UK UK - Joshua Clayton, 23, homicide or ?, Tresco Island, Isles of Scilly, 13 Sept 2015

In summary of my previous posts I would like to iterate the following points which are what I have been led to believe about the case based on the available information.

1. Leroy is unlikely to be the culprit.

Leroy attended the inquest and voluntarily gave information which led to the police reinvestigating. If Tresco estates were somehow covering up for his crime it is unlikely he would have done that. He also mentioned having a conversation with tristan dorrien smith about joshs behaviour outside the shed. If Tresco estates were covering up for him it would be unlikely Leroy would implicate the son of the landlord. Josh also had no injuries.

2. The body was likely to have been hidden on a boat

The examination noted that the body had not been in the water the full time due to lack of damage to his body. That would mean he would have had to have been on the beach at Tresco or on the rocks at Tean for a significant period of time. Helicopters were flying overhead and would have spotted josh if he was on the rocks at Tean. The beaches were searched on Tresco and he was not there. The only other possible way that his body was not in the water the full time is that it spent time on a boat.

3 The golf buggies were used to move the body to a location where it could be picked up by boat

Three golf buggies and 1 van were taken and damaged on the night but the youths on the island only admitted taking the van and 1 golf buggy. Who drove and damaged the golf buggies and where they went with them has not been investigated by the police.

4 There is something wrong with the toxicology report

Josh was drinking on the night. He was also at a shed where the staff go specifically to smoke cannabis. He was seen smoking cannabis on the evening. His cigarettes were unopened. Despite this the toxicology came back negative for cannabis. Which begs the question what else magically disappeared after an unexplained 15 day delay to the autopsy being performed.

5 There is scope to consider drink spiking playing a role in this case.

Descriptions of josh's behaviour on the night vary. One described him as his 'normal affectionate self' other describe him as 'smashed'. The toxicology said he was 2.5 times the drink drive limit which is not severely intoxicated. He went from 'noticeably stumbling' to leroys description of 'ranting and raving' outside the shed. I was warned first hand that staff were harvesting atropine from brugmansea sanguinea to spike drinks. One of the main symptoms of atropine ingestion is agitated delerium. The toxicology said no drugs were found in his system. But the toxicology result contradicts the witness statements who saw Josh smoking cannabis and the fact that his cigarettes were unopened. If one drug magically disappeared after an unexplained 15 day delay to the autopsy what else magically disappeared.

6 The police destruction of Josh's clothes is suspicious when you consider point number 2.

Josh's body given the available information it would appear to have been hidden on a boat for some period of time. 10 days passed and that body would have potentially have been leaking blood. Moving a body on and off a boat would require handling it therefore would potentially leave evidence behind in the blood on the shirt such as finger or handprints in blood. The police said it was unlikely there was anything forensically usable on the t shirt because it had been in saltwater for a number of days but potentially handprints or fingerprints left in blood soaked through the t shirt while applying pressure when handling the body could have remained which would indicate the body had been handled after death.

7. Josh was 'protective of friends' which gives scope for a motive for someone to target him

The females on the island particularly face certain levels of harrassment. Josh created a buddy system so that nobody walked home alone. His protective behaviour towards friends could have been an obstacle to predatory behaviour which may have caused someone to target him. He was at a shed full of fights, drugs and sexual assaults. A nice person is often a target in such environments.
Hello. It's been a while since I posted.

I note the considerable number of messages you have posted here PantherG.

I still think focus on LT has been overlooked. I have all the evidence here and can cross check the statements and see a timeline of things.
One Example of issues in the evidence that could never be cross checked in court; LT and who he goes home with, where he goes and why. These are just snippets from the evidence:

First group cannot agree that LT is with them. I have spoken to two of them on the phone - Liam C and Matt G. They are 100% LT nowhere near them on way home, not seen. Remember Liam C is Katie R boyfriend;

LT says:
"I left the party with Katie (?) and a couple of other people I do not know. We made our way back along “Borough Track”"
"I believe one of the people walking with Katie and I may have had a torch but I cannot be certain.
I do not recall separating from this group but have been told by Katie we all separated at the shop and Post Office"

1) Katie R leaves the Shed with Lindsay W, Matt G, Liam C. She spots LT outside the shed and say's :

"As we walked out of the main doors of the Shed I saw LT who was on his own as far as I can recall"
"He was clearly very drunk"
"I suppose I felt a little sorry for him but at the same time did not want him to become a problem for other people, so I told him that we were leaving and he should follow us back"

"When all of us reached the tennis courts which are at the back of the island office we left Leroy"

Nobody else in this group see's LT on way home;

Matt G says;

" I did not notice Leroy leave"
" I do not recall seeing Josh or Leroy outside of the Shed that evening"

Liam C says:

"I last saw LT inside the shed - talking, drunk. After josh, cannot say what time really. It was in the middle of night/party."

