Tiger Woods finally speaks: 'I am deeply sorry'

Dark Knight

Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2004
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On the 84th day, Tiger Woods finally spoke. It had been something we all expected would happen before it did, but there he was, in front of a camera, speaking of transgressions and remorse and things that aren't related to the little white ball he so fantastically flies through the air.

Tiger gave us what appeared to be a previously outlined statement from his abundant PR team, and when he was done we were all left with the news that Tiger is very, very sorry for what he did.

I bet he is (just like all the rest..sorry he was caught; sorry he lost respect; sorry he lost endorsements). Was Elin with him?
i need linas to point out the violin emoticon for me.
I bet he is (just like all the rest..sorry he was caught; sorry he lost respect; sorry he lost endorsements). Was Elin with him?

No, he was alone at the podium. His mother was in the front row, however. He got choked up several times. It was sad to listen to and VERY surreal. Was he serious? Hard to say, but he sounded like it. Never know, though.
Well that was a joke. And to have Michael Jordan there was a joke to. LOL. Little to late there Tiger...
As far as I'm concerned the only apology Tiger needs to make is to his wife.
Get back to golf Tiger your fans miss you!
I hope he finally opened his eyes to the hurt he put on his family,friends and fans.
Its time to leave Tiger alone. He didn't do anything to hurt me, or my children. I can't believe that he not answering questions is such a big deal.
To be honest, right now I would rather see judges who allow these creepy sex offenders walk the streets answer questions about why they are giving the power to the fools to commit more crimes, kill more children and rip apart more families.
How embarrassing it must have been for this man to admit on national tv his mistakes. Most men wouldn't do it in the comfort of their own homes in front of their wives! I don't agree with his actions, but think this really is a matter now for he and his wife.
The sponsors really tick me off, he owes them what?
Gee whiz...so much is focused on with public figures these days! Why not go and find a truly hard working man to endorse? One who shows how hard it is to raise a family in this economy and not the ones who makes millions with every stroke?
By the way, most kids who look up to him, never looked up to him because of his beautiful blonde wife, they looked at his game and the way he played it..
thanks lol:boohoo:

Oh great. Now I'm going to be seeing that alot in your posts.:dance:

Steely Dan has a good thread going about celebrity and apologies in The Jury Room.
Tiger only allowed 2 pool cameras there, and the main camera went dead and so the second half of the statement was mostly of the back of his head, lol.
Im a big fan of Tiger's golfing ability, but as a person he lied and cheated, I believe he is only sorry for getting caught. I find it difficult to believe that he will ever recieve the respect and credibility that we once gave him.
Its time to leave Tiger alone. He didn't do anything to hurt me, or my children. I can't believe that he not answering questions is such a big deal.
To be honest, right now I would rather see judges who allow these creepy sex offenders walk the streets answer questions about why they are giving the power to the fools to commit more crimes, kill more children and rip apart more families.
How embarrassing it must have been for this man to admit on national tv his mistakes. Most men wouldn't do it in the comfort of their own homes in front of their wives! I don't agree with his actions, but think this really is a matter now for he and his wife.
The sponsors really tick me off, he owes them what?
Gee whiz...so much is focused on with public figures these days! Why not go and find a truly hard working man to endorse? One who shows how hard it is to raise a family in this economy and not the ones who makes millions with every stroke?
By the way, most kids who look up to him, never looked up to him because of his beautiful blonde wife, they looked at his game and the way he played it..

agree about the judges, but since no one bothers with checks and balances on them we'll never see it.
like it or not though, tiger is a role model for kids, and what he does, on and off the course, reflects on him.
Its time to leave Tiger alone. He didn't do anything to hurt me, or my children. I can't believe that he not answering questions is such a big deal.
To be honest, right now I would rather see judges who allow these creepy sex offenders walk the streets answer questions about why they are giving the power to the fools to commit more crimes, kill more children and rip apart more families.
How embarrassing it must have been for this man to admit on national tv his mistakes. Most men wouldn't do it in the comfort of their own homes in front of their wives! I don't agree with his actions, but think this really is a matter now for he and his wife.
The sponsors really tick me off, he owes them what?
Gee whiz...so much is focused on with public figures these days! Why not go and find a truly hard working man to endorse? One who shows how hard it is to raise a family in this economy and not the ones who makes millions with every stroke?
By the way, most kids who look up to him, never looked up to him because of his beautiful blonde wife, they looked at his game and the way he played it..

considering his sponsors pay him millions upon millions of dollars, i think he owes quite a bit to them, starting with abiding by the morality clause that is no doubt part of the contract. i don't fault his sponsors for dropping him, they don't owe him anything. i do agree that it's time to let them have some privacy. (as i comment on the story...lol) i don't think Tiger has learned a thing regarding not being able to have absolute total control of everything that is said, done around him re: PR. he just doesn't "get it" .... IMO only, of course.
Time will tell if Tiger was for real. Right now, I'm not convinced.
agree about the judges, but since no one bothers with checks and balances on them we'll never see it.
like it or not though, tiger is a role model for kids, and what he does, on and off the course, reflects on him.

If it wasn't for the public's need to know and the media's OVERwillingness to serve the public's needs, it would have remained a private matter, as it should have. I think it's none of our business and am sick of hearing about what Tiger Woods "owes" perfect strangers. I purposely missed his apology this morning because I don't feel he owes me one. I don't think his apology was important enough to interrupt regular progamming on network television. ESPN, maybe.

Since the story broke, I change the channel whenever they start harping on Tiger and his infidelities. I didn't even open the link at the beginning of this thread. I saw a man tearing him up on ESPN not 30 minutes ago because he felt the statement/apology wasn't sincere enough. I immediately changed the channel after a few choice words of my own, but WTH?? Was this guy serious? I'm sick to death of it. Leave the man alone, he made mistakes, he is human. Maybe if he wasn't under so much scrutiny he could get back to what is important, rebuilding his trust and relationship with, at least, his children and maybe his wife, if that's even possible. None of it is possible if he constantly has to keep answering for his actions to us, complete strangers.

I don't blame Elin if she never takes him back. He betrayed her, numerous times and with some really trashy girls. I wouldn't take him back, but the entire family deserves the respect of trying to heal their wounds in private and in their own time. He is a father to two young children, for crying out loud! I realize that he should have thought of these things before making these terribly damaging choices, but why is it any of our business? Why do we need to know everything about everyone? People are starving and uneducated and unhealthy at home and worldwide and this is what we interrupt programming for? I mean, c'mon. Tiger Woods doesn't owe me a damn thing. He owes his family and ONLY his family.

Sorry for the rant, everyone. I told myself I wasn't going to comment on anything about Tiger and his shortcomings, but I just couldn't take it anymore!! This has been gettin' on my nerves for the better part of three months now and today, I guess, was my snapping point. Mostly, because I think it's highly disrespectful to his wife and children. And, as always, it's JMO
disrespectful to his wife and kids?

im not the one who betrrayed them.
I don't give a spit about Tiger Woods or any other philandering celebrity, but I do wonder if someone who so easily betrays his loved ones by cheating would be willing to cheat on the course (or the field, or wherever, depending on the philanderer).
The point I was trying to make, kbl, is that he betrayed his family. He didn't betray us. I only used your post as a lead in to my thoughts and wasn't addressing only you. The fact that this can't remain a private family matter is what I feel is disprespectful to his wife and kids. I also acknowledged that he made terribly damaging choices that he should be held responsible for. I just don't feel his shortcomings need to clog up the airways when there are much more important and heartbreaking things going on in the world.

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