UK - Woman dead, 5 injured in London knife attack, 3 Aug 2016

So sad! DH has been telling me for a while that extremists are looking for the very vulnerable that are full of unspecified rage in order to manipulate them into random attacks. I do believe him. They're given a reason for their anger and encouraged to act.

Daily Mail

Tonight, Bulhan's former friends claimed he had allegedly threatened to stab his friends two years ago after he started 'acting strangely'.

She said: 'They had been friends for five years roughly, but when everyone left Graveney they distanced themselves because he was acting odd – [making] weird threats.

'He said to another mutual friend he wanted to stab his friends. But this apparently wasn't true according to Zak. Apparently it was a joke.'

The classmate said he was not religious, adding: 'He was quite quiet, but had friends. He was a little bullied but nothing too extreme.'
She said old schoolfriends of Bulhan had seen the news and were shocked to see his name linked to the incident.

Earlier today, police raided the south London council flat where he lived with his family. Neighbours of alleged knifeman said his mother was 'really nice' but knew little about her two sons.

The family live on the middle floor of a three-storey block of flats next to St George's Hospital in Tooting.
As two uniformed police officers stood guard outside the flat today, the neighbour described how police have been coming in and out all day.
The unnamed woman said: 'There was lots of policemen there this morning.The mother is always here. She's really kind and friendly and always opened the door and got parcels for us.

'They're a Muslim family, the mother always wore a full black burka.


Who would have guessed?

According to IBTimes, ZB was a patiënt at psychiatric facility:


British police said Bulhan is a 19-year-old Norwegian citizen of Somali background who moved to Britain in 2002. Norwegian authorities were cooperating in the ongoing investigation along with British authorities. CBS reported that Bulhan was a patient at a psychiatric facility close to the scene of the attack.


If that is so, why wasn't he in bed where he should have been?

BTWE, from St Georges Hospital in Tooting to Russel Square is almost an hour by Metro.
Why is it always blamed on mental health? Some people are just vicious *advertiser censored**holes. If this is the case, wouldn't all murderers be mentally ill?

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I wish there was a way to incarcerate or institutionalized dangerous individuals before they actually kill someone.
Great, so the government can blame mental illness on terror attacks instead of ISIS. Awesome.

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There's a fear of blaming ISIS, underplaying terrorism in some cases.

Daily Mail

Tonight, Bulhan's former friends claimed he had allegedly threatened to stab his friends two years ago after he started 'acting strangely'.

She said: 'They had been friends for five years roughly, but when everyone left Graveney they distanced themselves because he was acting odd – [making] weird threats.

'He said to another mutual friend he wanted to stab his friends. But this apparently wasn't true according to Zak. Apparently it was a joke.'

The classmate said he was not religious, adding: 'He was quite quiet, but had friends. He was a little bullied but nothing too extreme.'
She said old schoolfriends of Bulhan had seen the news and were shocked to see his name linked to the incident.

Earlier today, police raided the south London council flat where he lived with his family. Neighbours of alleged knifeman said his mother was 'really nice' but knew little about her two sons.

The family live on the middle floor of a three-storey block of flats next to St George's Hospital in Tooting.
As two uniformed police officers stood guard outside the flat today, the neighbour described how police have been coming in and out all day.
The unnamed woman said: 'There was lots of policemen there this morning.The mother is always here. She's really kind and friendly and always opened the door and got parcels for us.

'They're a Muslim family, the mother always wore a full black burka.


Who would have guessed?

According to IBTimes, ZB was a patiënt at psychiatric facility:


British police said Bulhan is a 19-year-old Norwegian citizen of Somali background who moved to Britain in 2002. Norwegian authorities were cooperating in the ongoing investigation along with British authorities. CBS reported that Bulhan was a patient at a psychiatric facility close to the scene of the attack.


If that is so, why wasn't he in bed where he should have been?

BTWE, from St Georges Hospital in Tooting to Russel Square is almost an hour by Metro.

He should have been in jail or institutionalized for making violent threats, sane people do not threatened to stab their friends. Take it seriously and put them away.
He should have been in jail or institutionalized for making violent threats, sane people do not threatened to stab their friends. Take it seriously and put them away.

The big question:
If he was in a psychiatric facility as some claim, why was he able to 'roam the streets' aka 'target a tourist area'?

Why didn't this lovely guy stick to his friends? turn on his family? or the neighbourhood?
If indeed he was bullied at school, what had American Darlene Horton RIP ever done to him?

I don't have the link but CNN is reporting that the lady killed is the wife of a Florida State University professor. Darlene Thornton 64 a US citizen. They were going to return to Tallahassee today.
I don't have the link but CNN is reporting that the lady killed is the wife of a Florida State University professor. Darlene Thornton 64 a US citizen. They were going to return to Tallahassee today.


London (CNN)The wife of an American professor was killed and five others injured in a knife attack in central London's Russell Square in what police Thursday called a "spontaneous" assault.
London Metropolitan police identified her as Darlene Horton, 64.
She was married to a Florida State University professor, the university said.
According to IBTimes, ZB was a patiënt at psychiatric facility:


British police said Bulhan is a 19-year-old Norwegian citizen of Somali background who moved to Britain in 2002. Norwegian authorities were cooperating in the ongoing investigation along with British authorities. CBS reported that Bulhan was a patient at a psychiatric facility close to the scene of the attack.