2) Amirah H says that she went home with Matt G who is in the group above:

"with Matt G, Katie H and James N"
"I did not see Leroy or Josh amongst the people left at the party"

BUT Matt G says he went home ;

"...with Lyndsay W, Katie H and Katie R. Possibly there was Katie R's boyfriend Liam C. He worked at the New Inn as a sous chef"

Katie H says:

"I then left with Katie R, Liam C, Matt G and Lindsay W. I was told that Leroy was there but I don’t remember that"

Amirah H last sighting of LT;

"About 15 or 20 minutes after Leroy had left I went outside to go to the toilet in some bushes I think Francesca came with me. As far as I can recall there was no one else outside and I saw no incidents. I did
not hear anything. I do remember that Tristian's six seater buggy was parked on the road adjacent to the front of the shed. I did not see anyone with it. At some point after this Leroy came back. He was on his own. I think he sat down on one of the sofas and was drinking. Leroy was wearing the same clothing that I have described him as wearing earlier in the evening. I did not notice him again that night."

3) A different party now discusses seeing LT on way home;

Hannah T says;

"I believe I left with just Charlie G and Harlie TH"

"After a short time on Borough Road we caught up with LT, Duffy B, Marija R and Dave J"

"there were heated words between Leroy and Charlie G and Harlie TH"
" I did not see any physical contact between them"
" Charlie G, Harlie TH and I separated from the others again turning off Borough Road to our left".... "I do not know where LT Lived. When we arrived back at Timothy's corner I am fairly sure it was just Charlie G, Harlie TH and I"

"On my witness questionnaire (D84) there is an entry saying 'Leroy went to shop...went up on foot'. I did not fill out the questionnaire myself and cannot think what this means. I do not recall Leroy being near the shop. However as I have said I was very drunk"

Charlie G says:

"With me when I left was Hanna T and Harlie TH and we all left on foot"
" we caught up with this group I saw that it was made up of Maarja R"…."a female friend of hers, who I do not know her name"…. "and LT"

He goes on to say;

"I could see that LT had his arm around Maarja's shoulder and it was apparent that she was really intoxicated"

"in order to make sure that nothing untoward happened with Maarja that we should tell LT to leave her alone. Initially we asked him to leave in strong words and then basically told him to 'F- Off in a firm way, which he did without any further incident. There was no physical contact between any of us during this. I cannot recall where along the route this happened, and LT left on his own, but I do recall that it was in a heavily wooded part of the muddy, but well defined path we were on at the time. I do not recall exactly in which direction LT walked when he left us"

"After Leroy left, the rest of us carried on and a little while later we came across Dave J"

Harlie TH says;

"and I left and walked back with a group of about 3 people"

"I do not remember leaving the party but have since been told I walked with Duffy B and Charlie G. There may have been some other people there as well. I think we may have gone back to Charlie’s house because they told me I was upset and crying but I don’t remember why. I don’t remember this at all. I think I must have walked home with Duffy – but only because she lives near me and I don’t think she would have left me to walk home alone in the state I was in"

"I had apparently had an argument with a male called Leroy outside the party as we were leaving. I don’t remember the altercation with Leroy"

Duffy says;

""I left the Shed with Harlie TH, Charlie G, Hannah T, Amy F. There were others leaving to walk home as well but we were together and all walking back towards the Old Grimsby end of the island – near the Ruin Café"

"As we were leaving there was an incident between a few of us and LT – who was trying to follow us"
"I had been pushing a bike before this but I left it to help Harlie TH and I think that LT then took my bike and rode off towards where he was staying. This happened just away from the Shed about 50 yards or so away. "
"When we were leaving we told him to just go home and to leave"


LT does have crazy statements that go from not knowing who Josh is, to being concise about what happened to him at the inquest.

