TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #12

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oh oh if the local BRECK poster is right then i am thinkin that this talk about 'such evil' means killer's got a whole lot to lose and no one would believe someone 'like her' would ever do such a thing........ and several people are going to be hurting when killer is arrested. and another thing i think is killer is somebody who is 'out there' and has been talking game, tellin lies and acting the opposite of how a killer would be expected to be - - - killer is 'out there' acting sweet as a rose in public, upbeat, the whole bit ----- i can see this killer baking woven bread to shellac it and have be her dining room table centerpiece with a candle in it and she posts pics and her recipe on that pininterest site where people post pics of their meals.
Where is the 2nd letter done by MT published today? I have looked at local news websites and see zilch.
The 'creepy message' TIMING is most suspect to me. She might have flirted with CW, but IMO that's all it was. Just messaging. I rule him out, but that's JMO.

So....Missy used LinkedIn with her business associates & networking. She has over 500 friends on there. Once again, only someone tied to her professionally or through the fitness world would know that most likely. If they wanted to scare her they could message on FB or elsewhere. They CHOSE LinkedIn to creep her out. It was significant enough that LE didn't dismiss it among the 100s of things friends probably told them during this investigation. They didn't tell us the content of that message, yet they found it significant enough to add in the warrant. They even mentioned it again on another page & their point was loud and clear.

April 15 - husband has outpatient surgery. Could he have sent it? Of course. But I'm sticking with my locals around town, who, just this morning, we all discussed this case yet again.

We all suspected family initially, and dissected it many, many, mannnny times...but as I've shared on here numerous times, we knew things to broaden our search and look elsewhere. I still don't rule out anyone, but by looking past BB & RB, it was pretty glaring what was happening. As most of you know, on the ground we sometimes have a different set of eyes & I do think it's all going to make sense very soon.

Anyway...back to the LinkedIn...the message arrives, according to warrants, three days before her murder." What happened 3 days before? She was leaving for her trip to Austin. That is not a coincidence. It's not a coincidence that the perp chose LinkedIn to creep her out. The friend probably didn't remember the name bc I bet it was a general Bob Smith-type-name with a random job listed, no photo or profile filled it. Otherwise, as women...and especially as two female women...we would've Internet stalked that person to figure out who the heck this creep was.

The murderer wanted her to be scared and suffer before she left for Austin. If this is the case, ask yourself WHY?

Then 3 days later they wanted her to be scared and suffer again out of rage and jealousy...as they took a beautiful mom from her 3 children.

They could have shot or killed her at home, in her driveway, since everyone has plenty of land out here. They could have followed her along desolate FM 1387 on the way to work to ram her off the road, get out & kill her there.

No. They chose the very place that's tied to fitness. Where they knew about the cameras. What time people would arrive. When it was raining. They didn't shoot her in the parking lot. They thrived on the hunt and then took time to bludgeon her with tools. On her chest and head. The chest means Missy was likely looking up & this person wanted Missy to see her eyes and hate.

If this doesn't point to a woman, I don't know what else does. But...JMO.

One more thing (MOO)...My alleged perp is the very last person I wanted it to be. I wanted it to be family. That would make more sense. I wanted it to be a burglar or stalker bc that makes sense, too. I didn't want to believe evil like this could exist. I still don't want to. So this isn't one of those or trying to make my theory fit. I just feel like it repeatedly goes back to this one person & whomever could have helped her out.

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Great post, Breck80, as with all the ones I've read from you on here. While my own theory disagrees with yours that SWAT guy is a woman, I agree with the insight that on April 15 someone was very mad at her. And I also believe that that rage (IMO) was tied into Missy and/or the fitness lifestyle, as her fitness class was the site of her murder the first CG day after Austin.

Just to throw out another thought...anyone can set up a LinkedIn account, and as such, people's first instincts when getting a message on such an account might be that it came from another professional, or at least an adult. If the killer is neither of those (my own theory), it would be a perfect screen under which to send a hateful, creepy message.

ETA: and, like you, I really hope my theory is wrong.
If the perp knew her every move and exact schedule, looks like he/she would have picked a time when BB, and even RB would be in town to cast more of a doubt on those closest to her with a motive. Odd that the perp would choose a time when those with a motive would be out of state. MOO
I agree. This puzzles me because I don't believe BB is involved or that this was a hit. Maybe it's just coincidence.

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The 'creepy message' TIMING is most suspect to me. She might have flirted with CW, but IMO that's all it was. Just messaging. I rule him out, but that's JMO.

So....Missy used LinkedIn with her business associates & networking. She has over 500 friends on there. Once again, only someone tied to her professionally or through the fitness world would know that most likely. If they wanted to scare her they could message on FB or elsewhere. They CHOSE LinkedIn to creep her out. It was significant enough that LE didn't dismiss it among the 100s of things friends probably told them during this investigation. They didn't tell us the content of that message, yet they found it significant enough to add in the warrant. They even mentioned it again on another page & their point was loud and clear.

