TX - Moriah Wilson, Cyclist Fatally Shot Before Race, Austin, #4

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I don't find either one of these odd. KA's family has some money, they are getting her good representation. And family members often times will be with their family member's attorneys.

Yes, but if you add to it that she was never arrested for theft of service, and her date of birth was entered wrong in the arrest warrant, it looks fishy. Personally, I think she either had friends in the police department, or something similar.
I wonder why LE waited until the day after the murder to visit CS at his residence. They had his name and could have checked his driver license immediately on the night of the murder and gone to CS's residence and proceeded the evening of May 11th in the same way that they did on May 12th.

This was hearsay. The host did not witness CS collecting for dropping MW off on 5/11 and only had a text from MW she was going swimming with CS.

LE worked through the night to corroborate this info and I applaud they didn't go knocking on somebody's door late at night with good reason.

Imagine if circumstances were the same between CS/KA/MW and CS did not go see MW on 5/11 -- in KA's state of mind, this could have been enough for KA to use that gun on CS.

Just as you can't take gunshot residue tests from an individual without probable cause!
The US Constitution protects and provides all individuals with this right.

I truly hope readers give detectives some credit here and are not buying into the defense's boutique defense! MOO
So CA potentially offering her passport to her sister or KA stealing it from her sister doesn't faze you in this scenario? We are not talking about a family member who is a bystander to the crimes commuted by KA. Whether willing or unwilling, she is involved.

What say you @Mrspratcher? I'd like an attorney's perspective.

On a human level, it appears CA and KA are pretty close sisters and so I’m not surprised she was there to support her sister. Interestingly, her parents were not.

From a legal perspective, I do find it odd she was there based on the circumstances. CA’s passport was reportedly found in CR and there is a high probability KA used CA’s passport to immigrate into CR. So yes, IMO it’s odd she was there.

KA is indigent but somehow secured a seemingly good team of attorneys. IMO either representation is pro bono or her family has dipped into savings, 401k’s, credit cards, etc. to pay.

All MOO.

Edited to fix a typo. ‘Twas a long week.
Possibly they were getting a search warrant and that delayed their visit .. from the AA:
While Detective Spitler was conducting the interview with Strickland, Detective Ayers, along with members ofthe APD Tac Intel Unit, executed residential search warrant SW22IO4037 which was issued by the Austin Travis County Municipal Court. During the search, ofiicers located two firearms in the residence as described by Strickland.
They didn't have a search warrant when they visited CS at his residence on the morning of May 12th, the day after the murder. They didn't have a search warrant until 8 pm the night of May 12th. So I do wonder why they waited until the morning after the murder of MW to go to CS's residence. MW's host let them know that MW went out that night with CS, so they could have easily checked for his address, etc. quickly at 10:30 or 11 pm the night of the murder and then gone to question him. Yet they didn't. They waited until the morning. Seems odd. They clearly weren't waiting on a warrant because they showed up at CS's home on the morning of the 12th without one.
On a human level, it appears CA and KA are pretty close sisters and so I’m not surprised she was there to support her sister. Interestingly, her parents were not.

From a legal perspective, I do find it odd she was there based on the circumstances. CA’s passport was reportedly found in CR and there is a high probability KA used CA’s passport to immigrate into CR. So yes, IMO it’s odd she was there.

KA is indigent but somehow secured a seemingly good team of attorneys. IMO either representation is pro bono or her family has dipped into savings, 401k’s, credit cards, etc. to pay.

All MOO.

Edited to fix a typo. ‘Twas a long week.

Her parents live in Michigan, IIIRC, so I am not surprised that they weren't at the hearing. They will probably attend the trial to support their daughter. Also, they are divorced, so they may not be making plans together, depending on their post-divorce/separation relationship. They may both, individually, be figuring out how to navigate the situation.
Her parents live in Michigan, IIIRC, so I am not surprised that they weren't at the hearing. They will probably attend the trial to support their daughter. Also, they are divorced, so they may not be making plans together, depending on their post-divorce/separation relationship. They may both, individually, be figuring out how to navigate the situation.
CA reportedly lives in NY and still made it. Don’t know her parents situation, JMO as a mother.
I'm not sure if RC's law firm qualifies as a boutique law firm, given the range of specialty areas that they cover, including both family law and criminal law. Boutique law firms usually have a naarrow focus on a specialty.

