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Jul 19, 2011
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I have been trying to keep up with dates that are known before the shooting spree.

As a recap of what I have so far. Thanks to all the Websleuths members that posted and helped with the timeline and links. I did NOT find these items all by myself…..so thanks.
I checked and made sure all links worked this morning before posting. 8-13-2012
If anybody wants to add to this timeline (or correct the timeline) You are more than welcome to copy it, then add your own stuff.

2006 - Graduates Westview High in Carmel Valley - San Diego, Calif.
Summer 2006: summer internship at the Salk Institute in La Jolla. Calif.
Summer 2006: (This video at end of the Salk internship) The video shows Holmes at Miramar College in San Diego ... discussing "temporal illusions." Holmes had to make a presentation to his fellow interns about the work. A video, widely circulated online since the shooting
Dec 2006-June 2007: Holmes list on his resume that he was a lab assistant at UCR-Dept of Chemistry.

Misc. Times
He lived on campus from October 2007 to February 2008, and moved to an apartment at Iowa and University avenues until he graduated in 2010. He also had roommates during this time:
He was a lab assistant from Dec 2007 to Sept. 2009, Holmes said he did microscopic work with the muscle of mice, and neuro-mapping of the Zebra finch, and built slides of the hummingbird muscles at UCR in the departments of chemistry and cellular biology and neuroscience.

Summer 2008: He worked as a counselor at a camp for underprivileged kids , Camp Max Straus

Spring 2010 - Graduates w/ honors from Univ. of Calif. Riverside (UCR) with a Bachelor of Science degree in Neuroscience. Holmes was a member of several honors societies, including Phi Beta Kappa and Golden Key.
Spring 2010: Although Mr. Holmes graduated with the highest honors, he didn't attend commencement ceremonies, school officials said.
October 25, JH submitted his resume to The Univ. Of Illinois-Champaign campus. ( I used a lot of these dates on his resume to backup some of the dates on this timeline) He also paid $70 with a credit card for application fees. Also in the document dump from UIUC that they released, it also list that JH had applied to Iowa, Alabama, and Colorado (it was on the notebook paper that somebody was keeping during his visit to UIUC)

March 21: He was accepted into UNIV of Illinois by email, and on March 22, JH turned the offer down by email.
June 2011: He enrolled in the Ph.D. neuroscience program at the University of Colorado-Denver
October 2011: The only previous police record for Holmes is a speeding ticket
Dec 2011: Duong last saw Holmes in December when they met for dinner in Los Angeles and saw a movie together. His friend seemed fine, he told the newspaper.

April 2012 (OR April 2011) - Apartment application turned down. Instead Holmes ended up renting a different apartment in another building just a few hundred yards away. (Actually, It could have been April of 2011)
May 8 - presentation of RNA Biomarker paper (official not sure he actually did the report)
May 22 at Gander Mountain in Aurora, JH bought one of two Glocks.
May 28, six days after purchasing the Glock, Holmes purchased the shotgun used in the shootings from Bass Pro Shops in Denver
June 7, Holmes bought the AR-15 assault rifle rifle used in the attacks at a Gander Mountain store in Thornton, Colo
June 7, he took his test and failed
First 10 days of June....Univer. was warned.
June 10, he dropped out.
June 25..applied for a range membership.
July 1....pink hair and had scope installed.
July 2 -- ordered TacticalGear purchases with 2 day ups shipping
No Exact Date.. Match.com account. (The profile was created before early Friday morning, July 20, was all Match.com would confirm)
July 5...set up Adult Finders account.
July 6, Holmes returned to the Bass Pro Shops store in Denver and bought the other Glock pistol.
July 9, JH stopped by Zephyr Bar, where he talked with Virginia Rosetta Jones, a neighbor from across the street who would often see him at the bar. They shared a beer and chatted (this could be untrue, but there are several interviews with this person but there are also people that dispute this)
No Exact Date: Holmes bought a ticket to the midnight showing of Batman

July 19th-20 .... 11:30-1 am (estimate) ....Techno Music blaring from JH's apartment.
July 20, 2012: 12.05am MDT: Midnight showing of Dark Knight Rises started at the Century 16 movie theater in Aurora, Colorado.

