UK - Constable arrested in murder of Claire Parry, 41, near Bournemouth; she died 10 May 2020

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Another thought and it is obvious I do not have knowledge of legalities - Accused is PC Constable who worked for Dorset police, husband of victim is police officer in Dorset as well, and their own Dorset police, their collegues are investigating all this. Is not this some kind of conflict of interest?

I am in no way suggesting that it would not be fair investigation or trial, however for outsiders it could raise many questions or possibility for appeals later on.
Tragic on so many levels and so many people hurt around.

I really hope they don't go easy on him just because he was police officer. He clearly had a knowledge of all procedures and it is evident he staged the crime scene and still blatanly lies in court. It is also evident he feels no guilt. Even though it was crime of passion mixed with sudden rage he still trying to justify his appalling actions of murdering her and even blaming her for what he did - that she took away from him chance to tell his wife himself. Yeeea, right.

Then (once again) blaming her for stabbing him. What an appalling behaviour.

Even though murder was not premeditated can he be charged with murder rather than manslaughter? Anyone know how many years he can be facing?
This is what was reported on day one -

"Mr Smith, concluding his introduction, is explaining the law to the jury.

In the jury bundle, which the press don't have access to, there are two charges, Mr Smith said.

"The first is murder, that is what you are here to decide. You were told he was charged with murder, thats count one."

The second count is manslaughter.

The jury are told they don't need to decide on manslaughter, as Brehmer pleaded guilty to this charge."

As it happened: Case begins in police officer murder trial
What a very odd thing to say -


Brehmer said he attended a one day a year requalification on first aid which included issues about positional asphyxia.

He said this has "always stuck" with him.


"The training was given, but you don't do neck restraints in training in Dorset Police.

"You are said it is not an approved technique."

LIVE: updates as defence opens in Timothy Brehmer's murder trial

Has he slipped up? I thought he was moving her not restraining her.
What a very odd thing to say -


Brehmer said he attended a one day a year requalification on first aid which included issues about positional asphyxia.

He said this has "always stuck" with him.


"The training was given, but you don't do neck restraints in training in Dorset Police.

"You are said it is not an approved technique."

LIVE: updates as defence opens in Timothy Brehmer's murder trial

Has he slipped up? I thought he was moving her not restraining her.

Very interesting indeed. Would positional asphyxia leave marks on the neck though? Maybe, possibly. But definitely he had knowledge of the technique by his own admission.

Another thought is ... knife. I don't know any middle aged people who randomly carry knife with them and I don't think knives are part of UK police attire either. So, was it indeed premeditated? Did he bring it with him (just in case) or did he get it in that 20 min gap time frame?

Any mention of it anywhere in the trial?
His story is that he was trying to move her across the car to get her out, while she was lying on her front, and he had his left injured arm underneath her around her neck. I don't actually believe you would try and move a person that way, with your heavy weight on top of them and your non-dominant stabbed arm trapped underneath. I think all that was staging to explain how his left arm came to strangle her, after he'd stabbed himself.

He told a different story to a prison guard - that she had tried to get out of the car and he'd pulled her back in with his left arm around her neck. He denies saying that but he admits talking to him.

This was part of his evidence -

"He just said he tried to stop her from getting out the vehicle.

"He said as she went out, he grabbed her pocket to try pull her back but it wasn't enough."

Mr Stenterford continued: "He just said he put his arm around her neck to try and pull her back in."

Mr Stenterford raised his left arm in a crooked position infront of his neck. Brehmer did the same action, he said.

"He said during the process he accidentally broke a bone in her neck.

"He said he was trying to stop her getting out the vehicle."

"I said I hope for his sake he is telling the truth.

"I said I was genuinely surprised he would put his arm around her neck, being a police officer, because as a prison officer we are trained not to do that during a restraint."

He continued: "Brehmer said it all happened so quickly, he repeated it again.

"I said 'but still I wouldn't go to put my arm around a prisoner's throat if I was being attacked'."

As it happened: Dorset Police officer's trial continues, accused of murdering nurse lover

There are too many lies and inconsistencies, but who knows what the jury will believe.