If that is so, why wasn't he in bed where he should have been?

BTWE, from St Georges Hospital in Tooting to Russel Square is almost an hour by Metro.


It doesn't seem to specify in-patient or out-patient. And it's not unusual for Londoners to spend an hour on the tube to go somewhere.

It doesn't seem to specify in-patient or out-patient. And it's not unusual for Londoners to spend an hour on the tube to go somewhere.

That is my point exactly. If he took a) a knife and b) the tube to go somewhere, this attack was targeted even though the victims may have been random.
Tourists returning from an evening in the theatre could well be a legitimate (and jihadist) target.
There is no rule in the book that says attacks have to occur during rush hour.

Like for instance, the jihadists who drove to the Bataclan in Paris. Their victims were random too.
I am not convinced that this was not ISIS inspired. He killed the American and also targeted an Australian and an Israeli? Sounds like it was a Jihadist attack, in my opinion.
I am not convinced that this was not ISIS inspired. He killed the American and also targeted an Australian and an Israeli? Sounds like it was a Jihadist attack, in my opinion.
I'm not sure how one would go about targetting these specific nationalities in practical terms?

There are gaps left right and centre in our social care in the UK since 'austerity' & the cuts to our NHS. Even where the need for more careful supervision of individuals is acknowledged, there just isn't the funding to make it happen.

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Daily Mail

Counter-terror police will today forensically study computers belonging to the Russell Square knifeman as a neighbour claimed the 'impressionable' teenager could have been inspired by ISIS.
Scotland Yard believe Zakaria Bulhan, 19, a Norwegian national of Somali origin who moved to the UK in 2002, was not 'motivated by terrorism' but its officers are trawling his possessions for extremist material.

But neighbour Parmjit Singh, a BBC radio DJ known as 'DJ Precious' on the Asian network, said he had known 'impressionable' Bulhan for seven years, adding: 'His mental health problems are a scapegoat.'
The 36-year-old said: 'They said he had mental health issues but that was not the boy I knew.
'The news of his mental illness is completely new, we never heard that. Honestly, I think his mental health problems are a scapegoat.'

Asked what he thought motivated the attack, Parmjit said: 'I think peer pressure, hanging around with gangs. He wasn't working, he was hanging around with Somalian boys and I think they had possible links to serious ISIS people - not directly, but they see all this stuff and are inspired by it.

'Why would he attack an American woman tourist in a random attack? I think boys have put pressure on him to go there and do something. He was very impressionable growing up'.


However, Heat Street has found evidence that a person using the same name – Zakaria Bulhan – has listed at least one book advocating violent jihadism in their personal account on the Good Reads website since 2014.

Update: An exhaustive search of UK records by Heat Street shows there is only one person in the whole of Britain with the name Zakaria Bulhan. His date of birth is listed as May 1986 – making him 20, not 19 – and he is registered as living Tooting, South London.

Terrorist to me. jmo

Daily Mail

The only British victim of the Russell Square knife rampage is fighting for his life after he was stabbed in the stomach by teenage killer
Bernard Hepplewhite was yards away from the American who was killed. He suffered a serious injury when attacker thrust knife into his stomach
. Four others injured during attack have all been released from hospital

The knife rampage sparked a major counter terrorism alert over fears it was inspired by bloodthirsty Islamic State propaganda.

The suspect, Zakaria Bulhan, 19, is described by friends as a Muslim with a long-standing interest in Islamic culture.

However, Scotland Yard insisted investigators believe his poor mental health may lay behind the attack instead of any terrorist motivation.
Murder squad detectives are examining his phone, computer and other devices but are understood not to have found any extremist material of substantial interest.

It is understood medical reports show Bulhan only came in touch with the fringes of the NHS mental health system.
In April doctors concluded he was suffering anxiety and a depressive disorder and referred him back to his GP. He then declined treatment.

In my opinion, this was a Jihadist Attack. He may or may not have had mental health issues---but it was still terrorism, imo. :cow:

Daily Mail

Baby-faced Bulhan, wearing a green and yellow, prison-issue jumpsuit sat behind a desk during the brief hearing, where the defendant was not represented.

He spoke only to confirm his name.

The Recorder of London, Judge Nicholas Hilliard, QC, set a provisional trial date for 6 February.

Bulhan, of Wandsworth, south-west London, was remanded in custody ahead of a plea and trial preparation hearing on 24 October.


Zakaria Bulhan, 19, is charged with the murder of retired teacher Darlene Horton, 64. :rose:

The Norwegian national, of Somali origin, is also charged with the attempted murder of Martin Hoenisch, Lillie Selletin, David Imber, Bernard Hepplewhite and Yovel Lewkowski, who were all injured in the same attack.

Daily Mail

A mentally-ill teenager muttered 'Allah, Allah, Allah' after he stabbed an American tourist to death and injured five others in a knife rampage in London's Russell Square, a court has heard.

Zakaria Bulhan, 19, killed retired teacher Darlene Horton, 64, just hours before she was due to fly home to Tallahassee, Florida, after visiting the UK with her university professor husband Richard Wagner.

Bulhan, a Norwegian national of Somali origin who was living in south-west London, denied murdering the mother-of-two, but pleaded guilty to manslaughter by diminished responsibility today.

Prosecutors have accepted that schizophrenic Bulhan was in the midst of a psychotic episode at the time after police ruled out a terrorist motive to the attack.


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