GUNS: http://www.tmz.com/2012/07/20/james-holmes-colorado-shooting-guns-semi-automatic-weapon/
RANGE MEMBERSHIP: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/07/2...un-range-application-drew-red-flag-for-owner/
PINK HAIR AND SCOPE INSTALLED: http://www.9news.com/rss/story.aspx?storyid=278850
ADULT FINDERS WEB SITE SET UP: http://www.tmz.com/2012/07/21/james-holmes-colorado-shooting-sex-profile-website/
TECHO MUSIC BLARING: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti...th-Ledger.html
UNIV WARNED: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/wo...t-8001914.html
NOTEBOOK SENT: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/0...n_1731051.html
TATICAL GEAR: http://tacticalgear.com/news/colorado-shooting/
ENROLLED AT UOC :http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/0...n_1689794.html
SPEEDING TICKET: http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/201...ing-guns-dropping-out-of-graduate-school?lite
RNA: http://www.recordpub.com/news/article/5204839
GRADUATES HS: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/0...n_1688996.html
GRADUATES UOCAL: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/07/20...e-out-nowhere/
APT APP TURNED DOWN: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/jul/21/aurora-woman-holmes-apartment?INTCMP=SRCH
HIGH SCHOOL VIDEO: http://www.tmz.com/2012/07/22/colorado-shooting-james-holmes-video-high-school/
MATCH.COM: http://www.denverpost.com/theatersh...-shooting-holmes-match-profile-verified-cites
BOUGHT TICKET: http://www.denverpost.com/nationworld/ci_21120980/ap-source-suspect-bought-ticket-movie
SALK: http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Latest...pect-James-Holmes-was-an-unusually-bad-intern
CAMP: http://articles.latimes.com/2012/jul/24/nation/la-na-colorado-shooter-profile-20120724
DIDN’T ATTEND GRADUATION: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10000872396390443295404577543400613112424.html
JH’s FRIEND HAD DINNER WITH HIM: http://denver.cbslocal.com/2012/07/22/cu-investigating-suspect-james-holmes-deliveries/
TIMES HE LIVED ON CAMPUS AND OFF 2007-2010 AND LAB ASSISANT: http://www.pe.com/local-news/breaki...nraveling-the-mystery-of-shooting-suspect.ece
ENROLLED AT UCR: http://www.pe.com/local-news/local-...at-uc-riverside-holmes-led-enigmatic-life.ece
SHARED A BEER with Neighbor and had roommates in college:
Resume and Application to UNIV of Ill and EMAILS ( I got a lot of dates from this) : http://hosted.ap.org/specials/interactives/_documents/holmes_application.pdf
March 2012

March 2012:Holmes "had conversations with a classmate about wanting to kill people in March 2012, and that he would do so when his life was over," attorneys for the state wrote. The student wasn't identified.

That alleged conversation would have occurred at roughly the same time that police have said Holmes began receiving "a high volume of deliveries" at his home and at the university. Police haven't said what those packages contained, but they said he ordered thousands of rounds of ammunition on the Internet.

June 2012

June 2012:Prosecutors allege Holmes also made unspecified threats to a professor in June, the same month in which they say he failed his year-end final. University officials say he left the program after the exam

They didn't disclose any details about the threats then but did say that professors had sought to keep Holmes out of their labs and that "professors urged that he find another line of business."

In 2011, the University of Iowa rejected Holmes' graduate application, with one official saying "Do NOT offer admissions under any circumstances," according to documents obtained by CNN.

James Holmes called a University of Colorado switchboard nine minutes before he allegedly opened fire at a movie theater in a Denver suburb on July 20, public defender Tamara Brady said in court Thursday.


The PDF of JH's IOWA application: http://extras.mnginteractive.com/li...30_075103_James Holmes records (redacted).pdf

It was a padded envelope, a U.S. postal inspector testified. It was purchased, along with a sheet of Forever stamps, on July 12 at the Fletcher Post Office in Aurora. It was dropped in the mail sometime after the last pickup July 19 and scanned through at the main Denver processing center on July 21, during which pictures were taken of its front and back, as is the case with every envelope processed there.

It was delivered July 23 to the Anschutz Medical Campus.

Do we know what JH did for the 2010-2011 school year besides submitting applications for doctoral programs? I know this thread is not supposed to be a discussion, but it seems like the best place for this question.
Do we know what JH did for the 2010-2011 school year besides submitting applications for doctoral programs? I know this thread is not supposed to be a discussion, but it seems like the best place for this question.

