Found Deceased TX - Hamil Cody Ross, 33, left behind while driving to job site, Ector County, 9 Nov 2019

Family of missing Odessa man pleads for help

...“We filed a missing person’s report Sunday morning after he did not come home off the job, so that’s all we know,” she says.

Ross’ family began to search for him when they received this text message from Ross’ boss giving them directions to the place Ross was last seen.
Family of missing Odessa man pleads for help

...“We filed a missing person’s report Sunday morning after he did not come home off the job, so that’s all we know,” she says.

Ross’ family began to search for him when they received this text message from Ross’ boss giving them directions to the place Ross was last seen.
So the family didn't know he was missing until he didn't show up at home . Has anyone seen where it mentions the day/time the text was sent from his boss?
So the family didn't know he was missing until he didn't show up at home . Has anyone seen where it mentions the day/time the text was sent from his boss?
Family of missing Odessa man pleads for help

...“We filed a missing person’s report Sunday morning after he did not come home off the job, so that’s all we know,” she says.

Ross’ family began to search for him when they received this text message from Ross’ boss giving them directions to the place Ross was last seen.

That's^^^ crazy. The family files a missing person report because he never returned home from work, and the boss texts them directions to where he was last seen??????

No call, no explanation or apology?

Did the boss ever go back and look for him, when he first realised he was missing?
If he was accidentally left behind wouldn't he stay on that road knowing that after the shift is over they would come back the same way? Or wait for another vehicle to flag down?

He never called anyone for help it seems, so either his batteries were down, he had no reception, or he didn't want help.

Very odd. My 2c are on voluntary gone.
The more I sat and thought about this case, the more off some things seemed. If he left voluntarily, was that a very spur of the moment decision? It seems if that is the case, it would almost have to be last minute, otherwise, why bother getting in the vehicle with your boss & the crew to begin with? Why not just go missing from whatever location he was picked up from prior to being picked up?

He was accidentally left behind? Is that just the story the crew is going with to support his going missing voluntarily? I would think the leader of that crew would be in trouble for leaving a man behind "accidentally" and wouldn't want to risk his job or get in trouble with superiors just to cover for a crew member wanting to run off.
If he is the most senior person, his job wouldn't be on the line, but who would want to deal with police asking you questions about the guy you "accidentally" left behind? Surely he would have considered that being likely.

The whole situation is odd. What really happened out there?

I thought of a scenario where perhaps he was left behind, understandably upset by it and thought "no way in heck am I EVER working for this guy or with this crew!" and decided there he wouldn't try to get to the worksite himself to meet back up or attempt to contact them, but it wouldn't make sense for him to not contact his family either by now. So I guess that's unlikely.

Are we sure there wasn't an argument or misunderstanding of some sort during the drive and he was purposely left....or worse and the "accidentally left" is just a story?

Maybe even an innocent "let's leave him" prank/joke between work guys that went awry when they couldn't relocate him?

How long has he worked for that company/that lead/with that crew?
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The more I sat and thought about this case, the more off some things seemed. If he left voluntarily, was that a very spur of the moment decision? It seems if that is the case, it would almost have to be last minute, otherwise, why bother getting in the vehicle with your boss & the crew to begin with? Why not just go missing from whatever location he was picked up from prior to being picked up?

He was accidentally left behind? Is that just the story the crew is going with to support his going missing voluntarily? I would think the leader of that crew would be in trouble for leaving a man behind "accidentally" and wouldn't want to risk his job or get in trouble with superiors just to cover for a crew member wanting to run off.
If he is the most senior person, his job wouldn't be on the line, but who would want to deal with police asking you questions about the guy you "accidentally" left behind? Surely he would have considered that being likely.

The whole situation is odd. What really happened out there?

I thought of a scenario where perhaps he was left behind, understandably upset by it and thought "no way in heck am I EVER working for this guy or with this crew!" and decided there he wouldn't try to get to the worksite himself to meet back up or attempt to contact them, but it wouldn't make sense for him to not contact his family either by now. So I guess that's unlikely.

