trial day 43: the defense continues its case in chief #131

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hey - i think you're an academic so maybe you'd get a particular kick from this...

Hmmmm..... whoops. Looks like some problems there, all right -- but I think she's insulated by the fact that she doesn't carry the PhD baggage, and hence the assumption that she will meet that kind of scrutiny regarding peer-reviewed pubs and books. But it does look a little fast and loose at times, suggesting that there may be some sense of inadequacy and attempt at compensating -- and we have seen that kind of thing on the stand, so it's not unreasonable to point it out.

I can't wait to read it!! Is it like a list of demands or wishes?? I've only heard about them, but never read one.

Okay I lied, it's not a manifesto, it's just a pile of paper I'm too lazy to organize or throw away... my musings over how bad my NCAA tournament brackets turned out, notes I scribble to myself at night when I can't sleep but can't find the light switch... just a bunch of drivel. But I do plan on making copies and autographing this trash in case I become famous.

Plan A was the gun. clean. Then the massacre. :( and then back to Plan A.

I bet she dragged him back to the shower, then shot him in the head now. :facepalm:

Good point.

Maybe at that POT, JA was very scared as he "just wouldn't die."
She lost confidence in the simplicity of her original schemata, and then went all overkill on him becuase of that (to her) shocking escape from the shower.
Pretty much. She even said at the beginning of her testimony (which seems moons away); something along the lines of maybe not having a job to go back to?

She has cashed out.

I don't think ALV is hurting for money. Her business has two locations in the LA area. She gets paid for speeches on the weekends, expert witnessing, and also, according to her website, being a script consultant re dv issues.
What makes you think JA was obsessed with TA? I guess everybody has a definition of "successful". TA worked for PPL, did not have a college education. Not sure if JA would have ever heard of the Mormon church had it not been for TA..HE was the one that told her of his Book of Mormon..HE baptized her. I don't see how JA used TA for religion for gain as you say.

BBM: Stalking him by text messages, emails, voicemails, crawling through his doggie door, sending fake emails to other women, own words in her "diary"...oh, and driving 1000 miles to slaughter him. Those are just a few that come to mind.
IDK if my theory is even correct (legal eagles' help would be great :floorlaugh:)

See, if JA writes nice positive things in her journals (in accordance with the law of attraction), nice positive things will be returned to her.

That is how the DT explains why JA has nothing in any of her journals about Travis being abusive to her, nothing about the alleged choking incident, nothing about the alleged finger breaking incident, etc.

It's a smoke and mirrors bs explanation by the DT to explain why she didn't include any of the things she has since been accusing Travis of while on trial.

Apparently the Law of attraction doesn't work. At least not for Jodi. Or didn't anyone tell her that negative "thoughts" apply to the law of attraction?
One thing I hate about that show is that I'll bet the DT watches it. The DT on HLN is MUCH better than JA's, and make good (although wrong) points.

I WAS happy that this particular one - the most important - was unanimous.

Not to worry, it is too late for the defense team to do anything to prevent what I believe will be the REAL jury agreeing with this one on HLN.

Pretty much. She even said at the beginning of her testimony (which seems moons away); something along the lines of maybe not having a job to go back to?

She has cashed out.

I don't think she was serious, as in she really thought she wouldn't get work after this. I think she was being facetious and arrogant, and it was a joke, believing it couldn't happen to HER. JMO :twocents:
Wow that Is just sick to know that is happening in front of Travis ALEXANDER'S FAMILY
I hope everyone signs the petition against her and what a Media who're she truly is turning into. I'm really sick at heart to hear this!

What petition are you referring to?
I don't think ALV is hurting for money. Her business has two locations in the LA area. She gets paid for speeches on the weekends, expert witnessing, and also, according to her website, being a script consultant re dv issues.

Maybe by the TimE this is over and the www and online petition show what a Hack she is.....she may not work in this town again. Ca NV AZ ETC.
Rosemary P, have you listened to the one where she wants to tie a rope around a man's penis? The woman having a child would yank the rope with every contraction.

That might be the definition of a man *****. If Juan played THAT one, ALL the men would be on Juan's side. lol

Any sane, decent person -- regardless of gender -- would give an "Aw! He'll naw!" to this hideous little bit of AVL batshit crazy.
For those looking for new Avs, here's a search string for Spacetime Continuum

But see the one that added the Einstein photo to it.


I am not good with images etc. But for those of you who are can readlly, I am sure, add in Jodi's photo--with or without Einstein--to create Jodi Spacetime Continuum.

And have it handy when the Jodi ("smarter than Einstein") Manifesto shows up in court. Hopefully soon--as many have said they can't wait for it.

Update. Sorry this is so large--don't know how to shrink it.
I would REALLY love to find out exactly how many "expert witness cases ALaV has opted not to take because she, with alllll of her expertise and knowledge, did NOT find the woman involved to be a legitimate DV victim???
Rumor was 5, but don't quote me on that one.

We might find out soon enough! Defense is fighting to have the billing records sealed. If they are released, we shall know. :great: If I were a taxpayer in the state of Arizona, I would be furious at what this trial has cost me. Everyone is entitled to a defense, but this one is out of hand. JMO
Okay I lied, it's not a manifesto, it's just a pile of paper I'm too lazy to organize or throw away... my musings over how bad my NCAA tournament brackets turned out, notes I scribble to myself at night when I can't sleep but can't find the light switch... just a bunch of drivel. But I do plan on making copies and autographing this trash in case I become famous.


And with that, I shall retire to my lair, and work on MY manifesto.....while watching reruns of Criminal Minds.


Good night!
I thought he was seeing and definitely flirting with other women while in an official relationship with Jodi. Aren't there texts messages between Travis and other women that would be deemed inappropriate if he was dating someone?

Who besides Jody ever said they were official ??? I thought she said her new religon encouraged unmarried people to date around. I haven't seen anything or person say they were going steady.
Agreed. I just hoped that the state could lay out a theory that made perfect sense and lined up perfectly with the evidence... and that it would answer all of the juror's questions as to how it happened.

ETA: I always regretted the CA trial's outcome had much to do with the fact that this very component was not present.

But isn't that just like life? Where in life is there absolute perfection? It seems when "perfection" is expected, disappointment is inevitable, no?

They say there's a growing phenomena in jury trials called the "CSI effect". Juries now expecting fingerprints, DNA and the like that point to absolutes, where there can be no question as to the scientific evidence. But it's not possible in every crime scene.

I think many jurors abandon the importance of independent common sense because of all the distractions & confusion. It's being thrown at them by the side that doesn't want them to think clearly and see facts for what they are.
I think the idea is that if she'd written a report, it would have been made available to the prosecution. And you saw what JM did, just with her notes.

Exactly. The defense was hoping to have it both ways yet again. No report = nothing to offer in discovery = nothing to tie her down on = nothing to impeach her on = she can just make up her carp on the fly.

But the problem for the defense is twofold: She can still be impeached on her notes and JM has turned the tables on ALV. He knows her notes better than she does and is catching her in lies left and right. (BTW I LOVED the question today that started with IIRC "Don't even remember that in your notes you said...".)

One question for everyone... If she had a report it would be marked as an exhibit and the jury would have it available I believe. I don't think her notes are an exhibit - is that correct? If so, does it mean Juan can use them for impeachment but the jury can't go fishing through them? And is he able to use her notes as a normal course of action with "experts" or was that some special ruling from the judge to pull them in lieu of her having produced some final product (i.e. a report)?
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