trial day 50: REBUTTAL; #153

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Yeppers, Linda, nuts. Sounds like BorderlinePD to me -- a combination of stalking and having to be close to him, no matter what.

And if a woman had dared get in her way, or if one were to do that in the future.... more slashing and bang-bang-you're-dead, IMO.

She is as cool as a cucumber -- cold, in fact -- and has been since we've all gotten involved with this woman and her doings...

It is true, isn't it that this cannot be fixed with medication and/or therapy? This is who JA will always be and will be a threat to society forever.
I think one missing piece on both sides is how men, specifically and uniquely, handle abuse and stalking behavior. I think it is quite different and I'd have loved to hear that highlighted. I suspect they are far less likely to report..on either.
WOW off topic but talk about 6 degrees of separation but one of my friends identified a Boston suspect! Apparently they were in college together and the guy went missing. They are getting ready to run his story. just wow.
Jodi knew very well the roommates were not particularly close. Locking his door would (and did) delay the discovery of his body in the (probably) constantly air conditioned home.

I almost get the feeling Jodi considered trying to persuade him to go somewhere with her. What's the easiest way to keep meat fresh and portable on a long trip? Don't slaughter until you're ready to eat. I think she tried to convince him to go take pictures with her in the desert with his new camera. When he declined, perhaps because of his scheduled conference call that evening, she had to come up with a plan B. He probably tired of her nagging and went downstairs to assemble the floor cleaner.

I think once she killed him she was unsure whether her DNA may have still been on him, as most of the pictures show him standing and letting the water run down his body, not necessarily having lathered and rinsed himself yet. It's much easier to move something heavy if you place it on a sturdy sheet or towel and pull on that.

I disagree - She already knew Travis was done with her. There is no way TA would leave the house with her IMO.
I was sure I heard DrD mention something about psychopathy at some point yesterday but I was too busy screenshotting to catch it. If I want to lose the will to live, I may try and replay the day.
Just want to say WE LOVE YOU DR. D. You were awesome, and you stood up to the DT ROASTING, and came out the other side with your credibility intact. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

You have played a key role in the march to justice for Travis.

I was sure I heard DrD mention something about psychopathy at some point yesterday but I was too busy screenshotting to catch it. If I want to lose the will to live, I may try and replay the day.

You might have heard the word but it doesn't matter anymore...
Religious conversions? Jodi had a target. A rich, single, sin-free man. A Mormon boy fit that profile.

A boob job? but imo women who get those use their bodies as a tool.

I think the Dr. Meant she converted so quickly just because he was a mormon.Most people do not jump into a person they just started dating religion,usually they might change once the relationship is getting serious like marrage talk.A boob job because a boyfriend said he liked bigger *advertiser censored*,not because she herself wanted them or thought she needed them.
Please no flaming me .....I can not get upset with the defense team ..Why you ask .. because I want them to do what ever it takes to prevent Jodi from claiming Ineffective Council at a later date !!

You're exactly right. :rocker: It's as important for Wilmott and Nurmi to fight the good fight as it is for Martinez...
I was sure I heard DrD mention something about psychopathy at some point yesterday but I was too busy screenshotting to catch it. If I want to lose the will to live, I may try and replay the day.

Look for the shot of her with the twinkle in her eye. Like.."look what you just made me say, JW"...
I really feel while she is a BPD she is also a psychopath but why did the Dr. not say that? Is that not allowed in court as a diagnosis?
Why does Nancy Grace think that whatever she has to say is more important than what is being said in Court? I'm going to have to watch the last part on YouTube right here sometime between now and Tuesday.....
I really feel while she is a BPD she is also a psychopath but why did the Dr. not say that? Is that not allowed in court as a diagnosis?

It's very frowned upon to say "psychopath" or sociopath. We are taught in school to not make that sort of diagnosis. That's from a mental health court to decide (at least where I live).
I am still reeling over this exchange.

JW: “When Mr Alexander made comments about being afraid of Ms. Arias, right, wouldn’t you want to understand and, uh, put those words in context?”

Dr. D: “In … would I look at it in context? Yes, I would look at it in context --”

JW INTERRUPTING: “Right, and you would want to look at then behaviors and investigate maybe uh whether or not this there’s any true meaning behind these words right?”

Dr. D: (patiently): “I couldn’t do that because he not alive.”

JW (patronizing): “So when somebody’s not alive you can’t get any information from them … is that what you mean.”

Dr. D (even MORE patient): “From them directly? That’s correct because they’re not alive.”

Shut my mouth and call me speechless.

The contrast was almost unbelievable, as were the reactions from Nurmi. It was like a farce in some cantina (and I live in the SW)--with Nurmi grinning and smelling his finger ... until Demarte stated the obvious. At that point, Wilmott's sarcasm was no longer funny.
I am still reeling over this exchange.

JW: “When Mr Alexander made comments about being afraid of Ms. Arias, right, wouldn’t you want to understand and, uh, put those words in context?”

Dr. D: “In … would I look at it in context? Yes, I would look at it in context --”

JW INTERRUPTING: “Right, and you would want to look at then behaviors and investigate maybe uh whether or not this there’s any true meaning behind these words right?”

Dr. D: (patiently): “I couldn’t do that because he not alive.”

JW (patronizing): “So when somebody’s not alive you can’t get any information from them … is that what you mean.”

Dr. D (even MORE patient): “From them directly? That’s correct because they’re not alive.”

Shut my mouth and call me speechless.

I was very impressed JD kept a straight face for that. The disdain, not too obvious. Ice in her veins. I like it.
So it sunk in that Jodi possible stole Travis' PPL ring and ditched it with then gun, knife, and bloody clothes before the Hoover Dam.
Look for the shot of her with the twinkle in her eye. Like.."look what you just made me say, JW"...

It was Psychopathic deviance,then Jodi looks like OH CHIT! and JW took the paper down and moved on. On the bottom of the page it is hard to see letters Pd but if it is the one I think it is it spikes high on that chart.
I think one missing piece on both sides is how men, specifically and uniquely, handle abuse and stalking behavior. I think it is quite different and I'd have loved to hear that highlighted. I suspect they are far less likely to report..on either.

I would expect my husband to puff out his chest, and do the gorilla beat on it instead of reporting it, and somehow diminishing his conquering spirit.
Okay so I'm watching this Dateline and wow. She is absolutely going to commit murder again if allowed to get out. She lies far far far too much and goes from "crying" to nothing in zero seconds. She perks up and seems to get excited when she's talking about photos. Did they recover any photos on her cell phone? I can't see her walking out of there without a trophy of some kind. She did this for a thrill and purpose, and it mattered none to her.
If anyone out there is an investigator in the Mormon Church...Don't become a "data point"..Do not convert too fast into the Mormon Church..So weird to me that she assigned her data points (demerits?) for converting to Mormonism too fast and getting a boob job. Girl needs to look up Flirt to Convert and look at all the plastic surgery billboards around Provo, UT.

OK, I'll bite.........

JA is a mirror to EVERYONE. I'm not understanding your picking only the Mormon Church and this boob job incident. JA mirrored everyone. Not just the Mormon church but any religion her ex's believed like...satanism, witchcraft, Buddhism...ect. The boob job refers to Darryl's ex wife. Another mirroring JA abnormality.

So with all that mirroring by JA, I'm sure the GOOD Dr had more data that just picking out 2 points of interest.

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