TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #26

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The biggest hope I see coming out of Clint's recollection now is if he could remember somewhere he's seen or maybe even heard the abductor before, like Elizabeth Smart's sister did.

I think this a good idea. But, Clint has already done this. He said he saw Holly walking with her boyfriend. He was told he was wrong.

The trouble with stuff off of sensationalized blogs is they dont give all the facts straight.

This guy is not considered a subject and is not considered to be involved with Holly's disappearance.

At the time Holly vanished, LE did a check on RSO's in the general vicinity. Turns out this guy had not been seen for something like 4 years. He did not live particularly close to Holly anyway, but LE tracked him down mostly because he was unaccounted for.

He does not match the physical description of the suspect either.

"Investigators said they have no reason to believe he has any connection to Bobo's disappearance."

"Authorities previously said they do not have any evidence linking Wall to the Bobo case but none-the-less want to talk to him."
I'm sorry, R.U. I'm still not sure what you meant by:

[If you mean that Clint's entire recounting of the events leading up to his sister's abduction, or any part thereof, did not happen, and that he is lying, then no, I do not, and have never, thought that for a second.]

Yes , BeanE, that is exactly what I meant. Although, not the "he's lying" part, as if he were just trying to insert himself into the investigation.

I too believe there is quite a lot of trauma tied into his account. However ,since you have made it clear this is not the general consensus, I'm good. Thanks for your response.
Yes , BeanE, that is exactly what I meant. Although, not the "he's lying" part, as if he were just trying to insert himself into the investigation.

I too believe there is quite a lot of trauma tied into his account. However ,since you have made it clear this is not the general consensus, I'm good. Thanks for your response.

It was what I think. I can't, and didn't, speak for anyone else.
I believe Clint and the problems with his story are not necesarrily based on what he says but how its been chopped up, bastardized, redacted, etc. in the press and by LE. Even in the couple of more recent family interviews he was not allowed to just speak. I noticed on JVM, that due to time constraints, she asked roughly related, sequential questions to lead him along. This resulted in specific answers, sometimes just a yes or no.

For example, if he were allowed to recount what happened, start to finish, on his own, he might very well have said well, "I walked into X room and opened Y door and looked into Z and saw..." but instead JVM would just ask "did you see Holly?" and he would say "yes"...

And we really have no reason not to believe him. After all, without his even vague statements and minimal detail, we would know absolutely nothing.
If these shows....nancy grace, jvm, would put the same energy into finding holly and lauren spierers as they do casey anthony and warren jeffs, we could make some headway!
I believe Clint and the problems with his story are not necesarrily based on what he says but how its been chopped up, bastardized, redacted, etc. in the press and by LE. Even in the couple of more recent family interviews he was not allowed to just speak. I noticed on JVM, that due to time constraints, she asked roughly related, sequential questions to lead him along. This resulted in specific answers, sometimes just a yes or no.

For example, if he were allowed to recount what happened, start to finish, on his own, he might very well have said well, "I walked into X room and opened Y door and looked into Z and saw..." but instead JVM would just ask "did you see Holly?" and he would say "yes"...

And we really have no reason not to believe him. After all, without his even vague statements and minimal detail, we would know absolutely nothing.

I agree with your opinion regarding time restraints on shows like NG and JVM but I truly believe they (the family) could only say so much without interfering with LE and their investigation. For example, I wonder if Dana Bobo saying it was Holly's blood was something he should have or should not have said. IDK He said it and it's too late to redact it. There must be a reason LE did not release the info. I realize the frustration but then again, we have to remember the consequences some of the statements may have at a trial, if and when that happens.

Notice the other interviews. Nothing new or different was said in those other interviews. It was an almost exact replica of what was said on JVM.:twocents:
If these shows....nancy grace, jvm, would put the same energy into finding holly and lauren spierers as they do casey anthony and warren jeffs, we could make some headway!
Amen!!!!! The thanks button was just so not enough for this post. Thank you!!!
Thank the Lord for a page without blown margins!

It takes so little to please me....
Tonight at 9 PM ET, I'll be discussing the Holly Bobo case on my show with prosecutor Donna Pendergast.

Here is the link to listen:
My theory hasn't changed much since the beginning. I still think that this is someone known to Holly...maybe not well-known by her but known. I believe he was obsessed with Holly or had something against her. Maybe she had rejected him...or he felt that she had. I think there is a good chance she is still alive but that could be wishful thinking. I so desperately want to believe it.

I would love to see a profile of this unsub.

Holly, we miss you....where are you? We want you home....

Turkey on top of someone's carport or garage.



catching up and couldn't pass this by....good one, BeanE!!
Levi Page interview with the homicide prosecutor is interesting

"we are talking real tennesee here..."

Somewhat critical, suspicious over some of Clint's statements. Says there is evidence that he DID say she was dragged into the woods and then recanted.
First time I hear Wall was extradited to TN. Prosecutor guest says there must be a reason he is being extradited. They don't extradite just for questioning. :waitasec:

I still don't think Wall is the guy. Don't child molestors usually stick to the same MO? They don't go from a chid to a 20 year old. :twocents:
Levi says drugs were a problem in the area where Holly lived....the problems were discovered by LE while investigating Bobo case.
I thought the RSO was in trouble for leaving the state/no registering kind of thing...they could bring him back for that, couldn't they?
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