TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #31

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Who doesn’t hear a scream coming from their own home?

Who sees silhouettes in the garage?

Who decides to call his mom, instead of sticking his head out of the door to find out who’s there?

Who sees Holly walking toward the woods with Drew (or some man dressed in camo)?

Who has to be told to act (get a gun and go after them)?

Who sees a puddle of blood in the garage and doesn’t react with urgency?

Who has his attention diverted by the neighbor when he is supposed to be following Holly?

Who has to be prompted to call 911?

Who says Holly may not be coming home?


I so agree with everything you have said and wonder if CB could really be that unaware. WD said that if we knew the real story (paraphrasing) we would not be suspicious of CB, however, in my opinion, he shows a lack of moral responsibility to not, at the very least, check on his younger sister.
:welcome: Onyx

What are your thoughts about this case? Agree with you about a leave of absence making more sense. Is that something they could/would allow for say a year or more?

I would say it varies from state to state and school district to school district. I believe in my school district in another state, a teacher would be granted the remainder of last school year, plus an additional year as an unpaid family leave of absence, under these circumstances. (She may also have been able to utilize her accrued sick days for some of the time.) It all depends on the school board's approval.

Some of my thoughts (in no particular order):

*For a long time I truly had hopes that Holly was still alive somewhere, but by now I've almost resigned myself to waiting for the day when someone stumbles upon her remains. I'll be heart-broken if and when that happens. :no:

*I so identify with Holly. At her age I was almost exactly her height and weight (although I'm not a blonde), and can imagine the horror she may have faced.

*Just because Clint hunts doesn't mean he's a "macho" man. I think he may be more of a gentle, sensitive-type man who is very close to his family. One of the reasons I think so is because (IIRC) of his plans to be a social worker.

*I think one problem is there are too many missing pieces for the rest of Clint's story to make sense. (I don't think he's allowed to tell all.)

*Nor do I think Clint is "slow." I do think Clint may have been frightened or uneasy (in example - calling Mom about the voices in the garage).

*There's a huge difference between shooting game and shooting at people, who just may shoot back! He may also have felt horrified that he might have to shoot another human being.

*I've wondered if Karen has a tendency to overreact, and if that was another reason why Clint didn't respond quickly to her saying to go after Holly...or maybe he was in denial.

*With Holly's disappearance being so close to the time LE arrived, the family (except Clint) probably never in their wildest nightmares thought Holly wouldn't be rescued in a timely fashion.

*I think even the family may not remember exactly what happened and when!

*I wonder why there was no sign of Clint for a long time after the abduction occurred. :waitasec:

*Also, why did the media keep showing photos of Holly and Drew, while reporting what happened with Holly and Clint?!

*Finally, I can't fathom why the neighbor didn't check out the screams himself.
I was hoping that if I took a break from WS for a while that maybe something would happen, as a watched pot never boils. However I am starting to believe that it may be some time before we have anything new to go on.

IMO there are three senerio's.

1. If Holly is no longer with us and no remains have been found after several months of no leaves on trees..etc, then she is someplace that it is unlikely she will be found easily..for instance on private property..or inside a structure somehow. I think that as time goes on, its is more and more unlikely that remains will be found by search or by accident.

2. Somehow the perp is ends up in police custody for some other reason and is investigated in regard to Holly's disappearance, or as often happens, talks to another inmate who would be willing to provide information in return for a reduced sentence.

3. The perp is betrayed by either and accomplice, friend, or family member. Its very hard to keep a secret about somebody else over the long run, even a family member. I think this is the most likely senerio.

We can't rule out that either Holly is found alive or some new evidence might come to light that would break the case, but as time goes on, I think its less and less likely.
I would say it varies from state to state and school district to school district. I believe in my school district in another state, a teacher would be granted the remainder of last school year, plus an additional year as an unpaid family leave of absence, under these circumstances. (She may also have been able to utilize her accrued sick days for some of the time.) It all depends on the school board's approval.

Some of my thoughts (in no particular order):

*For a long time I truly had hopes that Holly was still alive somewhere, but by now I've almost resigned myself to waiting for the day when someone stumbles upon her remains. I'll be heart-broken if and when that happens. :no:

*I so identify with Holly. At her age I was almost exactly her height and weight (although I'm not a blonde), and can imagine the horror she may have faced.

*Just because Clint hunts doesn't mean he's a "macho" man. I think he may be more of a gentle, sensitive-type man who is very close to his family. One of the reasons I think so is because (IIRC) of his plans to be a social worker.

*I think one problem is there are too many missing pieces for the rest of Clint's story to make sense. (I don't think he's allowed to tell all.)