April 15 - husband has outpatient surgery. Could he have sent it? Of course. But I'm sticking with my locals around town, who, just this morning, we all discussed this case yet again.

We all suspected family initially, and dissected it many, many, mannnny times...but as I've shared on here numerous times, we knew things to broaden our search and look elsewhere. I still don't rule out anyone, but by looking past BB & RB, it was pretty glaring what was happening. As most of you know, on the ground we sometimes have a different set of eyes & I do think it's all going to make sense very soon.

Anyway...back to the LinkedIn...the message arrives, according to warrants, three days before her murder." What happened 3 days before? She was leaving for her trip to Austin. That is not a coincidence. It's not a coincidence that the perp chose LinkedIn to creep her out. The friend probably didn't remember the name bc I bet it was a general Bob Smith-type-name with a random job listed, no photo or profile filled it. Otherwise, as women...and especially as two female women...we would've Internet stalked that person to figure out who the heck this creep was.

The murderer wanted her to be scared and suffer before she left for Austin. If this is the case, ask yourself WHY?

Then 3 days later they wanted her to be scared and suffer again out of rage and jealousy...as they took a beautiful mom from her 3 children.

They could have shot or killed her at home, in her driveway, since everyone has plenty of land out here. They could have followed her along desolate FM 1387 on the way to work to ram her off the road, get out & kill her there.

No. They chose the very place that's tied to fitness. Where they knew about the cameras. What time people would arrive. When it was raining. They didn't shoot her in the parking lot. They thrived on the hunt and then took time to bludgeon her with tools. On her chest and head. The chest means Missy was likely looking up & this person wanted Missy to see her eyes and hate.

If this doesn't point to a woman, I don't know what else does. But...JMO.

One more thing (MOO)...My alleged perp is the very last person I wanted it to be. I wanted it to be family. That would make more sense. I wanted it to be a burglar or stalker bc that makes sense, too. I didn't want to believe evil like this could exist. I still don't want to. So this isn't one of those or trying to make my theory fit. I just feel like it repeatedly goes back to this one person & whomever could have helped her out.

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So, if murderer took photos after the deed (as has been speculated), it could have been for s\he to have proof to be able to show someone that yes, I did this for you. Not as a hired hit, which I don't think it was, but as a deranged someone taking out a rival, whether real or perceived, or someone avenging a real or perceived wrong, and perhaps wanting to have proof that, yes, s\he did this.

Unless something happened that the murderer just couldn't get over and they went into a rage....they might have been so incredibly angry that they didn't think about anything else other than revenge. And they knew that MB showed up to that particular location by herself at a certain time.

If she's counting the feet to AV room, someone may have given that info
I just found his profile. MMA fighter? Thanks!
Elle, thank you for understanding my post! I wrote a theory but when I went to post, a new thread had been created.

And I am tagging this on to you unfairly so I will shorten my new theory considerably:

This was a hit. Just not a professional one. There were 2 perp's Involved: SwatPerp(SP) and Perp#2.

Perp2 stayed out of the camera range after dropping Swatperp at the kitchen door via car. This allowed SP to stay dry before entering the kitchen. Perp 2 headed around back to damage
the back doors, all out of camera view to give the break-in more authenticity. (Because that took some real strength.) Perp 2 knew there were no cameras outside.

Perp2 has instructed SP to make things look like a burglary inside and where to find some tools.

Perp 2 says he/she will warn SP
when it's time to hide in the sanctuary via their mikes. Perp2 knows eactly when and where the Victim will enter.

When Victim enters and goes into the Sanctuary holding a tub of stuff, she is taken by suprise because of the dark. SP does what she and Perp 2 agreed to.

After, SP wipes feet on the carpeted floor he/she leaves all the church tools there (as there is no way they can be traced back) and relays to Perp 2 to meet at the side door. Perp 2 is waiting with the car and they speed off because first he has to drop SP at his/her car that they stashed along the way so Perp 2 can get to work on time.

An abbreviated version (thankfully for you all). I will remain quiet for the rest of the

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oh oh if the local BRECK poster is right then i am thinkin that this talk about 'such evil' means killer's got a whole lot to lose and no one would believe someone 'like her' would ever do such a thing........ and several people are going to be hurting when killer is arrested. and another thing i think is killer is somebody who is 'out there' and has been talking game, tellin lies and acting the opposite of how a killer would be expected to be - - - killer is 'out there' acting sweet as a rose in public, upbeat, the whole bit ----- i can see this killer baking woven bread to shellac it and have be her dining room table centerpiece with a candle in it and she posts pics and her recipe on that pininterest site where people post pics of their meals.

Exactly this. As my friend Dex (where are you today DexterMorgan?) says "killers don't wear signs around their necks". IMO we have all seen killers come in all shapes & sizes (ages, genders, ethnicities & walks of life) I'm still not sure exactly why all of these agencies are involved if it's as simple as 1 person got so angry they killed another in Midlothian, TX but then again- the answers WILL come.

