TX - Trial of Robert Durst in the murder of Morris Black

Crazy like a fox. Sly & cunning. Narcissistic & an actor.
I thought that, too!!! Especially, the use of the word cadaver in the letter!!

IMO, by using that word, it was a way to have no emotional connection to the human being who was murdered. A way to disconnect from any emotional attachment, IMO.

We could have a whole other thread on how he perceives other human beings based on how he refers to them. Susan was a "cadaver"....yet "Mommy" was in a box. His father isn't Daddy, he's "Seymour", this distant, cold object. (I also couldn't help but think of Principal Skinner's mother yelling "Seymour!" at him on the Simpsons.) When he talked about Mommy being in the box, that was the most emotional we saw him get. I think his mother's death caused a real break in him, where he started disconnecting himself from the humanity of others, and a weird relationship with death and the extinguishing of those who threaten him.
The doorman never saw her. Not once. That was spin put on the case. The doorman stated over and over he never saw her. Durst said that he said he called Kathie because " That puts her in NY." He admits to lying about that.

The problem is that there was never a search or active investigation at the home where they lived until a long time after when Jeaninne pirro took over. No one ever investigated this as anything more than a missing persons case. My bet is that she is either buried somewhere on that property or in that lake.

That detective from the documentary, I can't remember his name...man. He is AWFUL at his job. I wonder how many cases went cold at that time under his watch. He struck me as the kind of person who thinks women are "asking for it" when they get raped, and domestic violence incidents are just "lover's quarrels". That guy bugged me so much, I wanted Jarecki to scream at him.
OOOOHhhh!!! He was jealous of Kathie's experiences with the cadavers! :eek:

The conversations they must have had. My gallows humor runs wild.
"So how'd you get the head off? what tool did you use? What will cut through bone the best? Do you think a head will sink in water? Like a lake or a pond? What about a head Douglas's size? His is pretty big"

"It's not like that, we had to cut down the sternum between the breastbone and...wait, what?"
What I find amazing about this story is that the police did not at all look at this as anything else but she was missing. A woman who was in her 4th year of medical school. He did not report her missing for 5 days and then had a story all ready even though it changed over and over.

He is a calculating murderer.

Why why didn't the police handle this right to begin with?
What I find amazing about this story is that the police did not at all look at this as anything else but she was missing. A woman who was in her 4th year of medical school. He did not report her missing for 5 days and then had a story all ready even though it changed over and over.

He is a calculating murderer.

Why why didn't the police handle this right to begin with?

IMO, missing persons cases at that time weren't taken seriously. The cops would say the person had a right to go missing. The detective on the case says, in the documentary, that he made a lot of assumptions about cases where a husband reports a wife missing. His assumptions are based a lot on a lot of old-school gender myths that law enforcement had at the time. This was the early 80s, post 70s feminism, when a lot of men thought that women were just going to declare their freedom and leave their husbands for a new life. He probably assumed she left him so she could go have a career in medicine, because, you know, can't have both! IMO, his gender bias in that interview was so thick and rich you couldn't stir it with a spoon. OMG I really hated this guy. Especially at how he completely ignored and passed off her friends, who said she gave them warnings, as "blah blah blah". Yeah, those women, they talk too much, ya know? Was his attitude. He couldn't be bothered because he was so clearly on Durst's side anyway (or on his payroll).

I really hope there is a new, more enlightened detective on this case now. That guy should have been fired.
His brother said that he likely practiced dimembering on 7 different dogs.
His brother said that he likely practiced dimembering on 7 different dogs.

WHAT? If he knows that then why in the blue heck would he have not come forward and told people that during Kathie's investigation or when he hired body guards when RD was on the run after dismembering Morris Black?

That detective from the documentary, I can't remember his name...man. He is AWFUL at his job. I wonder how many cases went cold at that time under his watch. He struck me as the kind of person who thinks women are "asking for it" when they get raped, and domestic violence incidents are just "lover's quarrels". That guy bugged me so much, I wanted Jarecki to scream at him.

Right? He just believed everything Durst told him. HE did not even investigate.
WHAT? If he knows that then why in the blue heck would he have not come forward and told people that during Kathie's investigation or when he hired body guards when RD was on the run after dismembering Morris Black?

DD talks about Igor in this interview. In it, he says he came up with the Igor theory when RD was in jail in PA after being arrested for the MB murder. We don't know that he didn't alert authorities to this. As outspoken as he's always been about RD, I would be surprised if he didn't mention it to someone. MOO.


