Tony Padilla Q&A

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Forgive me I haven't read this whole thread. I know the important question is whether or not JB forged this agreement, But is the notory's name really "Gonzelez"? Geesh!!

Originally Posted by Marina2 View Post
Maybe it's just that important that he decided to risk the forgery. He may have weighed the risks vs the benefits. Worse case scenario... the motion gets thrown out. Best case scenario...very damning testimony gets thrown out.

Wouldn't the worst case scenario be that he gets disbarred over it?

Seems like providing forged docs to the court by an "officer of the court" would have much more serious consequences than just having the motion thrown out.

But, is the attorney possibly banking on the fact that the Original conveniently "cannot be located"?
How can it be PROVEN that Tony Padilla ever signed a separate/different document/agreement? There is only Tony Padilla's word for it.
Tony's posts:
"Jose had us all sign a document. The document that he entered into court as part of his motion is not the agreement that I signed.
I asked Jose's office that I wanted my own agreement completely separate from Leonard, Rob, and Tracy. They are not employees of mine and I had to protect myself being the bail agent. Jose compiled the paperwork to look as though we all signed the same agreement.
Jose is arguing that we are working for him and are extensions of his defense. He is now required to produce the originals to the court. The original documents completely separate not only me from JOse but me from Leonard Tracy and Rob as well. Not because I don't like them but because they are not employees of mine.
Jose produced false documention and NEVER made us aware that this would be filed in court

I tend to think you are right about maybe Tony P. signed both agreements, and then the second/separate agreement has been destroyed (because Tony has no copy and no proof of it). All my own opinion of course.

What a comedy of errors! I would think that everyone would keep a copy of any legal document that they sign and with this being a high-profile case, it's baffling to me that they didn't. Sounds as if everyone who comes into contact with CA in any way is negatively affected in some way. JMHO.
Ok, I admit I don't know much about legal paperwork, but I do find it odd that 2 almost identical statements with 2 notary seals would be on the same exact page. Yes, it does look like a copy/paste thing... and I find it even more odd that a lawyer would show up at a very important court hearing without the original. I mean seriously, this is a capital murder case... Baez is either half-a$$ing it by not bringing the original, or copy/pasted it and was hoping to get away with it. Or both...

As well, Baez is a Florida lawyer, which means he should understand Florida law and how to use LEGAL terms in LEGAL documents: given that bounty hunting is illegal there, Florida has also made the use of the term "bounty hunter" illegal. Yes, LP is a "bounty hunter" in name, but there are legal terms (in Cali,where LP is based out of, I think the legal term is "Bail Fugitive Recovery Agents") for it. Baez could be setting LP up for a world of trouble with Florida by naming LP a "Bounty Hunter" in legal Florida documents and getting LP to sign off on it.

I'm telling yall, watch: Baez's incompetence is going to drag this case out for years. Watch... just watch...
Ok, I admit I don't know much about legal paperwork, but I do find it odd that 2 almost identical statements with 2 notary seals would be on the same exact page. Yes, it does look like a copy/paste thing... and I find it even more odd that a lawyer would show up at a very important court hearing without the original. I mean seriously, this is a capital murder case... Baez is either half-a$$ing it by not bringing the original, or copy/pasted it and was hoping to get away with it. Or both...

As well, Baez is a Florida lawyer, which means he should understand Florida law and how to use LEGAL terms in LEGAL documents: given that bounty hunting is illegal there, Florida has also made the use of the term "bounty hunter" illegal. Yes, LP is a "bounty hunter" in name, but there are legal terms (in Cali,where LP is based out of, I think the legal term is "Bail Fugitive Recovery Agents") for it. Baez could be setting LP up for a world of trouble with Florida by naming LP a "Bounty Hunter" in legal Florida documents and getting LP to sign off on it.