*Nor do I think Clint is "slow." I do think Clint may have been frightened or uneasy (in example - calling Mom about the voices in the garage).

*There's a huge difference between shooting game and shooting at people, who just may shoot back! He may also have felt horrified that he might have to shoot another human being.

*I've wondered if Karen has a tendency to overreact, and if that was another reason why Clint didn't respond quickly to her saying to go after Holly...or maybe he was in denial.

*With Holly's disappearance being so close to the time LE arrived, the family (except Clint) probably never in their wildest nightmares thought Holly wouldn't be rescued in a timely fashion.

*I think even the family may not remember exactly what happened and when!

*I wonder why there was no sign of Clint for a long time after the abduction occurred. :waitasec:

*Also, why did the media keep showing photos of Holly and Drew, while reporting what happened with Holly and Clint?!

*Finally, I can't fathom why the neighbor didn't check out the screams himself.

Thanks for you thoughts! Well stated! My mom would have reacted very much like KB did if something similar took place with my sister and I called her.
Hi all! I'm mostly a lurker, I think I've posted a couple of times but not with any consistency. I'm just really drawn to this case because I am a few months older than Holly (I'm 22) and it's scary to think that at this age, something terrible can happen to you. I felt the same way about Kelsey Smith since we graduated at around the same time. It's so sad.

I've been semi-following this case and, like many of you, struggling with the timeline and version of events. At this point, I don't have any reason not to believe Clint but it's possible that being interviewed on TV caused him to stumble a little bit. He seems introverted and he might have been really nervous. With that being said, I do have some hope that Holly is alive. Her abductor took a huge risk taking her in the morning before class (although I do think he wasn't expecting Clint to be there) and it seems like it was planned. I highly doubt he was just strolling by in the middle of nowhere and decided to randomly kidnap Holly. It seems like a lot of work if you're just going to kill someone, but that has happened so who knows.

You all have probably discussed this in the 31 threads dedicated to this case, so sorry if I'm repeating something that has been hashed to death.

Nice to get new points of view! Thanks for posting and please continue to do so. We all tend to repeat what's been said, but each of us has a unique way of looking at things and expressing their take on what's happened that makes for interesting reading and keeping the thought of those gone missing alive.

If this is your first post here, please allow me to say :welcome:
Strange and sad to see both Lauren and Holly listed under "Hot Cases" when neither seems anything but ice-cold to me. JMO
Strange and sad to see both Lauren and Holly listed under "Hot Cases" when neither seems anything but ice-cold to me. JMO

And both seem like someone or ones familiar to them know what happened.
Check this out - I don't what to make of it?
"two of Ean's family members by the same last name are members of the Tennessee Martin network.... Holly Bobo's nursing school. "

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - AL AL - Ean Cross Greer, 24, hiking from TN to Mobile, 8 Jan 2012

who is the person referring to when she said she wished never met that guy? It's difficult to interpret something without seeing the actual post and why it was made.

Just an FYI, one of Karen Swift's son's went to the same school as Holly and some thought there may have been a connection there as well. Doesn't seem to be the case though but who knows. Maybe there is. Maybe the connection is the school for all 3 cases?
Strange and sad to see both Lauren and Holly listed under "Hot Cases" when neither seems anything but ice-cold to me. JMO

Hot refers to interest here... not how the case is doing in the real world. With 31 threads going HB is pretty hot here on WS
I guess I took "Hot Cases" to mean lots of activity in the case, not on the threads. Lauren's and Holly's cases have gone so long without any activity or information that they are not "hot" in my mind at all. Just my interpretation, I guess. I thought cases like Michelle Parker's, for example, would be considered "hot" cases, in that searches are on-going, a POI has been named, cell phone found, etc...

Holly and Lauren are "cold" cases as far as new info or activity are concerned. JMO
I guess I took "Hot Cases" to mean lots of activity in the case, not on the threads. Lauren's and Holly's cases have gone so long without any activity or information that they are not "hot" in my mind at all. Just my interpretation, I guess. I thought cases like Michelle Parker's, for example, would be considered "hot" cases, in that searches are on-going, a POI has been named, cell phone found, etc...

Holly and Lauren are "cold" cases as far as new info or activity are concerned. JMO

I agree. My first thought of the Hot Cases threads was that there is lots of activity going on. And of course, when holly, Lauren, Rebeccah, were moved to hot cases the posts were hard to keep up with. I don't think they should be moved to cold cases, but maybe a new forum/thread such as 'Stagnant'- I def. would not want that to be the title but i can't think of an appropriate description right now. Then Hot Cases could be for cases that there are active searches, vigils, etc. Jmi. Do want to thank all the admins, etc that keep this site organized. It has to be a monumental job!
Well at least with lauren's case, with the exception of fiinding some pices of her body (ie most of it) they have a suspect charged, evidence etc. That one is just sort of on the back burner until a court date comes up.
Well at least with lauren's case, with the exception of fiinding some pices of her body (ie most of it) they have a suspect charged, evidence etc. That one is just sort of on the back burner until a court date comes up.

