Tony Padilla Q&A

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Ok, I am so not here to argue LP's credibility and bicker with his supporters that do not think he has lied or made stuff up. I was just asking: does Tony, someone that personally knows LP and was on the scene, think LP's credibility could be an issue reflected back on the rest of the group, if they were to take the stand.
My question is if anyone knows... since the signature page is totally separate from the body of the agreement and if JB can even produce the original does it even matter? What I mean is that along with TP, all the others could in fact dispute this is the actual agreement they signed being as there is no way to distinguish what the 'signature' page refers too. Thanks to anyone that can answer.

I agree. The document form is dubious at best and, at the worst, evidence of fraud. JB has the burden to prove that a privilege exists and I don't see how any court could consider this proof of that. If so, JB can prove anything he wants with regards to Padilla and crew since he has a signature page with each of their names. Pick a claim, any claim and he could attach the signature page to it and submit it as evidence.

Forgery or not, I think the form of the documents should render it useless as evidence of anything.
Wow - Snapping fingers! - I think I just figured something out!! ...

I started to reply to your message by saying that whatever else can be said of LP, there is no denying that he knows how to keep his cool under the most extreme circumstances, and so I'm sure he'll keep it on the witness stand too. I was mentally basing my opinion on his unflappable behavior on network TV during the Great Blanchard Park Debacle. Tim Miller was so furious and upset over what Leonard did that day that Tim was virtually incoherent and did not come off well at all on TV (despite the fact that he was being totally honest IMO), but 'ol Leonard just leaned back in his chair and smiled unconcernedly about everything--including the FBI's alleged insistence that LP take a lie detector test!

That reminded me that the FBI never forced the issue of the lie detector test... AND THEN IT HIT ME: It would have been folly for any branch of LE to publicly insult the integrity of a probable witness for the prosecution (Leonard) by insisting he take a lie detector test over that meaningless Blanchard Park fiasco. I can hear the defense when LP gets on the stand saying, "Your friends in Law Enforcement didn't even believe you, but now the State's Attorney wants the jury to believe whatever you say."

By George, I think we've got it.... LOL

:clap: Well thought out, Miss Friday!

I'd also like to add a comment about Tony possibly doing anything to cause issue with LP...not going to happen. They have a very tight close-knit family. If LP did anything to upset Tony, it would be kept within the confines of the family.
This wasn't brought to the state's attention until the last minute so there was no time for a written response. The references to the state making written responses, including asking the court to direct same, were specious at best, imo. The defense often files last minute pleadings, amended pleadings, additional pleadings, etc. precluding written responses from the state. So far, iirc, the state has provided written responses for the most part when time allowed and subject matter indicated. Trial by ambush is generally disfavored in Florida courts and I doubt the state has in any way tried to do so. If that was their intent and time allowed, I think TP would have been present at the hearing along with other evidence to dispute the validity of the proffered document.

JB's real issue may be, imo, that had he been made aware that the document would be questioned, he could have taken some preemptive measures or even canceled the hearing on that issue. I don't think he would have brought the original to court with him because I don't think it exists. If it did, I think it would have been in one of the file folders regarding this issue sitting on the defense table.

JB also whined about being called on the carpet about this, my impression being in hopes the court would chastise the state for making such "scurrilous" accusations against him and thereby possibly hoping to avoid actually having to produce what he likely doesn't have. If TP's memory is correct, then rather than admit it in open court, I'd be more inclined to believe JB would walk to the end of the hallway, as did his client. He would have nothing to gain by such an admission, even an unspoken admission. JB, like his client, in my view seems to be more likely to instead be furiously trying to figure out how to avoid detection; come up with another lie/fraudulent document; and/or a way to blame someone else for the fabrication.

Keep in mind, these are very serious allegations and I highly doubt TP would make them lightly. TP is much too smart, imo, to not realize possible repercussions from false accusations, especially considering his profession.

Good points, especially the one I bolded. You would think those papers, if they exist, would be there. Why show up to a gunfight with no ammo?
I am "caught up with the thread" and read every one of TP's posts before I contributed my opinion.


When first meeting KC, do you think Tony should have known immediately that KC was a sociopath, and she was just acting or do you think when confronted with the particular question of what KC was like, he should've provided a composite of all the thoughts he was to later acquire?

Usually when LE questions someone about a particular moment in time, they're seeking exactly that person's impression of that moment in time, not some response from out in that person's future.

For Tony to characterize KC as being something other than what she revealed to him during that initial time period would technically be lying about that moment in time.