Might that have been the time he made that very impressive accomplishment of pushing the number on the register corresponding to the extra value meal and drink a customers ordered at the golden arches?
Texas A&M (Also, at this link it list the teachers that gave JH's his recommendations"

The committee was very impressed with your application and would like to invite you for a visit," said Jim Grau, chair of the Texas A&M Institute for Neuroscience in an e-mail to Holmes. "Our recruiting day is scheduled for Monday, March 7th. There will be a reception on the evening of March 6th, followed by tours and interview the next day. You will be free to depart Monday evening or the following morning. We will be arranging your hotel accommodations."

Holmes turned down the offer on March 1, saying "I will be pursing other interests."
One professor Ursula Winzer-Serhan wrote: "Too bad, We should have acted on him sooner."

Post that user February made in another thread.


You can see from this link stories on JH before the crime.

Some interesting info 0n that link

1. In May, he showed another student a Glock semiautomatic pistol, saying he had bought it “for protection.”

2. “What struck me was that he was kind of nonchalant,” the woman recalled. “He just seemed too cool to be there. He kicked back in his chair and seemed very relaxed in a very stressful situation.”

3. Other students said Mr. Holmes did his rotations in the laboratories of Achim Klug, who studies the auditory system; Mark Dell’Acqua, who does basic research on synaptic signaling; and Dr. Curt Freed, whose work focuses on messenger chemicals in the brain and stem cell transplants in patients with Parkinson’s disease.

4. In the spring, just months before the shooting, Mr. Holmes turned in a midterm essay that a professor said was “spectacular,” written almost at the level of a professional in the field.

5. On several occasions, he was spotted in the company of two other students, one male, one female. Did he date? No one seemed sure. Mostly, he was alone.

6. On May 17, he gave his final laboratory presentation on dopamine precursors. The talks typically ran 15 minutes or so, but this time, Mr. Holmes spoke for only half that time. And while in earlier presentations he had made an attempt to entertain, this time he spoke flatly, as if he wanted only to be done with it.

7. “Jimmy James from neuroscience,” he replied.

8. Mr. Holmes took his oral exam on June 7. The graduate student sent him a message the next day, asking how it had gone. Not well, he replied, “and I am going to quit.” “Are you kidding me?” she asked. “No, I am just being James,” he said

9. A few weeks later, another student recalled, Cammie Kennedy, the neuroscience program administrator, accompanied the students to Cedar Creek Pub on campus to celebrate the completion of the first year. All the students except Mr. Holmes attended. As the group drank beers and waxed nostalgic, Ms. Kennedy suddenly grew serious. “I want to let you guys know that James has quit the program,” a student remembered her saying. “He wrote us an e-mail. He didn’t say why. That’s all I can really say.”

10. In early July, the woman who conducted the text exchange with Mr. Holmes sent him a message to ask if he had left town yet. No, he wrote back, he still had two months remaining on his lease.

11. At a meeting held at Dr. Ribera’s house, a student said, Barry Shur, the dean of the graduate school, said Mr. Holmes had been seeing a psychiatrist.

Dates were BBM. Thanks February.
Access Logs
Does this mean May 3, 2012 was his last day visiting parts of campus requiring his security card?



CU releases documents about James Holmes, lists the kinds of documents they won't release

The access records show several times that Holmes' card was "rejected" from entering certain areas. CU spokeswoman Jacque Montgomery said she couldn't confirm at this time what areas Holmes was not allowed to access.

Asked about an entry on June 15 labeled "RTND STU BDG," Montgomery clarified that it means "returned student badge." The process, she continued, includes deactivating the badge after it is returned.

Previously, CU told 7NEWS that Holmes' card was deactivated on June 12.

"It was stated in good faith," Montgomery said, but she also promised to review the information.
June 29, July 5 and July 11 show various interior and exterior images of the movie theater, including doorways, hallways and sidewalks.

July 5
shows Holmes with orange-dyed hair and dressed in black combat gear with an assault-like rifle being carried from his shoulder.

July 12. infamous orange-dyed hair flaring out from beneath a black skull cap. His eye color is darkened by black contact lenses, and he is grinning with his tongue sticking out.

July 19, he is posing with parts of homemade bombs he allegedly built. A final photo from July 19 shows an arsenal of guns and black tactical clothing sprawled across a red sheet on his bed. ....between 4:12 p.m. and 8:27 p.m according to: http://www.latimes.com/news/nation/...ial-theater-shooting-20130109,0,4101859.story


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