UK - Libby Squire, 21, last seen outside Welly club, Hull, 31 Jan 2019 #20

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I really struggle with there being "no urgency" just because he is behind bars.
It was a massively public case of a girl picked up in a car and found in a river

Him being behind bars even as a suspect will not satisfy public opinion of the police , public safety ,and the family ...but just my opinion

The fact is he was behind bars.
The people of Hull felt safer.
If no perpetrator had been arrested then they would have carried on with the investigation full throttle, all hours, all hands on deck and less time devoted to other crimes to solve the case.
So him being behind bars meant they could pursue investigations at a reasonable rate that wasn’t causing lots of overtime and lack of sleep and still find the answers.
I would hope all decisions are made after careful review.

In cases like this one how long does it normally take to charge?

Most cases are quite quick ...usually within the 72 hours ...obviously every case varies ..but it would be reasonable to charge as soon as they got post mortem and forensic reports which likely within 2 weeks after finding her at most imo
I would hope all decisions are made after careful review.

In cases like this one how long does it normally take to charge?

Review seems to suggest (to me) looking back over something again.

In answer to your question "normally" is subjective and open to a massive degree of variation one would imagine. I have explained with MSM links my reasons for simply agreeing in opinion with another poster, at this point it feels like going around in a fruitless circle, a big thing been made of someone's passing comment about evidence perhaps not been concrete of Murder and perhaps that is why CPS took "so long" to agree charges.
I'm not really sure of the issue with people expressing opinion and it feels like certain posters are taking things personally at this point rather than engaging in open debate.

Review seems to suggest (to me) looking back over something again.

In answer to your question "normally" is subjective and open to a massive degree of variation one would imagine. I have explained with MSM links my reasons for simply agreeing in opinion with another poster, at this point it feels like going around in a fruitless circle, a big thing been made of someone's passing comment about evidence perhaps not been concrete of Murder and perhaps that is why CPS took "so long" to agree charges.
I'm not really sure of the issue with people expressing opinion and it feels like certain posters are taking things personally at this point rather than engaging in open debate.


Just to add to this that its all elementary anyway.
I don't think there is a poster here who doesn't share the common goal of simply wanting justice for Libby, whatever happened to her.
As with a Jury opinions on the how's and wherefore's and how much absolute proof is available or indeed needed will always vary, which is why a broad selection of 12 men and women is required rather than say a lone juror.
Everyone's opinion (on a jury) is important in testing the evidence available and as much as we here don't have ALL of the evidence in front of us, I believe that is what many of us are doing, surely anything else would be a witch hunt?

To clarify im sure he is overall responsible, I hope he gets life, I believe the Jury will find him guilty.
In terms of the reported evidence I'm not sure anything "proves" it.

Edited to add 'it' being Murder not the rape which is a foregone conclusion for me.
All moo
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Definitely..hoping weather not bad in the area
Bit hard to defend a compulsive manipulative liar IMO lied about scratch on face. Told police caused by his kid yet told his mate libby scratched him in his car when she allegedly came onto him. Also lied again to a friend when friend said did you know missing girl yet knew very well he had her in his car that night. The guy deserves whats coming to him. Hopefully a long stretch at his majestys pleasure.
Just looking at the Hull write up to try and find any indication of the scream witness view ...his view must have covered the skatepark and some of the park

"After going to the toilet briefly, he looked out of his window, on to a skate park, but could not see anything initially.

Mr Alford said there was a full moon and snow, so the visibility was good, and after a few minutes he saw a man crossing the park."

I didn't realise he saw him "crossing the park" I thought he saw him exiting it ...I wonder how much of him walking he saw and from what direction?

Witness in Libby Squire murder trial heard screams of ‘desperation’, court hears
I think and it is JMO that this witness did phone the police quite quickly after hearing about a missing girl- I think his initial statement and where he heard screams and saw a man walking to and from, created the specific searches within the playing fields at the boat house and the bench.
Bit hard to defend a compulsive manipulative liar IMO lied about scratch on face. Told police caused by his kid yet told his mate libby scratched him in his car when she allegedly came onto him. Also lied again to a friend when friend said did you know missing girl yet knew very well he had her in his car that night. The guy deserves whats coming to him. Hopefully a long stretch at his majestys pleasure.
I see what you did there :D
Scrollin’ and rollin’ but please stop bickering. It would be SO annoying if the thread got shut during the trial.