Are we sure there wasn't an argument or misunderstanding of some sort during the drive and he was purposely left....or worse and the "accidentally left" is just a story?

Maybe even an innocent "let's leave him" prank/joke between work guys that went awry when they couldn't relocate him?

How long has he worked for that company/that lead/with that crew?
With only the information we have to go on, at this time, My thoughts are there probably was some sort of argument (between Hamil and which crew member, idk), and he was left behind. My question is....did they go from one job to another, or straight from shop to location......if they went from one job to the next, there's no telling where it could have actually happened. So searches in the area where the directions the family were given could be way off base.
This is only speculation, but if he was left and no cell service was available, unlikely, he may have started off on foot, and at some point got lost. Or, hitched a ride (also unlikely) and is somewhere confused.

We need to know how many on work detail. If just 2 or 3 guys....
With only the information we have to go on, at this time, My thoughts are there probably was some sort of argument (between Hamil and which crew member, idk), and he was left behind. My question is....did they go from one job to another, or straight from shop to location......if they went from one job to the next, there's no telling where it could have actually happened. So searches in the area where the directions the family were given could be way off base.
I am wondering about an argument as well.

Apparently the boss was lost and needed to pull over and figure it out. Maybe Hamil was complaining about that in the vehicle and perhaps even saying' this sucks, I'm out of here', or that kind of thing.

I can't think of any other kind of circumstance where the crew would drive away instead of staying to look and/or call in help to find him. JMO
They are saying crew truck, right? Not van?

More complete speculation - sudden seizing of chance to maybe start over elsewhere, or received a glancing blow from passing big rig as he walked, maybe trailer fish tailed.

Edited to add: I feel bad for the family, the not knowing.
It's pretty dangerous out there, but maybe he thought he could walk home? I'm thinking an argument happened, he got out and was left...but you would think the boss would report him saying he quit...or another scenario, he actually made it to work and something happened there? They dumped him somewhere and everyone is covering it up? Something just isn't right with the story...

Also someone asked about google maps not able to help..My husband went to some sites that were verrry remote! You had to get directions usually but there's also an app called Rigfinder that helped sometimes.
I am wondering about an argument as well.

Apparently the boss was lost and needed to pull over and figure it out. Maybe Hamil was complaining about that in the vehicle and perhaps even saying' this sucks, I'm out of here', or that kind of thing.

I can't think of any other kind of circumstance where the crew would drive away instead of staying to look and/or call in help to find him. JMO
I'm not buying the boss getting out to make a was 27 that night....I'm staying where it's warm to make a call. Lol
There are so many questions that need to be answered. What kind of truck were they in that person who was sitting next to him didn't realize and speak up saying he was missing? How far away or how long did the boss drive before he "realized" Hamil wasn't in the truck? Did he then turn around or just say "oh well" and leave his guy alone in the middle of the night out in the middle of no where to fend for himself? Did Hamil have a cell phone on him? Was it pinged for last location? Did anyone from the crew including the boss even try to call or text him once they "discovered" he was not in the truck? Unless he was riding in the bed of the truck (alone) I don't think it's even possible for the other crew members in any truck not to notice one person got out and is no longer in the vehicle. Wouldn't the boss need to report the missing crew member and be in trouble for loosing one of his guys? Did he even report him m.i.a. from the crew? Has there been any activity on any of his accounts? Has the truck been checked for any evidence of foul play?
The number of oil field workers that seem to vanish is truly scary and completely baffling! I hope that his family gets the help, attention and answers that they need!
did someone post on here that there was sighting of a "white male" on that road around the same time? Or am I confusing that with another case?
It's pretty dangerous out there, but maybe he thought he could walk home? I'm thinking an argument happened, he got out and was left...but you would think the boss would report him saying he quit...or another scenario, he actually made it to work and something happened there? They dumped him somewhere and everyone is covering it up? Something just isn't right with the story...

I agree with the work accident theory. It’s possible the “he just disappeared” story was an attempt at covering up a fatal accident happening on site, which would brings some serious investigations and repercussions.

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