TX TX - Elizabeth Barraza, 29, murdered setting up garage sale, Harris Co, Jan 2019 #6

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At around 16:45 mark: Liz's parents speak about Barraza apartment burglarized (third story walk-up) in the year prior to purchasing their home in 2016.

At 10:10 in that video interview, Liz's mother says that when Liz had garage sales in the past, she would typically join Liz at around 10 am, bringing coffee with her. However, the original plan for this particular garage sale was that Liz's parents would both be joining her at the beginning, but they changed those plans the night before the garage sale.

There is a very limited universe of people who would gain awareness of that change in plans which left Liz alone in the early morning hours before the sale began, although it is possible that the perpetrator(s) relied on the more "typical" arrangement, where Liz's parents would not arrive until 10 am.

IMO, for this to involve a hired hit, it must have been prearranged, but the perpetrator(s) were awaiting the perfect opportunity to activate the plan when they could be certain Liz would be alone with few people up and about to witness or intervene. So, any "hired" hit person would essentially have to be on call and living (or visiting) close enough to activate for this very risky move without much notice. They'd likely have to be close enough to make it for the 2 am drive-by after learning of Liz's parents' change in plans just the night before.
At 10:10 in that video interview, Liz's mother says that when Liz had garage sales in the past, she would typically join Liz at around 10 am, bringing coffee with her. However, the original plan for this particular garage sale was that Liz's parents would both be joining her at the beginning, but they changed those plans the night before the garage sale.

There is a very limited universe of people who would gain awareness of that change in plans which left Liz alone in the early morning hours before the sale began, although it is possible that the perpetrator(s) relied on the more "typical" arrangement, where Liz's parents would not arrive until 10 am.

IMO, for this to involve a hired hit, it must have been prearranged, but the perpetrator(s) were awaiting the perfect opportunity to activate the plan when they could be certain Liz would be alone with few people up and about to witness or intervene. So, any "hired" hit person would essentially have to be on call and living (or visiting) close enough to activate for this very risky move without much notice. They'd likely have to be close enough to make it for the 2 am drive-by after learning of Liz's parents' change in plans just the night before.

The timing is so crazy....
There is a very limited universe of people who would gain awareness of that change in plans which left Liz alone in the early morning hours before the sale began, although it is possible that the perpetrator(s) relied on the more "typical" arrangement, where Liz's parents would not arrive until 10 am.
Yeah, this complicates stuff.
Though I am not sure that the killer actually knew (/details) about the garage sale - it could be either way. Connected to this, I am not sure why the first fast drive by, then the 3-point-turn. Were they surprised to see her out there? Were they unsure about where/how she would be or did they know about the garage sale but were unsure about the start time and were looking for a sign or the state of things? Or was it because they have to scout the surroundings without stopping the car and alerting Liz to their presence? If that's the case, why were they more worried about Liz spotting them early than about all the extra cameras and windows they were exposed to?

Also - where was the shooter while Liz went for Starbucks and returned home?
Or at any point between 2AM and ~6.45 AM?
The timing is so crazy....
IMO, the timing is highly precise and, even though many steps were taken to avoid detection, the acts taken by the murderer were highly risky. Someone was very motivated to kill EB and was comfortable with those risks.

  • The murderer parked far enough from the Barraza's driveway that the murderer had to run to it after shooting. Had neighbors actually happened to have been watching and seen the shooting (rather than merely heard it), that opened up the possibility the shooter would himself/herself be shot by or his/her truck disabled by a neighbor-witness.
  • The truck was captured on video and its drive-by after the murder was witnessed by a neighbor. So LE knows color, make, and model of the truck as well as some of its features.
  • Even if in disguise, the murderer was captured on neighbor's video, which might not provide details, but does provide general information (size - height and girth, gait, how the murderer moves when carefully and quickly approaching as well as when moving quickly and climbing into/out of truck). You can't fake height and when in a hurry, it is difficult to fake gait.
  • Even though speaking quietly, the murderer's voice was captured on the nest cam and the murderer kept his/her voice quiet (indicating they knew the nest camera was there - valuable information).
  • Given how quickly neighbors responded (IIRC, 3 heard and reported the shots) and the fact that the truck drove by again after the murderer, the departing truck and its driver could have been witnessed by dash cams of authorities as they approached the scene.