Boutique law firm - Wikipedia

A boutique law firm is a collection of attorneys typically organized in a limited liability partnership or professional corporation specializing in a niche area of law practice. Although a general practice law firm includes a variety of unrelated practice areas within a single firm, a boutique firm specializes in one or a select few practice areas. There may be some confusion as legal publications may refer to any small- or mid-sized firm as a boutique, though generally firms with fewer than 100 attorneys would count. Boutique should apply to those firms that focus on particular areas, regardless of size, though they are typically smaller, with exception to a few firms such as Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner or Fish & Richardson with over 400 attorneys.

Examples of niche areas of law practices of boutique law firms include:

Intellectual property

Labor and employment


Technology and venture capital
I'm not sure if RC's law firm qualifies as a boutique law firm, given the range of specialty areas that they cover, including both family law and criminal law. Boutique law firms usually have a naarrow focus on a specialty.

Boutique law firm - Wikipedia

A boutique law firm is a collection of attorneys typically organized in a limited liability partnership or professional corporation specializing in a niche area of law practice. Although a general practice law firm includes a variety of unrelated practice areas within a single firm, a boutique firm specializes in one or a select few practice areas. There may be some confusion as legal publications may refer to any small- or mid-sized firm as a boutique, though generally firms with fewer than 100 attorneys would count. Boutique should apply to those firms that focus on particular areas, regardless of size, though they are typically smaller, with exception to a few firms such as Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner or Fish & Richardson with over 400 attorneys.

Examples of niche areas of law practices of boutique law firms include:

Intellectual property

Labor and employment


Technology and venture capital
Many family law cases may have criminal law components (orders of protection, etc.), so I would still consider a relatively small firm specializing in family and criminal law as a boutique firm.
They didn't have a search warrant when they visited CS at his residence on the morning of May 12th, the day after the murder. They didn't have a search warrant until 8 pm the night of May 12th. So I do wonder why they waited until the morning after the murder of MW to go to CS's residence. MW's host let them know that MW went out that night with CS, so they could have easily checked for his address, etc. quickly at 10:30 or 11 pm the night of the murder and then gone to question him. Yet they didn't. They waited until the morning. Seems odd. They clearly weren't waiting on a warrant because they showed up at CS's home on the morning of the 12th without one.

The timeline I'm familiar with from the AA has LE arriving at the crime scene at 9:56 PM and the victim pronounced dead at 10:10 PM.

Having been in the host's position before, I seriously doubt detectives were able to interview/take her sworn statements for several hours-- taking into account what she just witnessed, Mo essentially dying in her arms, and the responding authorities requirement to preserve and secure the crime scene.

So no, I disagree that LE could just pop over to CS's residence by 10:30 pm or so to interview him. I have no doubt that detectives worked this case all night before arriving at CS's home on the morning of 5/12!

Fortunately, talking to potential POI's and witnesses, in the course of an investigation, does NOT require a search warrant.

And obtaining and executing a search warrant does not occur in a vacuum.

The process probably best explained in the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Chapter 18, or APD 405.3 Search Warrants. MOO
On a human level, it appears CA and KA are pretty close sisters and so I’m not surprised she was there to support her sister. Interestingly, her parents were not.

From a legal perspective, I do find it odd she was there based on the circumstances. CA’s passport was reportedly found in CR and there is a high probability KA used CA’s passport to immigrate into CR. So yes, IMO it’s odd she was there.

KA is indigent but somehow secured a seemingly good team of attorneys. IMO either representation is pro bono or her family has dipped into savings, 401k’s, credit cards, etc. to pay.

All MOO.

Edited to fix a typo. ‘Twas a long week.
If CA’s passport was stolen (in lieu of given), she’d be a victim in this crime. In that case, she’d be on the prosecution side?
KA’s father gave zoom interviews from a Michigan garage wearing a construction vest. No one is confusing this with DeVos.

The entire reason K bypassed to upstate NY for a few days was to pick up that passport. Isn’t that clear?
I think they (the defense) may be treading on thin ice (legal or otherwise). Evidence may reveal CA has helped her sister & charges may be filed against her. Unlikely at this stage perhaps but not impossible.

