Tracey at it again in the UK?

KBUK said:
Jayelles, I completely agree. The programme even went to the lengths of showing american media who "have tainted the american peoples image of the ramseys" - please!

Did you notice when they were discussing the intruder they showed an image of the basement window wide open, with the suitcase below, leaving the viewer with the impression that was how it was found?

I was thinking of contacting C4, you shoudl do the same. You mention interesting materials, may I ask what?
Yes, I did notice that they showed the photo which was taken of the wide open basement window saying that there was clear evidence of an intruder which the police ignored - that was very misleading.

I won't impart anything about the file/materials I have which have never been posted on the boards. However, it would be of great interest to any programme maker who wants to set the record straight in the UK.

I am absolutely certain that anyone who was willing to make such a programme would be guaranteed the co-operation of some very interesting insiders who would like to see the record set straight.
Jeyelles and fellow brits,

I watched a recording of the documentry this morning and am in total agreement with you about its bias.

To illustrate this I was speaking to a friend who although she had heard of JonBenet, she had not followed the case or watched any other documentries about her, and she was convinced that Mark Karr was somehow involved.
and that they were on the trail of the killer.

I tried to give her some of the missing facts but there is such a lot to explain that I must admit I gave up.

If you come to any decision about getting in touch with channel 4 about the lack of information in this documentry regarding the bias aspect please count me in.
This is the exact problem I had with my work friend! I've been showing her various web pages today and she's staring to realise that the case is far more complicated than how it was made out last night - but like Firstpage said - the case is far too complicated to explain.
KBUK said:
As a lurker on this boards for some time now, I felt I had to speak up re last nights programme. It is rare that here in the UK we are given information about this case, however, last nights programme was shown with such bias it is understandable that R-Woods colleague is adamant that JMK is guilty.

The complete ommittance of evidence to the contrary left the viewer in a disillusioned state, but we knew that would be the case anyway.

What struck me was the footage of Patsy and John, I believe around 2003. Patsy was sat supposedly reading a book, but the look of distain upon her face as she glanced up at John sat opposite did not look like an error of camera angle IMO.
KBUK - Your last remark about Patsy having a look of disdain towards John is what I find most intersting about this whole documentary. Could you go into it a little more?
The people to report the documentary to is Ofcom - not Channel 4. Channel 4 wouldn't do anything about complaints. Ofcom are our TV Regulators. They are a government quango and are contractually obliged to investigate complaints about tv programmes.

If you go to their website at you can read their Code of Practice and in particular the rules about programme makers being fair and unbiased.

I need to chew this over for a bit. I'm tied up until the weekend (not literally :)) but that will give me time to gather my thoughts. Then I will consider what to do. I'm totally sick of this. I've read numerous comments by Brits on Topix and the general consensus is that the programme was poor. The last documentary was a fairy story and now this. It's not as though they are omitting non-consequential facts. By omitting the facts they have chosen to omit, they have created a much more sensational programme and I think that's significant. I haven't spoken to anyone who watched the programme yet but it will be interesting to read reader's comments or reviews on websites and magazines. If anyone finds any, please post them here.

If any other Brits are reading this, pleae join the forum and post your comments. It's time we banded together to say "enough is enough".
R-Wood said:
This is the exact problem I had with my work friend! I've been showing her various web pages today and she's staring to realise that the case is far more complicated than how it was made out last night - but like Firstpage said - the case is far too complicated to explain.

R-Wood, if you haven't already, please show your friend all the Ramsey case information that is available at:


The second link has a complete section entitled "The Truth About Colorado Journalsim Professor Michael Tracey." I think you'll find it interesting reading.
Everyone is right on!!

This has got to stop. I am at a loss as to how Tracey and Mills get away with their lies. Over and Over and Over and Over.

Total loss.
Thanks a lot - she's off today so I've emailed her the links. The section about Tracey was an interesting read :)
Solace said:
KBUK - Your last remark about Patsy having a look of disdain towards John is what I find most intersting about this whole documentary. Could you go into it a little more?
Hi Solace. JR and PR were sat in what looked like their living room/lounge. I'm not the most articulate so I will describe the best I can. If memory serves, he looked happy (smiling etc), she was "supposedly" reading a small thin book, with her head down, and she looked up at him with her eyes, keeping her head down... like you would if you were looking at someone discreetly. However, her face was one you would associate with: when you look at someone who you don't agree with what they're saying, or their actions; when you're thinking to yourself "you're talking rubbish" "you make my blood boil" etc. Does that make sense? It struck me so much, I rewound and watched again, this was supposed to be showing a happy family, and it didn't.

