TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - # 9

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Agreed just based on normal profiling. BUT the attempted abduction of the 31 yr old posted on the #8 thread.....well that's really alarming to me.

Geographically that's close. Last time he was thwarted by a scream, this time he wasn't? Early am M.O. It's possible it's a total coincidence and there's just another perv near....but wow.

Please excuse my ineptitude, but I wanted to read about that and I can't find the article. Do you have a link?

Thanks ensht
Maybe, maybe not. Lots of people are able to keep their attractions to people hidden.

And I'm not talking about him being a friend in the true sense of the word, but just someone she knows that happened to send her a FB friend request.

She accepts it because she knows the guy, worked with him in the past, or went to school with him and they both happen to be on FB. It happens all the time.

I've got FB friends that I haven't seen in person in years. Some of them I sent a friend request to because I got the little suggestion from FB. Some sent me friend requests because of the very same reason.

In the general sense...if she had a FB friend that posted on a regular basis, was known to be in the outdoors a lot, was off of work the day Holly went missing, and in year's time happen to post "via mobile web" only once (1 hr after Holly went missing), I would think that person would garner some attention from LE.

Generally speaking, of course...:banghead:

That is true but it seems a jump to think kidnapping her from her own front yard would be his first move. That would come AFTER sending her flowers, stuff to get her attention that she would rebuff... I would think... :waitasec:
We are talking about Holly's private FB page her personal page. Its private and no her friends should not be discussed here unless they are directly tied to this case and have been in the media.


THANK YOU!!! and by this I assume it includes ANYONE listed on her friends list, as there is no way any of us are capable of deciding who may or may not deserve to be scrutinized or proposed as a possible POI based on a few pictures or posting vs not posting on their own page??
Now I would think that if Holly had someone she had a BAD falling out with, they would NOT be on her Facebook friends list. So to look at the list and say oh person X seems suspicous, doesnt make sense to me. Obviously this is a dangerous person and I don't think it was someone close enough to her to 1) be on her FB page to start with or 2) still be on it as a friend. More likely its someone who she may have only known in passing but whos interest or attention she had sparked.

I unfriend and block people on FB all the time. If I had some violent ex, etc. you know they wouldn't be on there. And my friends would block that person too.

I don't necessarily agree with this. My daughter had someone as a Facebook friend who I wondered aloud to her "why would you want to be friends with her" and her response was "just because they are friends on Facebook, doesn't mean they are really your friend" This person had done some really mean things to my daughter. You can block what certain people see but can still keep an eye on what they are posting (if they don't block you of course). My niece's ex-boyfriend was Facebook friends with me but I didn't delete him as my friend when they broke up because I was concerned about his reaction to the breakup and wanted to keep an eye on what he was posting about her because I was concerned about her safety. He had so many friends I guess he has never noticed that I am still friends with him. I think it goes back to the saying "keep your friends close and your enemies closer."
norest4thewicked --

Now, to me, your posts do bear some authoritative weight in the area of emergency calls. (Some of us questioned whether hinman was the Dayle Hinman.)

Anyways, I have a couple of itsy, bitsy questions about your comments, if you wouldn't mind my asking, of course. Thanks. (I sound like P.I. Daffy Duck here, ha, ha)

Can you clarify again, why you know that the dispatcher put the call in as a home invasion? And that next portion (I listed) is just plain funny.
For whatever reason, this dispatcher put the call in as a home invasion.

Are they prone to embellish the calls? We weren't allowed to embellish calls at all, but we were seldom called on it and there was one dispatcher that I worked with who you'd have thought she was writing an action novel with her comments about the call.
Investigators have not reported any new leads today. They said a news conference will only be held if there are developments to report.

A candlelight vigil will be held at 7:30 tonight at the Decatur County Fairgrounds.

Thursday is planned as a day of rest for volunteers, so that they can come back at full force Friday and over the weekend. Law enforcement said they can handle thousands of volunteers this weekend to help with the search.
The family friend on NG last night was very frustrated and said that LE is not telling anyone anything at I don't think they are holding info back, maybe LE just does not have any info.

prime news will be discussing holly and talking about why the search was called off for four hours yesterday!


Article said this about the road blocks: While members of the community combed the woods Tuesday, investigators went door to door talking to neighbors and set up checkpoints on six roads near Bobo's home to speak to motorists passing by at the time of day Bobo was abducted, between 7:40 and 8 a.m. Authorities wanted to talk to people who drove on those roads on April 13 about what they saw that morning. An additional 50 law enforcement officers were brought in to help with the search Tuesday.

I think someone here mentioned it already but do not remember if it was confirmed.
Sorry I disappeared on y'all last night. I had an appointment to check on the baby and they didn't give me good news. But, I'm back. And I've had 16 hours to think...this only led to three conclusions, so I am not impressed with myself.

1. Roadblocks, as Ms. Facetious pointed out middle of last thread, are often done not to catch any one person, but to monitor who goes through an area on a given date and time. They typically (as MsF also pointed out) do these on the same day of the week that the crime was committed, in order to monitor who is there on that day of the week. But they started these yesterday, only 6 days after the they have reason to believe that the abductor may have driven in from a nearby community on Tuesday, monitored the house overnight, possible from his vehicle, and then abducted her early Wednesday morning? I'm sure an actual campsite would have been found, but if he slept in his truck or car...