This is what the pathologist said -

"There was gas in the neck, indicating air escaped the windpipe, suggesting there was a "defect" in the windpipe, the court hears.

There was other bruising on the muscles in the neck.

There was fracturing to the left of the hoyoid bone in the neck, the court hears.

There was deep soft tissue bruising just underneath the jawline, the court is told.

There were small areas of bruising in the right frontal and temporal part of the scalp, the jury is told.

Dr Jeffery said she can't rule out "manual strangling", but saw no evidence of two hands around Mrs Parry's neck.

"We can't be definitive about the mechanism, there was nothing specific to suggest the application of hands and the relevant absence of injuries would be more in keeping with the forearm and crooked elbow."

Dr Jeffery said she doesn't believe this is accidental pressure against a surface in the car.

Dr Jeffery said it is "more likely" some bruises occurred in a struggle before the neck injuries."

As it happened: Police officer Timothy Brehmer in court as murder trial continues
This is his evidence in police interviews about the knife, the day after telling everyone she had stabbed him -

Brehmer told police the knife he used to stab himself belongs to him and he has had it for "years and years and years".

"I think it was in the centre console.

"(When I left work) I assume it would have been in my work bag."

Brehmer said he put his washing into the boot of the Citroen when he got home from work because he needed an excuse to go meet Mrs Parry.

He took his phone, wallet, penknife and watch.

"I think (I grabbed the knife) after she sent the message, I'm really not sure.

"I remember thinking there's nothing left, it's all gone. I thought it would be much easier for Martha if I didn't come home.

"I put my left arm out, held the knife up and stabbed myself in the arm and it went right through. I think I did it three times, I didn't even feel anything, I think I was crying."

"She didn't move, and she didn't help me. The blood was literally spurting out of the holes in my arm, spraying into the passenger footwell.

"I dropped (the knife) after that, I didn't see it after that. I didn't see (Mrs Parry) pick it up or touch it.

"I just wanted her to see how there was nothing left for me, I guess I wanted to see if she still cared for me and she didn't, not one bit."

"I was bleeding for a little while before I got out the car so we must have carried on talking but she completely ignored the fact I was bleeding.

"Everything was totally out of control. She remained in the passenger seat, her feet were on the dash the whole time.

"I just remember asking for her to get out. I said 'get out my car', she said no."

As it happened: police officer Timothy Brehmer's murder trial enters second week

I only believe the part I have put in red. I think she was unconscious at that point. She was a nurse and I think she would have instinctually helped him and not let him bleed to death. I also don't think any of what he says sounds like someone intent on killing himself. He even said to people 'help me'.
This is another thing that doesn't add up to going out with the intention of killing himself narrative - he told his wife he was going to pick up steak from work

His wife's evidence -

The court is told a barbecue was planned.

"Tim said that he was going to the NPAS office.

"He said he had left some steak out from overnight which would be a waste to leave. I said ok I think, but thought it was not the best time to be doing this."

evidence of crime scene investigator -

"In the boot of the car, there was a bag of washed clothing, some steak and vegetables, and a pair of shoes, the court hears."

TB's evidence today -


Brehmer, after getting out of bed at around 10.30am, he said "absolute turmoil" was going through his head.

"I had made this decision to end my life, it sounds trivial.


"That morning I had been researching on the internet the best ways to end your life. Whenever you Google it it just gives you the Samaritans it doesn't give you the answers."


Brehmer said he thought the meeting was "going to be about us (Mrs Parry and him)".

"I didn't know it would be about telling Martha. I didn't know what it was going to be about, it hadn't been explained by Claire."

LIVE: updates as murder accused Timothy Brehmer gives evidence in court
He can't keep his story straight -


"I didn't see her coming into the car park because I was looking at my phone deleting social media, I didn't see the point in having that 'perfect life' anymore.


He text his wife when Mrs Parry arrived saying he would be home soon, he said this would give him enough time to see Mrs Parry and then kill himself.


"(Mrs Parry) drove in at speed," Brehmer said.

"My impression was she was angry when she drove in by the way the car was driving, she stopped abruptly, nose in so our driver's side were the same side."

