trial day 50: REBUTTAL; #153

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With all due respect, it's painful to watch JW in direct or cross.

She seems incredibly junior in her mannerisms, speech & vernacular. She's constantly fumbling over words and saying 'ok' and 'um' and 'yeah'.

Trying to discredit the state's expert witness in a hostile way (I believe trying to mirror JM's approach) and not with buttoned-up facts just makes her look desperate and sad.

I apologize if I shouldn't voice this-- it's not meant to be rude, but seriously, I feel really sad for her career after this showing.

One example is here, from 2:16 to 5:20:

[ame=""]Jodi Arias Trial - Day 50 - Part 3 - YouTube[/ame]

And another very glaring example (with Nurmi's changing reactions in the background) from 7:00-16:30 at the same link.


WATCH IT if you have not already! :facepalm:
I wonder why the "sarcasm" in the juror questions to Dr. DeMarte?

Are they testing her experience? What do you peeps think?

The only problem I had with Dr. D, was that she was sooo clinical in her answers. Dumbing it down, a hair, could have helped. Some of the jurors could have felt intimidated by her genius. I hope not!
With all due respect, it's painful to watch JW in direct or cross.

She seems incredibly junior in her mannerisms, speech & vernacular. She's constantly fumbling over words and saying 'ok' and 'um' and 'yeah'.

Trying to discredit the state's expert witness in a hostile way (I believe trying to mirror JM's approach) and not with buttoned-up facts just makes her look desperate and sad.

I apologize if I shouldn't voice this-- it's not meant to be rude, but seriously, I feel really sad for her career after this showing.

I am still reeling over this exchange.

JW: “When Mr Alexander made comments about being afraid of Ms. Arias, right, wouldn’t you want to understand and, uh, put those words in context?”

Dr. D: “In … would I look at it in context? Yes, I would look at it in context --”

JW INTERRUPTING: “Right, and you would want to look at then behaviors and investigate maybe uh whether or not this there’s any true meaning behind these words right?”

Dr. D: (patiently): “I couldn’t do that because he not alive.”

JW (patronizing): “So when somebody’s not alive you can’t get any information from them … is that what you mean.”

Dr. D (even MORE patient): “From them directly? That’s correct because they’re not alive.”

Shut my mouth and call me speechless.
Please no flaming me .....I can not get upset with the defense team ..Why you ask .. because I want them to do what ever it takes to prevent Jodi from claiming Ineffective Council at a later date !!
One example is here, from 2:16 to 5:20:

Jodi Arias Trial - Day 50 - Part 3 - YouTube

And another very glaring example (with Nurmi's changing reactions in the background) from 7:00-16:30 at the same link.


WATCH IT if you have not already! :facepalm:

Cracks me up that "The Expert" is the same age as the "Murderer". Killa from Manila
Yeah, they can be thinking she is "Ms. Smarty Pants" and too shallow?

Sometimes her answers sounded like they needed a "duh" a the end.

The only problem I had with Dr. D, was that she was sooo clinical in her answers. Dumbing it down, a hair, could have helped. Some of the jurors could have felt intimidated by her genius. I hope not!
All this talk about JA hiding under the Christmas tree reminded me of this poem I wrote for my best friend Bow (Bo) many many years ago. I bolded the verses that relate. Sorry for the OT but thought we could all use a laugh. :blushing:

The Night Before Christmas (How it really happened)

It was the night before Christmas and there at their hut
sat Ma & Pa Bent and Bow rubbing his gut
His stockings were stuck to the chimney he feared
and a flock of purple martins nested in his beard
Ma in her kerchief and Pa in his cap
and Bow in plaid longjohns complete with back flap
soon would be nestled all snug in their bed
while visions of brook trout swam in Bow's head (unobstructed).

The lawn was covered with a new fallen snow
and Bow thought of Big Foote, Ebb & Arrow (he's a great guy)
He read to his parents about Hatchet's new dentures
from the second in the series of Bow and Arrow's Adventures
He told of the time he cooked eggs without butter
and how they clung to the pan like a calf to the udder
then out on the lawn a sleigh did appear
With Santa, an elf, and eight tiny reindeer (already dressed)

They wasted not a moment but went straight to their work,
and Ma & Pa Bent then turned with a jerk ( I think it was Bow)
Up the stairs they quickly did go
leaving behind the startled BOW-zo
Then Santa entered and to the door gave a slam
catching the nose of the poor dog named Sam
(what kind of McNummy names a dog Sam?)