Maybe some of the other UK viewers could help me out with this? :doh:
KBUK said:
Hi Solace. JR and PR were sat in what looked like their living room/lounge. I'm not the most articulate so I will describe the best I can. If memory serves, he looked happy (smiling etc), she was "supposedly" reading a small thin book, with her head down, and she looked up at him with her eyes, keeping her head down... like you would if you were looking at someone discreetly. However, her face was one you would associate with: when you look at someone who you don't agree with what they're saying, or their actions; when you're thinking to yourself "you're talking rubbish" "you make my blood boil" etc. Does that make sense? It struck me so much, I rewound and watched again, this was supposed to be showing a happy family, and it didn't.

Maybe some of the other UK viewers could help me out with this? :doh:
I have found one such scene at approximately 18 minutes into the programme where the Ramseys are sitting in front of a roaring fire. John is laughing and chatting on the telephone to someone and Patsy is reading a book. However Patsy doesn't take her eyes off the book. She looks engrossed in the book. Perhaps there is another clip of this scene that you are referring to?

I've done a screen capture and have posted it here. The camera is on Patsy for several seconds and she doesn't move:- it just me, or is Patsy reading a Little Golden Book in that scene? The back of that book she's reading looks just like the backs of my kids' LGBs.
Nuisanceposter said: it just me, or is Patsy reading a Little Golden Book in that scene? The back of that book she's reading looks just like the backs of my kids' LGBs.
Yes that is what it looks like.

Also is there any other thing you found strange about the picture. All the rosebuds.....
The flowers seem typical of Patsy to me. But the Little Golden Book, if that's what that is, seems really weird. She had to know she was going to be filmed...why would she choose to read a child's book on camera?
Jayelles said:
I have found one such scene at approximately 18 minutes into the programme where the Ramseys are sitting in front of a roaring fire. John is laughing and chatting on the telephone to someone and Patsy is reading a book. However Patsy doesn't take her eyes off the book. She looks engrossed in the book. Perhaps there is another clip of this scene that you are referring to?

I've done a screen capture and have posted it here. The camera is on Patsy for several seconds and she doesn't move:-
Hi Jayelles, yes that was the scene, I have deleted the programme from my sky planner, but she does look up, I swear. Please watch again if you have the opportunity. I would hate for my 3rd/4th post here to look like I'm making this up. If you watch her, she is pretending to be interested in that book, but she does look up.
KBUK said:
Hi Jayelles, yes that was the scene, I have deleted the programme from my sky planner, but she does look up, I swear. Please watch again if you have the opportunity. I would hate for my 3rd/4th post here to look like I'm making this up. If you watch her, she is pretending to be interested in that book, but she does look up.
She definitely didn't look up in the clip I took the frame from. I put it on slow frame and enlarged it to see if I was missing it. She never took her eyes off the book. That's why I asked if there was another clip. If I had the software, I'd cut that clip out and post it for you. If there was another clip of the same scene, she may have looked up in that. I've not watched the entire documentary in one sitting and may have missed that.

I've sent the DVD out to the awesome poster Why_Nut in the States and he is a computer whizzkid. Perhaps he'll be kind enough to post that little excerpt?
Nuisanceposter said: it just me, or is Patsy reading a Little Golden Book in that scene? The back of that book she's reading looks just like the backs of my kids' LGBs.
It does look a bit like a LGB but I'm not sure if it is...maybe need to enlarge that bit to see properly because I can't quite make it out...looks a little different to a LGB...
More than likely its probably a book of religious nature..
Nuisanceposter said:
The flowers seem typical of Patsy to me. But the Little Golden Book, if that's what that is, seems really weird. She had to know she was going to be filmed...why would she choose to read a child's book on camera?
Because she just misses JonBenet so much.
KBUK said:
Hi Jayelles, yes that was the scene, I have deleted the programme from my sky planner, but she does look up, I swear. Please watch again if you have the opportunity. I would hate for my 3rd/4th post here to look like I'm making this up. If you watch her, she is pretending to be interested in that book, but she does look up.

Don't worry my friend. No one would think you would make things up.

I can't tell you how many times I have gotten things flat out wrong in a post so please don't worry if you make a mistake. We all do. No worries OK?

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