Alright this is my first post but I have been following this case for a good amount of time now (over a year) and recently came back to it. I've read through virtually every post here in the FLEK subforum as well as done a lot of my own independent research and I'd like to throw a few threads out there that maybe someone more well equipped to follow up on such things can.
One thing I specifically noticed is while it shows up on numerous FLEK pages, the idea of her being Jennifer Marie Wictor is dismissed quite quickly with very little academic followup so while circumstantial, I'd like to put a few interesting things I've noted when you compare JMW to FLEK.
First of all, yes, they do look "different", but I think I can provide an actual (circumstantial) reasoning behind it, so bear with me.
Right off the bat, it's the nose, nasiolabial folds, and smile that are different. From what I've seen this has been enough to dismiss her from candidacy as FLEK with not much more followup. So what do we know about FLEK? For one, she seemed to be concerned with her age as well as her appearance, despite the claims of dressing "matronly" later in life, which I also aim to explain. Allegedly she received a breast augmentation, but before that, there's also talk of her having had a nose job earlier in life. Most of the talk I've seen regarding FLEK and rhinoplasty ends with "But why would she get it to look crooked, what did she look like before?" My theory is FLEK IS JMW, and that JMW received a botched nose job.
Rhinoplasty was the big thing in the mid eighties, but a simple google search can bring up droves of botched nose job pictures from the mid-late 80s and see how much it structurally alters one's face. JMW had a wider, more bulbous nose with thicker nasiolabial folds. If JMW were to get a nose job, it'd (speculation) be to diminish the width and shrink it down a bit, which would mean a loss of depth of her nasiolabial folds. If it were conducted improperly, or not given enough time to properly heal, one could very well easily end up with the crooked, upturned look of FLEK.
Which leads me to the FLEK smile. Always tight upper lip, in fact, one can argue FLEK's upper lip is virtually identical in all of her photographs, regardless of her expression. Almost a straight line across her teeth, with the rest of her mouth making the smile.
From a forum post regarding rhinoplasty side-effects/aftereffects:
Now this post was in 2014, and it is not uncommon nor is the doctor's response. Now, go back to 1988 which nose job full on botches and/or inappropriate aftercare were much more common. Is it entirely possible this happened to her and remained semi-permanent?
As for the financial means, I've bounced a few theories back and forth, but the one that sticks out in my mind as the most plausible is either as JMW or a possible transitional identity, she took out a loan she never intended to repay (as she was planning on changing her identity already) and when the nose job was botched, she had no recourse but to continue on with her life.
Arizona connection:
According to the FLEK note page, she had been in touch with the Tucson AZ CNA line, assumedly to dodge whomever she could be running from. My theory is not that (in this specific situation) she was in all actuality, whether they were aware of it or not, checking in on her parents/family. JMW was a Tempe resident if I recall, the case being handled by Maricopa County, and her car was found abandoned on I-10 which runs through Tempe and Tucson. This use of the AZ CNA as well as noting the time differences (half the year AZ has a 3 hour time difference) could be her trying to ascertain whether or not her parents were still alive, maybe she even gave them a few hang up calls? (totally speculative)
Now to compare the timelines of both rather directly:
BST date of birth: 6/18/69
JMW date of birth: 4/16/67
JMW last seen in Tempe: 3/10/88
BST birth certificate obtained 5/20/88; almost precisely a month before BST's 18th birthday, and almost precisely a month after JMW's 21st birthday.
BST Idaho ID issued 6/16/88, exactly two months after JMW's 21st birthday.
LEK Texas ID issued 4/18/89, exactly two days after JMW's 22nd birthday.
It's reasonable to assume that for sanity's sake, she chose an identity with a birthday already around the time of her own for less track-covering, but just skewed enough that when JMW was already an adult, BST/LEK was in high school, not to mention the vanity effect of being able to tell people she's practically a generation younger than she actually is (When JMW graduated, theoretically "BST" was just entering high school). This also enabled her to "redo" her high school career in a GED with minimal suspicion. The vanity aspect would also lend itself to the accounts of bulimia as well as her later breast augmentation.
Now this has lead me to do some VERY circumstantial dot-connecting with regards to her later life behavior as well as the notes pages. I believe, in addition to an unnamed trauma or traumas, that FLEK's separation from her family, mother especially, was very traumatic for her. If one assumes the Arizona CNA lead to be looking for her parents, it's reasonable to assume she missed them. The 'calculations' note page has held my attention for a great deal of time and I think this framework provides an adequate explanation for it: while early in her run (as the 'dates' seem to stop in 89/90 and go in reverse order) she attempted to create a new parental backstory with accurate ages so as to have something to tell people when they asked (later reverting to the simpler "it's none of your business). However, my theory is she did not keep the note page as a reminder of her backstory, I think it was simple scratch paper. What it SAYS, between the lines, I think is the reason why she kept it.
The first set of dates is calculating her father's age when BST was born, dating back to 69. The second set is to calculate her mother's age. However, it could be assumed her mother has a birthday AFTER the date she began writing the note paper, and so her reverse calculations do not add up properly with what she perceives her parent's ages to be with relation to eachother when she was born. So she starts a third set of calculations, however this dataset dates back to 19
67 (JMW's birth year), and, quite possibly, the realization of how she "screwed up": when JMW was 21, she was going on the run and disappearing from her family; when JMW/BST's mother was 21, she was giving birth to JMW and starting a family.
This further goes to FLEK's state of mind later in life. Could she have gone to bible study for redemption? Had she been on the run so long (into her 50s) that it wasn't fun anymore and she had more demons than she could handle? People describe her as beginning to dress "matronly" in this era which is I think very very telling when it comes to her state of mind. While that is extremely modest dress for a 2000s mother in her 50s, it's not entirely far off from what a possibly conservative 70s/80s mother would wear. Was she attempting to channel her own mother, perhaps attempting to (in her mind) right some wrongs of her past? This would also contribute to the over-protective nature of the relationship with her daughter, perhaps trying to be the mom she had never had and ensure her daughter would not have the identity crisis so to speak that she had gone through.
Edit: Additionally, her final mental breakdown (from what I've read) occurred that spring leading into summer and worsening towards the fall. Could it have been just being confronted with yet another real birthday missed and yet another fake one celebrated? (JMW being end of April and BST/FLEK being at the end of June) Maybe even reaching the age her real mother was when she left?
But why not fess up in the end if the walls were closing in? Well I think that allllllll leads back to her initial unpaid loan. I think she wanted to tell, but she got in over her head way too many years before that, and realized she would not only alienate her new family but most likely saddle them with 20+ year old outstanding debt if her real identity was ever connected back to them.
So, hell of a first post but this has really captured my attention and I'd really really like to see if anyone can give credence to this theory or even run down some of these connections further in a way I'm not currently capable of.