LIVE: updates as murder accused Timothy Brehmer gives evidence in court

Looking forward to cross-examination!
Another inconsistency -

crime scene investigator:


Mr Rowe found an iPhone in a black case which belonged to Brehmer. It had no blood on it, he confirms.

TB's eidence today -


"I decided to delete my phone, as in wipe it and erase it. The reason being, it's all so confusing because it was all out of control, I wanted to wipe it clean so nobody could find me.

"It was all about time, it would give me time to leave Claire and go and kill myself."

Brehmer had already stabbed himself in the arm at this point, he said.

LIVE: updates as murder accused Timothy Brehmer gives evidence in court

"I said I wanted to go, and she said 'you can't'. She said I can't leave until 3.55pm.

"I was saying 'I need to go, please just let me go'. Eventually I said 'just get out'.

"I wasn't angry, that's the important thing. I was desperate, yeah, I was sad."


"I walked round the front of the car, I can't remember if the passenger door was open at that point.

"My arm was still bleeding as far as I'm aware but i was holding it against me, to protect it I guess."


"I opened the door and said 'come on, get out' and she wouldn't.

"I tried to grab her by the hands, I tried to pull her with both my hands, but the thing is I had blood all over my left hand and I had tendonitis in my right forearm for months."


"I didn't have any strength to get any purchase on her, she leant back in the car, she was doing everything to stay in the car.

"I thought if I can't pull her by her hands I'll pull her by her legs but her legs were really strong, she could squat over 100 kilos that's more than I can do."


"I tried to hook her legs with my forearms to pull her, her legs were so strong. So rationally or irrationally I thought if I can't pull you out so I'll push you out.

"I bundled in and crouched in the footwell and tried to use that as purchase to try and push her."


"It's important you understand this," a sobbing Brehmer said.

"At some point she was on her front, she was in a press-up position, hands on or out the car I'm not sure, her tummy on the driver's seat. Her knees were bent and feet were up towards the ceiling of the car. She was doing everything she could to stay in the car."


"I didn't mean to hurt her, I didn't, I'm sorry. I fell on top of her by accident, it wasn't anything else.

"I was still trying to grab hold of her, the waistband of her trousers, my left arm was around and underneath her."


"I wasn't kneeling on her, it was just a big kerfuffle."


"I don't know when or how it happened, if you imagine if you give somebody a piggyback and they have their legs wrapped around you, and you have your arms over the top of their shoulders, that's kind of the position I was on top of her."


"I was directly on top of her, I was trying to pull at her hip and tried to lift her chest. Tried to bump her out the car, I was trying so hard to get her out the car.

"She was actively doing anything she could to stay in the car.

"My left arm was round the top of her chest. I was slowly getting her out the car but I don't know how long it went on for."


"There are so many things that go through my brain, so many what ifs. So many 'why didn't I do this or that'."


"I was falling into the footwell, I was still pushing her, using my legs. My feet were waving around and at some point I pressed the horn of my car.

"I was beeping the horn because I wanted someone to come help me get her out the car. I was so fixated on using the car to get away and to kill myself."


Brehmer said his left shoulder was eventually on the floor of the car park and he rolled out the car but not on top of Mrs Parry.

"I stood up and walked to the road, I didn't know she was poorly."

LIVE: updates as murder accused Timothy Brehmer gives evidence in court

"I said I wanted to go, and she said 'you can't'. She said I can't leave until 3.55pm.

"I was saying 'I need to go, please just let me go'. Eventually I said 'just get out'.

"I wasn't angry, that's the important thing. I was desperate, yeah, I was sad."


"I walked round the front of the car, I can't remember if the passenger door was open at that point.

"My arm was still bleeding as far as I'm aware but i was holding it against me, to protect it I guess."


"I opened the door and said 'come on, get out' and she wouldn't.

"I tried to grab her by the hands, I tried to pull her with both my hands, but the thing is I had blood all over my left hand and I had tendonitis in my right forearm for months."


"I didn't have any strength to get any purchase on her, she leant back in the car, she was doing everything to stay in the car.