What you are 100% nail on head with is most people will not talk or engage about this. Especially those who were meant to be his best friends on the island and even one who was his child-hood friend from Taunton.

I have been to the inquest and seen LT in the same room for several hours over several days and watched him give the evidence at court. I have all the different statements and transcripts and have even seen the video of his interview. I still stand that this man was not questioned, forensically tested or later cross examined and he most certainly should have been.

I have tons of evidence like I say. I am happy to drip feed stuff here. It's been nearly 10 years now, let's get to the facts of the case and see if somebody comes forward.

I find all your information really interesting about the island and the way the company runs it. There are things I can confirm - example, they request your MAC Address of your devices to use their WiFi. This does seem odd and I work in IT, but even as a consumer, nowhere do you have to give your unique device ID for the network in order to use it.

I will go back one day soon. It will be interesting to see if they welcome me.

FYI - TDS was involved in another case that went to inquest. You can google it, you should find it. He appeared at that inquest. It was the same pathologist and there were issues with the findings in a second opinion I think (?).

But back to the case in hand, we don't wan to go off on tangents. A lot of your insight does not relate to the time Josh was on the Island. Others have pushed information to me privately too, things about the management and if members were at the party or not and potential adultery / coming out of closet stories.

So like I say, I will happily post and share what I can based around the facts we drill out of the case.

Hope this helps, maybe you can reach out to people you knew from the island to see if they know people close to the case?
Sorry I will go through this information at another time. My dad who has had a previous bill of clean health has been recently rushed to hospital at work suffering from vomiting and brachychardia and had to be resuscitated 3 times and treated with atropine.

But main aim was to give you all the information I had on the goings on of that island in the hope it would be of some help.

I will go through the information at a later date and any perspectives I can offer from my time on the island.
Hello. It's been a while since I posted.

I note the considerable number of messages you have posted here PantherG.

I still think focus on LT has been overlooked. I have all the evidence here and can cross check the statements and see a timeline of things.
One Example of issues in the evidence that could never be cross checked in court; LT and who he goes home with, where he goes and why. These are just snippets from the evidence:

First group cannot agree that LT is with them. I have spoken to two of them on the phone - Liam C and Matt G. They are 100% LT nowhere near them on way home, not seen. Remember Liam C is Katie R boyfriend;

LT says:
"I left the party with Katie (?) and a couple of other people I do not know. We made our way back along “Borough Track”"
"I believe one of the people walking with Katie and I may have had a torch but I cannot be certain.
I do not recall separating from this group but have been told by Katie we all separated at the shop and Post Office"

1) Katie R leaves the Shed with Lindsay W, Matt G, Liam C. She spots LT outside the shed and say's :

"As we walked out of the main doors of the Shed I saw LT who was on his own as far as I can recall"
"He was clearly very drunk"
"I suppose I felt a little sorry for him but at the same time did not want him to become a problem for other people, so I told him that we were leaving and he should follow us back"

"When all of us reached the tennis courts which are at the back of the island office we left Leroy"

Nobody else in this group see's LT on way home;

Matt G says;

" I did not notice Leroy leave"
" I do not recall seeing Josh or Leroy outside of the Shed that evening"

Liam C says:

"I last saw LT inside the shed - talking, drunk. After josh, cannot say what time really. It was in the middle of night/party."

2) Amirah H says that she went home with Matt G who is in the group above:

"with Matt G, Katie H and James N"
"I did not see Leroy or Josh amongst the people left at the party"

BUT Matt G says he went home ;

"...with Lyndsay W, Katie H and Katie R. Possibly there was Katie R's boyfriend Liam C. He worked at the New Inn as a sous chef"

Katie H says:

"I then left with Katie R, Liam C, Matt G and Lindsay W. I was told that Leroy was there but I don’t remember that"

Amirah H last sighting of LT;

"About 15 or 20 minutes after Leroy had left I went outside to go to the toilet in some bushes I think Francesca came with me. As far as I can recall there was no one else outside and I saw no incidents. I did
not hear anything. I do remember that Tristian's six seater buggy was parked on the road adjacent to the front of the shed. I did not see anyone with it. At some point after this Leroy came back. He was on his own. I think he sat down on one of the sofas and was drinking. Leroy was wearing the same clothing that I have described him as wearing earlier in the evening. I did not notice him again that night."