Quickly the elves leapt to and then fro
leaving presents for Ma, Pa, and a few for Bow
An astonished Bow watched in amazed surprise
but no one saw him, he was cleverly disguised
A halo of pine encircled his head like a wreath
and a branch of wild thorns were clenched in his teeth
Over his glasses he'd placed lovely ferns
and poison ivy in his longjohns, my how it burns

He counted as they placed his gifts in a row
One, two, meh meh meh presents for Bow
So excited was this Troubador of Trout
he couldn't wait to get that poison ivy out
With the rustling of branches the elf had to know
that the tree in the corner, really was Bow

So they placed their fingers aside of their noses (yuck)
then ran out the door and fell in the roses

The truth of the matter is they had only begun
and as for Bow's presents, they still had some
They dared not re-enter the tiny little hut
for fear of the tree that was rubbing it's gut
so quickly they flew to their next scheduled stop
LA and Arrow's house, and landed on top
So if you want your presents, I suggest to you Bow
show up at Arrow's house, sometime tomorrow

The End
If anyone out there is an investigator in the Mormon Church...Don't become a "data point"..Do not convert too fast into the Mormon Church..So weird to me that she assigned her data points (demerits?) for converting to Mormonism too fast and getting a boob job. Girl needs to look up Flirt to Convert and look at all the plastic surgery billboards around Provo, UT.
Those were two data points that came up today in testimony, but during JM's direct examination, Dr. D also mentioned that Jodi lived in a tent with Matt McCartney, dabbled in in witchcraft with Bobby Juarez, etc. The boob job took place when she was with Darryl Brewer in Cali. She also bought the same car as his ex-wife, dyed her hair blonde and began dressing in a similar style. We've seen her mirror her female defense attorney, and some of us noticed her mirroring some of Dr. D's mannerisms today.

I found her quick conversion to Mormonism a bit strange, but I initially considered it to be a more calculated decision--part of her master plan to snag Travis (it was apparent from the get-go that he'd only marry a woman who shared his faith)--than the identity disturbance symptom of BPD that the doctor attributed it too.
Thank you. I just reflect about how I handled myself and was I too clingy and aloof? It's stuff like that. I know though that apologizing would open up doors I'm not sure they want to go down nor would I. I can say with certainty that I've always had feelings - remorse and guilt. I didn't feel remorse or guilt till I was 19 though and I can still recall exactly where I was and what had happened (I ran a red light lol). I never hurt animals but I abused drugs, I got into sex work for control / attention and the money - I had kids very young, I had some unhealthy relationships with famous people. I however knew boundaries as I'm a VERY reclusive person (more than what's healthy) and private. It caused a lot of fights because they were the limelight and I rather sit at home. I see my youngest son (who's 13) now being reclusive and other things that I did too. Which makes me question everything. I thought I became this way because of who my birth parents are and due to abandonment, insanity growing up in the spotlight and things like that. Maybe it's not that way. My birth parents were heroin addicts and my mom killed herself and my dad later killed himself. My dad went to prison because he said he killed my mom at first. I was very little and don't remember any of this, but I grew up in their shadow and it attracted their fans and psychos. I recoiled and hid, so i thought that I developed BPD because of this stuff. Maybe I had a genetic marker.. so much is unknown.

I will say that I lived fast, furious and with the intent to die at the same age as my parents (which was 20 and 21) but I'm in my 30's and still here. That means I'm sitting here with real reflection and caring about living now. I don't know if that makes any sense...

being borderline means I attract the really bad people too. I'm "different" and fragile but vivacious and mysterious. It attracts the wrong people and I'm back to being quiet and reclusive, suspicious of everyone's motive. I have real PTSD and I jump at every freaking noise, I rarely sleep out of fear of the dark and storms (currently it's flooding here so I'm not sleeping), that's how I knew Jodi doesn't have it. She didn't jump at noises in the interrogation room - where she should have been off the chart with her supposed anxiety. She also doesn't do drugs or self harm and that made it obvious that her ego is what rules her.

She just makes me weary of ever being open about what I have or why I may be a certain way, furthering how I'll recoil and not be social for awhile. She's now the face of BPD.