I meant Lauren Spierers :(
These things bug the heck out of me:

1. the neighbor, a 31 yr old male, reporting a scream to his mother instead of checking himself
2. Clint calling his mother instead of checking himself
3. The items found in different locations and some near the school or main drag of town
4. the blood in the garage or was it a carport?
5. Not one word from Drew who Holly has dated for one year
6. Dana wasn't included in the first 40 min. or longer.
7. Lots of phone chatter up to the minute of crime.
8. Not knowing exactly where all cars were parked at time of crime
9. no mention of house ever being searched.
10. wearing flip flops to nursing school on chilly morning
11. What's this about "Our house dog woke me up". Does that mean their was an outside dog?
12. what about the abandoned car with the camo in it?
13..where was Holly's phone found?
14..why did she carry her schoolbooks, lunch bag and phone while being abducted?
15. Did Camo man have a rifle with him?

..and, why did pastor/sheriff/rep pulled Dana off the air and sat in his seat to answer questions to the media.

...the items of Holly's appear to be scattered around and quite a distance from each other. Did Holly throw to leave a trail or did perp throw due to arrogance? How significant is the disposal of belongings?

I want to know if this family has lawyered up because they sure behave like it.

What this case could use is a good profiler....
These things bug the heck out of me:

1. the neighbor, a 31 yr old male, reporting a scream to his mother instead of checking himself
2. Clint calling his mother instead of checking himself
3. The items found in different locations and some near the school or main drag of town
4. the blood in the garage or was it a carport?
5. Not one word from Drew who Holly has dated for one year
6. Dana wasn't included in the first 40 min. or longer.
7. Lots of phone chatter up to the minute of crime.
8. Not knowing exactly where all cars were parked at time of crime
9. no mention of house ever being searched.
10. wearing flip flops to nursing school on chilly morning
11. What's this about "Our house dog woke me up". Does that mean their was an outside dog? If so, we have heard nothing about it
12. ....what about the abandoned car with the camo in it?
13.....where was Holly's phone found?
14....why did she carry her schoolbooks, lunch bag and phone while being abducted?
15. Did Camo man have a rifle with him?

..and, why did pastor/sheriff/rep pulled Dana off the air and sat in his seat to answer questions to the media.

...the items of Holly's appear to be scattered around and quite a distance from each other. Did Holly throw to leave a trail or did perp throw due to arrogance? How significant is the disposal of belongings?

I want to know if this family has lawyered up because they sure behave like it.

What this case could use is a good profiler....

As far as Clint calling his Mom....I don't think that's all that unusual in a close-knit family. In an interview somewhere I read that he was wondering if someone was expected to come by the house that he wasn't aware of, so he called her to find out. That makes sense to me. My kids have done the same thing. He was trying to process what was happening with Holly possibly because something seemed off, and he was confused by the activity at his home. We can't judge his actions because we now have facts that were not clear to him while they were taking place. In his frame of reference, his sister being kidnapped was not the first thing that would occur to him upon waking up.

Maybe the neighbor's first instinct was to discuss it with his Mom. Sometimes people want reassurance that what they experienced is indeed unusual enough to report to 911, so they tell someone else first. Or it doesn't occur to them that they should call until they talk to another person.

A "house dog" is a dog that lives inside the house, as opposed to a "yard dog" that stays outside, in Southern speak.

The Bobos are not sophisticated, media savvy people used to being in the spotlight. They are a quiet, rural family living a pretty simple life. Clint has suffered a terrible trauma, and some details may be slowly coming to the surface that he didn't remember earlier. He also seems to be a quiet kid who doesn't talk much, and hasn't done well in the spotlight. My son is like that. Details about the events in his life tend to come out a little at a time over the course of days, weeks, months, and sometimes years. He just doesn't give out a lot of information at one time, or give a lot of details unless he is prodded.

Why would Drew need to talk? He is not the one who took Holly, so what would he need to say publicly? These are not attention-hungry people. They all live in a quiet rural area, and don't have a life that involves the media or big crimes such as what happened to Holly. It's a strange experience for all of them. I think many of Holly's family and friends are/were in disbelief and shock. And maybe Drew wants to grieve in privacy.

As far as the flip flops in high school and college wear them even in the winter. It's no big deal, and it's not unusual. My kids have worn flip flops in April many times, and so have I. The chill wears off rapidly, and spring days are usually warm in April.

