Found Deceased TN - Riley Strain, 22, missing after leaving bar, Nashville, 8 March 2024 #3

About 10 minutes ago, Greenlawn Funeral Home East - Springfield, MO, posted a tribute video - Riley Strain.
It is 19:29 (19 minutes - 29 seconds). Of course, there are many pictures of Riley.

It is on Riley's Obit page at Greenlawn.

~~~ Rest in peace, Riley ~~~

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This article was posted by KOMU today, 3/28/24. Within the article is the audio of the 911 call regarding the discovery of Riley Strain. It is 4:09 (4 minutes - 09 seconds)

Scroll down and look for the following:

Nashville officials release 911 call detailing how Riley Strain's body was discovered

Source: KOMU (NBC) - Columbia, MO
March 28, 2024


During the four-minute exchange, the caller says they found a dead body face down in the water, which they believed was Strain.

"I have just found a dead body," the caller said, "I believe it to be Riley."

The caller identifies himself as someone who works on the river, and says they found the body fully submerged on the front of a barge at River Marker 184 as he was checking around the dock.

Towards the end of the call, the caller says they moved a log off of Strain's head to confirm it was a dead body.

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I'm just talking about the legal responsibility of a bar when expelling an inebriated guest. Once the rideshare has been arranged whatever bad happens after that is no longer the establishment's problem. I'm not saying that's how it is, I'm just saying that's a law I could get behind.
Maybe we could work first on devising a law that protects the drunk and vulnerable, before a law like the one you're suggesting that protects only the drinking establishment owner with no provisions in place for the ultimate safety of the intoxicated person.
About 10 minutes ago, Greenlawn Funeral Home East - Springfield, MO, posted a tribute video - Riley Strain.
It is 19:29 (19 minutes - 29 seconds). Of course, there are many pictures of Riley.

It is on Riley's Obit page at Greenlawn.

~~~ Rest in peace, Riley ~~~

he was so adorable
what a great guy
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Maybe we could work first on devising a law that protects the drunk and vulnerable, before a law like the one you're suggesting that protects only the drinking establishment owner with no provisions in place for the ultimate safety of the intoxicated person.
Nobody is forced to drink. If people want protection, drink less, or not at all, that is the only real solution.
@MassGuy: your point is compelling and is absolutely logical but how many Guys up no-eth, in Mass. wear Western boots? Have you ever tried to get them off?

I can’t imagine some perp actually stealing his boots and jeans but I can’t imagine the current taking Riley’s boots, nor him being able to get them off while trying to keep his head above water. MOO.

There will probably always be unanswered questions and things that don’t seem to line up that will stir in our minds for weeks after this. :(

By Western Boots I’m assuming you’re referring the boot that is tight, narrow with a pointy toe?

RS was wearing square toe cowboy boots not Western Boots. They are wider, easier to take off they loosen up even more when broken in well.

Remember of video of R clunking along in his boots?

My husband is tall and thin with no waist or butt his jeans won’t stay up even with a belt on dry land they would slide off immediately in the water. His jeans even correctly sized tend to be loose since he’s thin.

Not his boxers they have elastic that fis snuggly as does his crew socks.

All imo
I am in agreement with personal responsibility when people go out and drink; however, a thought just popped in my head. I am a social worker on a psychiatric crisis unit and we use Uber Health to get patients home at discharge. If Uber has this separate ride share for patients, maybe they could also have this for people going out drinking. Maybe a pre-paid type service. I can still see issues with this though but throwing it out there. Maybe the group could have had a few designated drivers come along on the trip too?
Mar 28, 2024 #RileyStrain #VargasReports #Investigation
Dr. Michelle Dupre, founder of the Forensic Consulting Network, and Joseph Scott Morgan, forensic analyst and host of the “Body Bags” podcast, joined “Elizabeth Vargas Reports” on Thursday to weigh in on the investigation of 22-year-old Missouri student Riley Strain.“I think maybe we’re a little premature in this right now,” Dupre said. “There’s more to be investigated."
Everybody thinking of what laws could be passed to prevent a tragedy like this. Simply put, as a nation we cannot legislate away every potential tragedy. We actually tried the one thing that would have prevented this 100 years ago, but Prohibition failed miserably.

The facts as I see them, his fraternity brothers let him down. There was no need for an Uber, he was a 5 minute walk from his hotel. All he needed was someone less drunk than him to get him home.

Also, Uber drivers aren't thrilled to take $3 fares. I doubt he could have Ubered to his hotel from Lukes.
If he was peeing as suggested the pants would be gone easier.