3) A different party now discusses seeing LT on way home;

Hannah T says;

"I believe I left with just Charlie G and Harlie TH"

"After a short time on Borough Road we caught up with LT, Duffy B, Marija R and Dave J"

"there were heated words between Leroy and Charlie G and Harlie TH"
" I did not see any physical contact between them"
" Charlie G, Harlie TH and I separated from the others again turning off Borough Road to our left".... "I do not know where LT Lived. When we arrived back at Timothy's corner I am fairly sure it was just Charlie G, Harlie TH and I"

"On my witness questionnaire (D84) there is an entry saying 'Leroy went to shop...went up on foot'. I did not fill out the questionnaire myself and cannot think what this means. I do not recall Leroy being near the shop. However as I have said I was very drunk"

Charlie G says:

"With me when I left was Hanna T and Harlie TH and we all left on foot"
" we caught up with this group I saw that it was made up of Maarja R"…."a female friend of hers, who I do not know her name"…. "and LT"

He goes on to say;

"I could see that LT had his arm around Maarja's shoulder and it was apparent that she was really intoxicated"

"in order to make sure that nothing untoward happened with Maarja that we should tell LT to leave her alone. Initially we asked him to leave in strong words and then basically told him to 'F- Off in a firm way, which he did without any further incident. There was no physical contact between any of us during this. I cannot recall where along the route this happened, and LT left on his own, but I do recall that it was in a heavily wooded part of the muddy, but well defined path we were on at the time. I do not recall exactly in which direction LT walked when he left us"

"After Leroy left, the rest of us carried on and a little while later we came across Dave J"

Harlie TH says;

"and I left and walked back with a group of about 3 people"

"I do not remember leaving the party but have since been told I walked with Duffy B and Charlie G. There may have been some other people there as well. I think we may have gone back to Charlie’s house because they told me I was upset and crying but I don’t remember why. I don’t remember this at all. I think I must have walked home with Duffy – but only because she lives near me and I don’t think she would have left me to walk home alone in the state I was in"

"I had apparently had an argument with a male called Leroy outside the party as we were leaving. I don’t remember the altercation with Leroy"

Duffy says;

""I left the Shed with Harlie TH, Charlie G, Hannah T, Amy F. There were others leaving to walk home as well but we were together and all walking back towards the Old Grimsby end of the island – near the Ruin Café"

"As we were leaving there was an incident between a few of us and LT – who was trying to follow us"
"I had been pushing a bike before this but I left it to help Harlie TH and I think that LT then took my bike and rode off towards where he was staying. This happened just away from the Shed about 50 yards or so away. "
"When we were leaving we told him to just go home and to leave"


LT does have crazy statements that go from not knowing who Josh is, to being concise about what happened to him at the inquest.

What you are 100% nail on head with is most people will not talk or engage about this. Especially those who were meant to be his best friends on the island and even one who was his child-hood friend from Taunton.

I have been to the inquest and seen LT in the same room for several hours over several days and watched him give the evidence at court. I have all the different statements and transcripts and have even seen the video of his interview. I still stand that this man was not questioned, forensically tested or later cross examined and he most certainly should have been.

I have tons of evidence like I say. I am happy to drip feed stuff here. It's been nearly 10 years now, let's get to the facts of the case and see if somebody comes forward.

I find all your information really interesting about the island and the way the company runs it. There are things I can confirm - example, they request your MAC Address of your devices to use their WiFi. This does seem odd and I work in IT, but even as a consumer, nowhere do you have to give your unique device ID for the network in order to use it.

I will go back one day soon. It will be interesting to see if they welcome me.

FYI - TDS was involved in another case that went to inquest. You can google it, you should find it. He appeared at that inquest. It was the same pathologist and there were issues with the findings in a second opinion I think (?).

But back to the case in hand, we don't wan to go off on tangents. A lot of your insight does not relate to the time Josh was on the Island. Others have pushed information to me privately too, things about the management and if members were at the party or not and potential adultery / coming out of closet stories.

So like I say, I will happily post and share what I can based around the facts we drill out of the case.

Hope this helps, maybe you can reach out to people you knew from the island to see if they know people close to the case?
See post 163

Heading off on holiday this morning and although I am taking a break I have josh firmly in my thoughts as well as my dad who is thankfully still with us.

