GUILTY TX - Alijah Mullis, 3 mos, stomped to death, Galveston, 29 Jan 2008

Why would this monster have wanted to take the baby with him in the early hours to go get his car fixed? And why would the mother agree with him taking him with him to go get his car fixed? Just doesn't make any sense to me at all. When you go get a car repaired you can sit there for hours while they work on it. What is a tiny baby supposed to do while a person is waiting?
Of course he is going to fuss and cry. He was probably hungary after a while.

It wouldn't matter to me if I was seperated from the father or still with him he wouldn't have taken a tiny baby with him to go get his car fixed. I think he had plans for that baby before he ever left the house. He probably didn't go get his car fixed either! If the couple were seperated...why were they seperated...because he was violent? That wouldn't surprise me at all.

This guy makes my stomach turn and I hope he gets the worst penalty they can give him. There are also places to get meds...they advertise it on TV all of the time. I think Montel is really into helping people get meds who can't afford them.
I have a cousin that has been diagnosed as bi-polar. He refuses to take the medication because he doesn't want to stop drinking and smoking pot. Could be the same with this guy.

This case will haunt me for a long time. I don't want to but I keep envisioning that beautiful little boy and what his father did to him.
This scenario is not such a stretch for me....I am an older single parent, and would never ever hand my infant over to anyone, but I think she was up early feeding the baby, Travis was awake knowing he had just committed (allegedly) attempted rape of a child and he drove over and sweet talked her into a few hours to herself. it was her car he was alleging to get repaired, right? After a while it sunk in, and she knew that something was not right. The baby should have been back to be fed, changed she started calling around looking for him. By then he was on his way to Philly.

perhaps she was not the brightest bulb, but I still don't see any sinister implications....going out on a limb I know....
Quote from article:
A police source says that, "the very act of allowing Mullis to leave home, early in the moring, and take the 3-month old baby with him to get his car fixed may be considered reckless and may be in violation of child endangerment law. The baby was being breast fed and should not have been seperated from his mother," the source said

The law enforcement source is really going out on a limb here-and they are wondering why the mother is lawyering up?? Perhaps she would not make parent of the year, but I agree with the posters who are saying little man looked like a chunky monkey...I think he was loved very much, and she now gets to live the rest of her life knowing what happened when she handed her baby over to his father undoubtably without the knowlege that the guy had attempted to rape an 8 year old hours before and knew that he was in deep sh**. I think Travis had every intention of harming his son when he took him-someone was going to pay for his failures as a human being. And I think he decided it would be the one who superceded him in his g/f's affections....

Oh wow, i didn't realize that he had tryed to rape the 8 year old only 8 hours prior to him taking the baby. Now it seems he was "going all out" scenario; he probably knew he would be locked up and labeled sex offender to the 8 year old and would likely not see his son. I wonder if he couldn't deal with the thought of anyone else raising his son (as in another man) and just killed the baby. Maybe he originally planned to kill himself, also; and drove to MD and PA to say goodbye to family & his mentor, who in turned convinced himself to just turn himself in. In any case, he's a psycho.
This case totally disgusts me. This should've made the world a much better place and offed himself instead. What an adorable little boy! How could a parent place thier child on the ground and then proceed to stomp on their head? WTF? And after he attempted (allegedly) to rape an 8 year old? What a freaking sicko, he really deserves g-pop

After having my miscarraige this past summer, I think I need to stop reading these stories.
This case totally disgusts me. This should've made the world a much better place and offed himself instead. What an adorable little boy! How could a parent place thier child on the ground and then proceed to stomp on their head? WTF? And after he attempted (allegedly) to rape an 8 year old? What a freaking sicko, he really deserves g-pop

After having my miscarraige this past summer, I think I need to stop reading these stories.

Oh, Lurker, I didn't know you went through that. I wasn't around here much last summer. I'm so sorry for your loss. I agree, even for me, the description of what he did to that precious baby is just too much. Bless you.:blowkiss:
As for the mother being online, i don't understand how she can even go online at all, why isn't she overcome with grief that she can't get out of bed?

I don't think she was starving him. Not every body voids when death happens. Depends on when they ate last and when they voided last. Not to mention that breast fed babies usually use most of their milk and poo usually is not that close after feeding for some babies.

You can't judge someone for how they grieve. Everyone deals with that differently. Some folks even laugh when they feel uncomfortable. I've seen that happen at funerals no less. It's a stress factor. Maybe her family isn't very close and she has too much time on her hands to sit and think. A distraction, such as the internet, would be a vaild past time. Same as reading, or knitting, or taking a walk etc.

And I'm sure she feels some guilt. Warrented or not, a mother who loses a child feels guilt. It feels like you failed in many ways when your child is injured or dies. That's just human nature. It's when you feel no guilt or remorse that you become less than human.
That's what I expected. How else do you explain stomping your baby's head until it caves in? :furious:
Oh, Lurker, I didn't know you went through that. I wasn't around here much last summer. I'm so sorry for your loss. I agree, even for me, the description of what he did to that precious baby is just too much. Bless you.:blowkiss:

Ditto on all....this story is beyond bearable. IMO - Lurker.....there has to be a different thread around here that wouldn't bring pain to you......but then again, the way things have been going lately in this crazy world, it might take a while to find it.
Perhaps they have him back on his meds now....
Good!! She needs to be charged, imo. She should never have allowed him to take that baby! She could have called LE immediately, but she did nothing to prevent this tragedy.
This strikes me as being heavy handed, considering the fact that this woman lost her newborn. On top of that, he had a legal right to see his child. I have to believe that there is more here than meets the eye, but I am a little skeptical of their motivation...perhaps they are just as sick of these cases as we are and they are going to start flinging mud to see what sticks...
I think the mother knew more than we think, and LE is using the charge of endangering a child in order to hold her. She did call hospitals to find out where they were, instead of the police. I've never heard of people calling hospitals first instead of police. Also did she or did she not know about the incident with the 8 year old? In any case, it is an unlikely story that she would actually believe he was taking the baby while he got a car fixed at 5:30am in the morning. For all we know, he may have threatened to do something, for reasons unknown she didn't believe him and still let him take the child. Then when they didn't return she thought he did that something whatever it was and that is why she was calling hospitals first to look for them. Maybe she thought he killed himself also at the time. She had to know he was mentally unstable.

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