Also, it seems like it would be a conflict of interest to hire a family member of an accused you are representing. They don't need CA. Her background is not legal matters. And she is likely to be called to testify.

Let's say I'm wrong on all counts above, it still looks & smells like a skunk. KA had CA's passport & used it when she fled so whether it was technically stolen or not, I'm holding my nonsurgically enhanced nose & rolling my eyes below unlifted eyelids.
It's possible CA has retained Cofer to represent her for any pending legal issues that potentially pop up in TX. He could then help her strategize on how to answer questions as they arise because certainly there will be MANY. Maybe this is some sort of strategy. All this is completely conjecture on my end, because I have zero knowledge of the law. Can they compel a sister to testify? I read somewhere certain family members have special rights re: testimony, but no clue how this works. They can only plead the 5th to the extent something implicates THEM right? Everything else, they have to answer?

PS all the chatter about CA's outfit... really!? C'mon y'all.
I wonder if CA has been hired on by the defense team possibly as a legal assistant or investigator. Crazier things have happened, and the vibe of her apparel and how she walked into court with the lawyers makes me curious. This might give CA enhanced ability to visit and communicate with KA.

Or I could be totally wrong! Just an idea
Following up to my previous post--@Mariposa, wanted to make sure you knew I wasn't referring to you with my comment criticizing everyone critiquing CA's clothing. Your comment about her apparel in the context of a clue to her role is totally worth considering.

Also, I think you're on to something re: this Cofer connection giving CA enhanced ability to communicate with KA. Think about it, if BOTH KA and CA have attorney/client confidentiality with Cofer, this means he can then relay communication between the two of them without it being recorded or subject to subpoena. He can get all the deets from CA on what she knows and he can better strategize for KA.
It's possible CA has retained Cofer to represent her for any pending legal issues that potentially pop up in TX. He could then help her strategize on how to answer questions as they arise because certainly there will be MANY. Maybe this is some sort of strategy. All this is completely conjecture on my end, because I have zero knowledge of the law. Can they compel a sister to testify? I read somewhere certain family members have special rights re: testimony, but no clue how this works. They can only plead the 5th to the extent something implicates THEM right? Everything else, they have to answer?

PS all the chatter about CA's outfit... really!? C'mon y'all.
IANAL but I believe spousal privilege is the only familial privilege that exists in the U.S. judicial system.
It's possible CA has retained Cofer to represent her for any pending legal issues that potentially pop up in TX. He could then help her strategize on how to answer questions as they arise because certainly there will be MANY. Maybe this is some sort of strategy. All this is completely conjecture on my end, because I have zero knowledge of the law. Can they compel a sister to testify? I read somewhere certain family members have special rights re: testimony, but no clue how this works. They can only plead the 5th to the extent something implicates THEM right? Everything else, they have to answer?

PS all the chatter about CA's outfit... really!? C'mon y'all.

If they appear friendly, it's because they are.

I have a different take on the cozy appearance of CA and the Law Firm of C & C, and it's nothing to do with Cofer representing CA for any potential legal issues popping up in TX.

Nope, just the opposite. IMO, it was CA that was instrumental in finding this defense firm to represent KA-- long before KA's flight ever touched ground in Texas. I previously posted the link to RC's firm prior to partnering with Connelly and I think that CA and CR have some overlapping interests with non-profits.

To be clear, I do not believe that KA is a well-heeled woman with the resources to afford this defense team. I think they are representing KA for a nominal sum she can afford to pay.

And if CA should need counsel for anything to do with her passport being located in CR without her, I don't doubt that C&C have already hooked her up with qualified representation.

... I'm recalling another WS case I followed with multi-payers, it was this strategic hooking up a witness to another firm (in the family if you will) that caused the District Judge assigned the case to have to recuse himself. :oops:

So if anybody here really believes that KA arrived Houston, TX USA on or about 7/2, made her way from Houston to Austin (Travis County) where she appeared before a Magistrate Judge on 7/5/22 at 9:47 PM, and was committed to the Travis County Sherriff-- but not before seemingly magically retaining Attorney Rick Cofer who long before KA arrived in Austin had already filed a notice of appearance in US District Court, Western District of Texas - for his client, then please hit me up for some magical, authentic, Alaskan artifacts for sale. :cool:

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