trial day 49: REBUTTAL; #150

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There's 1 in 8 parts and one in full (it's 2 hours long). Each of the 8 are 30 minutes and some change. Video 5 was the most telling so far for me. Her time alone is haunting.

I can't find JA's moms interviews AK. Can you please provide a link or tell me the user name of the person who uploaded the clips? I've transcribed the little of what's available from JA's mom and dad here so t'd be good to get the rest. Thanks!

Oh and morning Sleuthers. It's Thursday on this side of the pond at least! When JW gets back up for cross today and goes back to topics already covered, it's going to be so obvious how this little game played out yesterday. This is also the 3rd time the DT have played the sick card, all at times they were really on the backfoot. The jury will be onto all of this.
JW also tried to get an angry rise out of Dr. D today by asking "were you what?.... were you even born then" (1980)? but Dr. D saw the remark for what it was and showed no response whatsoever.
Once JM started asking JD about things stated on her website and online ads, I remembered about what all the posters had been saying about what Samuels' website had advertised as, something to the effect of, 'can get favorable outcomes for your client' and Im now SO hoping JM somehow can bring this in on his redirect of JD, since unlike RS doesnt appear to be selling her diagnosis, or for that matter i wish that JM had asked RS directly, don't you directly advertise that your services are geared toward obtaining "favorable" outcomes for your client/defendants!!!

Just feels like this entire cross is grasping at straws. Sure JD is young, but clearly experienced, professional and diversified in her studies. She comes off as someone with significant ambition and who has achieved much in a short period of time, has risen in her career, and kept up with current methodology which is what both RS and ALV seemed so lacking in. Not to mention how much better she is at explaining and breaking down the psychological testing/process in a professional, and understandable way and really just comes across as knowledgeable.
He could if he wanted to. NG just said he can call anyone he wanted to during rebuttal. Especially if new stuff comes up.

Juan Martinez doesn't have to call her as a witness. His witness he already has just killed prior testimony of the defense's last two witnesses IMO. JM knows this.
Juan Martinez doesn't have to call her as a witness. His witness he already has just killed prior testimony of the defense's last two witnesses IMO. JM knows this.

I totally agree. Worst case scenario is his one expert witness will cancel out all expert testimony, but I think she hit a home run with the jury judging by the questions they have asked of previous experts for the DT.
Goodnight fellow sleuthers! When I start to search for something, to prove to myself that I am not going crazy- it is time for bed! LOL- see ya'all tomorrow.
Juan Martinez doesn't have to call her as a witness. His witness he already has just killed prior testimony of the defense's last two witnesses IMO. JM knows this.

This will be an easy fallacy for JM to expose. I can't believe she made such an amateurish mistake.
Today's observations...

Wilmott didn't appear to to say the B word. She seemed to be muttering to herself at half-volume about getting the pages the witness was asking to see before answering her question. While I'm sure it annoyed Wilmott to no end to have to hunt for the page(s), she would NOT have said such a thing in open court.

Dr. Demarte is a fantastic witness. One, she knows her stuff. Two, she answers quickly and simply, leaving no room for the examiner to exploit her responses. She listens VERY carefully to each question and politely asks for a repeat or rephrase if she can't make heads or tails of a longwinded quasi-question. She is probably a fantastic evaluator for these very reasons.

I'm sure Wilmott is used to tripping up weaker witnesses with her 'friendly until she bites' approach. I'm entirely certain she is not as ill-prepared as she seems to the lay viewer. By feigning confusion it can cause know-it-all witnesses to get chatty and say way too much. Thankfully, it doesn't seem to be working for her with this gal...
I agree. It sounded like she said something like "I'll 'GETCHA' those pages" or something to that effect.
Just cause I was born and raised in Santa Maria and I'm curious , does anyone know which Jr high JA went to?
Adding Lenore would just be making this trial go on much longer. Juan has already proven his witness is capable, smart and extremely professional. She answers questions perfectly.