If that's the way KC presented herself, then that's the truth whether any of us like it or not.

It sounds to me like Tony came to see the real KC, so for me, I don't have a beef with that.
Good points, especially the one I bolded. You would think those papers, if they exist, would be there. Why show up to a gunfight with no ammo?

That's Jose's modus operandi. He shows up unarmed at every battle of wits.
Originally Posted by ThinkTank View Post
Originally Posted by Marina2 View Post
Maybe it's just that important that he decided to risk the forgery. He may have weighed the risks vs the benefits. Worse case scenario... the motion gets thrown out. Best case scenario...very damning testimony gets thrown out.
But, is the attorney possibly banking on the fact that the Original conveniently "cannot be located"?
How can it be PROVEN that Tony Padilla ever signed a separate/different document/agreement? There is only Tony Padilla's word for it.

Actually, IF Tony Padilla were unscrupulous, he could have attached any contract he wanted to the signature sheets. WHO could say what contract went with what signatures?

Maybe legal documents with detached signature pages and with no initials on every page pass the muster when nobody objects. Or if the only other signatory is deceased.

But, I think it is a problem when one of the signatories is alive and saying the copy of the legal document you are submitting to the court is fake.

This would be a good time to have crossed your T's and dotted your I's and to have your legal documents beyond reproach. Baez knew back when those papers were being signed that there was a possibility Casey might eventually face the death penalty.

When one of the signatories on a document is the lead attorney and it is a serious matter, I'd expect that attorney to cover his and his client's *****.


ITA - when I wrote that there is only Tony P's word for it that another, separate agreement ever existed, I in no way meant to imply that Tony P was unscrupulous or doing anything shady. I was trying to figure out mentally, how Tony P can be supported and defend his claim that indeed a different/separate agreement was signed by him in Baez' office - in the event that the attorney tries to say he has no Original of any separate agreement.

I would love to know from Tony P. exactly how the agreement signing thing went down that day.
Did Baez hand Tony P the agreement with all 4 parties' names on it, and did Tony P say at that time he would not sign "that" document with all the parties' names on it? Did Tony P then ask Baez to write up a different agreement separating Tony from the other 3 parties, and then Tony P signed the separate one? Has Tony ever seen that agreement before seeing it in the Motion that Baez submitted with his Motion? Were the other 3 parties present when Tony P told Baez that he would not sign the "group" agreement? These are questions that I would love for Tony P to answer for us, if he wants to.
Ok, I am so not here to argue LP's credibility and bicker with his supporters that do not think he has lied or made stuff up. I was just asking: does Tony, someone that personally knows LP and was on the scene, think LP's credibility could be an issue reflected back on the rest of the group, if they were to take the stand.

This may be one of the many reasons TP insists on separate agreements when working on a project in conjunction with his uncle.
Ok, I am so not here to argue LP's credibility and bicker with his supporters that do not think he has lied or made stuff up. I was just asking: does Tony, someone that personally knows LP and was on the scene, think LP's credibility could be an issue reflected back on the rest of the group, if they were to take the stand.


I've seen you ask this question a couple of times now. I think that the difference is that Tracy has not been in the public eye at all, spouting off what she knew or any kind of nonsense, etc. (and I'm neutral on LP). I don't even know what she looks like. I only recall Rob on TV at the beginning of things and don't know Tony at all until I read this thread, and these latter two seem credible to me.

Just because one of them is a media *advertiser censored*, IMO, does not taint the rest with credibility issues. They don't roam in a pack. If they were all spouting off at the mouth at every turn then I would have a problem with it. But ultimately, I still imagine that under oath they would all tell the truth and nothing but the truth. Unlike the As, who have proven themselves a pack of liars consistently, even under oath.
Good points, especially the one I bolded. You would think those papers, if they exist, would be there. Why show up to a gunfight with no ammo?

More than that --- why would one set up a separate file for this rather than keeping it with the other related docs? I guess it's possible that it's all alone in a file labeled 'privacy agreement' but it just seems common sense to me to retrieve that doc and put it with all the other related docs for ease of reference.
[bold mine]

True ... this could turn out to be a perpetual reality series!

Baez is reminding me more and more like the the lawyer in the movie "Idiocracy"!!! :crazy:

"I like money...duh..huh..huh...huh"
Thank you for clearing that up, Bree.

Lambchop: I'm going by what Tony said about LP making stuff up to get on camera. But I will say that LP has weaved so many different tales in various media outlets that it is almost hard to decipher fact from fiction, and speculation from actuality. Credibility will sink LP if he is put on the stand, that is why I ponder if it will reflect onto the rest of the group.

