TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #31

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I wonder if Holly owned a laptop computer. She was a student so it’s very possible she had one and maybe this was one of the items she had on her person when she went missing. Remember around Easter, 2011 there was an item of Holly’s found. I believe that is when LE made the statement that they were “one clue away" from solving Holly’s disappearance. Do you think maybe they found a laptop?

Also, this particular item that was found during Easter time, do you know if this item was found based on a tip?


You make a very good point. Schools and Universities use their websites for everything from posting grades to the study syllabus. More to the point if it
were a laptop that was found ...had the hard drive been removed? Perhaps that one clue was elusive because the laptop was rendered useless for forensic examination. I hope they have searched for any and all memory sticks Holly might have data stored.

I have been reading different MSN accounts of HB disappearance. I am
proceeding day by day... I am struck by how closed minded and myopic this case has been reported since the moment Holly was reported missing.MOO
I'm not sure it would make any difference now (to Holly, I mean, or to finding her) if we all of a sudden had a complete explanation about everything that happened that day, at the exact time, might make things more clear as to what went wrong, or what should have happened but didn't, but I don't think it would lead to her in any way. This is assuming, of course, that Drew's calls were from where we have been told (many miles away). JMO
I hope I'm allowed to post this here, it is the twitter account supposedly belonging to a girl who is under TC's "record label".

I read through her tweets from the beginning and I find a lot of them to be VERY interesting... I hope I'm not the only one who finds this weird.

I really hope something breaks soon in Holly's case, and I'm getting a feeling that between TC and the new RSO we may see this much needed movement soon!
If TC is involved why in the world would he drive to TN and kidnap Holly in front of her home? Sorry it makes no sense to me. There are other ways of luring young women if music or modelling is their goal, imo. He could've told her to meet him at a hotel, bar or wherever. Not her house.