ETA: Initially, I figured the murderer was willing to take those risks because they knew it would be difficult to make a connection between them and EB - assuming they were third or fourth party, hired directly or through another person for the hit and otherwise having no connection to EB. However, IF the late change in plans was a factor in choosing this particular opportunity to carry out the hit when EB would be out there early and alone, then I have to believe the murderer(s) hired for the hit are local, so connections would be easier to track down than if they were from some distance away. (ETA: Although if they were "fourth party" rather than "third party," detection would still be difficult... but at the same time, the more parties involved, the more likely one of them talks or slips up in some way.)

I expect LE probably had to approach this from two angles - following the evidence that could be gathered from the scene and video evidence AND consideration of theorized motives of anyone who does have connections to EB, starting first with those closest to her and moving out from there, with particular attention to anyone who has demonstrated character flaws (such as abusing or using others for personal gain).
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At 10:10 in that video interview, Liz's mother says that when Liz had garage sales in the past, she would typically join Liz at around 10 am, bringing coffee with her. However, the original plan for this particular garage sale was that Liz's parents would both be joining her at the beginning, but they changed those plans the night before the garage sale.

There is a very limited universe of people who would gain awareness of that change in plans which left Liz alone in the early morning hours before the sale began, although it is possible that the perpetrator(s) relied on the more "typical" arrangement, where Liz's parents would not arrive until 10 am.

IMO, for this to involve a hired hit, it must have been prearranged, but the perpetrator(s) were awaiting the perfect opportunity to activate the plan when they could be certain Liz would be alone with few people up and about to witness or intervene. So, any "hired" hit person would essentially have to be on call and living (or visiting) close enough to activate for this very risky move without much notice. They'd likely have to be close enough to make it for the 2 am drive-by after learning of Liz's parents' change in plans just the night before.
Is that the same interview where Liz's dad mention he always conceal carries? So originally he would have been there with a gun at hand, which the killer may have gotten one shot off or two before he was able to subdue the killer, which could have saved Liz's life.

I am of the opinion that the killer knew 100% that Liz would be alone and her dad had last minute decided not to join her that morning.
Is that the same interview where Liz's dad mention he always conceal carries? So originally he would have been there with a gun at hand, which the killer may have gotten one shot off or two before he was able to subdue the killer, which could have saved Liz's life.

I am of the opinion that the killer knew 100% that Liz would be alone and her dad had last minute decided not to join her that morning.
If he mentioned it in that interview, I missed it. I was listening while getting some other tasks done, so will have to listen again and pay closer attention for the parts I was distracted.

Interesting though, regardless of when he mentioned it. I wonder how many in the circle of EB's relatives/friends/associates were aware EB's father always conceal-carried? It seems a detail that would only be shared with close friends/family.
I mean I cannot speak for her friends, family or husband, but I see women told they are overreacting constantly even when it's obviously a serious RED FLAG!
Not sure why people do it. Maybe trying to calm the victim?

These series of events I wish I knew the exact timeline, if separated by years or all within the same year.

Well, they were married for less than five years, so all of it should have been clustered within four years methinks
I am of the opinion that the killer knew 100% that Liz would be alone and her dad had last minute decided not to join her that morning.
…and that has to narrow it down considerably. If her father was supposed to be there in the morning with her, and it was decided the night before that she would be alone after SB left for work because her father would not be there, who would know that?
It's quite possible she had a long-term stalker. EB may NOT have been aware she had one.
I am really curious about the Texas Gang Unit being involved now. Is it possible it was a gang initiation just to shoot a random target?
Gang initiation - yes
Random target - no

I mean, some gangs might take "orders", if the price is right, or am i wrong?
…and that has to narrow it down considerably. If her father was supposed to be there in the morning with her, and it was decided the night before that she would be alone after SB left for work because her father would not be there, who would know that?