I'm telling yall, watch: Baez's incompetence is going to drag this case out for years. Watch... just watch...
[bold mine]

True ... this could turn out to be a perpetual reality series!
Originally Posted by ThinkTank View Post
Originally Posted by MaedchenX View Post
About that, it strikes me that a forged/altered document would fuel arguments for inadequate counsel if not having other ramifications for JB, say, oh, being disbarred. If this can be proven does anyone know what the consequences might be for all involved? This concerns me greatly.

I would like to ask Tony Padilla if he knows of any way to "prove" that he did NOT sign the copy of the privacy agreement which Baez submitted with his Motion? Is it just Tony P's word against Baez, since Tony P admits that he forgot to get a copy of the original agreement which he did sign?


I think it is more important for Baez to prove Tony DID sign the agreement than it for Tony to prove he didn't. Baez is the one who is trying to use the Privacy Agreement as evidence of what he alleges in his motion.

IF Baez had had the bounty hunters and bondsman date & initial every page of the document, all he'd need to do now is produce the original.

I, personally, am skeptical detached signature pages prove anything if challenged by one of the signing parties. Anybody can write anything and attach it to separate signature pages.

Do you think it boils down to what exactly Judge S. has to use to determine if any type of privilege existed in order to grant the defense request to bar testimony from the Padilla crew, and it really does not matter to Judge S in his role, to determine if the agreement is fake or not? If Judge S. rules that there was NO privilege, end of discussion, right? Move on to next Motion.
Is ANYTHING going to go smooth in this case? Holy cow!
It really baffles me to think that someone who put up half mil on someone, didn't remember to get a copy of any type of agreement.....MO
Didn't TP say earlier that he was in such a hurry or in a tizzy that he doesn't remember what he signed and that he forgot to ask for a copy? Could it be that he did sign an agreement afterall and that this doc is not forged? I may have that wrong, so I better go back and search for that post by TP.

Tony's post:
"No agreement anywhere. That is a bad subject with me. I really messed up leaving without a copy. I really got distracted that day with the Florida Bail Assoc. trying to have me and Leonard areested for soliciting bail in Florida. I lost focus and left Jose's office without a copy. Never paid. No copies of the agreement. It was crazy in that office that day because of the possible warrants being issued for me and Leonard to be arrested. A huge mistake on my part now that I know the type of person Jose is."
Don't you know that if it is shown that the signatures do not correspond to the body of the agreement, JB will blame it on clerical staff, and try to pass it off as a simple 'error'.

It is up to the signatories (and their attorneys) to make sure every page is initialed and the document above reproach & challenge.

Looks to me like Baez is the one who wants to use the document now to keep the other signatories quiet. I would have expected that the ONLY attorney that was part of the contract would have been CAREFUL to make it tight. I'd expect the ONLY attorney to have kept the originals too.
Tony's post:
"No agreement anywhere. That is a bad subject with me. I really messed up leaving without a copy. I really got distracted that day with the Florida Bail Assoc. trying to have me and Leonard areested for soliciting bail in Florida. I lost focus and left Jose's office without a copy. Never paid. No copies of the agreement. It was crazy in that office that day because of the possible warrants being issued for me and Leonard to be arrested. A huge mistake on my part now that I know the type of person Jose is."

I understand what your saying, but his statement about the docs not being the ones he signed has HUGE implications/repercussions if his memory is correct.

Plus as an attorney JB should have provided a copy to the signatures parties of the agreement regardless of whether they left in a hurry or not. Copies should have been mailed to the individual parties who signed that agreement. The fact that it was not done appears suspicious and improper in and of itself.
Tony's post:
"No agreement anywhere. That is a bad subject with me. I really messed up leaving without a copy. I really got distracted that day with the Florida Bail Assoc. trying to have me and Leonard areested for soliciting bail in Florida. I lost focus and left Jose's office without a copy. Never paid. No copies of the agreement. It was crazy in that office that day because of the possible warrants being issued for me and Leonard to be arrested. A huge mistake on my part now that I know the type of person Jose is."

I now wonder if the "possibility of being arrested" was real, or manufactured by someone who wanted to create confusion that day.
My guess is that if the other signatores presented copies different than JB's and testified that there was some "work" done, forensics wouldn't be found necessary.