I don't think the RSO is involved in this case and if he is, I'll eat crow.
They have three registered sex offenders who were mentioned as being involved in the case by the media and it turns out none are.
I'm not sure it would make any difference now (to Holly, I mean, or to finding her) if we all of a sudden had a complete explanation about everything that happened that day, at the exact time, might make things more clear as to what went wrong, or what should have happened but didn't, but I don't think it would lead to her in any way. This is assuming, of course, that Drew's calls were from where we have been told (many miles away). JMO
I believe this post skirts right around one of the main issues that has plagued this case, not so much what was or was not done, but why it is was or was not done. I think most people would agree that there seems to be a higher level of secrecy and misinformation in this case than we see in many others. IMO that is the reason why this case receives the attention it does, and sadly most of it negative attention, but almost a year later this thread still has daily activity. I would 100% agree with you that, at the current time, if more information was given to the public, it would not help the chances of finding HB (it may help CB or DS if they are actually cleared, but this isn't a priority for this LE it seems.) LE seems to have felt the same about sharing info a few minutes into this case, but that does not mean they were or are still correct in that thinking.
People in general are concerned and inquisitive by nature and that is why a stranger to the situation may follow this case. People forgive mistakes all the time, but the one thing people usually do not forgive is a cover-up (to knowingly conceal evidence or information after the fact.) Much of the work that LE does is a "cover-up" because they want to gain information without giving any away. The problem I see with the LE involved here is that they have actually showed they are covering up info, such as spokesmen and investigators giving conflicting information more than once, not giving status updates, trying to discourage people from searching on their own, saying HB never left west TN but not actively searching for her. My analogy here would be a starving person asking if you have any food, and you tell them you do not but they can see you have a granola bar in your pocket. Would you be surprised if this starving person reaches into your pocket? Then add this into the mix of CB already confusing accounts of that morning and what are people left to assume?
IMO this aspect has allowed tons of crazy to seep into this case and apparently into the investigation. It is usually the safer approach to give clear and concise information without going into much detail as oppose to giving many small details without giving a clear and concise overview.
I think it's safe to assume at this point that there is something in CB eyewitness account that LE did not want getting out, hence all the changing stories and comments made by LE and the Bobo's, examples could include KB comment that we do not know the whole story and also the sheriff quoted as saying that 911 was called at 7:29 and then in the most recent article, CB isn't even awake until 7:50. Also, ask yourself why did LE ask the community to look for people behaving suspiciously, but only tell them the person their looking for was wearing camo clothing when the abduction occurred. Why did LE state that by Easter the search would expand if no new leads turned up, then on Easter the "possibly significant find" happens and then LE shuts down public searches and then starts making cryptic comments like they were closing in on the abductor? At this point in time, it does beg the question as to why the information that was released is out there to begin with and why did LE make the statements like they had solid information to work from and almost a year later have nothing to show for it except searching the home of some wierdo in Ohio to see what is on his computer and the mention a few SO from the area who were supposedly checked out, one who was stalking young women and was found on a traffic stop (said to have no connection), one could not be located (found in MN and is not close to CB description of camo man) and the other has a history of violent crimes, was apprehended for filing false info as a SO and has been indicted on charges from 2008 (no official statement as to his possible connection to HB.) What gives?
I believe this post skirts right around one of the main issues that has plagued this case, not so much what was or was not done, but why it is was or was not done. I think most people would agree that there seems to be a higher level of secrecy and misinformation in this case than we see in many others. IMO that is the reason why this case receives the attention it does, and sadly most of it negative attention, but almost a year later this thread still has daily activity. I would 100% agree with you that, at the current time, if more information was given to the public, it would not help the chances of finding HB (it may help CB or DS if they are actually cleared, but this isn't a priority for this LE it seems.) LE seems to have felt the same about sharing info a few minutes into this case, but that does not mean they were or are still correct in that thinking.
People in general are concerned and inquisitive by nature and that is why a stranger to the situation may follow this case. People forgive mistakes all the time, but the one thing people usually do not forgive is a cover-up (to knowingly conceal evidence or information after the fact.) Much of the work that LE does is a "cover-up" because they want to gain information without giving any away. The problem I see with the LE involved here is that they have actually showed they are covering up info, such as spokesmen and investigators giving conflicting information more than once, not giving status updates, trying to discourage people from searching on their own, saying HB never left west TN but not actively searching for her. My analogy here would be a starving person asking if you have any food, and you tell them you do not but they can see you have a granola bar in your pocket. Would you be surprised if this starving person reaches into your pocket? Then add this into the mix of CB already confusing accounts of that morning and what are people left to assume?
IMO this aspect has allowed tons of crazy to seep into this case and apparently into the investigation. It is usually the safer approach to give clear and concise information without going into much detail as oppose to giving many small details without giving a clear and concise overview.
I think it's safe to assume at this point that there is something in CB eyewitness account that LE did not want getting out, hence all the changing stories and comments made by LE and the Bobo's, examples could include KB comment that we do not know the whole story and also the sheriff quoted as saying that 911 was called at 7:29 and then in the most recent article, CB isn't even awake until 7:50. Also, ask yourself why did LE ask the community to look for people behaving suspiciously, but only tell them the person their looking for was wearing camo clothing when the abduction occurred. Why did LE state that by Easter the search would expand if no new leads turned up, then on Easter the "possibly significant find" happens and then LE shuts down public searches and then starts making cryptic comments like they were closing in on the abductor? At this point in time, it does beg the question as to why the information that was released is out there to begin with and why did LE make the statements like they had solid information to work from and almost a year later have nothing to show for it except searching the home of some wierdo in Ohio to see what is on his computer and the mention a few SO from the area who were supposedly checked out, one who was stalking young women and was found on a traffic stop (said to have no connection), one could not be located (found in MN and is not close to CB description of camo man) and the other has a history of violent crimes, was apprehended for filing false info as a SO and has been indicted on charges from 2008 (no official statement as to his possible connection to HB.) What gives?