Yep...and same goes for the A's.
ITA - when I wrote that there is only Tony P's word for it that another, separate agreement ever existed, I in no way meant to imply that Tony P was unscrupulous or doing anything shady. I was trying to figure out mentally, how Tony P can be supported and defend his claim that indeed a different/separate agreement was signed by him in Baez' office - in the event that the attorney tries to say he has no Original of any separate agreement.

And I think your original point was to agree with my post that Baez may have decided to take the risk that he would be caught in his fraud because he knew that TP didn't have a copy of the original document. If forgery and subsequent fraud can't be proven, the only risk Baez took was that the motion would be thrown out or denied. Baez may have felt this risk was worth it to have Tracy's testimony barred. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, so to speak, on Baez' part.

Tracy's testimony must be very helpful to the state for Baez to make this decision if that is, in fact, what he did. And I hope that, contrary to what Baez expects, the forgery can be proven and he will be disbarred. He's gotten away with way too much already and shouldn't get away with forgery and fraud. Ignorance is one thing but criminal activity is unacceptable and should be punished.
IMO: Very much like his murdering client, I suspect JB is the type that would have never really considered the potential of being caught at something like this and only had haphazard, hazy thoughts on that 'what if.' Perhaps in the million to one shot that anyone dared challenge him he'd at most just withdraw that part of his motion. I certainly hope that if he has done what it appears was done here that it will be prosecuted to the fullest extent the bar and law allows. (But I also hope that for the A clan and so far, nada.)

Respectfully snipped

Oh...You can bet your butt that he didn't considered being caught. Just remember the stuff he posted on his website that wasn't true. He was bragging that he had acomplished stuff he had never done - never once even considering the fact that someone would notice and call him out on it. The Florida Bar smacked him down for that one - told him to take it down and enroll in advertising classes. Trust me, JB is NOT above forging docs or falsifying info! He's done it in the past!
Actually, IF Tony Padilla were unscrupulous, he could have attached any contract he wanted to the signature sheets. WHO could say what contract went with what signatures?

Maybe legal documents with detached signature pages and with no initials on every page pass the muster when nobody objects. Or if the only other signatory is deceased.

But, I think it is a problem when one of the signatories is alive and saying the copy of the legal document you are submitting to the court is fake.

This would be a good time to have crossed your T's and dotted your I's and to have your legal documents beyond reproach. Baez knew back when those papers were being signed that there was a possibility Casey might eventually face the death penalty.

When one of the signatories on a document is the lead attorney and it is a serious matter, I'd expect that attorney to cover his and his client's *****.


He was in way over his head. It seems he made alot of mistakes and was clueless as to how to go on. Had a general idea, but ....

That has been the main complaint by many. That KC didn't have a real lawyer to insure a fair trial. No lawyer could help, cause they would have to be second or third chair from JB and follow his lead. It is only because of the DP, forcing an experience lawyer to take the first seat, are we seeing KC getting the help she needs to ensure a fair trial.

Not saying the STate wasn't going to be fair. Actually, the state has even shown concern for KC. Which is why she is required to attend these hearings.
Do you all see any evidence of AL actually being beneficial to JB? Even with her on board, he still seems to be struggling with protocol.
Do you all see any evidence of AL actually being beneficial to JB? Even with her on board, he still seems to be struggling with protocol.

When the handler is in Chicago and the dog is in Orlando, he's bound to slip his collar every now and then.

Methinks Jose needs constant supervision. Or a nanny.

I've seen you ask this question a couple of times now. I think that the difference is that Tracy has not been in the public eye at all, spouting off what she knew or any kind of nonsense, etc. (and I'm neutral on LP). I don't even know what she looks like. I only recall Rob on TV at the beginning of things and don't know Tony at all until I read this thread, and these latter two seem credible to me.

Just because one of them is a media *advertiser censored*, IMO, does not taint the rest with credibility issues. They don't roam in a pack. If they were all spouting off at the mouth at every turn then I would have a problem with it. But ultimately, I still imagine that under oath they would all tell the truth and nothing but the truth. Unlike the As, who have proven themselves a pack of liars consistently, even under oath.

I couldn't tell you what Tracy looks like either!

The only thing LP will testify to is his role in securing TP's half a million dollar interest in KC. And that's all the defense will be able to cross him on. The state would never allow doors to be opened which would allow any cross examination of LP regarding his antics. They may be able to cross on his BP searches but any of his other stuff probably will never be heard in court. TP and LP may never even be called to the stand.
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