I'm still not ruling out a team effort. It could even be someone who hated MB and someone who had something ($$) to gain from her death working together. IMO. My theory changes every hour & I'm not much closer than I was on day 10 of the investigation.
BB probably did not trust MB, especially if the reason for her texting and telling him she loved him every day for the last 10 months was that she stopped the affair 10 months ago. Now she was still playing around with the guy on Linked In per the warrant and maybe having another affair. It could of been him sending her "creepy" messages to freak her out and get her off linked in. JMO.
MIL 2nd letter can be found on:

Thread #10 post #910
I'm sure someone has posted or mentioned this but I just can't keep up. Have the LE said anywhere at any time that they have verified (or not verified) BB or RB's claims of being out of town? I know even if they were out of town they could have been involved so that wouldn't eliminate them but I was just wondering because I haven't seen anything that said they have been confirmed or not.

I have found no statement from RB or LE stating he was in CA at the time. At most, he states "we come in from out of town" Does one exist, or are people just speculating based on the FB post placing him on the SD golf course, at no real time/date? We only know the time(and probably location) the post was made, nothing more.

Edit: All I can find is "RB told Yahoo News he was in California at the time," but no original article or direct quote.
If the perp knew her every move and exact schedule, looks like he/she would have picked a time when BB, and even RB would be in town to cast more of a doubt on those closest to her with a motive. Odd that the perp would choose a time when those with a motive would be out of state. MOO
Maybe the plan was based on "the next inclement" day corralling MB inside where someone can quickly corner and surprise their victim? That game plan would potentially work better than pursuing their victim out in the open maybe forced to chase them in circles. With MB being in great shape would greatly reduce odds of overcoming MB quickly. Also, since it was done inside, if a CG arrived early for first day of class they wouldnt see what was going on inside the building compared to seeing 2-3 people running around wildly out in the open.
So, if murderer took photos after the deed (as has been speculated), it could have been for s\he to have proof to be able to show someone that yes, I did this for you. Not as a hired hit, which I don't think it was, but as a deranged someone taking out a rival, whether real or perceived, or someone avenging a real or perceived wrong, and perhaps wanting to have proof that, yes, s\he did this.


Because I am technically challenged, I have a question. If killer did record the killing, can that recording be recovered even though the killer deleted it from his/her phone?
If the perp knew her every move and exact schedule, looks like he/she would have picked a time when BB, and even RB would be in town to cast more of a doubt on those closest to her with a motive. Odd that the perp would choose a time when those with a motive would be out of state. MOO
Could Missy have shown her husband the creepy message and that was why Brandon was worried about her? Maybe this info had gotten out a little and the perp knew if they attacked her when BB and others were out of town, it would ensure Missy would be alone. JMO
I'm reading between the lines and see who you are alluding to, but if it is really that simple why are there so many agencies involved? And what about the seemingly familiarity the perp has with all those tools/pockets? Just playing devils advocate here. I think your perp seems the most logical choice but I'm not sure why you need all these agencies and still no arrest 3 weeks later....I could go either way, female perp and it's who you are saying or hired hit (professional or acquaintance). Thanks for your posts. I think the locals here offer an invaluable perspective.
Everyone finds Breck's posts most vauable, and I read this one 3 times over to glean what all she is saying, but I tend to agree with you. When all these warrants were released, a local posted on this bbs that she was certain she saw a woman at a high school auditorium with that gimpy walk and she was now certain it was CT (sorry, poster name escapes me.) Did LE release these specific warrants to point especially locals at a certain person Breck is alluding to? I just don't see all these federal agencies joining in for a simple local "jealous woman murders love rival" scenario. And the list of outside agencies is getting larger with NYPD and DEA now in addition to all the others. I wonder also if LE is using this high profile in the media case to bring them all in for some other purpose. *scratches head*
Because I am technically challenged, I have a question. If killer did record the killing, can that recording be recovered even though the killer deleted it from his/her phone?

If it was just recorded, not uploaded/streamed... only if LE has the phone, and even then a person could make it un-retrievable, password protected, encrypted, etc
Could Missy have shown her husband the creepy message and that was why Brandon was worried about her. Maybe this info had gotten out a little and the perp knew if they attacked her when BB and others were out of town, to make sure Missy would be alone. JMO

Or he was worried about some of her new friends
If the perp knew her every move and exact schedule, looks like he/she would have picked a time when BB, and even RB would be in town to cast more of a doubt on those closest to her with a motive. Odd that the perp would choose a time when those with a motive would be out of state. MOO

Exactly. Perp instead chose a time when there'd be less possible interference to his plan by BB (IMHO).

SWAT guy wasn't trying to make it look like BB might be responsible; he was trying to set the scene as though a random burglar were responsible.
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