trial day 38: the defense continues its case in chief #110

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Not according to Sheriff Joe on the talking heads the other day. She doesn't get lunch. I wish I knew where that article was. Gonna go look.

No she does not get lunch, you can split a hotdog in three but I hardly think that qualifies as three meals a day.
It's not really puzzling. She had a tootsie roll stuck in there. I'm serious. I can't figure out why I seem to be the only one seeing it.

Jodi My head hurts, I'm hungry
Deputy We gave you a banana why didn't you eat it?
Jodi My brain gets scrambled when men like you give me bananas I didn't know what to do with it
I like a sandwich with a nice hearty bread, peanut butter and thinly sliced tomatoes.

Don't throw tomatoes at me for this weird combination!
Ok, moo; whether Jodi faked the migraine (if that is even the case, as Judge never explained why court was cancelled yesterday). This is a good thing!

We don't want a mistrial do we? Due do an "unfair" trial.

I don't care what she eats in prison, and frankly, she is wilting away... food or not.
I find to be very informative with CA and JA this is what she tweeted a few minutes ago.

DEF Witness Alyce LaViolette BRAGGED ON HER RESUME that she was PAID 2 create #JodiArias DEFENSE for 2.5 years
Not according to Sheriff Joe on the talking heads the other day. She doesn't get lunch. I wish I knew where that article was. Gonna go look.

She gets an extra large breakfast that is suppose to be divided into two meals.

PHOENIX -- Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is known for his unconventional jail policies, which have raised complaints from inmates in the past.
“If they don’t like it, I would highly recommend not coming to jail,” said Sheriff Arpaio.

Now it is not the inmates complaining, but attorney Jason Gronski of the Maricopa County Public Defender’s office.

“We’ve come to find out clients are not eating, are sleep deprived, and aren’t able to assist us at trial, assist council. That’s become a major problem,” said Gronski.

Sheriff Arpaio confirmed that on trial days, inmates in Maricopa County jails are awoken between 3 and 4 in the morning for trials that begin at 10:30 AM. They are given a breakfast when they wake up, then nothing until 6 in the evening when dinner is served at the jail.

Gronski argues that skipping lunch and waking early on trial days is interfering with the judicial process.

“My clients are not getting fair trials,” he said. “What they are doing is giving the state a tactical advantage during trial.”

After one client complained of hunger during a trial, Gronski drafted a motion asking the judge to force the Sheriff to provide lunch.
I don't know if anyone has seen this yet, but it looks like Juan's cross is going to be AMAZING....


Thanks KarmicLaw.

Indeed this should be interesting since the defense is worried about self incrimination...Ms. Wilmott cannot stop herself from asking questions better left unasked. Sounds like a smack down in the making. :facepalm:
I like a sandwich with a nice hearty bread, peanut butter and thinly sliced tomatoes.

Don't throw tomatoes at me for this weird combination!

I am a fan of peanut butter and bacon on toast. Weird pregnancy craving that turned out to be one of my better ones...:floorlaugh:

It's not really puzzling. She had a tootsie roll stuck in there. I'm serious. I can't figure out why I seem to be the only one seeing it.

OMG, I am at work and just spit water all over my screen.:floorlaugh:
Sometimes I like to put potato chips in my PB&J sandwich to make it crunchy. nom nom nom

Must try this!! When I was doing South Beach diet and craved something sweet, I mixed peanut butter, sugar free chocolate syrup, dry-roasted peanuts and low fat cool whip in a bowl. It saved my sanity while dieting, and is really yummy! Also, smooth lady here :rocker:
Take a second in your day and take note of things like feeling the sun on your skin, how soft your pets fur is. If you feel like a piece of pizza and then eat it.....if you feel like taking a long, hot bubble bath.....remember that JA gets NONE of it. Makes me feel a little cruel for thinking like that but there are times things like that have crossed my mind. I can't imagine losing all the things I appreciate and shake my head that anyone would be evil enough to take a life and then lose anything that mattered. Maybe she doesn't miss real life anyway.... I can't imagine.
I like a sandwich with a nice hearty bread, peanut butter and thinly sliced tomatoes.

Don't throw tomatoes at me for this weird combination!

Peanut butter and cucumber sandwiches rock! :rocker:
I don't know if anyone has seen this yet, but it looks like Juan's cross is going to be AMAZING....


:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:


:great: :fireworks::rocker::great:

OMG!! I cannot wait for his cross examination!!!
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