recent post.

When you mention the dead arrow, I assume you are discussing the green arrow which is only to show the threads that you have participated in. This has nothing to do with flash. I do have to bring up though that if you have javascript turned off or are using an , then all bets are off as to how the forum may perform for you. Yes, I am aware that people have been told to use for various reasons and that much of my advice contradicts what others have been saying for ages.

I took a look at subscribed threads as well as the "view last thread" at the top of the showthread pages. In both instances it works as it is supposed to and takes you to the first post added since your last visit. The subscription pages have the blue arrowon the left, while the actual thread pages have the text at the top(something I just never even noticed on vbulletin and I have run VB since they began).

Keep in mind one caveat. If you do not finish the thread and come back later, it will not be accurate. The software can not keep track of what your eyes actually see but instead the location of the last existing post when you left.
More page hits = more ad revenue for Websleuths? :thinking:
:twocents: prefer more posts per page due to all the reasons folks have listed upthread. Grrrr just now I had to load 5 pages to figure out where I left off on a thread yesterday. Takes so much time to do such.

One of my beefs is the dysfunctional 'thanks' button. When you have to refresh to get the button to function, it generates new ads at the top. That creates an untold amount of revenue in and of itself as well as when just the refresh button is used to see more posts. I liked WS better before the ads took over. Some of the ads are obnoxious.
This is just my own opinion.
I have the signatures disabled. I would love to be able to disable the animated avatars and so forth as well. They are distracting, IMO.

You say it has increased the server load, I was unaware of that as all the stats point to that being a complete fabrication.

I never said nor would I say that increasing page views decreases server load. I am offended that some would think I am so narrow minded that I would even come to a conclusion as such.
increasing page views != increased server load
decreasing page views != increased server load
increasing page views != decreased server load
decreasing page views !=decreased server load

How much server load or mobile data does it save, when you come to check out your fav thread which has 20 new posts and you pull up 500 posts, come back an hour later rinse repeat?

There are some strong arguments here, there are some weak ones. My job is to look at the whole picture and to understand how it all relates. It has only ben a short time and I will continue to watch ALL of the metrics. I will not simplify it down to more page loads has to equal higher server load. So far all the stats put me at ease with the advice I gave. BTW, I think my first post mentioned having several reasons, not just server load.

Hairbrained? been called worse.

Really wish they would consider allowing us 50 posts per page max. I had mine set to 100; really disliking 25! If I came here with my cell; it took me to where I left off; it did not load the rest of the page unless I scrolled back. I'm on a Blackberry; I don't know if Androids or Iphones are different.

I agree with others with animated avatars; would love to see those go. I don't doubt that they also tax the server too. There are also some sigs that bug the heck out of me but I can live with them because I can usually adjust the post to not see them; the animated avatars seem harder to hide. Really sucks we can't stop them like we used to be able to do.
Ive been wondering why i can no longer view 100 posts per page. Been looking for days to figure what happened any why I can no longer view more than 25 posts per page. It appears it is an issue as I just happened to catch this page recently updated. It takes inordinately long to keep reloading pages on my android kindle fire. Lots of spinning and pages take forever to load. So I bail out more often than not. May try to go back a few pages to read about this full issue rather than just the few posts on this load. But will probably as usual take forever to load, so probably not. Thanks for listening.
I'm now 30+ pages behind on the Jodi Arias sentencing thread in one day. It's overwhelming to catch up, so unless the 25 posts/page is changed, I just won't be as active on Websleuths. It's too much.( Not threatening or guilt tripping, just a fact...)

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