I don't know what prevented her father from being there, but:
EB and SB
EB's mom and other family
Possibly SB's family
Whoever organized (whatever the reason for the dad's absence was)

What I want to know is,

Did EB and SB know that E's father won't be there by the time when the car first drove past their house at 2 AM?
Gang initiation - yes
Random target - no

I mean, some gangs might take "orders", if the price is right, or am i wrong?
According to information provided about the Texas Anti-Gang Unit in an earlier post, some members might act as more or less free agents conducting criminal activity to serve the gang's (or their own) interests without involvement of others within the gangs. Sounds like some of the associations are fairly loose.


Earlier post:

Leaving here a few links about TX anti gang unit.

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I don't know what prevented her father from being there, but:
EB and SB
EB's mom and other family
Possibly SB's family
Whoever organized (whatever the reason for the dad's absence was)

What I want to know is,

Did EB and SB know that E's father won't be there by the time when the car first drove past their house at 2 AM?
Her dad was unemployed at the time and last minute decided to stay home and look for jobs instead of joining her at the garage sale.
Her dad was unemployed at the time and last minute decided to stay home and look for jobs instead of joining her at the garage sale.
Yes - this was in one of their interviews. He was unemployed and decided he needed to use the time to look for a job. Her mother also said she was not a morning person and would typically go join EB at these garage sales around 10, bringing her a coffee.
Her dad was unemployed at the time and last minute decided to stay home and look for jobs instead of joining her at the garage sale.

Maybe, he had a phone interview with a recruited or a potential employer scheduled? Or someone gave him an idea that “such-and-such is hiring”? Then, the circumstances around it have to be investigated (why that morning?) and my question- did EB and SB know about Liz being alone in the morning before 2AM that night? - stays.

JMO: The initial plan could have been, the murderer can visit the neighborhood and do all reconnaissance while the Bs are away during the trip, quietly and with more time. Instead, the assassin/s really had to familiarize themselves with the neighborhood in the last moment, and made some mistakes when driving away. So maybe it was moved to earlier time because the situation - Liz being alone, very early in the morning - was too convenient?
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Yes - this was in one of their interviews. He was unemployed and decided he needed to use the time to look for a job. Her mother also said she was not a morning person and would typically go join EB at these garage sales around 10, bringing her a coffee.
Wow, the idea for the perpetrator to have access to so much information about Liz’s schedule, Sergio’s car and schedule, the yard sale, her parents’ expected to arrive in the morning and possibly her father having a weapon does cause me to have the impression that the perp or the person involved must have been someone close to Liz, Sergio and their family or maybe someone close enough that they could ask really detailed questions here and there, maybe even in the guise of a friendly manner, about or to EB or SB and their schedules and expectations/plans for that day without raising suspicion.
I’m glad that the investigation has progressed to disclose new evidence that LE thinks brings them much closer to identifying and getting their suspect soon. I really hope Liz and her family, especially her parents, get the justice and peace they deserve and worked so hard for!
At 10:10 in that video interview, Liz's mother says that when Liz had garage sales in the past, she would typically join Liz at around 10 am, bringing coffee with her. However, the original plan for this particular garage sale was that Liz's parents would both be joining her at the beginning, but they changed those plans the night before the garage sale.

There is a very limited universe of people who would gain awareness of that change in plans which left Liz alone in the early morning hours before the sale began, although it is possible that the perpetrator(s) relied on the more "typical" arrangement, where Liz's parents would not arrive until 10 am.

IMO, for this to involve a hired hit, it must have been prearranged, but the perpetrator(s) were awaiting the perfect opportunity to activate the plan when they could be certain Liz would be alone with few people up and about to witness or intervene. So, any "hired" hit person would essentially have to be on call and living (or visiting) close enough to activate for this very risky move without much notice. They'd likely have to be close enough to make it for the 2 am drive-by after learning of Liz's parents' change in plans just the night before.
My other question is about the car. It might be so that the car was “borrowed” from someone else. I am less concerned about the plates as stolen plates are not uncommon. So - not only should the people be living close enough, but the car should be also close enough?
This being said, how close is close enough? From old times: driving 27 minutes and back several times a night was not an issue. It really depends on the proximity of bigger roads. The best situation is living on a dead-end street but with a highway nearby.
IMO, the timing is highly precise and, even though many steps were taken to avoid detection, the acts taken by the murderer were highly risky. Someone was very motivated to kill EB and was comfortable with those risks.