Everything has a plausible explanation and people driving the point of foul play further is just cruel imo
Respectfully it doesn’t matter what you or I think, or Randos on the internet. It matters what his family thinks and if they feel confident in the investigation and that they have the truth. I’ll stand with them in what they decide. He is their Riley.
By Western Boots I’m assuming you’re referring the boot that is tight, narrow with a pointy toe?

RS was wearing square toe cowboy boots not Western Boots. They are wider, easier to take off they loosen up even more when broken in well.

Remember of video of R clunking along in his boots?

My husband is tall and thin with no waist or butt his jeans won’t stay up even with a belt on dry land they would slide off immediately in the water. His jeans even correctly sized tend to be loose since he’s thin.

Not his boxers they have elastic that fis snuggly as does his crew socks.

All imo
this... because he was very thin... but I am not begrudging anyone a second autopsy. poor parents.

Tennessee Body Farm expert questions the state of Riley Strain when he was found

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Nearly a week after learning their son died, Riley Strain's family ordered a second autopsy of their 22-year-old son.

The case remains open, and now the world-renowned expert in body decomposition questions what happened to Riley.

Riley was fully clothed in the security video the night he disappeared. But when he was pulled from the river two weeks later, I learned Riley didn't have pants on or his boots. From the waist down, only his boxer shorts and socks remained. However, police confirmed when his body was found that Riley had his shirt and Apple watch still on.

Watch me above talk about Riley's first autopsy report in the player above.

"It is unusual. Normally if you fall in the river, it's very difficult to get your pants off," said Dr. Bill Bass, who is the founder of the University of Tennessee's famed Body Farm and one of the foremost experts on body decomposition in the world.

I asked him about the missing pants and boots. Dr. Bass said it's possible, but unlikely they came off in the river current.

"No, they would not come off by themselves," Bass said.

He said debris could have snagged the clothing or he had another theory.

"I would say somebody took them off," Bass said. "If you do research on this, it would be very difficult because you've got to kill a person to do it, but it is difficult to get your pants off. It's difficult when you are alive to get your pants off."

I spoke with Riley’s stepdad Chris Whiteid, who says he didn't want to comment now about the second autopsy since the family is focused on Riley's funeral on Friday.

But he did say they have “big things to share” next week.

Investigators are still awaiting toxicology results from the autopsy.

I was wondering when and if he was going to give his opinion on this case. Dr Blass is a very knowledgeable expert in the field and human decomp in TN. With that said, all of these forensic/medical contributors have not examined the body. Toxicology will give more definitive answers. IMO
Thank you for sharing your informative post SMK777
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It's entirely possible he still had some wits about him. His life depended on it. Hitting that water had to be jarring, enough probably to flood his body with adrenaline. Any instinct or training, he may have kicked his boots off and stripped off his pants in an attempt to free himself of them in order to swim or float with less impediment.

Found as he was, IMO that lends to me that he was very much alive when he fell in, fought hard to stay that way (alive) and, if there had been a camera recording, it might have shown how hard he tried.

Still, it's far more likely that the angry river had force on its side, ripping away anything it could.

A terrible, terrible, unforgiving accident.

Will the family will be facing an uphill battle with the Nashville PD if they request Riley's death be switched from accidental death into a criminal investigation? Two different autopsies were performed and both ME's reached the same conclusion - accidental death with no evidence of foul play. Can the PD refuse to re-investigate the death as a possible homicide?

Riley Strain's family fear foul play after autopsies on the University of Missouri student's body suggest he did not drown after going missing on night out and being pulled from river​

Spin from Daily Mail, of course. :oops:


Where I come from a man don't lose his cowboy boots unless there's foul play.
Only partly kidding.
If he was consious when he hit the water, he would likely remove boots, pants and not care about his wallet but I have never heard of a dry drowning. In 1985 three dear friends on snow mobiles on a Michigan lake went through thin ice. When bodies were found helmets and boots were missing. Sad because it showed they knew they were likely to drown and did.
I don’t come from a cowboy boot-wearing culture, but I would presume that your point, if valid, would be on dry land.

IMO it is abundantly clear that Riley’s boots are no match for two weeks of river current tugging at his body, or battered for however long he was stuck under that barge with the ever-flowing water, or for the amount of decomposition his body endured, which would make it easy for his pants and boots and wallet to slide off.

It’s not a test of how macho he was in hanging onto his boots.

It's also not easy to get cowboy boots off in any culture.
I still think that an establishment that ejects a person in a vulnerable condition should be held accountable.

I’ve been watching a lot of drunken arrest videos on you tube lately.
If there is no person coming to pick the drunk they are put into a holding cell till sober.

Something has to change.
Agree and would like to know what he allegedly did that was so horrible to then force the bar to toss him out.

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