2. Polys. I see no need for them. They are usually given in missing child cases, that's true, but missing adult cases have a whole other suspect pool and whole other protocol to follow. If her brother is anywhere near as torn up as her mother, I can see why they have not been poly'ed. Extreme emotional distress can skew the results of a poly, and her mother is definitely too torn up to do one. Also, there is no reason to poly her parents, as far as we know, they are both alibied for the time of the abduction. Her brother simply didn't have time to get her far enough away not to have been found, in the time he had. To me, none of these people are suspects, and LE is referring to her brother as an eyewitness, nothing more, nothing less. It's not standard practice to poly witnesses, last I checked...and they likely see the same thing that has been pointed out here. If the brother were to have had any part in her disappearance, he must be the fastest perp on the planet and I feel that something would have been found to that end by now, and revealed, instead of LE continuing to fuel suspicion of everyone by telling them to look among themselves.

3. Public/LE disconnect: When the Lt. was asked in the interview if he felt that people were afraid, he said that he didn't think the community was afraid. However, that very same day, there were articles detailing residents opening their doors already armed and people publicly spoke of how scared they were. I don't like that, it shows a disconnect between the residents and the local LE, and at this point, the person that will hurt the most is Holly.
We are talking about Holly's private FB page her personal page. Its private and no her friends should not be discussed here unless they are directly tied to this case and have been in the media.


Can we still discuss the public info on her page? For example, her wall is locked, we can't discuss that, because we can't see it unless someone is using a special program, but her info, such as work, school, liked pages and that, is all public. Can we still discuss those things?

Sorry, to be a PITA.
Concentric - Sorry to take so long to respond to this. I got sidetracked and didn't realize I was still in here. I'm unable to quote you because it has gone to a new thread, so will reply below your narrative:

norest4thewicked --

Now, to me, your posts do bear some authoritative weight in the area of emergency calls. (Some of us questioned whether hinman was the Dayle Hinman.)

Anyways, I have a couple of itsy, bitsy questions about your comments, if you wouldn't mind my asking, of course. Thanks.

Can you clarify again, why you know that the dispatcher put the call in as a home invasion? And that next portion (I listed) is just plain funny.
For whatever reason, this dispatcher put the call in as a home invasion.

Are they prone to embellish the calls? We weren't allowed to embellish calls at all, but we were seldom called on it and there was one dispatcher that I worked with who you'd have thought she was writing an action novel with her comments about the call.
I was giving an example only about how the call was put in. I was trying to give an example of why I believe the call was originally reported as a home invasion. I have no knowledge of WHY they were originally calling it that, except that it might have been put in as that by the dispatcher and then just carried through. This is purely speculation on my part as a previous 911 dispatcher and would completely explain that part. Hope this helps...:)
Article said this about the road blocks: While members of the community combed the woods Tuesday, investigators went door to door talking to neighbors and set up checkpoints on six roads near Bobo's home to speak to motorists passing by at the time of day Bobo was abducted, between 7:40 and 8 a.m. Authorities wanted to talk to people who drove on those roads on April 13 about what they saw that morning. An additional 50 law enforcement officers were brought in to help with the search Tuesday.

I think someone here mentioned it already but do not remember if it was confirmed.
yeah... I heard about that... what I am really interested in hearing is about a four hour break in the search... I had not heard that yesterday... ((only about the road blocks but it seemed from will tweets that the woods search was going on at the same time???))

most likely prime news will have the "roadblocks" as their breaking news...
That is true but it seems a jump to think kidnapping her from her own front yard would be his first move. That would come AFTER sending her flowers, stuff to get her attention that she would rebuff... I would think... :waitasec:
Yeah, that's the way rational, sane people think.

But, trying to understand why people do crazy, irrational, violent things is a different matter, IMO.

I've seen enough of these things to know that nobody can be excluded, and it may be someone most people would least suspect, because they never gave any indication to anyone.

Obviously, whoever did this isn't stupid by any stretch of the imagination. It took considerable planning and foresight. And so far, it seems to be going their way.

I don't think it's stretch to think that someone that could pull this off, get away with it this long (seemingly without anyone even suspecting them), would be able to hide whatever feelings they had for Holly from everyone.
Please excuse my ineptitude, but I wanted to read about that and I can't find the article. Do you have a link?

Thanks ensht
This is the article about the other woman nearly kidnapped at 5:30 am. while trying to get into her car, at her own home.. She lived 45 miles away in Centerville. Her boyfriend heard her drop a latern and yelled out to her, which scared the man away... Happened in mid Jan.. chilling

With his broken right hand in a cast, Caleb Alexander carried boxes of donated snacks into the Decatur County Fairgrounds on Tuesday afternoon. He said he had spent much of the day helping cover about 30 miles in the search for missing nursing student Holly Bobo.

Patsy Stedman, a volunteer who has been helping since Friday, has lupus. She said she is not supposed to be out in the sun for long periods, but she joined hundreds of volunteers who walked across rugged terrain looking for evidence.

Cindy Bates said she and other volunteers have had to navigate through brush and thorny blackberry vines, over hills and through creeks with water just wide enough to make jumping over impossible.

The volunteer count still topped 300 on day seven of the search for Bobo, 20, who authorities have said was abducted outside her home in Darden on April 13 by a man who wore camouflage. Law enforcement officials said there were no new developments to report Tuesday. Despite the long days and added stress, volunteer efforts remained driven by perseverance and hope.

Don't know how accurate the volunteer count is, since the Find Holly FB page recently posted that over 200 had signed up today, but it's still heartbreaking. There is also a little in this article, on page 2, on who has been eliminated, such as the stalker of two other women in Jackson.
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