TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #36

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So lets see after missing for 3 weeks the best message she can tell her daughter is Mom don't have her phone anymore so call 911, but she has a phone for SA to text her on every couple of days, but yet she will not ask SA any questions thru text about what he may have done to her daughter? Alrighty Then.

I think that that message was as much to SA as it was to Hailey.
bds message to hailey: call 911

not I love you or come home
but call 911


that about sums it up

Yep - y'all took the words right out of my mouth. "Call 911". That's about as generic a message I've ever heard. Shaking head in disgust ...
You are welcome to slap me in the face later, if I'm wrong, but I think MK is making a big mistake.

I am REALLY trying to be understanding and supportive of BD but I'll tell you that my jaw dropped to the floor when she said to call 911 when she was supposed to be talking directly to Hailey while STARING AT THE FLOOR! That told me at the very least that she doesn't believe Hailey is alive, in my opinion of what I saw.
Forget lie detectors, they all need drug tests, Billie first...
She said last night SA's lawyer would not let him talk to her that she had called him and his family would not put him on the phone....now tonight she says he contacts her and tells her he loves her, blah blah:maddening:

I give up.

So how did he get her "new" cellphone number to text her? She is still in contact with him IMO
I think that that message was as much to SA as it was to Hailey.

i agree. it took me a minute to pick my jaw up off the floor after watching/hearing that before my brain would work again.
You are welcome to slap me in the face later, if I'm wrong, but I think MK is making a big mistake.

I understand what you're saying. I think Marc is there for Hailey though, not for Billie. In order to help find Hailey, he needs to encourage Billie to elicit the right responses from search volunteers and the public (to keep an eye out for HD). If Billie is playing everyone, Marc's efforts could still help find Hailey.
Here ya go:

Klonopin is in a group of drugs called benzodiazepines (ben-zoe-dye-AZE-eh-peens). Clonazepam affects chemicals in the brain that may become unbalanced and cause anxiety.

Klonopin is used to treat seizure disorders or panic disorder.


And SA admitted that these pills were his. Its believeable because he knew the name of them and even said it was his medication.
It treats "panic disorder". hhhmmmm..............................

I used to take Klonopin - it is a horrid drug to come off of. A lot of time the person has to be on suicide watch when coming off of it. Luckily that wasn't the case for me.
Why didn't Clint's GF correct the "description" that went out of Hailey right away? They revised the description of the shoes she had on as soon as they realized they were originally mistaken. If she knew those earrings had been removed, that one was lost, and the other was in her possession, why not say so?

Red hoop earrings.. Those 3 generic words could be one reason why.. A pair of red hoop earrings was added to the description after the fact.. My guess would be why would someone anyone assume that a 13 yr old girl only had just one pair of special red hoop earrings..I know that I certainly would not assume this{that she only had 1 pair}....

Then factor in that gf has a new infant and 7 year old son at home with the hecticness of Christmas IMMEDIATELY followed by Hailey's disappearance.. I'd say red hoop earrings wouldn't be the first thing on ones mind..

Then the possibility of that gf puts the one hoop earring up{the other misplaced somewhere around the couch}..she puts it up and tells Hailey where she is putting it so that when Hailey finds the other she;ll know where gf had put that earring.. Hailey goes home at some point before 9pm on the 26th to Billie's and I would bet most likely that gf was not aware nor did she go check to make sure that Hailey took the earring or earrings home with her.. Say she put the one earring on a dresser in a spare room that Hailey stays in when there..
I'd say that being totally consumed with an infant and 7yr old would not have her mind giving "red hoop earrings" a second thought..

For those reasons alone I can easily..very easily see how the red hoop earrings were not reported IMMEDIATELY.. I'd say they probably were never given a second thought until when moving..a few days after Christmas day..and the other earring that was misplaced in and or around the couch was discovered on that living room floor..

My guess would be that only then was it thought of..discovered..and told about..
I understand what you're saying. I think Marc is there for Hailey though, not for Billie. In order to help find Hailey, he needs to encourage Billie to elicit the right responses from search volunteers and the public (to keep an eye out for HD). If Billie is playing everyone, Marc's efforts could still help find Hailey.

Yes, I believe if BD isn't being truthful she might let stuff slip to Marc. I'm sure he will know exactly what to do with the information too. No one is going to fool him.
So say "Call 911, AND I love you and won't stop looking for you"...
I was just going to post that Billie seems more confident tonight. I think Mark being there has been good for her.

Call me the cynic :crazy:..but I believe his being there has given her renewed confidence that she sounds believable..I still do not believe her, I've tried..oh how I want to and while I'm not saying that she had anything to do with Hailey's death (not saying she didn't either tho) she has lied, deflected, omitted, downplayed, etc. from the get-go for SOME REASON..not sure what that reason is yet, but in my mind, my child would be ALL that mattered and I don't get the feeling that she shares that view..moo..
She has a very defensive look on her face when they show the clip of her talking about other people saw Hailey that day...almost obstinate. It is the only time I saw an expression change at all, when she is trying to defend SA in some way.

Mark probably told her to make a plea for Hailey-I'll bet he is shocked that that was all she could come up with...
So lets see after missing for 3 weeks the best message she can tell her daughter is Mom don't have her phone anymore so call 911, but she has a phone for SA to text her on every couple of days, but yet she will not ask SA any questions thru text about what he may have done to her daughter? Alrighty Then.

If she got a new phone (and SA texts her on it) HAILEY DOES NOT KNOW THE NUMBER! The number she would call to reach her mom is in custody of LE. If Hailey can get free, she wants her to do the quickest thing that will bring help, and calling mom's phone, which is in an evidence locker, won't help a bit.
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