"I thought if I can't pull her by her hands I'll pull her by her legs but her legs were really strong, she could squat over 100 kilos that's more than I can do."


"I tried to hook her legs with my forearms to pull her, her legs were so strong. So rationally or irrationally I thought if I can't pull you out so I'll push you out.

"I bundled in and crouched in the footwell and tried to use that as purchase to try and push her."


"It's important you understand this," a sobbing Brehmer said.

"At some point she was on her front, she was in a press-up position, hands on or out the car I'm not sure, her tummy on the driver's seat. Her knees were bent and feet were up towards the ceiling of the car. She was doing everything she could to stay in the car."


"I didn't mean to hurt her, I didn't, I'm sorry. I fell on top of her by accident, it wasn't anything else.

"I was still trying to grab hold of her, the waistband of her trousers, my left arm was around and underneath her."


"I wasn't kneeling on her, it was just a big kerfuffle."


"I don't know when or how it happened, if you imagine if you give somebody a piggyback and they have their legs wrapped around you, and you have your arms over the top of their shoulders, that's kind of the position I was on top of her."


"I was directly on top of her, I was trying to pull at her hip and tried to lift her chest. Tried to bump her out the car, I was trying so hard to get her out the car.

"She was actively doing anything she could to stay in the car.

"My left arm was round the top of her chest. I was slowly getting her out the car but I don't know how long it went on for."


"There are so many things that go through my brain, so many what ifs. So many 'why didn't I do this or that'."


"I was falling into the footwell, I was still pushing her, using my legs. My feet were waving around and at some point I pressed the horn of my car.

"I was beeping the horn because I wanted someone to come help me get her out the car. I was so fixated on using the car to get away and to kill myself."


Brehmer said his left shoulder was eventually on the floor of the car park and he rolled out the car but not on top of Mrs Parry.

"I stood up and walked to the road, I didn't know she was poorly."

LIVE: updates as murder accused Timothy Brehmer gives evidence in court
I guess that's trying to explain it without using a neck restraint of some sort, but it makes absolutely no sense to me. None at all.

Officer accused of strangling lover to death told police it was 'clearly my fault', court hears | Daily Mail Online

It was heard Mrs Parry was 5ft 9ins and weighed 14 stone while Brehmer, of Dorset Police, is 6ft and weighed just under 14 stone.

"I bundled in and crouched in the footwell

"I was falling into the footwell

LIVE: updates as murder accused Timothy Brehmer gives evidence in court

Not ringing true.

Brehmer said "in the course of the struggle", he was beeping the horn to get people to help. He could see, underneath of the door of his Citroen, a man was weeding in his garden and he was trying to get his attention. The house was across the road from the pub.


"(Mrs Parry) was partially out of the car, he head was on the parking surface, in my mind's eye, she was looking to the back of the car, but I appreciate there are other statements that say the opposite but I cannot be certain.

"I didn't check on her, I didn't try to help her, I didn't know she needed help. I didn't look, I just saw."


"I walked away thinking that any minute now if I looked back, she would be sat up in the driver's seat looking ***** off. I walked across the car park, I didn't run, it was like walking on Lego, the stones under my feet.

"I saw the Bartlett family and saw the children so I sat down because I knew they'd be scared and I just said 'please help me'."


"I don't remember much of what happened then, the whole thing is just such a mess."


"I did make the comments (to the ambulance crew and the Bartlett family). But it's like someone opened a trap door and you're just free-falling.

"I wanted help to get her out the car so I could leave as quickly as possible. In hindsight, nobody would ever let you leave with blood on your arm and clearly something has gone on."


"There's no definitive moment where the lightbulb goes on and you suddenly realise it's all gone horribly wrong. But she wasn't sitting up in the car and Mrs Bartlett was saying 'I think she's gone' or something like that to the ambulance crew."

Brehmer said he doesn't remember asking if Mrs Parry was dead or that he was going to prison.


"I don't remember specifically what I said (that Mrs Parry stabbed me). From the bodycam footage I clearly did, I think in my mind's eye I was saying 'she made me stab me', I don't know, everything is just in free fall."