It is totally creepy. Another thing I find interesting is that DD also refers to their father as Seymour.
I have been watching for info on Robert Durst for a few of years and now that he is so back in the news more info is coming out about him, but maybe only what he wants us to know. As odd as it sounds, the first time I saw a picture of Kathy Durst, her face just seemed familiar to me. I still don't know why, but I have always wondered and I guess that is why I've been interested in this story. After reading more over the years I was left to believe that Robert had connections to Humboldt County, where I live and have lived since the mid 1970's. Eventually I came to realize he had probably been here many times, possibly as early as the 70's. Could I have seen them here, anything is possible, since I used to work the door for two clubs that were quite popular then in a local rural small town. I eventually saw a story that he owned a house in a town just north of here maybe during the late 90's and early 2000's. Using Google Earth I was unable to locate the exact address, but I was able to see it was somewhere within a couple of blocks. The houses in this neighborhood are still fairly new, very close together and a fairly expensive neighborhood. From what I understand he owned several properties in Northern CA, most I would be clueless as to where they are.

I guess my questions now are why would Durst move into that crappy neighborhood in Galveston when he had so many other homes that were not cheap or crappy homes or neighborhoods. And that brings me to Morris Black, which I find little to no information about, other than RD killed him. There has to be more information about Morris Black before Galveston, but I have yet to find it. Anyone know anything?

My feeling is that Durst disguised himself in order to sneak up on Mr. Black and murdered him because he had information on Durst, not because Mr. Black pulled a gun on him and the self defense story told in court. I tend to think that Mr. Black was killed when he realized Durst was his cross dressing neighbor who had been stalking him in order to get a one up on him. Now it is possible Durst was slumming in that neighborhood to live out his fantasies having relationships with men he found in that neighborhood, but I just have to wonder. I'm thinking that I may have read something about Morris Black living in NY and moving to Florida at some point with his brother, but I now cannot find that story. Did Morris Black have information on Kathy Durst's murder or even Susan Burman's murder and is that why he had to be eliminated? Anybody know about Morris Black before Galveston?? The only thing I do know is that Durst is one creepy, scary thing.
I bet you all have already given the link, but I didn't see it and I'm a real dummy with watching shows online. Could you direct me to a good site where I can watch the Jinx? I haven't even seen it yet! Thanks in advance!
DD talks about Igor in this interview. In it, he says he came up with the Igor theory when RD was in jail in PA after being arrested for the MB murder. We don't know that he didn't alert authorities to this. As outspoken as he's always been about RD, I would be surprised if he didn't mention it to someone. MOO.


It is totally creepy. Another thing I find interesting is that DD also refers to their father as Seymour.

I don't find that odd. I know it may seem odd but I wonder if it is just from being in business. You would not refer to Seymour as dad but Seymour.

As for the Igor thing.. Oh. My. Gosh.

I have to tell you I think that RD is a psychopath and I think with more digging there may be more murders.
I would really like to know what he does during the day. He doesn't work. During my periods of unemployment when I was laid off and wasn't in school, I was mostly going insane with worry over how to pay my bills, because I'm not rich like him. But he isn't married, has no kids to take care of, and doesn't have to work. He has homes in 3 or 4 states. What does he DO? and what was he doing from 1994 to now, (except for the time he was on trial in Galveston, or murdering Susan Berman)?

Iirc he was drawing 2 million a year for awhile from the family then they bought out his share of the business for $65 million. He still owns real estate and last I heard he's worth over $100 million
IMO he smokes pot and talks to himself most days to pass the time
I bet you all have already given the link, but I didn't see it and I'm a real dummy with watching shows online. Could you direct me to a good site where I can watch the Jinx? I haven't even seen it yet! Thanks in advance!

I haven't found anywhere online where you can watch it. My friend added HBO so we could watch it through our local cable provider and so far we have only watched through part 4. Eventually I'm sure it will be available somewhere, but we couldn't wait. Durst seems to lie like Jodi Arias.
At Croissant Brioche, a French bakery Durst frequented two or three times a week, new employees immediately got a recap of his history, said one worker. Then they were offered this advice: "Don't get his order wrong or get him angry."

Durst was a creature of habit, always ordering the same meal - a ham sandwich with no ham. He also exhibited odd quirks, emptying a cup of coffee onto the floor, washing his hands under an urn that dispenses drinking water, referring to himself in the royal "we."

I think that the best part of this series is that Durst caught himself. He really thought he was smarter than everyone but HE is the one who wanted to talk and be interviewed. This series is just about them filming him as he chose and wanted and then adding in the other players and facts.
RD is the one who called them asking to be interviewed. So he put his head in the noose all by himself.
Duplicate. My computer is acting up.
Duplicate.. sorry!

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