All is can say is, whatever strategy TBI agreed upon from the start, it hasn't worked...and they should be "man" enough, as it were, to change strategies if it could help gain clues or new info, yet it seems they won't. JMO
All is can say is, whatever strategy TBI agreed upon from the start, it hasn't worked...and they should be "man" enough, as it were, to change strategies if it could help gain clues or new info, yet it seems they won't. JMO
Nicely summarized and I think the key phrases of whatever strategy was agreed upon from the start and strategies to gain new info are what sets this case apart. The sheriff's original statements have been contradicted, the TBI statements have been contradicted, CB statements have been contradicted, everything has been contradicted. The only thing that has not been contradicted is everything being contradictory. That is never a good sign and it is a pattern that has stayed throughout this whole case.
<snipped for space>
At this point in time, it does beg the question as to why the information that was released is out there to begin with and why did LE make the statements like they had solid information to work from and almost a year later have nothing to show for it except searching the home of
some wierdo in Ohio to see what is on his computer and the mention a few SO from the area who were supposedly checked out, one who was stalking young women and was found on a traffic stop (said to have no connection), one could not be located (found in MN and is not close to CB description of camo man) and the other has a history of violent crimes, was apprehended for filing false info as a SO and has been indicted on charges from 2008 (no official statement as to his possible connection to HB.) What gives?
My opinion only.

Help is out there i.e. Equisearch and Mark Klass of AMW. *Both, excel in*experience and resources assisting in missing person cases. The family does not have to talk about the investigation to seek help. Now,I just don't understand why with a child missing the loved *one's choose to not reach out to victim assistance groups ...even if there are differences in personal philosophy *i.e. wheither or not to submit to a lie detector test.*

Is there a link in MSM that there is a directive from TBI (in the almost year HB has been missing) banning discussing or questioning aspects of this story in the media. Currently there is zero investigative or otherwise reporting good or bad being done.

Why are there no media outlets visiting Darden. Why no journalists or reporters attempting to ask questions about progress as the one year anniversary approaches? Heck,in this environment of news 24/7 and 100 channels of cable ...the silence is deafening.MOO
I don't think the media is just going to go to the expense of going to this small town, without knowing if anyone will talk to them. They would show up if there was a current situation, i.e. a hostage situation, or a missing child, etc...but to just go there and possibly get nothing in return is not "good business." What would they write about, or show on the news? It is not that unusual for small towns to be "close-mouthed" about crimes in their towns, or the victims of such crimes. And it is not unusual for LE to be quiet and secretive either. In my opinion, it totally lies with the Bobo family to garner media attention, go on TV, talk to reporters, hold rallies, anything and everything they can do to pressure LE and to keep awareness of Holly current. I know I come across various sites where, invariably, someone or other is surprised to hear she is still missing. JMO
I don't think the media is just going to go to the expense of going to this small town, without knowing if anyone will talk to them. They would show up if there was a current situation, i.e. a hostage situation, or a missing child, etc...but to just go there and possibly get nothing in return is not "good business." What would they write about, or show on the news? It is not that unusual for small towns to be "close-mouthed" about crimes in their towns, or the victims of such crimes. And it is not unusual for LE to be quiet and secretive either. In my opinion, it totally lies with the Bobo family to garner media attention, go on TV, talk to reporters, hold rallies, anything and everything they can do to pressure LE and to keep awareness of Holly current. I know I come across various sites where, invariably, someone or other is surprised to hear she is still missing. JMO
Thanks cluciano.

I think if there is not a grand jury or if the wagons are circled in Darden and no investigative journalists are going to do an update then you have to question ...WHY not?

There is an ongoing level of interest in HB abduction because of the level of secrecy and contradictory facts plain and simple. Investigative journalists have an interest in getting to the truth behind crime stories that are shrouded in mystery. For example guarding rudimentary timeline facts from the media or public *is an open invitation to any journalists or investigative reporter worth
their salt to find out why.

Ah,here is the $24,000 question why is there no one in the media demanding *transparency in the
HB investigation? Is there another high profile case in the which the detail's are kept secret like the files at the national archives on the assassination of JFK.

I looked and there is a Tennessee Open Records Act. (hope springs eternal)Perhaps with the one year anniversary approaching there will be some type of journalist investigation
& update.MOO
I have to agree with Drew Kesse and Marc Klaas that a missing person's family must be the voice of their missing loved one.