"I understand that whenever anything happens and the police are called, there is a positive action. I know there is a process of things that have to happen, I knew what was going to happen," Brehmer on why he asked if he was going to be arrested.


Brehmer said he hasn't spoken to his wife since the day the incident happened.


At Weymouth Custody on May 9, Brehmer said he didn't sleep.


Brehmer told medical staff at Salisbury Hospital he stabbed himself on May 10.

He said: "That's the truth. I was embarrassed, over time that goes and you bear all I suppose."


Brehmer confirmed he was telling the truth in both his police interviews on May 10 and May 11.


The defendant said he didn't speak to any prisoners at Exeter Prison about why he was there.

He asked "to be invisible" and the first few weeks he was there he didn't come out his cell.


"Over a few weeks, I guess you learn to adapt to a degree. You are actively encouraged to talk to the prison staff. They would come and chat with you and see how you're doing."


He said he wanted to talk to prison officers because there was nobody to talk to.


Brehmer said he was "very surprised" when Mr Stentiford's statement came through.

"I spoke to a number of prison officers by them asking, I wasn't going around telling them I was a police officer and a murderer."


"I begged any of the officers to say 'anything I can do to be helpful' to take my mind off what was going round and round in my brain.

"The currency in prison is time out your cell and its invaluable."


He said he remembered having a conversation with Mr Stentiford while he was painting the shadow board.


"I had a conversation with him. About a week before I spoke to Mr Wilson (the solicitor), that had put me in a state of turmoil if you will, so I spoke to Mr Stentiford in very broad terms why I was in prison.

"It was a whispered conversation, I was so conscious of not divulging my identity."

Brehmer pleaded guilty to manslaughter on July 8, he said he made that decision before his conversation with Mr Stentiford on July 3.


"Where he has got that she was trying to get out the car and I was grabbing her trousers, that is a load of old shoelaces. I didn't demonstrate anything, I was in a tiny broom cupboard."


He said he didn't know why Mr Stentiford wrote Brehmer was trying to keep Mrs Parry in the car.


"According to the charge sheet I'm a murderer and that's why I'm here today. I didn't intend to hurt her in anyway shape or form."

Ms Martin has now finished asking Brehmer questions.


Mr Smith, prosecuting, will now cross-examine Brehmer.

LIVE: updates as murder accused Timothy Brehmer gives evidence in court

Brehmer denied being a "well-practiced liar".


He said he did lie to his wife about the affair.


Brehmer now said he is a "well-practiced liar" because he kept his affair from his wife for 11 years.


Brehmer said: "In terms of an affair you do have to lie, but that may not actively be telling a lie, it may be not saying something."

LIVE: updates as murder accused Timothy Brehmer gives evidence in court

Mr Smith said: "The tears, who are you crying for?"

Brehmer said: "I'm crying for Claire. This is someone, we shared our fantasies, shared the best part of a relationship with and she's no longer here."


Mr Smith asked if the call with Mr Parry was set up and if they would "sing from the same hymn sheet".

Brehmer said: "She messaged me to say he was going to phone. Whilst the conversation was going on (she told me what to say)."


Brehmer said he had his headphones in so could see the messages from Mrs Parry telling him what to say to Mr Parry.

He also confirmed he sees himself as a "devious *******".

LIVE: updates as murder accused Timothy Brehmer gives evidence in court
Mr Smith said: "The tears, who are you crying for?"

Brehmer said: "I'm crying for Claire. This is someone, we shared our fantasies, shared the best part of a relationship with and she's no longer here."
This was his early police interview -

"I clearly am just a ******* deviant, but I was with Claire on and off for a number of years.

"Somehow we would connect back up again. We had a relationship and I cared for her, I can't say I loved her but I didn't want to leave my wife because I loved her and she's absolutely brilliant and amazing.
As it happened: police officer Timothy Brehmer's murder trial enters second week

and what he said this morning -


On his feelings with Martha, Brehmer said: "It was like spinning plates. I was feeling desperate, thinking how I could talk to Martha. I keep coming back to the fact none of it had to be like this, we could have got divorced, it didn't have to be like this.

"It was an affair, it's different to how you would love your husband or wife, you still love them, but it's different."

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