She will never be the face of BPD to me and many others. Kudos to you for sharing so much of yourself. It takes a strong person to do that, even behind a keyboard. I hope you educated more than a few here.
Personally, I'm horrified at the stigma heaped on people like you, by labeling Jodi BPD.

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I'm just floored about how JW tries to slip in words and things to get Dr. D to just agree to things. And JW's insistence on interpreting a chart that Dr. D. didn't use....why wasn't there an objection?
Creepier... She was told to leave .. ... She SLEPT there... Behind and under the x-mas tree anyway!

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Yeppers, Linda, nuts. Sounds like BorderlinePD to me -- a combination of stalking and having to be close to him, no matter what.

And if a woman had dared get in her way, or if one were to do that in the future.... more slashing and bang-bang-you're-dead, IMO.

She is as cool as a cucumber -- cold, in fact -- and has been since we've all gotten involved with this woman and her doings...
What were the issues JA caused in jail? I read contraband and a fight.. a link? I'm watching the dateline right now.
Jodi wanted to become a trophy wife.

I think she saw $$$ with a wealthy, single, Mormon boy hungry for a sexual adventure.

She continued that pattern, when she hooked up with Ryan Burns, oh, and now the dude on the plane. Who else? She was a golddigger alright.

Those were two data points that came up today in testimony, but during JM's direct examination, Dr. D also mentioned that Jodi lived in a tent with Matt McCartney, dabbled in in witchcraft with Bobby Juarez, etc. The boob job took place when she was with Darryl Brewer in Cali. She also bought the same car as his ex-wife, dyed her hair blonde and began dressing in a similar style. We've seen her mirror her female defense attorney, and some of us noticed her mirroring some of Dr. D's mannerisms today.

I found her quick conversion to Mormonism a bit strange, but I initially considered it to be a more calculated decision--part of her master plan to snag Travis (it was apparent from the get-go that he'd only marry a woman who shared his faith)--than the identity disturbance symptom of BPD that the doctor attributed it too.
Just noticed something interesting: normally I did not bother to look at JA when the camera was on her, but I did catch her pretending to yawn at one point when JW objected to Dr. JD saying Travis felt lied to and betrayed by JA. It's clear that JA just opened her mouth for one second and I can characterize it as immaturity. I also noticed her being hostile to Dr. JD. :twocents:


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Cracks me up that "The Expert" is the same age as the "Murderer". Killa from Manila

I think it was a smart move as the jury can contrast between the two of them. On the one hand you have this expert who acts very normal in an extremely stressful situation and you have miss jodi over there coloring or whatever and not taking any responsibility for her actions and totally lying her pants off... :twocents:
What's strange to me about the cross is that JW seems to just be trying to get her points across regardless of what Dr. D is trying to tell her. When one gets into interpreting Data in that report, I think JW made a mistake in trying to "dumb" it down.

For me, I just can't believe she's trying to tell the psychologist what the charts mean. It's like she's not even asking. And Dr. D keeps telling her that the "titles" don't mean what's written. Kind of like "Is Snow White a battered Woman" apparently has NOTHING to do with Snow White.

JW says "just humor me," but I say, JW, there's nothing humorous about this. Look up the definition, JW.
Jodi knew very well the roommates were not particularly close. Locking his door would (and did) delay the discovery of his body in the (probably) constantly air conditioned home.

I almost get the feeling Jodi considered trying to persuade him to go somewhere with her. What's the easiest way to keep meat fresh and portable on a long trip? Don't slaughter until you're ready to eat. I think she tried to convince him to go take pictures with her in the desert with his new camera. When he declined, perhaps because of his scheduled conference call that evening, she had to come up with a plan B. He probably tired of her nagging and went downstairs to assemble the floor cleaner.

I think once she killed him she was unsure whether her DNA may have still been on him, as most of the pictures show him standing and letting the water run down his body, not necessarily having lathered and rinsed himself yet. It's much easier to move something heavy if you place it on a sturdy sheet or towel and pull on that.
Religious conversions? Jodi had a target. A rich, single, sin-free man. A Mormon boy fit that profile.

A boob job? but imo women who get those use their bodies as a tool.

No judgement here, AstroKitty..ask Dr. Demento..I mean Dr. DeMarte about her data points for women that have boob jobs and convert to religions. Lots of people converted to Mormonism quickly..I take issue with Dr. DeMarte for giving demerits on religious conversion and giving demerits for boob jobs.
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