trial day 47: the defense continues its case in chief #144

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So was there any testimony today?
No just some weird eyeball thing about what "may" have been seen in TA pupil.
Later ... Just a stipulation (at the end of the later morning) that Jodi had no weapon (gun/knife) in her hand in the second to the last picture.

That picture is head on ... full face.

NEXT picture.... Travis with head not shown is NO stipulation.

NEXT picture is the ceiling shot.
I'm perplexed about something. ALV had her cheerleading team in the courtroom when she was testilying, then word was she was in an emerg room one weekend for heart palpitations due to stress caused by the social media backlash about her testilying, she testified she doesnt use computers, but now she has a twitter account? Her last tweet was yesterday.

Why would anyone who is complaining about stress from social media backlash create a twitter account?

And if she doesn't use computers, how is she posting to her twitter acct? :floorlaugh:

She has Donavan twitting for her.:floorlaugh:

Not his witness, not under any subpoena

Martinez has no power over Jodi Arias. Never did.

JA choice to testify.


When JM talked about the twitter deal today, he stated that JA was a witness. And not allowed to talk about the case on twitter. Is JM wrong?

This is what I saw, adding to the previous pic, but forget the gun. I just looked at the pic and squinted (old art trick) And I don't know how the attachment thinging works! Click for larger version cause it didn't get very big when I previewed it.
No just some weird eyeball thing about what "may" have been seen in TA pupil.
Later ... Just a stipulation (at the end of the later morning) that Jodi had no weapon (gun/knife) in her hand in the second to the last picture.

That picture is head on ... full face.

NEXT picture.... Travis with head not shown is NO stipulation.

NEXT picture is the ceiling shot.

So did the defense rest?
Jodi waved her 5th amendment rights when she took the stand. She can be called.
I don't think the stipulation means the defense gained anything .... the murderer probably had the knife in her sock and the gun in her pocket anyways. (Im just speculating)

Mr. Martinez knows he has to pick his battles and without any stipulation the defense could have kept this so-called expert up on the stand for another week .... JMHO no harm, no foul!

I have to say I admire the restraint the Alexander Family had sitting behind that murderer. I told my husband I probably would have jumped over and chopped her to the neck. Im smaller than that murderer height wise and weight wise but I know I would have done some damage.

BTW, I saw a snowman!

IMUA Juan .... ONWARD!!!

I agree with you - Onward we go !!!!!
what are blown margins? I keep hearing about them but have no clue what they are.

It's when someone posts a picture that is bigger than the normal margins for the page, so many folks (like me) have to scroll to the right and back to the left to read all the posts on the page.

Or they can zoom out and all the text is really tiny and hard to see.

If you look at the top of the page in this forum and see the box that says this:

Travis Alexander Trial - The State vs. Jodi Arias Jodi Arias is accused of shooting her ex-boyfriend in the face, stabbing him multiple times and slitting his throat from ear to ear. Her attorneys will argue she killed him in self-defense.

Look at how wide that box is. When big pictures are posted, look at how much they (and every other friggin post on the page) stick out to the right of that box. Then you''l know the margins are blown for lots of folks.

I wish they could just blow the one post and have it stick out to the side alone. It's the difficulty in reading so much text everywhere that's so aggravating about it.

eta: unless it gets edited by a mod, here is an example:
trial day 47: the defense continues its case in chief #144 - Page 24 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
Oh yes we did! And way beyond! I don't know an exact figure and didn't ask as it's personal to the family. I just know we met the goal, easily. did you know we had one $3500 donor? WOW

Thanks for the info Katie. I am so glad to know that people are showing support for the family of Travis by sending money to cover their costs. This has got to be so unbearably painful for them. I wish i were a richer woman but even if I was, i'd still be poor cuz i would be contributing to causes like this.
what we learned in court today... The person taking the pictures was holding... a camera! GASP! LOL

At the time he was rambling on, I wondered to myself, "how the heck much more did this expert witness cost the good people of AZ"?
No just some weird eyeball thing about what "may" have been seen in TA pupil.
Later ... Just a stipulation (at the end of the later morning) that Jodi had no weapon (gun/knife) in her hand in the second to the last picture.

That picture is head on ... full face.

NEXT picture.... Travis with head not shown is NO stipulation.

NEXT picture is the ceiling shot.

Yes, this is so obvious. I couldn't believe the THs saying the stipulation was a big deal. Duh, she didn't have a weapon out while doing the photo session. She took it out at some point though, DUH! This doesn't help Jodi at all. The DT was just going to try to use it to confuse the issue, and waste more time. I'm glad it was resolved this way.
How can I find out what time the police stopping jodi for upside down licence plate? Before Ryan replaced her plate on the front.

Not his witness, not under any subpoena

Martinez has no power over Jodi Arias. Never did.

JA choice to testify.


Yes, he could call her to testify in his rebuttal case. He won't, but he could. She's in the courtroom - he can just call her to the stand, he doesn't need a subpoena. She can't refuse to take the stand if she is called.
I know, I know, the reason I felt so sympathetic towards him is that it was at the end of the hearing where the DT just went out of their way to be rude to him, to attack him and his actions. It was just tough to watch him alone against all of these people, with so much at stake and so many people relying on him. I know he has plenty of support in the media/fans but he gets criticized whenever he as much as acknowledges them, so I sincerely hope that he has someone in his life who's giving him the moral support he so well deserves away from the public eye.

He's certainly not new to this but this trial has not been easy for him, he's probably working a lot, and certainly feels a lot of strain. I'm so glad that this is almost over, and we're in the final stretch, hopefully this part will be easier for him - where he can deal with facts, rather than devious obfuscating witnesses like Jodi and the 2 "experts". And I hope lots of people in the area can celebrate with him OPENLY and gives him the acknowledgement he deserves once this is all over.

If by chance JM doesn't have someone in his life to lean on, we could hold a lottery to see which one of us would be willing to serve in that capacity.:great:
About the "mexican chihuahua":

I think JM chose this dog because, perhaps, someone on the defense may have used this term in one of the closed sessions to describe him (I'm not saying he is a m.c., only that someone else may have said it). Who would think of a mexican chihuahua when trying to come up with a dog breed?

In other words, I think there was a reason why JM chose that particular dog. And he was throwing the term back in the defense's face...

JA shaking like a Chihuahua, Martinez saying "Arias" (Common Spanish last name) the way it's spoken in Spanish (which Nurmi said was WRONG ), and Nurmi's little ethnic snide remarks........don't know where they're at but I heard them
1. The victim's siblings sat feet away from the killer, until the horror of that was finally fixed by placing the killer at the other end of the court room.
2. Hours were spent on what may or may not be seen in the victim's eye. Finally stipulated that the reflection does not show some one holding a weapon.
3. JM did not prosecutorially misconduct.
4. Jodi tweeted, and the sheriff controls what she does, unless it adversley affects the trial
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