TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #5

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lol, I know...was just posting the link for Clue. Who knows what to believe anymore. LE did try to dispell that, and then someone posted the NG transcript where the Mom was talking about the motel lead and that LE had told her about it. It's nuts. And also on the video at link, there is a lady standing in front of the motel talking about it saying they tracked her to the front door..................

Yesterday, it was reported that the bloodhounds were taken to the motels. They did not lead there. And in the original story of the motel they said "May Have" picked up her scent.

Sarx was posting last night and filled us in on a wealth of knowledge about the tracking dogs. It was late last night if someone wants to go read it. After the messages last night I am not so sure about the dogs at the motel hitting on her scent.

I would like to know why during the original search the dogs were taken to Snyder Landfill? And where was BO taken yesterday? Snyder?
Why doesn't the poor child have a proper bed??
all my children have a box spring and frame, although a lot came form freecycle and aren't the prettiest :( that makes me sad for her :(

Maybe she wanted that bed. Teenagers are funny creatures and I have quit trying to figure them out.
As I said, please listen to what Billie is saying.

I will, but let me throw this out there, if LE is still not sure what is going on and trying to shake the truth out, there is no telling what they may tell Billie. I know when you are a close friend, that might not seem fair, but LE is only interested in one thing, that's finding H. You can bet with the FBI and the Texas Rangers involved, this is not some rinky dink police force that is going to mess up poly graphs and the like.....honestly what it sounds like to me, that would be their answer if she asked them who had failed. They are going to treat her as a potential suspect at this time, they always do.
I can't say I was surprised to hear he backed out at the last minute - has he lawyered up yet is my nagging question.

I hate to say it, but when I look at Hailey's photo I keep seeing Carly Brucia. :cry:

Also, SA's history of arrest for public intoxication leads me to wonder if he was drinking the day he claims Hailey left home. The altercation at work and his subsequent firing are certainly stressors that could lead someone with a drinking problem to binge, and we know SA's movements that day were out of his normal routine. Could he have been drinking at his mother's, or on the way back to Billie's house?

Sometimes people can undergo significant personality changes when under the influence, and those changes are usually negative ones. I just hope that isn't the case here, for Hailey's sake.

and on top of it....RX meds
It has felt scary to me ever since I heard that SA was fired that morning.

Angry, frustrated...and what may have followed...
Thank you for posting this Krista. I too do not understand at all why they would try three times. Heck, why did they even try once? It doesn't meet the criteria of an Amber Alert. Why didn't LE know this? It worries me. It's as if they are trying to say to the public "We tried you guys, we tried! We were turned down three times! Not our fault!" but when you actually think about it, it shows complete ignorance.

Is it common for LE to "try" and issue Amber Alerts when the situation doesn't meet criteria?

:twocents:Why did they try if they were telling everyone who asked that she ran away? If they filled out a form stating that "evidence points to this being a runaway", no wonder an Amber Alert was denied. I don't believe that it was ever the intention of CCPD to issue that alert. If it had been their intention, they would not be calling Hailey a runaway in spite of so much evidence to the contrary! This was not intentional neglect, but a lack of understanding the facts and the seriousness of the situation. MOO

( No threats, no fight with parents, no suspicious online contact, not expected at sleepover, did not take clothes, money, or cell phone, did not mention leaving to even one friend, and spent the entire day alone at home but waited to "leave" until SA unexpectedly stopped by on the day he secretly quit his job!) ( Oh yeah, good grades, good school behavior, and no history of runaway, in flipflops and no jacket in the middle of winter, and with no means of transportation!)

I've been meaning to say SD's MySpace reminds me a lot of the accused 'killer' of Mackenzie Cowell..Even if he's completely innocent re: Hailey I still wouldn't want to be around someone who has this 'type' of fascination..I don't consider it 'normal' & I'd be scared to death (no pun) of them..Anyone who's seen it knows what I'm talking about.
A handful of people? hmmm........maybe - and I say this knowing how hard this is for her - but maybe she said "handful" because she just can't accept that SA is guilty, and she is just trying to deflect?

As I said, please listen to what Billie is saying.

I have a few suspicions but don't want to post them publicly. Otherwise, I'm in shock... This poor family.
It really is easy to fail a poly. If they ask some weird question and you hesitate before you answer, you fail.
Been there, done that, and got the tshirt.
that is over by the airport right?? The NE part of town? I asked last night or the night before if all the space around the airport had been searched yet
I will, but let me throw this out there, if LE is still not sure what is going on and trying to shake the truth out, there is no telling what they may tell Billie. I know when you are a close friend, that might not seem fair, but LE is only interested in one thing, that's finding H. You can bet with the FBI and the Texas Rangers involved, this is not some rinky dink police force that is going to mess up poly graphs and the like.....honestly what it sounds like to me, that would be their answer if she asked them who had failed. They are going to treat her as a potential suspect at this time, they always do.

I agree completely with that LE is trying to shake the truth out, and that the most important thing is finding Hailey safe.

I have my own opinions about some of the rest of it. You are correct though that I am very worried about Billie.

Again, all I will say is for everyone to please listen to whatever comes out of Billie's mouth. She needs to be heard.
I think a lot of us are thinking male kidnapper, but i'm wondering (after Jonathan's case) if it could be a female........
Do we know if SD has any enemies that could have taken Hailey because they were ticked off at him???
How could a handful of people fail? I can see where one in a group might not be able to take polygraphs for whatever reason. but most people can, I believe, and most people should be able to pass, if truthful. I would think they are concentrating on a very few pointed questions, all concerning Hailey. How can a group of people fail? If this is true, it makes it more of a nightmare for LE.

If you are nervous,you can fail as poly registers HR et respirations. I would be nervous if asked to take one as this country seems to be Guilty before Innocent. I can understand failing. Didn't the Lunsford grandma fail?
I've been meaning to say SD's MySpace reminds me a lot of the accused 'killer' of Mackenzie Cowell..Even if he's completely innocent re: Hailey I still wouldn't want to be around someone who has this 'type' of fascination..I don't consider it 'normal' & I'd be scared to death (no pun) of them..Anyone who's seen it knows what I'm talking about.

Personally the MySpace doesn't set off red flags for me at all, not in and of itself anyway. I think it's immature, and distasteful, but doesn't make me think he's anything other than a "young" 25 year old trying to look cool and tough. That's not to say that I don't have many other concerns about SA.
I agree completely with that LE is trying to shake the truth out, and that the most important thing is finding Hailey safe.

I have my own opinions about some of the rest of it. You are correct though that I am very worried about Billie.

Again, all I will say is for everyone to please listen to whatever comes out of Billie's mouth. She needs to be heard.

I can't imagine being in her shoes, or yours right now. I can only pray for quick answers for all of you.
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