So... defence starts tomorrow. I wonder who will testify. It would be very interesting to hear his wife’s statement about that night, but since she’s left him I doubt she’d help his case so probably won’t be called.

Poor woman, what a horrible thing to go through, hope she has lots of support.
I can't imagine who is going to testify. There doesn't seem to be anyone in this story anywhere who is going to be able to offer a positive spin on PR or the events of that night.
Well, I wondered if the friend who was told the *advertiser censored* and bull story about Libby coming on to PR was perhaps a potential defence witness?
Review seems to suggest (to me) looking back over something again.

In answer to your question "normally" is subjective and open to a massive degree of variation one would imagine. I have explained with MSM links my reasons for simply agreeing in opinion with another poster, at this point it feels like going around in a fruitless circle, a big thing been made of someone's passing comment about evidence perhaps not been concrete of Murder and perhaps that is why CPS took "so long" to agree charges.
I'm not really sure of the issue with people expressing opinion and it feels like certain posters are taking things personally at this point rather than engaging in open debate.

I'm not taking anything personally I just think the case as it stands is far stronger than I'd thought it would be and given that some cases take years to solve - I can't understand the issue with the time taken to charge given every case is different.

He was arrested very early on - probably on very little evidence because at that point Libby could still have been alive. She could have been the victim of abduction. That would be unusual - but a chance really worth taking IMO.

So I'd imagine at his arrest they had far less than they would have had if they'd had to search for him and evidence gather for longer. As shown by the fact he was actually held on other charges.

For a lot of defendants most evidence would have been there at the point of arrest not after.

But the more evidence that was gathered the less likely that would be. It must have taken hours to go thru that CCTV footage.

I honestly think the evidence should be taken as a whole. Everything - his behaviour, his return, his fitness, her incapacity.

Cause of death does not have to be proven. Many murder victims give no clear cause at all. Milly Dowler for example - just remains were left no forensics no cause, yet there was enough evidence (far less than here) to convict Levi Bellfield
Whilst the majority if not all of us have a gut feeling that he is so, so guilty of rape, I think it’s a mixed bag for murder. The case is reminding me of the fact it took so long for the CPS to agree to pressing charges. We all questioned at the time why it was taking so long for him to be charged. I can’t believe the yeast factory didn’t pick anything up on CCTV at the river bank- as the screams witness said it was a clear night with a full moon and he could see across the park. Whilst Libby was mainly wearing dark clothing the Welly CCTV showed she had bare legs and they would contrast on CCTV footage from across the river, Even if it just picked up odd movements in the reeds, one person stumbling in would cause some movement. Someone carrying another body through the reeds and wading through to the clearer water would have created something striking and significant on the CCTV surely. I’m still of the gut feeling she ran/walked/ even crawled and stumbled into the reeds and then was so disorientated she couldn’t get herself back out. Don’t misunderstand me- I believe he should never be freed from jail, just sharing my opinion on what evidence has been presented so far (that we know of).
Someone posted some time ago that it was not a full moon that night, in fact only a small crescent moon, my google investigation concurs with this, it seems it was days away from full moon.
Bit hard to defend a compulsive manipulative liar IMO lied about scratch on face. Told police caused by his kid yet told his mate libby scratched him in his car when she allegedly came onto him. Also lied again to a friend when friend said did you know missing girl yet knew very well he had her in his car that night. The guy deserves whats coming to him. Hopefully a long stretch at his majestys pleasure.

I dont really disagree ...but my interest is crime still very interested in the defence case
I can't imagine who is going to testify. There doesn't seem to be anyone in this story anywhere who is going to be able to offer a positive spin on PR or the events of that night.

Maybe some expert witnesses of their own ..on hypothermia etc?
Maybe they will present some work around distance and time frame?
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