I am sure she has been challenged in the past by very sneaky and narcisitic folks in her line of work so she cant be rattled cause she is telling the truth. imo
Her friend told a story that makes no sense.

from Nancy Grace April 16th

PATTI: That picture is a picture of all of us girls together. We had -- there were three of us best friends, and we had rode the bus to the mall from (inaudible) to Santa Maria (ph). And it was the first time that we had all rode this bus, so we made, like, a dozen wrong turns. So it took us instead of an hour to get to one spot, it took us like four hours just to get to the mall. And it was just a really good time. It was fun.

GRACE: So you took a bus to take that photo?



Trying to figure this out. :waitasec: The busdriver made a dozen wrong turns? Really? The bus driver took 4 hours to make a one hour run?

Something is wrong with this story. That was not a regular bus route, obviously. It sounds more like they were hitchhiking, imo.

I understood it as them taking the city transportation and getting on the wrong bus and missing stops because they were being kids.
This friend has been on NG twice. Both times, she has sounded very strange. She seems to have a difficult time getting her words out. Last night, Nancy had to finish a sentence for her. I find myself getting very aggravated listening to her.

Remember this was Jodi's best friend at the time she got caught growing pot. If you look at the pictures this friend submitted to NGs show, Jodi was doing her single white female thing - dressing and acting like her BFF.

IMHO, it's still 4:20 all day, every day for this friend....just sayin'
When did the court announce that JA had a headache? All I heard the judge say was that an issue had come up. It could have been any number of things. People are speculating that JA was ill. That's what we do here...speculate, share ideas, info, ect.

I wondered too, as I just finished listening to today's testimony on youtube. JA is shown talking and standing while holding her large bundle of envelopes and papers, after the judge said an issue had come up. She looks like her regular self, no sign of any kind of distress. No idea where that came from.

I am re-listening to part 2 from today's testimony and Minnie Mouse seems even more shrill and unbearable. I want to hear again what she lied about concerning LW.

JW: Are you aware then with the updated research even LW is not using those six criteria anymore. Are you aware of that?

JD: Those six criteria include PTSD.

JW: Are you aware that LW doesn't even use those six criteria anymore?

JD: That seems inaccurate.

JW: So, you're not aware of that?

JD: That doesn't sound accurate.

Did y'all hear JW try to accuse either the witness or JM of copyright violations today?! What a dam joke. JW is either very ignorant when it comes to the law of copyrights or she was once again trying to intimidate. There was no C/R violation with her reviewing evidence with JM. The DT has nothing for this witness and it is obvious.

Willmott's lack of a case may be obvious, but it's necessary for her to try. Jodi's Constitutionally protected right to a defense and jury trial.

I'd rather slog through this right now than have it retried because Jodi's defense didn't put up a good fight.

Willmott and Nurmi have very little to work with and a horror of a client. I think they're doing pretty well under the circumstances.
I understood it as them taking the city transportation and getting on the wrong bus and missing stops because they were being kids.

That makes more sense except that that main bus hub for SMAT is at the mall. SM is a small town. It doesn't take an hour to get anywhere. JMO
Just because it bothered me..correct me if I'm wrong, but JW tried to question why Dr. D didn't take into account JA's heightened "desirability" scale on the MCMI test. Dr. D said it was high, but wasn't high enough to be considered. The desirability scale in question is one of the scales that shows whether or not someone is LYING on the test. JA DID try to make herself more desireable when answering the questions.
Does anyone remember what exhibit 635 was? When JW tried to bring it up before court was cancelled JM madean objection to it. He was very passionate in his objection. I usually have a pretty goo memoryfor the exhib#s but that one escaped me today.

The Reverend Robert Shields maintained a diary chronicling every 5 minutes of his life from 1972 until a stroke disabled him in 1997. The diary fills 81 boxes and contains approximately 37.5 million words. This gargantuan work details every minutae of Shields' life, including extensive details of his bowel movements, blood pressure, body temperature, and various medications, as well as extensive lists of the groceries he bought and their prices. Many entries consist of "I was at the keyboard of the IBM Wheelwriter, making entries for the diary."[5]​
JA's dad's partial interview:
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