It's a bit of an unusual routine to my booking of this holiday as I have booked it far well in advance, on my personal internet connection where details of my trip such as where im flying to and staying come through to my personal email address on my personal internet connection.

Previously when leaving the country in january 2017 for example 8 weeks prior in 2016 I would turn off my mobile,go to the library, set up a new email account connected to a burner phone book the holiday with an independent travel agents then go back home onto the Internet chatroom and talk extensively to people that I was I was going to iceland in january 2017. Pretending for 8 weeks over the phone and over the internet that I was going to iceland in january 2017.

Obviously when my mobile phone location pinged the cell tower showing my location as glasgow airport I didn't later show up in iceland in January 2017 in a country surrounded with water but was instead in austria, up a mountain hundred of miles away in a landlocked country.

Obviously I am posting extensively online now so I might be going off on a tangent and derailing the thread a bit with my travelling abroad routine so I'll not go on too much about the time prior that somebody tried to kidnap my friend, stuff her in a suitcase and put her in the back of a landrover on her route to point A to B after I showed her the message I was sent on my blog(see my first post) on my laptop which had a camera on it.

I very much hope all of my family will be safe and well by the time of my return and I have encouraged them to check their smoke alarms are working and look out for anything making a mysterious disapearance and reappearance (such as KEYS) and as is my usual routine for leaving the house for a period of time I won't be leaving any food or drink like COFFEE, bottles of juice or bottles of squash in the fridge or anywhere in the house.

I haven't made an anti kidnapping plan as such for this trip but I have a group of select individuals who I connect with regularly and posting on this site is indeed part of my anti kidnapping plan. although it's a bit like whack a mole, you're dealing with one problem then another one comes up.

Its just a coincidence but Prior to working on Tresco island I travelled and worked across europe without employing any anti kidnapping strategies and nobody had ever tried to kidnap any of my friends. Bizarre I know, what a strange coincidence.

Bear it in mind you currently have one person on here who is voluntarily talking to you. The same person who was researching the contact details of your lawyer Tom Leeper online in 2016 prior to the upcoming inquest which was disbanded after leroy showed up saying he saw Josh 'ranting and raving' outside the shed.

From the information you have given which I am assuming are written statements there is a lot of "I do not" and "I do not recall"

Consider that you are reading statements from people who claim that they do not recall a lot of aspects from the evening but you are talking to somebody who recalls very vividly their time on the island, albeit the difference being I was there in 2014 and not the time of a disappearance of a person. Perhaps its because the only time I smoked cannabis I was raped by a member of their staff then instead walked around the island alone drinking my sorrows in the moonlight as far away from all their staff as possible. So in not encountering them I was not forced into a situation where I had to potentially lie about anything like who was there and what was going on be drugged or raped or witness anything that the island want covered up.

What is the most likely method that somebody could be killed with no injuries and no signs of drowning?

Yes I did see the case coincidentally involving Tristan Dorrien smith and the same pathologist, where a second opinion was sought and voilà it turns out that Russell Delaney had missed a crucial piece of evidence in that case that could have explained how Josh died. Highly convenient for them while they have a potential patsy lined up should the case come creeping back on them.

But it wouldn't explain why Josh, having suffered a head injury ended up on the rocks at Tean and was not spotted by the helicopter and was found after the search and rescue all went away.

Consider the case of Birna Brjansdottir in Iceland, who was spotted by a helicopter searching a much larger area, naked and by a lighthouse.

On a side note people whose hobbies include hiding dead bodies on boats for multimillionaires might have some other hobbies, like being involved in other organised crime involving boats like drug trafficking.

I could go off on A LOT more tangents but i think that's enough for now.

Emma Tronsons gang of friends who were actually still on the island at the time including the 'islands events organiser' Francesca Dudley chummy chummy with the senior management Wayne Shaw who raised no issues with the senior management of 50 people heading to that shed with drink and drugs) can all eat .

On Iona island we made use of the islands community centre where we played music together and had a few drinks. But I suppose 50 people can't be doing drugs while drinking in the community centre on Tresco and some people wouldn't pass up the opportunity to make a bit of extra cash to pay for their expensive dinners at the pub even if it means somebody takes takeaway alcohol buying drugs at the pub luring them to that shed instead of staying in the pub then gets spiked and dies. I won't be contacting them because they'll have the police called on me for 'bullying them'.

I may sound quite abrupt which I apologise for. I nearly lost my dad

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