Found Deceased UK - Nicola Bulley Last Seen Walking Dog Near River - St Michaels on Wyre (Lancashire) #7

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I’ve just been reading a sciencey article about drowning and a dead body will tend to be face down with limbs dangling with only their back showing. A black padded coat would be difficult to spot unless it floated right past you.

Also, would tight clothing (such as two zipped up coats) hinder the usual decomposition process by not allowing bodies to expand as much?
Having seen a body come up whilst drinking in a riverside pub I can confirm they are indeed face down back and shoulders up and the rest submerged. It’s actually flipping awful and I hope to goodness I never see one again.
Just watched it again. The reporter says he has spoken to the Senior Investigating Officer who has told him NB could have walked away from scene. SI Riley hasn't said that at all to my mind. Her working hypothesis is NB fell into the river but she was keeping an open mind. The reporter also said that the SIO was holding back info from PF. Make of that you will. It's a report from Talk Tv
<modsnip> I think the police must have considered that as an obvious possibility - when the police have made a point of making it very clear which clothes NB was wearing inc brands & have said they thought no 3rd party involvement but were checking all exit points for NB leaving I thought this must be another hypothesis they were investigating. IMO.
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Having seen a body come up whilst drinking in a riverside pub I can confirm they are indeed face down back and shoulders up and the rest submerged. It’s actually flipping awful and I hope to goodness I never see one again.
How awful, I’m so sorry you had to see that. I sincerely hope that if Nicola is found in the river it won’t be by a member of the public. Jmo
Something like this is my theory too.
We don't know about her health, the police would obviously not be able to say anything about her health if there was something. It could be a reason they think an accident has happened.
After posting very regularly on facebook she has no posts or pictures throughout January.
She was carrying a bottle of water that morning.
People have commented that the timeline of the walk seems rushed.
Where would you head if suddenly feeling unwell? A bench?
Have also seen comments about how she doesn't look how expected in the CCTV pictures.
With regards to her Facebook I think it was only public for a few months. It looks like it goes back to a post that she was asked to share and in the comments she states she would have to make it public to share. She may have realised after their Center Parcs holiday that her whole profile was still public so made it private again. She may still have been posting we just can't see it. MOO
She walks in lower field first and meets dog walker then goes to upper field where she is witnessed by another person who knows her.. although the route map shows there is a hedgerow in between the fields.So…
1. How is she seen there?
2. Why does she walk in lower field first?
Wouldn’t it be logical to walk upper field then lower field then end up at bench? The bench is next to lower field.
Which field does she get to first having walked from the school?

Phone is around bench at 9.20
Phone found at 9.33
So one scenario could be that something horrible happens potentially in upper field and she is taken away. The perpetrator discards phone as walks through the gate or plants it.

Or she is at the bench and gets dragged away as she sits listening to the meeting. The dog is left behind.
With regards to her Facebook I think it was only public for a few months. It looks like it goes back to a post that she was asked to share and in the comments she states she would have to make it public to share. She may have realised after their Center Parcs holiday that her whole profile was still public so made it private again. She may still have been posting we just can't see it. MOO
It's pretty horrible that we have access to it. Facebook should be stepping in and temporarily making private in cases like this one.
There are various Youtube videos below showing the area she probably walked along including the bench area.
I did post a link but then deleted it as not sure if permitted.

Lots of very dense bushes/hedges/trees near the path with a possibility that she could have been missed on land in this area in a search particularly if she fell in an area surrounded by deep undergrowth.

I do wonder if she might have been missed on a ground search or ended up having fallen in dense undergrowth on the river bank. If she had fallen at the river edge into water but surrounded by folliage, maybe the search by divers and sonar might not have found her. Some of the river edges look like you could fall in and end up partly/fully in water but surrounded by rushes/plants and quite out of view.

It is certainly not a fast flowing river area. It does not look to me like a particularly easy area to search for the police.
I agree, it looks so dense around the river. There was a missing nurse in London a couple of years ago, Petra Srncova. She was found 2 weeks after she went missing, in a park very close to her home. Seemed shocking to me that she hadn't been found before in a London Park. I hope the land area has been really well searched, looks as though it needs as much time as the water search IMO
The outer padded sleeveless coat is not tight fitting IMO. NB is wearing a coat that matches the official descriptions - but knee-length - in two of her Facebook photos from Center Parcs (oldest album). I don't know what I'm allowed to post - or if I can link to it - but it appears to be very loose and has zips running up each side
Does it match those photos though? I don't believe it does:

Last seen wearing:



The images of her Gilet on FB has horizontal stitching at the front with zips at the sides. This coat is not stitched horizontally at the back (which I presume it would so as to follow the pattern from the front), also I see no zips in the above pics.

Therefore, I don't think we can say categorically that's it's the same Gilet.
How do you think GPS works? It's not exact, but it's pretty close.
I was responding to some who stated that the police, using technology, had ascertained the EXACT location of the phone as to be on the bench, which meant it couldn’t be on the floor.

I find that very hard to believe, hence me mentioning that when I lose my phone, it merely says it’s in my house. That may be enough in a tiny house, but it’s not so useful in rambling old houses!

But the person was absolutely certain the location of the phone could precisely be ascertained and indeed was.

If that ability does exist, I would be impressed. I don’t believe it does.

I’ve known what GPS tracking is, since the 1990’s when I volunteered for various wildlife organisations in South America. My parents refused to let me go unless I took a GPS tracker with me. So they bought me one and off I went!
<modsnip> I think the police must have considered that as an obvious possibility - when the police have made a point of making it very clear which clothes NB was wearing inc brands & have said they thought no 3rd party involvement but were checking all exit points for NB leaving I thought this must be another hypothesis they were investigating. IMO.
If she walked away, why did the dog not follow her?
Looking at the map ..and timeline . She enters at gate near bench and walks in the lower field. The dog walker she encounters heads away down river path indicating that Nicola walks in another direction .. not near river.. into upper field. Best in mind there is a hedgerow between the two fields for the most part. She is spotted in upper field by a witness at roughly 10 to 9. Around then Nicola gets to work sending an email followed by a text and then logging into Teams .. So.. head down typing. Phone is back ( with or without Nicola) at bench at 9.20. I do think something occurs whilst she is in top field or walking back to bench. Dog doesn’t get to go in river so is dry.
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