Again...the Bobos are not worldly, sophisticated people who deal with the media regularly. Nor do they have much experience dealing with serious crime...and certainly none dealing with a missing daughter. I wouldn't blame them for getting a lawyer to help them sort through the issues of this case, but they are not guilty of harming Holly, so why would that be a bad thing?
As far as Clint calling his Mom....I don't think that's all that unusual in a close-knit family. In an interview somewhere I read that he was wondering if someone was expected to come by the house that he wasn't aware of, so he called her to find out. That makes sense to me. My kids have done the same thing.

Maybe the neighbor's first instinct was to discuss it with his Mom. Sometimes people want reassurance that what they experienced is indeed unusual enough to report to the police before they call 911.

A "house dog" is a dog that lives inside the house, as opposed to a "yard dog" that stays outside, in Southern speak. The Bobos are not sophisticated, media savvy people used to being in the spotlight. They are a quiet, rural family living a pretty simple life. Clint has suffered a terrible trauma, and some details may be slowly coming to the surface that he didn't remember earlier. He also seems to be a quiet kid who doesn't talk much, and hasn't done well in the spotlight. My son is like that. Details about the events in his life tend to come out a little at a time over the course of days, weeks, months, and sometimes years. He just doesn't give out a lot of information at one time, or talk a lot.

Why would Drew need to talk? He is not the one who took Holly, so what would he need to say publicly? These are not attention-hungry people. They all live in a quiet rural area, and don't have a life that involves the media or big crimes such as what happened to Holly. It's a strange experience for all of them. I think many of Holly's family and friends are/were in disbelief. And maybe Drew wants to grieve in privacy.

As far as the flip flops in high school and college wear them even in the winter. It's no big deal, and it's not unusual. My kids have worn flip flops in April many times, and so have I. The chill wears off rapidly, and spring days are usually warm in April.

Again...the Bobos are not worldly, sophisticated people who deal with the media regularly. Nor do they have much experience dealing with serious crime...and certainly none dealing with a missing daughter. I wouldn't blame them for getting a lawyer to help them sort through the issues of this case, but they are not guilty of harming Holly, so why would that be a bad thing?

Well they are dealing with a serious crime now their daughter, sister, girlfriend was abducted in broad day light and not a trace of her has been seen or heard of since, I think thats pretty serious. I doubt others that have experienced serious crimes were not worldly or experienced with the media but they still made statements got on air and pleaded for their safe return. Why would Clint call his mama miles away when all he had to do was walk a few steps and look and see for himself? Very strange behavior indeed. IMO:twocents:
I believe the story changed, IIRC. It was initially reported that Clint called Karen but then the new version was that Karen called Clint after she got the call from the neighbour.

But then again....there have been so many versions, I lose track of what really happened that morning. It's all so convoluted.
These things bug the heck out of me:

1. the neighbor, a 31 yr old male, reporting a scream to his mother instead of checking himself
2. Clint calling his mother instead of checking himself
3. The items found in different locations and some near the school or main drag of town
4. the blood in the garage or was it a carport?
5. Not one word from Drew who Holly has dated for one year
6. Dana wasn't included in the first 40 min. or longer.
7. Lots of phone chatter up to the minute of crime.
8. Not knowing exactly where all cars were parked at time of crime
9. no mention of house ever being searched.
10. wearing flip flops to nursing school on chilly morning
11. What's this about "Our house dog woke me up". Does that mean their was an outside dog?
12. what about the abandoned car with the camo in it?
13..where was Holly's phone found?
14..why did she carry her schoolbooks, lunch bag and phone while being abducted?
15. Did Camo man have a rifle with him?

..and, why did pastor/sheriff/rep pulled Dana off the air and sat in his seat to answer questions to the media.

...the items of Holly's appear to be scattered around and quite a distance from each other. Did Holly throw to leave a trail or did perp throw due to arrogance? How significant is the disposal of belongings?

I want to know if this family has lawyered up because they sure behave like it.

What this case could use is a good profiler....

Wait, where did you get the idea that the house was never searched? This contradicts what we were told when this case first broke. I recall LE also removed computers from the Bobos' house and we used to have a poster here on WS who told us her daughter, who was a TBI forensic specialist, had personally removed the pool cover in the Bobos' back yard and looked inside.

As far as the car with camo inside, that was determined to belong to a hunter who was not involved with anything to do with Holly's abduction. Again, this goes back to the very beginning of this case. The early threads here on WS have the links.

We have never been told by LE that Holly's phone was found. The prevailing rumor seems to be that her phone was found, but that's never been confirmed as far as I know.
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