I also wouldn't be at all surprised if there is a lot of information floating around the Darden/Parsons area among the locals, but we are not hearing about any of it here on WS. Small towns keep to themselves for the most part. Sadly, we haven't had any locals here on WS in many months in this case.
Hmmm some of this info about TC is interesting. He could possibly be about the only name brought up in the case that had any sort of connection with the family; at least via Whitney Duncan.

I am wondering what the connection with Whitney Duncan is..I can find anything about that, except that this guy claimed to have a record business in Nashville. Has it been confirmed that he knew Whitney? Does anybody think its strange that this guys MO is to lure young women with record contracts when its been reported that Holly is a talented singer?

Also, who is this 'new' RSO?
Terry Lee Britt is the sex offender

There is no known link between TC and anyone but at least with him I can see the possibility of some direct connection. If TC did have some sham recording outfit in Nashville he could be familiar with Whitney and or Holly. Again, perhaps they did not know him but he knew them. It just makes you wonder if his MO included trying to lure girls into sexual situations in exchange for a recording deal. Also, remember LE said that Britt probably worked with someone else in procuring women. Even if Britt and TC have absolutely nothing to do with Hollys disappearance, getting these dirt bags off the street or making the public aware of them is a good thing.
Terry Lee Britt is the sex offender

There is no known link between TC and anyone but at least with him I can see the possibility of some direct connection. If TC did have some sham recording outfit in Nashville he could be familiar with Whitney and or Holly. Again, perhaps they did not know him but he knew them. It just makes you wonder if his MO included trying to lure girls into sexual situations in exchange for a recording deal. Also, remember LE said that Britt probably worked with someone else in procuring women. Even if Britt and TC have absolutely nothing to do with Hollys disappearance, getting these dirt bags off the street or making the public aware of them is a good thing.

Yeah, this TC's story and actions seem really strange and out of place. I don't know what to make of it. I wonder what evidence LE had on this guy that enabled them to get a SW? I wonder what they found, although I would be shocked if we ever find out. I haven't heard anything about an arrest, so we can only assume that there was no obvious smoking gun.
Terry Lee Britt sound more interesting than TC to me...hard to imagine this guy functioning openly in a small town like Parsons for the last 10 months with everyone so on edge over Holly and some much being said about the suspected local connection. I mean you would think that a person with a past like his would maybe not feel comfortable or safe and might move to a different town. That he says might indicate a psychopathic he enjoyed being in everyone's face knowing they couldn't prove anything. Also the discription is 5-10 to 6 foot and 200 lbs...I don't know, from this picture I would say maybe..

He looks a little short but remember the description is from a and standing next to Holly, who would be a lot shorter, making the perp seem taller...IMO
Terry Lee Britt sound more interesting than TC to me...hard to imagine this guy functioning openly in a small town like Parsons for the last 10 months with everyone so on edge over Holly and some much being said about the suspected local connection. I mean you would think that a person with a past like his would maybe not feel comfortable or safe and might move to a different town. That he says might indicate a psychopathic he enjoyed being in everyone's face knowing they couldn't prove anything. Also the discription is 5-10 to 6 foot and 200 lbs...I don't know, from this picture I would say maybe..

He looks a little short but remember the description is from a and standing next to Holly, who would be a lot shorter, making the perp seem taller...IMO

Did you check out this guy's criminal convictions? WTH was he doing out of jail? :banghead:

Did the Bobos have newspaper deliveries?

The affidavit states Britt was seen loading and delivering newspapers for the News Leader in Parsons on Aug. 30. Registered sex offenders are required to list the names, addresses and telephone numbers of all employers on a state registration form, and Britt had not listed the News Leader as an employer, according to the affidavit.

The Riverside High School student council is sponsoring a "Bring Holly Home Day."

That's nice!
It isn't even the school she graduated from. Supposedly.

I note that oddly her own alma mater, Scotts Hill High School, to my knowledge, has never held an event at all.

However, I once posted a link to a notice that she is named a graduate
of Riverside High School, according to an alumni listing.
I was assured, in a not so nice way, by local posters, she was a graduate
of Scotts Hill. I don't know why there would be any confusion about this.

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