UK - Women going online to share sex abuse fantasies


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Jul 19, 2009
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"Thousands of women appear to be using the internet to share sexual fantasies of abuse involving children.

An investigation by The Independent on Sunday found a series of websites that depict female-perpetrated child abuse as "natural, educational and enjoyable" for children."

An excerpt from one website reads: "If you are a female child lover we want you to know there is nothing wrong with you. The biggest problem is the teachers, therapists, cops, clerics and parents who force their stale morality on the young people in their custody. For children, experiencing sexual pleasure is not damaging at all, they enjoy it ... just like we do."

I know we've had several cases break in the last week or so involving women and I considered adding this to one of those threads. I think, however, that this needs a thread of it's own. I think women have certainly broken the glass ceiling of abuse.

"Thousands of women appear to be using the internet to share sexual fantasies of abuse involving children.

An investigation by The Independent on Sunday found a series of websites that depict female-perpetrated child abuse as "natural, educational and enjoyable" for children."

An excerpt from one website reads: "If you are a female child lover we want you to know there is nothing wrong with you. The biggest problem is the teachers, therapists, cops, clerics and parents who force their stale morality on the young people in their custody. For children, experiencing sexual pleasure is not damaging at all, they enjoy it ... just like we do."

I know we've had several cases break in the last week or so involving women and I considered adding this to one of those threads. I think, however, that this needs a thread of it's own. I think women have certainly broken the glass ceiling of abuse.

This is disgusting....just like a story I read yesterday about a young mom who was sexuallly assaulting her little boy & letting other freaks watch via webcam....her own son!! And it didn't indicate there was a sick b/f involved in it as we read so often -- just her!!

I am not able to wrap my mind around them *promoting* this like those NAMBLA freaks.

I'm really sick to my stomach now. :sick:
This is disgusting....just like a story I read yesterday about a young mom who was sexually assaulting her little boy & letting other freaks watch via webcam....her own son!! And it didn't indicate there was a sick b/f involved in it as we read so often -- just her!!

I am not able to wrap my mind around them *promoting* this like those NAMBLA freaks.

I'm really sick to my stomach now. :sick:

Imo, they have been there all along hiding out like filthy cockroaches. They are just more bold now and have places to congregate on the internet.

I am glad they are being exposed. Being exposed is the only way ALL of our abused children will have any justice for the horrible injustices done or being done to them.

The rose colored glasses should have come off years and years ago. Imo society's children are in danger from both the male and female pedophile scum.

Does anyone have a good resource for profiling female sex offenders...especially predatory ones? I'm wondering if the internet is actually causing the numbers of female predators to increase due to the perceived privacy.

What percentage of these women were abused as children? What percentage have some diagnosed mental illness? Did they start abusing as children and teens? They obviously are seeking child-focused careers, just like the guys. Are they also having children for the sole purpose of abuse? Are they gender-specific? Are they in relationships with partners who are clueless to the abuse?

I'm very curious.
This makes me want to puke. I mean for the mere simple fact that aren't we as women supposed to be nurturing, and trust worthy?

What the he*l is worng with people?

Profiling for these backward, creepy women? Man, who knows? There should be some source though. So essentially these women are in some MAMBLA orginization? For Lord's sake I hope they all just rot.
Does anyone have a good resource for profiling female sex offenders...especially predatory ones? I'm wondering if the internet is actually causing the numbers of female predators to increase due to the perceived privacy.

What percentage of these women were abused as children? What percentage have some diagnosed mental illness? Did they start abusing as children and teens? They obviously are seeking child-focused careers, just like the guys. Are they also having children for the sole purpose of abuse? Are they gender-specific? Are they in relationships with partners who are clueless to the abuse?

I'm very curious.

I really think the stats are quite faulty since no one has really looked closely at the female predator. Imo society has assumed a female to be more trustworthy simply because they are a female. It has left them the best disguise of all. While we have dedicated so much of our time concentrating solely on the male predator the female has been allowed to go undetected.

I don't have a particular link now but I did a lot of google searching during the Sandra Cantu case when it first happened.

I remember one article I read it said if sexual abuse allegations were made against a female pedophile, 80% of the time the victims are not believed. So the statistics can never be correct when the female is believed and the child victims are not. Also I also read where the female has the same motivations and desires as a male pedophile. They pick vulnerable victims. They gain their trust, they shower them with attention, they groom them, they tell them that that it is ok and they are doing it out of love and women also like to inflict torturous rape upon their victims.

IIRC, some of them do have abuse in their past done to them and then none never have had any at all so they fit the same profile of the male pedo imo. I don't think being sexually abused as a child is a perquisite to what makes these disgusting pieces of human waste do what they do. It is the need to fulfill their fantasies and make them real. They are as treacherous as the black widow that lures the male spider to their death imo.

Melissa Huckaby may try the insanity defense but imo it isn't going to work for her if she does. Imo, she is just one of the vile sick and twisted people who craved perversion and Sandra paid the ultimate price for crossing paths with her.

Child *advertiser censored* is a billion dollar industry the news channels have reported and we shouldn't fool ourselves into believing it is just the male that is interested in this brutalization. I hope that more and more of these women are exposed and I think they will be with many of them using their web-cams to show how they are raping and molesting babies and small children.

I couldn't care less about any claiming of mental illness. It is not a defense for a male so I give it no weight with either gender. Their MOs are the same.

Imo neither the male or female predator deserves to see daylight again once they have done their torturous deeds upon the most defenseless among us.