  • The murderer parked far enough from the Barraza's driveway that the murderer had to run to it after shooting. Had neighbors actually happened to have been watching and seen the shooting (rather than merely heard it), that opened up the possibility the shooter would himself/herself be shot by or his/her truck disabled by a neighbor-witness.
  • The truck was captured on video and its drive-by after the murder was witnessed by a neighbor. So LE knows color, make, and model of the truck as well as some of its features.
  • Even if in disguise, the murderer was captured on neighbor's video, which might not provide details, but does provide general information (size - height and girth, gait, how the murderer moves when carefully and quickly approaching as well as when moving quickly and climbing into/out of truck). You can't fake height and when in a hurry, it is difficult to fake gait.
  • Even though speaking quietly, the murderer's voice was captured on the nest cam and the murderer kept his/her voice quiet (indicating they knew the nest camera was there - valuable information).
  • Given how quickly neighbors responded (IIRC, 3 heard and reported the shots) and the fact that the truck drove by again after the murderer, the departing truck and its driver could have been witnessed by dash cams of authorities as they approached the scene.

ETA: Initially, I figured the murderer was willing to take those risks because they knew it would be difficult to make a connection between them and EB - assuming they were third or fourth party, hired directly or through another person for the hit and otherwise having no connection to EB. However, IF the late change in plans was a factor in choosing this particular opportunity to carry out the hit when EB would be out there early and alone, then I have to believe the murderer(s) hired for the hit are local, so connections would be easier to track down than if they were from some distance away. (ETA: Although if they were "fourth party" rather than "third party," detection would still be difficult... but at the same time, the more parties involved, the more likely one of them talks or slips up in some way.)

I expect LE probably had to approach this from two angles - following the evidence that could be gathered from the scene and video evidence AND consideration of theorized motives of anyone who does have connections to EB, starting first with those closest to her and moving out from there, with particular attention to anyone who has demonstrated character flaws (such as abusing or using others for personal gain).

It seems to me that the person has some form of “clock in their head”. It is innate and inborn. How would it manifest in real life? Simply, the person is never late for meetings/appointments and seldom reschedules. They are flexible and easily adaptable to time changes. You’d think it is easy? Not at all - I have to start well in advance to be on time, so I always notice this “inborn promptness” in others. So that’s one trait that the person involved in the murders should have. They are organized. JMO.
I re-watched a video about this case and I'd like to echo some thoughts:
  • The police never found any of the most common motives or risk factors in Liz's life (as far as we know, at least)
  • Why turn back? it has been often said that they were probably returning to the scene to check if Liz is dead. It is an easy thought, as all they seem to be doing is "looking", but thinking about it, does it really make sense? What would they have done if, say, Liz was obviously alive? Stopped the truck, run to her and shot again? Really? It was also extremely risky. Firstly, this is Texas, and secondly, there were neighbours on the phone with the police already. And after turning back they ended up on a dead-end street. If they had planned to go back and check on her, this is also odd. I am starting to think that maybe they did not turn around because they wanted to turn around, but because they could not continue going the way they were going. Or did they just want to see her on the ground, in a satisfying way?
  • Why speak with Liz before killing her? I think this is one of the reasons why I feel the motive was personal and emotional, a revenge. They wanted Liz to know why they were there and what they were going to do.
  • Why 4 shots? Revolvers have 6 or 5 cartridges, so why not use the last 2 (especially if they were really later going back to "see if she is dead")? To avoid staying longer than needed as she was "dead enough"? Simply panicking and losing count? Or was the killer saving the last bullet(s) to avoid being caught alive?
  • The shooting. I know nothing about guns, never even seen a revolver IRL, but a lot of people agree that the shooter was not "fluent in shooting": elbow not locked, making stabbing movements while shooting.
I also cannot get over the arrival (driving past pretty fast, then doing a not-so-smooth 3-point-turn) nor the decision to turn into a school parking lot (in the list of places that I would think might have cameras, a school is in the top3 for sure) nor understand the aim of the 2AM drive-by (what did it give them, that they could not have seen on Maps assuming they were not local, but would still be relevant hours later during the crime? or was the aim of that drive something else, not passing the house per say?).
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