Good thought! Wonder if Tony Padilla has asked Leonard, Rob, and Tracy if THEY have copies of the Original agreement they signed? If their copies do NOT have Tony Padilla's name and signature on them, then it is an obvious fraud. If however, the other people's copies DO have Tony Padilla's signature on them, then possibly Tony is mistaken about signing the first "group agreement", and only remembers asking Baez to create a new separate agreement for him to sign???

Baez only had the opportunity to cut and paste the Original ..... not the copies that Leonard, Tracy, and Rob hold (if they got copies?).
It really baffles me to think that someone who put up half mil on someone, didn't remember to get a copy of any type of agreement.....MO

Not TP's fault. A copy should have been provided to him by JB. Another error for JB. How many is he up to now? TB should not feel guilty as he was entitled to that copy.

If signature page was cut and pasted you can sometimes tell on a copy machine. You put copier on dark and copy the page. If it was pasted you can sometimes see a faint line. Bet SA has already established it was cut and pasted. JMO

Could this be why JB neglected to notify LP's attorneys regarding making an appearance on this motion? LP's and TP's attorney: "Excuse me your Honor, but my clients never received their copies of the agreements and in fact, the documents presented by JB are not what they signed."
So to put this into context and reiterate, JB (and the Defense) are going to a lot of trouble (and :eek: risk) to preclude any testimony from Tracy in regard to KC's state of mind and statements.

There is a LOT of other evidence, such as 31 days and lies lies lies, to warrant this high of a stake ....... things that make you go hmmmmm? :confused:

Tony Padilla's comment:
"I think Tracy's information is interesting. Why do you think Baez is so interested in shutting her up?"
Is it possible that JB had the contracts made up ahead of time, with the signature pages looking the way the do now. Everyone signed, except TP, leaving his part blank. Then a new set was made for TP, which he did sign.

That would mean that only the section where he was suppose to sign, was covered with what he did sign. That would be the only section that would need to be 'copy and paste'. The numbers would all match, etc.

It would be what The others did sign, he just didn't sign it. IF they have a copy, it wouldn't include his signature, but it would include everyone elses. Showing, he didn't sign that agreement.

If that is what he did, then the orginal might be damaged from cutting and pasting.

I have had to do some of that when making layout, blue prints, etc. His signature section would have to be folded, or cut off of the paper, and taped onto a different paper. One that all ready has LP's signature on. Then the edges would have to be taped down, so it wouldn't show when it's photo copied.

IF that is what he did, then it would seem that he made the original contract void, by destroying the original. Leaving him and KC unprotected from LP, Tracy, etc.
Originally Posted by RR0004 View Post
Did he not think that TP wouldn't notice?

As LDB pointed out in court yesterday, none of Padilla's crew were noticed on this motion.

Tony Padilla's comment:
'Again we were never formally made of aware of the motion and its contents. I have really narrowed my group of media people I talk to because they are so selfish. They (the select media) told me about it. This case really went to some peoples heads thinking they were a huge part of it including a past member of this site. It really went to her head."
Originally Posted by Marina2 View Post
Maybe it's just that important that he decided to risk the forgery. He may have weighed the risks vs the benefits. Worse case scenario... the motion gets thrown out. Best case scenario...very damning testimony gets thrown out.

But, is the attorney possibly banking on the fact that the Original conveniently "cannot be located"?
How can it be PROVEN that Tony Padilla ever signed a separate/different document/agreement? There is only Tony Padilla's word for it.

Why would JB's word be more credible than TPs? There is only JBs word for JBs story.
It is up to the signatories (and their attorneys) to make sure every page is initialed and the document above reproach & challenge.

Looks to me like Baez is the one who wants to use the document now to keep the other signatories quiet. I would have expected that the ONLY attorney that was part of the contract would have been CAREFUL to make it tight. I'd expect the ONLY attorney to have kept the originals too.

Yep! And, I'd expect the only attorney to have mailed the copies.
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