I hope they all rot in hell from which they came imo.:furious:

These creatures are evil, and I hope the authorities infiltrate their internet sites and put them away from what they think is a society with stale morals.
I am shocked and sickened by this!
Personally, I believe that the recent uptick of convictions of female rapists, abusers, and child *advertiser censored* purveyors just proves that sex offenders come in each gender, every race and/or ethnicity, every sexual orientation, every religion/denomination, every age (we've had the nine year old and the 100 year old recently), every profession, and every possible social standing. Also, notice that the same list applies to victims of this crime.

This perversion knows no bounds and is an equal opportunity employer.
IMO, there needs to be much more public education about the fact that females can and do sexually abuse and trade in child *advertiser censored*. Even on WS, I've read many people say that they "only leave their children in the care of FEMALE relatives". Sadly, this in no way assures safety.

You have to get to know people, ask around, trust your gut instincts, pay attention to red flags (even when they are not "convenient"), and develop excellent communication with your child. That's the only way to even come close to protecting our children. We can't raise a generation of children with fear. But we do need to be cautious.
This is beyond sick, but it's necessary for people to understand this. A parent just can not trust other people, even relatives!
It's not just the creepy Uncle or Grandpa you have to look out for, it's Auntie Jo and Granny Mary also :(

I know that, especially since my children were raped, I have a sixth sense of picking up on creepiness in guys. I wasn't abused as a child and was terribly naive, even after having a very big family. I can spot a creepy guy from a mile away now, though.

Observing what I know to be grooming behavior makes my skin crawl. I see things in "possibly" innocent photos on MS which make me physically sick. I've heard many many people of WS mention that some guy gives them creepy vibes. We're all learning to listen to our gut.

I wonder if female abusers/pedophiles give off the same vibe? If so, I've never picked up on it. I also wonder if there isn't some sort of connection to the gender of the observer? In other words, would a male be more likely to pick up on weird female vibes? Or would it be connected to the choice of gender of the victim? I haven't seen anything about this.

Being that so many females are caregivers of children--teachers, day care providers, nurses, etc., wouldn't it be nice to know what their grooming behaviors and danger signals were.

Most of us wouldn't be bothered by a woman who stroked an unrelated little girl's hair but would jump out of our shoes if a guy did it. Most wouldn't be bothered by a woman who massaged a little boy's shoulders while he stood in front of her but we wouldn't be OK with a guy doing it.

When you think about it, women would be far more dangerous because of our high level of perception of safety. I wonder if kids pick up on it? Are they drawn in by the grooming behavior or repulsed? Is there anyone here on WS who is a survivor of childhood abuse at the hands of a female? Are there vibes?
It's amazing how many studies and documents are out there which state that it is recognized that female offenders exist in far greater numbers than previously thought but that more study is required. I did find this study which goes into "typology":

"Moreover, some victims report that professionals dismiss, overlook, or show discomfort with the topic when victims disclose their abuse by a female."

The document is full of comments about misperceptions by victims, families of victims, and professionals. So, it looks as if women are flying under the radar with a great deal of impunity. Reminds me of clergy to a certain degree. A worthwhile read.
I continue to think that society as a whole will turn a blind eye to what may be right before their eyes.

I am convinced that female predators have used the mindset of this country in order to be able to sexually abuse children and get away with it for decades.

They are not questioned. They are deemed trustworthy. They are assumed safe and that is a bunch of bull. They use this blindness as a tool in order to abuse children.

This has left so many victims without any support that have been grossly sexually abused by females. It is shameful imo.

This comes as no surprise to me. When I started seeing the ridiculous numbers of female teachers that were getting caught molesting their students I knew it was indicative of a far larger problem. The general reaction to those stories shows just what kind of mindframe is being used to commit these acts. The "it's a boy's dream to have sex with an older woman" attitude. While true (as having been a boy myself once), that doesn't make it alright. On top of that, it's generally considered impossible that a mother would abuse her daughter. It's simply not true anymore.

From what I've read and researched on the sex trade and human trafficing in general, women are every bit as involved in these as men. In fact, imo the women are extremely important to the ability of these rings to continue. If you take a look at the sex trade in SE asia, for example, it's normally the women who sell their daughter/granddaughter/niece into it and women also run the brothels.

In the large rings in Europe, Russia and North America, it's the women who usher these children into the trade. They are very intrigal in luring them in and in moving them around, not to mention how many undoubtedly take part in the physical exploitation of these children.

Also, imo, these women actually do far greater harm than the men. As one of the articles on the site posted above says, when a woman is the one that betrays you in this manner, the damage is far greater than when a man does.
I agree that this is something that is very much under reported. For example the Bureau of Justice just released a report (see below) about juveniles in state facilities being sexually victimized and one of the key findings was this:

Approximately 95% of all youth reporting staff sexual misconduct said they had been victimized by female staff. In 2008, 42% of staff in state juvenile facilities were female.

Beck, A., Harrison, P., and Guerion, P., (2009), Sexual Victimization in Juvenile Facilities Reported by Youth, 2008-09. Retrived December, 2010, American Bureau of Justice Statistics Clearinghouse,

As for teachers the Department of Education released a report in 2004 that had this:

According to a major 2004 study commissioned by the U.S. Department of Education - In studies that ask students about offenders, sex differences are less than in adult reports. The 2000 AAUW data indicate that 57.2 percent of all students report a male offender and 42.4 percent a female offender with the Cameron et al. study reporting nearly identical proportions as the 2000 AAUW data (57 percent male offenders vs. 43 percent female offenders)..

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