I believe Clint and the problems with his story are not necesarrily based on what he says but how its been chopped up, bastardized, redacted, etc. in the press and by LE. Even in the couple of more recent family interviews he was not allowed to just speak. I noticed on JVM, that due to time constraints, she asked roughly related, sequential questions to lead him along. This resulted in specific answers, sometimes just a yes or no.
For example, if he were allowed to recount what happened, start to finish, on his own, he might very well have said well, "I walked into X room and opened Y door and looked into Z and saw..." but instead JVM would just ask "did you see Holly?" and he would say "yes"...
And we really have no reason not to believe him. After all, without his even vague statements and minimal detail, we would know absolutely nothing.