TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - # 4

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Feeling not to bright today but what does the post from Jessie Parrish mean and what is EMA?


I think that tweet should have read OF Darden rather than if Darden. And I'm just guessing, but EMA made me think of Emergency Management Agency but I'm not sure if they are involved or not.
While I do believe there is a lot of confusion regarding rumors, evidence found/not found, etc., I think LE has a reason for being tightlipped about this. And as much as it drives us nuts, their main priority is to find Holly - and I feel that if they thought that clearing up any of those rumors would help then they would have.

Hats off to LE - I think they've been working around the clock to find Holly. I really like the folks I've seen who are working on this case.


I am absolutely amazed at the volunteer turnout and the round-the-clock search for Holly by LE. They are doing absolutely everything to find Holly.
from the top of the scanner NOT scanner chatter just a message at the top :)

Holly Bobo Update: THP: "We need all of our 1,000 volunteers back" as "new developments" overnight have prompted a large-scale morning search effort. Officials are asking all volunteers to report now to the Fairgrounds. Searchers should be prepared to wal

This tells me they found something of significance late yesterday.
I have never experienced this kind of mis-information, dis-information, lack of information, and outright lies from authorities in my life. As hard as I try, I can't see a purpose behind it.( I don't know all of the psychological tactics they use to find missing persons). I hope that the locals have enough information to be of help. I hope there is some honest communication somewhere in western Tennessee, because it appears that there has been a girl missing for 4 days. :banghead:
I don't see any reason not to entertain the thought that the perp. used walking, ATV, and car. Transferring at different points from one mode of transportation to the other.
Brother says that there are alot of survivalists in those woods.
Lots of educated men who got tired of the city and moved out to live off the land.
In today's troubled world, the number is increasing.
I think we are dealing with someone who is educated and probably at least in his mid-30's.
He has money and equipment and has watched Holly through the latter part of winter.
Since she loves to ride horses and it seems has plenty of land for them, I wonder if she owns one.
If so, he could have spotted her out riding one day and decided to "take" her.
This is all just my own gut instinct as to why she has not been found.
Because you can hear those things from miles and ATVs leave tracks that can be followed.

Plus, it would be very hard for an ATV to make it through those woods.

they are made to go through thos woods!!!!!!
Yes they would and the helicopters are up.
But if inside an underground pre-prepared living space with only a covered hole (that area has many unmarked caves) I don't think the heat devices would have worked.
Also, if we are dealing with a survivalist he would know better than to start a campfire. He would be using tyvek type covering for warmth. And probably the packs that heat up when you activate them.

Thermal imaging would show an underground bunker unless it was DEEP but a bunker that deep would need a generator to move air in and out and the exhaust would show up. People themselves would show up as we have a heat singnature as well. I suppose some hidden bunker in the woods is possible but I dont think its plausible compared to other scenarios. Plus for someone to make and live or prepare such a site they would need a road or at least a big path... so basically a path right to his front door.
I have never experienced this kind of mis-information, dis-information, lack of information, and outright lies from authorities in my life. As hard as I try, I can't see a purpose behind it.( I don't know all of the psychological tactics they use to find missing persons). I hope that the locals have enough information to be of help. I hope there is some honest communication somewhere in western Tennessee, because it appears that there has been a girl missing for 4 days. :banghead:

A lot of it is probably purposeful obfuscation by LE and the rest is bad or erroneous reporting by news outlets.
Thermal imaging would show an underground bunker unless it was DEEP but a bunker that deep would need a generator to move air in and out and the exhaust would show up. People themselves would show up as we have a heat singnature as well. I suppose some hidden bunker in the woods is possible but I dont think its plausible compared to other scenarios. Plus for someone to make and live or prepare such a site they would need a road or at least a big path... so basically a path right to his front door.

I see your point but this has been accomplished before.
It would have been dugout over time by a determined person and probably lined with cinder block walls.
Wouldn't have to have a generator.
Just airflow that could be simple.
There are springs for fresh water all over that area.
You are probably right, but I want to hold out hope the reason Holly was taken was because someone wanted her. Alive.
EDIT to add: a car battery can be used to power alot of things. I had one that I used to power 12-volt lights and such on a sailboat I kept at Pickwick Lake.
So, he walks her, or walks and carries her through the woods to the point where an ATV would be the best mode, then when a car becomes more convenient, he gets her in there.

The thing I was wondering is if that really was "the" duct tape on the side of the road, how did it get removed?
Yes I believe they may have found the "initial" shelter that has now been vacated for the newer one.

That could be possible but I think it's unlikely. I don't think they got 6 to 8 miles on foot w/o being noticed (or even on an ATV). And if they are in a vehicle, they are long gone. I don't think the perp would hang out near there if he has a vehicle *and* has Holly still with him. JMHO
Just thinking out loud, but *if* the rumour of duct tape with blonde hair on it is true, and *if* it's Holly's hair...

you wouldn't take the tape off unless you wanted her to talk to you, or more likely, if she couldn't talk. Which worries me. I hope that today is the day, I hope they can find her today.

OH southern scout its not a rumor they found duct tape with hair on it they showed it ON TV with the cops there. Now is it Hollys hair we dont know but they found duct tape.
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